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[nongnu] elpa/bind-map 6d05297e3c 20/97: Add another example and more de

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/bind-map 6d05297e3c 20/97: Add another example and more detail to README
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 07:59:10 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/bind-map
commit 6d05297e3c384a9efee5aafeebabe3c420e72719
Author: justbur <justin@burkett.cc>
Commit: justbur <justin@burkett.cc>

    Add another example and more detail to README
 README.org | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 588dcab8f2..93399ebada 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -7,27 +7,32 @@ used in vim or the Emacs 
[[https://github.com/cofi/evil-leader][evil-leader]] pa
 of "leader keys". This is probably best explained with an example.
 #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(bind-map my-lisp-map
+(bind-map my-base-leader-map
   :keys ("M-m")
   :evil-keys ("SPC")
-  :evil-states (normal visual)
+  :evil-states (normal motion visual))
+(bind-map my-elisp-map
+  :keys ("M-m m" "M-RET")
+  :evil-keys ("SPC m" ",")
   :major-modes (emacs-lisp-mode
-                lisp-interaction-mode
-                lisp-mode))
+                lisp-interaction-mode))
-This will take =my-lisp-map= and make it available under the prefixes (or
-leaders) =M-m= and =SPC=, where the latter is only bound in evil's normal or
-visual state (defaults in =bind-map-default-evil-states=) when one of the
-specified major mode is active (there is no need to make sure the respective
-modes' packages are loaded before this declaration). It is also possible to 
-the bindings conditional on minor modes being loaded, or a mix of major and
-minor modes. If no modes are specified, the relevant global maps are used. See
-the docstring of =bind-map= for more options.
+This will make =my-base-leader-map= (automatically creating the map if it's not
+defined yet) available under the prefixes (or leaders) =M-m= and =SPC=, where
+the latter is only bound in evil's normal, motion or visual states. The second
+declaration makes =my-elisp-map= available under the specified keys when one of
+the specified major modes is active. In the second case, the evil states used
+are also normal motion and visual because this is the default as specified in
+=bind-map-default-evil-states=. It is possible to make the bindings conditional
+on minor modes being loaded, or a mix of major and minor modes. Since the
+symbols of the modes are used, it is not necessary to ensure that any of the
+mode's packages are loaded prior to this declaration. See the docstring of
+=bind-map= for more options.
 The idea behind this package is that you want to organize your personal 
 in a series of keymaps separate from built-in mode maps. You can simply add 
-using the built-in =define-key= to =my-lisp-map= for example, and a declaration
+using the built-in =define-key= to =my-elisp-map= for example, and a 
 like the one above will take care of ensuring that these bindings are available
 in the correct places.
@@ -39,16 +44,24 @@ use =define-key= internally, but allow for multiple 
bindings without much
 #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(bind-map-set-keys my-lisp-map
-  "c" 'compile
-  "C" 'check
+  (bind-map-set-keys my-base-leader-map
+    "c" 'compile
+    "C" 'check
+    ;; ...
+    )
+  ;; is the same as
+  ;; (define-key my-base-leader-map (kbd "c") 'compile)
+  ;; (define-key my-base-leader-map (kbd "C") 'check)
   ;; ...
-  )
-(bind-map-set-key-defaults my-lisp-map
-  "c" 'compile
-  "C" 'check
+  (bind-map-set-key-defaults my-base-leader-map
+    "c" 'compile
+    ;; ...
+    )
+  ;; is the same as
+  ;; (unless (lookup-key my-base-leader-map (kbd "c"))
+  ;;   (define-key my-base-leader-map (kbd "c") 'compile))
   ;; ...
-  )
 The second function only adds the bindings if there is no existing binding for

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