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[nongnu] elpa/popon 240fb286d8 01/15: Working implementation

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/popon 240fb286d8 01/15: Working implementation
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 12:59:18 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/popon
commit 240fb286d8e8f8333c5d20da5fe8b32c277cd6eb
Author: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>
Commit: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>

    Working implementation
 README.org |  18 +++
 popon.el   | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 426 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c08bb8a16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#+title: Popon - "Pop" floating text "on" a window
+Popon allows you to pop text on a window, what we call a popon.  Popons are
+window-local and sticky, they don't move while scrolling, and they even
+don't go away when switching buffer, but you can bind a popon to a specific
+buffer to only show on that buffer.
+If some popons annoying you and you can't kill them, do
+=M-x popon-kill-all= to kill all popons.
+* Usage
+The main entry point is ~popon-create~, which creates a popon and returns
+that.  Use ~popon-kill~ to kill it.  Popons are immutable, you can't modify
+them.  Most of time you'll want to place the popon at certain point of
+buffer; call ~popon-x-y-at-pos~ with the point and use the return value as
+the coordinates.  Be sure see the docstring of each function, they describe
+the best.
diff --git a/popon.el b/popon.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf8b022b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popon.el
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+;;; popon.el --- "Pop" floating text "on" a window -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Akib Azmain Turja.
+;; Author: Akib Azmain Turja <akib@disroot.org>
+;; Created: 2022-04-11
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
+;; Keywords: lisp extensions frames
+;; Homepage: https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-popon
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Popon allows you to pop text on a window, what we call a popon.  Popons
+;; are window-local and sticky, they don't move while scrolling, and they
+;; even don't go away when switching buffer, but you can bind a popon to a
+;; specific buffer to only show on that buffer.
+;; If some popons annoying you and you can't kill them, do M-x
+;; popon-kill-all to kill all popons.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'subr-x)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defun popon--render-lines (framebuffer x y lines width)
+  "Place LINES on top of FRAMEBUFFER.
+Place LINES on top of text at line X and column Y on FRAMEBUFFER and return
+FRAMEBUFFER.  LINES is a list of list as string.  FRAMEBUFFER is a list,
+each element is of form: (LINE MODIFIED OTHERS...), where LINE is the line
+as string and MODIFIED is t when LINE is modified.  OTHERS is not modified
+in any way.  Each line in LINES is assumed to occupy WIDTH character.
+FRAMEBUFFER and LINES shouldn't contain newlines.  Example:
+ '((\"GNU Emacs is “free software”; this means\" nil)
+   (\"that everyone is free to use it and free\" nil)
+   (\"to redistribute it under certain\"         nil)
+   (\"conditions.  GNU Emacs is not in the\"     nil)
+   (\"public domain; it is copyrighted and\"     nil)
+   (\"there are restrictions on its\"            nil)
+   (\"distribution, but these restrictions are\" nil)
+   (\"designed to permit everything that a\"     nil foo)
+   (\"good cooperating citizen would want to\"   nil bar baz)
+   (\"do.  What is not allowed is to try to\"    nil)
+   (\"prevent others from further sharing any\"  nil)
+   (\"version of GNU Emacs that they might get\" nil)
+   (\"from you.  The precise conditions are\"    nil)
+   (\"found in the GNU General Public License\"  nil)
+   (\"that comes with Emacs and also appears\"   nil)
+   (\"in this manual(1).  See Copying.\"         t))
+ 11 1 '(\"+--^^^^^^^^^^^^^-------------------------+\"
+        \"|Free software is a type of software that|\"
+        \"|respects user freedom.  Think free as in|\"
+        \"|free speech, not as in free beer.       |\"
+        \"+----------------------------------------+\")
+ 42)
+=> ((\"GNU Emacs is “free software”; this means\"              nil)
+    (\"that everyo+--^^^^^^^^^^^^^-------------------------+\" t)
+    (\"to redistri|Free software is a type of software that|\" t)
+    (\"conditions.|respects user freedom.  Think free as in|\" t)
+    (\"public doma|free speech, not as in free beer.       |\" t)
+    (\"there are r+----------------------------------------+\" t)
+    (\"distribution, but these restrictions are\"              nil)
+    (\"designed to permit everything that a\"                  nil foo)
+    (\"good cooperating citizen would want to\"                nil bar baz)
+    (\"do.  What is not allowed is to try to\"                 nil)
+    (\"prevent others from further sharing any\"               nil)
+    (\"version of GNU Emacs that they might get\"              nil)
+    (\"from you.  The precise conditions are\"                 nil)
+    (\"found in the GNU General Public License\"               nil)
+    (\"that comes with Emacs and also appears\"                nil)
+    (\"in this manual(1).  See Copying.\"                      t))"
+  (let ((tab-size tab-width))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (setq-local tab-width tab-size) ; Preseve tab width.
