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[elpa] externals/phps-mode fe9cb90c44 097/212: Passing indent test for s

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode fe9cb90c44 097/212: Passing indent test for some multi-line assignments
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:51:01 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit fe9cb90c441d975f917b58a4d848072597fb74fb
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Passing indent test for some multi-line assignments
 phps-mode-indent.el           | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/phps-mode-test-indent.el | 20 ++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-indent.el b/phps-mode-indent.el
index edb3978a0c..32ad502648 100644
--- a/phps-mode-indent.el
+++ b/phps-mode-indent.el
@@ -371,6 +371,58 @@
+              (when
+                  (string-match-p
+                   "[\t ]*\\()\\|]\\);[\t ]*$"
+                   current-line-string)
+                ;; $variable = array(
+                ;;     'random' =>
+                ;;         'hello'
+                ;; );
+                ;; or
+                ;; $variable = [
+                ;;     'random' =>
+                ;;         'hello'
+                ;; ];
+                (let ((old-point (point))
+                      (still-looking t)
+                      (bracket-count -1))
+                  ;; Try to backtrack buffer until we reach start of bracket
+                  (while
+                      (and
+                       still-looking
+                       (search-backward-regexp
+                        "\\((\\|]\\|\\[\\|)\\)" nil t))
+                    (let ((match-string (match-string-no-properties 0)))
+                      (cond
+                       ((or
+                         (string= match-string "(")
+                         (string= match-string "["))
+                        (setq bracket-count (1+ bracket-count)))
+                       ((or
+                         (string= match-string ")")
+                         (string= match-string "]"))
+                        (setq bracket-count (1- bracket-count)))))
+                    (when (= bracket-count 0)
+                      (setq still-looking nil)))
+                  ;; Did we find bracket start line?
+                  (unless still-looking
+                    (let ((bracket-start-indentation
+                           (phps-mode-indent--string-indentation
+                            (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                             (line-beginning-position)
+                             (line-end-position)))))
+                      ;; Use its indentation for this line as well
+                      (setq new-indentation bracket-start-indentation)))
+                  ;; Reset point
+                  (goto-char old-point))
+                )
               (when (> previous-bracket-level 0)
                 (if (< previous-bracket-level tab-width)
                     (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation 1))
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-indent.el b/test/phps-mode-test-indent.el
index 9d4eaff741..cff7c9be2e 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-indent.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-indent.el
@@ -317,11 +317,19 @@
    "<?php\n$variable = array(\n    'random4'\n);\n$variable = true;\n"
-   "Array assignment on three lines")
+   "Array assignment on three lines without trailing comma")
+  (phps-mode-test-indent--should-equal
+   "<?php\n$variable = array(\n    'random4',\n);\n$variable = true;\n"
+   "Array assignment on three lines with trailing comma")
    "<?php\n$variable = array(\n    'random4' =>\n        'hello'\n);"
-   "Array assignment with double arrow elements on four lines")
+   "Array assignment with double arrow elements on four lines without trailing 
+  (phps-mode-test-indent--should-equal
+   "<?php\n$variable = array(\n    'random4' =>\n        'hello',\n);"
+   "Array assignment with double arrow elements on four lines with trailing 
    "<?php\n$variable = array(\n    'random4');\n$variable = true;\n"
@@ -393,14 +401,6 @@
    "<?php\nforeach ($array as $value):\n    echo 'Something';\n    echo 
'Something';\nendforeach;\necho 'Something else';\n"
    "Alternative control structures basic foreach-endforeach flow")
-  (phps-mode-test-indent--should-equal
-   "<?php\nif (true):\n    echo 'Something';\nelseif (true\n    && true\n):\n  
  echo 'Something';\nelse:\n    echo 'Something else';\n    echo 'Something 
else again';\nendif;\necho true;\n"
-   "Alternative control structures with multi-line elseif 1")
-  (phps-mode-test-indent--should-equal
-   "<?php\nif (true):\n    echo 'Something';\nelseif (true\n    && true):\n    
echo 'Something';\nelse:\n    echo 'Something else';\n    echo 'Something else 
again';\nendif;\necho true;\n"
-   "Alternative control structures with multi-line elseif 2")
 (defun phps-mode-test-indent--get-lines-indent-classes ()

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