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[nongnu] elpa/bash-completion 5e05365dc8 153/313: Cleanup tests, split t

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/bash-completion 5e05365dc8 153/313: Cleanup tests, split them into unit and integration tests.
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 10:59:26 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/bash-completion
commit 5e05365dc8455784619c0aea9ce9d240d1394b09
Author: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>
Commit: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>

    Cleanup tests, split them into unit and integration tests.
    This commit splits bash-completion-test.el in two:
    - test/bash-completion-test.el: tests that don't depend on a bash
    - test/bash-completion-integration-test: tests that do
    It also removes the dependency to old utilies in sz-testutils.el,
    which were unnecessarly powerful for what these tests need.
 sz-testutils.el                                    | 170 -------------
 test/bash-completion-integration-test.el           | 136 ++++++++++
 .../bash-completion-test.el                        | 277 +++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 325 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sz-testutils.el b/sz-testutils.el
deleted file mode 100644
index dc2cad6cc2..0000000000
--- a/sz-testutils.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-;;; sz-testutils.el -- test utilities
-;; Copyright (C) 2009 Stephane Zermatten
-;; Author: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see
-;; `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'.
-(defmacro sz-testutils-with-buffer (content &rest body)
-  "Create a temporary buffer with CONTENT and execute BODY.
-CONTENT can be a string or a list of strings with one
-symbol 'cursor in it. The point will be put where 'cursor
-is: '(\"Here >>\" cursor \"<<.\")
-The return value is the one returned by BODY."
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (sz-testutils-insert ,content)
-     (progn ,@body)))
-(defmacro sz-testutils-with-buffer-content (content &rest body)
-  "Create a temporary buffer with CONTENT and execute BODY.
-CONTENT can be a string or a list of strings with one
-symbol 'cursor in it. The point will be put where 'cursor
-is: '(\"Here >>\" cursor \"<<.\")
-The return value is the content of the buffer after BODY
-has run."
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (sz-testutils-insert ,content)
-     (save-excursion
-       ,@body)
-     (buffer-string)))
-(defmacro sz-testutils-with-buffer-region (content &rest body)
-  "Create a temporary buffer with CONTENT and execute BODY.
-CONTENT can be a string or a list of strings with one
-symbol 'cursor in it. The point will be put where 'cursor
-is: '(\"Here >>\" cursor \"<<.\")
-The return value is the content of the regionBODY
-has run. The mark must be set."
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (sz-testutils-insert ,content)
-     (save-excursion
-       ,@body
-       (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark)))))
-(defmacro sz-testutils-with-buffer-ret-and-content (content &rest body)
-  "Create a temporary buffer with CONTENT and execute BODY.
-CONTENT can be a string or a list of strings with one
-symbol 'cursor in it. The point will be put where 'cursor
-is: '(\"Here >>\" cursor \"<<.\")
-The return value is a cons containing the return value of 
-BODY and the content of the buffer after BODY has run."
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (sz-testutils-insert ,content)
-     (cons 
-      (save-excursion
-       ,@body)
-      (buffer-string))))
-(defun sz-testutils-insert (content)
-"Insert CONTENT to the current buffer.
-CONTENT can be a string or a list of strings with one
-symbol 'cursor in it. The point will be put where 'cursor
-is: '(\"Here >>\" cursor \"<<.\")"
-  (cond 
-   ((stringp content)
-    (insert content)
-    (goto-char (point-min)))
-   ((listp content)
-    (let ( (cursor (point-min)) )
-      (dolist (element content)
-       (cond 
-        ((eq 'cursor element)
-         (setq cursor (point)))
-        ((eq 'mark element)
-         (set-mark (point))
-         (setq mark-active t))
-        ((and (listp element) (eq 'is (car element)))
-         (set (car (cdr element)) (point)))
-        (t
-         (insert element))))
-      (goto-char cursor)))
-   (t
-    (error (format "Neither a string nor a list of strings: %s" content)))))
-  ;; This code will not appear in the compiled (.elc) file
-  (put 'sz-testutils-regress 'regression-suite t)
-  (defvar sz-testutils-regress
-   '("sz-testutils-regress"
-     ;; Each test in the suite is of the form:
-     ;;   ([description] probe grader)
-     ;;   DESCRIPTION - string
-     ;;   PROBE -  a sexp which runs the actual test
-     ;;   GRADER - the desired result or a sexp which determines
-     ;;   how we did
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer execute body with buffer"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer "hello" (buffer-string))
-      "hello")
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer return body "
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer "hello" "bobo")
-      "bobo")
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer-content execute body with buffer"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer-content "hello" (insert (buffer-string)))
-      "hellohello")
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer set cursor position"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer '("hel" cursor "lo") (point))
-      4)
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer-content set cursor position"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer-content '("hel" cursor "lo") (insert "X"))
-      "helXlo")
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer store position"
-      (let ((p1) (p2))
-       (sz-testutils-with-buffer '("hel" (is p1) "lo" (is p2))
-                                 (list p1 p2)))
-      '(4 6))
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer set mark"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer '("hel" mark "lo" cursor)
-                               (list mark-active (mark) (point)))
-      '(t 4 6))
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer-region set mark"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer-region "hello world"
-                                      (goto-char 4) (push-mark 9))
-      "lo wo")
-     ("sz-testutils-with-buffer-ret-and-content"
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer-ret-and-content '("hel" cursor "lo") (insert 
"X") 2)
-      '(2 . "helXlo"))
-      )))
-;; Run diagnostics when this module is evaluated or compiled
-;; if and only if the "regress" package is already loaded.