+      (dotimes (i (length lines))
+        (when (< (+ y i) (length framebuffer))
+          (erase-buffer)
+          (insert (car (nth (+ y i) framebuffer)))
+          (move-to-column x t)
+          (let ((mark (point)))
+            (move-to-column (+ x width) t)
+            (setf (car (nth (+ y i) framebuffer))
+                  (concat (buffer-substring (point-min) mark)
+                          (nth i lines)
+                          (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
+            (setf (cadr (nth (+ y i) framebuffer)) t))))
+      framebuffer)))
+(defun poponp (object)
+  "Return t if OBJECT is a popon."
+  (and (proper-list-p object)
+       (eq (car-safe object) 'popon)))
+(defun popon-live-p (object)
+  "Return t if OBJECT is a popon and not killed."
+  (and (poponp object)
+       (plist-get (cdr object) :live)
+       (and (plist-get (cdr object) :window)
+            (window-live-p (plist-get (cdr object) :window)))
+       (or (not (plist-get (cdr object) :buffer))
+           (buffer-live-p (plist-get (cdr object) :buffer)))
+       t))
+(defun popon-get (popon prop)
+  "Get the PROP property of popon POPON."
+  (plist-get (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist) prop))
+(defun popon-put (popon prop value)
+  "Set the PROP property of popon POPON to VALUE."
+  (setcdr popon (plist-put (cdr popon)
+                           :plist (plist-put (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist)
+                                             prop value))))
+(defun popon-properties (popon)
+  "Return a copy the property list of popon POPON."
+  (copy-sequence (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist)))
+(defun popon-position (popon)
+  "Return the position of popon POPON as a cons (X, Y).
+When popon POPON is killed, return nil."
+  (when (popon-live-p popon)
+    (cons (plist-get (cdr popon) :x)
+          (plist-get (cdr popon) :y))))
+(defun popon-size (popon)
+  "Return the size of popon POPON as a cons (WIDTH . HEIGHT).
+When popon POPON is killed, return nil."
+  (when (popon-live-p popon)
+    (cons (plist-get (cdr popon) :width)
+          (length (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines)))))
+(defun popon-window (popon)
+  "Return the window popon POPON belongs to.
+Return nil if popon POPON is killed."
+  (when (popon-live-p popon)
+    (plist-get (cdr popon) :window)))
+(defun popon-buffer (popon)
+  "Return the buffer popon POPON belongs to.
+Return nil if popon POPON is killed."
+  (when (popon-live-p popon)
+    (plist-get (cdr popon) :buffer)))
+(defun popon-text (popon)
+  "Return the text popon POPON is displaying.
+POPON may be a killed popon.  Return nil if POPON isn't a popon at all."
+  (when (poponp popon)
+    (mapconcat #'identity (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines) "\n")))
+(defun popon--render (popon framebuffer offset)
+  "Render POPON in FRAMEBUFFER at vertical offset OFFSET."
+  (popon--render-lines framebuffer
+                       (+ (plist-get (cdr popon) :x) offset)
+                       (plist-get (cdr popon) :y)
+                       (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines)
+                       (plist-get (cdr popon) :width)))
+(defun popon-create (text pos &optional window buffer)
+  "Create a popon showing TEXT at POS of WINDOW.
+Display popon only if WINDOW is displaying BUFFER.
