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[nongnu] elpa/bash-completion f7bfc68ea2 001/313: bash completion

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/bash-completion f7bfc68ea2 001/313: bash completion
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 10:58:58 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/bash-completion
commit f7bfc68ea28525f1ff4428d6c1859f6d1c10ac17
Author: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>
Commit: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>

    bash completion
 bash-complete.el | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+)

diff --git a/bash-complete.el b/bash-complete.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b15daea8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bash-complete.el
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(defun bash-complete-dynamic-complete ()
+  "Bash completion function for `comint-complete-dynamic-functions'.
+Call bash to do the completion."
+  (when (comint-match-partial-filename)
+    (unless (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))
+      (message "Bash completion..."))
+    (bash-complete-dynamic-complete-0)))
+(defun bash-complete-dynamic-complete-0 ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ( (pos (point))
+           (start (comint-line-beginning-position))
+           (end (line-end-position))
+           (line (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
+           (wordsplit (bash-complete-split start end pos))
+           (words (car wordsplit))
+           (cword (cdr wordsplit))
+           (stub (nth cword words)) )
+      (comint-simple-complete stub
+                             (bash-complete-comm
+                              line pos words cword)))))
+(defun bash-complete-split (start end pos)
+  "Split LINE like bash would do, keep track of current word at POS.
+Return a list containing the words and the number of the word
+at POS, the current word: ( (word1 word2 ...) . wordnum )"
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char start)
+    (nreverse (bash-complete-split-0 start end pos nil))))
+(defun bash-complete-split-0 (start end pos accum)
+  (let ( (char-start (char-after))
+        (quote nil) )
+    (when (or (= char-start ?') (= char-start ?\"))
+      (forward-char)
+      (setq quote char-start))
+    (bash-complete-split-1 start end pos quote accum)))
+;; "hell o" wor\ ld 'baa baaaa'a"hell o"world a
+;; (progn
+;;   (load-library "~/.emacs.d/bash-complete.el")
+;;   (let ((start 64) (end 108))
+;;     (bash-complete-split start end 80)))
+(defun bash-complete-split-1 (start end pos quote accum)
+  (skip-chars-forward (bash-complete-nonsep quote) end)
+  (cond
+   ;; an escaped char, skip, whatever it is
+   ((= ?\\ (char-before))
+    (forward-char)
+    (bash-complete-split-1 start end pos (if (and quote (= quote 
(char-before))) nil quote) accum))
+   ;; opening quote
+   ((and (not quote) (or (= ?' (char-after)) (= ?\" (char-after))))
+    (bash-complete-split-0 start end pos accum))
+   ;; closing quote
+   ((and quote (= quote (char-after)))
+    (forward-char)
+    (bash-complete-split-0 start end pos accum))
+   ;; space inside a quote
+   ((and quote (not (= quote (char-after))))
+    (forward-char)
+    (bash-complete-split-1 start end pos quote accum))
+   ;; word end
+   (t
+    (let ((str (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))))
+      (when str
+       (push str accum)))
+    (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r" end)
+    (if (< (point) end)
+       (bash-complete-split-0 (point) end pos accum)
+      accum))))
+(defun bash-complete-nonsep (quote)
+  (if quote
+      (concat "^ \t\n\r" (char-to-string quote))
+    "^ \t\n\r'\""))
+(defun bash-complete-comm (line pos words cword)
+  "Set LINE, POS, WORDS and CWORD, call bash completion, return the result.
+This function starts a separate bash process if necessary, sets up the
+completion environment (COMP_LINE, COMP_POINT, COMP_WORDS, COMP_CWORD) and
+calls compgen.
+The result is a list of candidates, which might be empty."
+  )

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