+POS is a cons (X, Y), where X is column and Y is line in WINDOW.  TEXT
+should be a string or a cons cell of form (STR . WIDTH).  When TEXT is a
+string, each line of it should be of same length (i.e `string-width' should
+return the same length for every line).  When TEXT is a cons cell, STR is
+used as the text to display and each line of it should be of visual length
+  (let* ((lines (split-string (if (consp text) (car text) text) "\n"))
+         (popon `(popon :live t
+                        :x ,(car pos)
+                        :y ,(cdr pos)
+                        :lines ,lines
+                        :width ,(or (and (consp text) (cdr text))
+                                    (string-width (car lines)))
+                        :window ,(or window (selected-window))
+                        :buffer ,buffer
+                        :plist nil)))
+    (push popon (window-parameter window 'popon-list))
+    (popon-update)
+    popon))
+(defun popon-kill (popon)
+  "Kill popon POPON.
+Do nothing if POPON isn't a live popon.  Return nil."
+  (when (popon-live-p popon)
+    (let ((window (popon-window popon)))
+      (setf (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
+            (delete popon (window-parameter window 'popon-list))))
+    (setcdr popon (plist-put (cdr popon) :live nil))
+    (popon-update)
+    nil))
+(defvar-local popon--line-beginnings nil
+  "List of line beginning of current buffer.
+The value is of form (TICK . LINE-BEGINNINGS), where LINE-BEGINNINGS is the
+sorted list of beginning of lines and TICK is the value of tick counter
+when LINE-BEGINNINGS was calculated.")
+(defun popon--make-framebuffer ()
+  "Create a framebuffer for current window and buffer."
+  (let ((framebuffer nil)
+        (line-boundaries (let ((pair popon--line-beginnings)
+                               (boundaries nil))
+                           (when (eq (car pair) (buffer-modified-tick))
+                             (setq pair (cdr pair))
+                             (while pair
+                               (when (and (integerp (car pair))
+                                          (integerp (cadr pair)))
+                                 (push (cons (car pair) (cadr pair))
+                                       boundaries))
+                               (setq pair (cdr pair))))
+                           boundaries)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (window-start))
+      (let ((mark (point))
+            (point-to-line nil))
+        (dotimes (i (floor (window-screen-lines)))
+          (if-let ((next (alist-get (point) line-boundaries)))
+              (goto-char next)
+            (if truncate-lines
+                (forward-line 1)
+              (vertical-motion 1)))
+          (let ((line (alist-get mark point-to-line)))
+            (unless line
+              (setq line i)
+              (setf (alist-get mark point-to-line) line))
+            (push (list (string-trim-right (buffer-substring mark (point))
+                                           "\n")
+                        nil line mark (point))
+                  framebuffer))
+          (push (cons mark (point)) line-boundaries)
+          (setq mark (point)))))
+    (let ((line-beginnings nil))
+      (dolist (pair (sort (cl-delete-duplicates line-boundaries
+                                                :test #'equal)
+                          #'car-less-than-car))
+        (unless (eq (car line-beginnings) (car pair))
+          (when (car line-beginnings)
+            (push nil line-beginnings))
+          (push (car pair) line-beginnings))
+        (push (cdr pair) line-beginnings))
+      (push nil line-beginnings)
+      (setq popon--line-beginnings (cons (buffer-modified-tick)
+                                         (nreverse line-beginnings))))
+    (nreverse framebuffer)))
+(defun popon--make-overlays (framebuffer)
+  "Make overlays to display FRAMEBUFFER on window."
+  (let ((line-map nil))
+    (let ((i 0))
+      (dolist (line framebuffer)
+        (when (nth 1 line)
+          (let* ((key (cons (nth 3 line) (nth 4 line)))
+                 (pair (assoc key line-map)))
+            (unless pair
+              (setq pair (cons key nil))
+              (push pair line-map))
+            (push (cons (- i (nth 2 line)) (car line)) (cdr pair))))
+        (setq i (1+ i))))
+    (let ((newline-at-display t))
+      (dolist (block line-map)
+        (let ((ov (make-overlay (caar block) (cdar block))))
+          (push ov (window-parameter nil 'popon-overlays))
+          (overlay-put ov 'display (if newline-at-display "\n" ""))
+          (overlay-put
+           ov 'before-string
+           (let ((text "")
+                 (current-offset 0))
+             (dolist (line (sort (cdr block) #'car-less-than-car))
+               (setq text (concat text
+                                  (make-string (- (car line)
+                                                  current-offset)
+                                               ?\n)
+                                  (cdr line)))
+               (setq current-offset (car line)))
+             (add-face-text-property 0 (length text) 'default 'append text)
+             (concat text (unless newline-at-display "\n"))))
+          (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
+          (setq newline-at-display (not newline-at-display)))))))
+(defun popon--redisplay-1 (force)
+  "Redisplay popon overlays.
+When FORCE is non-nil, update all overlays."
+  (let ((popon-available-p nil)
+        (any-popon-visible-p nil))
+    (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+      (dolist (window (window-list frame))
+        (set-window-parameter
+         window 'popon-list
+         (cl-remove-if-not #'popon-live-p
+                           (window-parameter window 'popon-list)))
+        (when (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
+          (setq popon-available-p t))
+        (let ((popons
+               (cl-remove-if-not
+                (lambda (popon)
+                  (and (or (null (popon-buffer popon))
+                           (eq (popon-buffer popon) (window-buffer)))
+                       (< (cdr (popon-position popon))
+                          (with-selected-window window
+                            (floor (window-screen-lines))))
+                       (< (car (popon-position popon))
+                          (- (window-width window)
+                             (with-selected-window window
+                               (line-number-display-width))))))
+                (window-parameter window 'popon-list))))
+          (when (or force
+                    (not
+                     (and
+                      (null (cl-set-difference
+                             popons
+                             (window-parameter window
+                                               'popon-visible-popons)))
+                      (null (cl-set-difference
+                             (window-parameter window
+                                               'popon-visible-popons)
+                             popons))
+                      (eq (window-parameter window 'popon-window-start)
+                          (window-start window))
+                      (eq (window-parameter window 'popon-window-hscroll)
+                          (window-hscroll window))
+                      (eq (window-parameter window 'popon-window-buffer)
+                          (window-buffer window)))))
+            (while (window-parameter window 'popon-overlays)
+              (delete-overlay (pop (window-parameter window
+                                                     'popon-overlays))))
+            (with-selected-window window
+              (let* ((framebuffer (popon--make-framebuffer)))
+                (dolist (popon popons)
+                  (popon--render popon framebuffer (window-hscroll)))
+                (popon--make-overlays framebuffer)))
+            (set-window-parameter window 'popon-visible-popons popons)
+            (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-start
+                                  (window-start window))
+            (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-hscroll
+                                  (window-hscroll window))
+            (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-buffer
+                                  (window-buffer window))))
+        (when (window-parameter window 'popon-visible-popons)
+          (setq any-popon-visible-p t))))
+    (if any-popon-visible-p
+        (add-hook 'pre-redisplay-functions #'popon--pre-redisplay)
+      (remove-hook 'pre-redisplay-functions #'popon--pre-redisplay))
+    (if popon-available-p
+        (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'popon-update)
+      (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'popon-update))))
+(defun popon-redisplay ()
+  "Redisplay popon overlays."
+  (popon--redisplay-1 t))
+(defun popon-update ()
+  "Update popons if needed."
+  (popon--redisplay-1 nil))
+(defun popon--pre-redisplay (_)
+  "Update popons."
+  (popon-update))
+(defun popon-x-y-at-pos (point)
+  "Return the (X, Y) coodinate of POINT in selected window as a cons cell.
+Return nil if POINT is not in visible text area.
+NOTE: This uses `posn-at-point', which is slow.  So try to minimize calls
+to this function."
+  (let ((window-start-x-y (posn-col-row (posn-at-point (window-start))))
+        (point-x-y (posn-col-row (posn-at-point point))))
+    (cons (- (car point-x-y) (car window-start-x-y))
+          (- (cdr point-x-y) (cdr window-start-x-y)))))
+(defun popon-kill-all ()
+  "Kill all popons."
+  (interactive)
+  (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+    (dolist (window (window-list frame))
+      (while (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
+        (popon-kill (pop (window-parameter window 'popon-list)))))))
+(provide 'popon)
+;;; popon.el ends here

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