-;; This code will not appear in the compiled (.elc) file
-  (autoload 'regress "regress" "run regression test suites" t)
-  (if (featurep 'regress)
-      (regress sz-testutils-regress)))
-(provide 'sz-testutils)
diff --git a/test/bash-completion-integration-test.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f8b1fe5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bash-completion-integration-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+;;; bash-completion-integration-test.el --- Integration tests for 
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Stephane Zermatten
+;; Author: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see
+;; `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file defines unit and integrations ERT tests for
+;; `bash-completion' that create a bash process.
+;;; History:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'bash-completion)
+(require 'ert)
+(defmacro bash-completion_test-harness (&rest body)
+  `(progn
+     (bash-completion-reset)
+     (let ((test-env-dir (bash-completion_test-setup-env)))
+       (let ((bash-completion-process nil)
+             (bash-completion-alist nil)
+             (bash-completion-nospace nil)
+             (bash-completion-start-files nil)
+             (bash-completion-args
+              (list "--noediting"
+                    "--noprofile"
+                    "--rcfile" (expand-file-name "bashrc" test-env-dir)))
+             (kill-buffer-query-functions '())
+             (default-directory test-env-dir))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (progn ,@body)
+           (progn
+             (bash-completion_test-teardown-env test-env-dir)
+             (when bash-completion-process
+               (let ((buffer (process-buffer bash-completion-process)))
+                 (kill-process bash-completion-process)
+                 (kill-buffer buffer)))))))))
+(defmacro bash-completion_test-with-shell (complete-me)
+  `(bash-completion_test-harness
+    (let ((explicit-shell-file-name bash-completion-prog)
+         shell-buffer)
+      (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (setq shell-buffer (shell (generate-new-buffer-name
+                                      "*bash-completion_test-with-shell*")))
+           ;; accept process output until there's nothing left
+           (while (accept-process-output nil 0.6))
+           ;; do a completion and return the result
+           (with-current-buffer shell-buffer
+             (insert ,complete-me)
+             (if bash-completion-comint-uses-standard-completion
+                 (let ((comint-dynamic-complete-functions 
+                   (completion-at-point))
+               (bash-completion-dynamic-complete))
+             (buffer-substring-no-properties
+               (comint-line-beginning-position) (point))))
+       ;; finally
+       (when (and shell-buffer (buffer-live-p shell-buffer))
+         (kill-process (get-buffer-process shell-buffer))
+         (kill-buffer shell-buffer))))))
+(defun bash-completion_test-setup-env ()
+  "Sets up a directory that contains a bashrc file other files
+for testing completion."
+  (let ((test-env-dir (make-temp-file
+                       (expand-file-name "bash-completion_testenv"
+                                         (or small-temporary-file-directory
+                                             temporary-file-directory))
+                       'mkdir)))
+    (prog1
+        test-env-dir
+      (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "bashrc" test-env-dir)
+        (insert (format "cd '%s'\n" test-env-dir))
+        (insert "function somefunction { echo ok; }\n"))
+      (let ((default-directory test-env-dir))
+        (make-directory "some/directory" 'parents)
+        (make-directory "some/other/directory" 'parents)))))
+(defun bash-completion_test-teardown-env (test-env-dir)
+  "Deletes everything `bash-completion_test-setup-env' set up."
+  (when test-env-dir
+    (delete-directory test-env-dir 'recursive)))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-test ()
+  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
+  (bash-completion_test-harness
+   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))
+   (should (buffer-live-p (bash-completion-buffer)))
+   (should (bash-completion-is-running))
+   (should-not (null (member
+                     "help "
+                     (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
+                       (bash-completion-comm "hel" 4 '("hel") 0 nil "hel")))))
+   (bash-completion-reset)
+   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-setenv-test ()
+  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
+  (bash-completion_test-harness
+   (bash-completion-send "echo $EMACS_BASH_COMPLETE")
+   (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
+     (should (equal "t\n" (buffer-string))))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-one-completion-test ()
+  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
+  (should (equal "somefunction "
+                 (bash-completion_test-with-shell "somef"))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-wordbreak-completion-test ()
+  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
+  (should (equal "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/other/"
+                (bash-completion_test-with-shell
+                  "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/oth"))))
+;;; bash-completion-integration-test.el ends here
diff --git a/bash-completion-test.el b/test/bash-completion-test.el
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 83%
rename from bash-completion-test.el
rename to test/bash-completion-test.el
index 1ef90ac66c..fb4f098662
--- a/bash-completion-test.el
+++ b/test/bash-completion-test.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; bash-completion_test.el --- Tests bash-completion.el
+;;; bash-completion-test.el --- Tests bash-completion.el
 ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Stephane Zermatten
@@ -22,43 +22,26 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; This file defines unit and integrations ERT tests for
-;; `bash-completion'.
+;; `bash-completion' that don't rely on a bash process.
 ;;; History:
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'sz-testutils)
 (require 'bash-completion)
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'ert)
+(defmacro bash-completion-test-with-buffer (content &rest body)
+  "Create a temporary buffer with CONTENT and execute BODY.
+The return value is the one returned by BODY."
+  `(with-temp-buffer
+     (insert ,content)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (progn ,@body)))
-(defun bash-completion-test-send (buffer-content)
-  "Run `bash-completion-send' on BUFFER-CONTENT.
-Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
-  (let ((process 'process))
-    (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'process-buffer)
-              (lambda (process)
-                (unless (eq process 'process)
-                  (error "unexpected: %s" process))
-                (current-buffer)))
-             ((symbol-function 'process-send-string)
-              (lambda (process command)
-                (unless (eq process 'process)
-                  (error "unexpected process: %s" process))
-                (unless (equal "cmd\n" command)
-                  (error "unexpected command: %s" command))))
-             ((symbol-function 'accept-process-output)
-              (lambda (process timeout)
-                (unless (eq process 'process)
-                  (error "unexpected process: %s" process))
-                (unless (= timeout 3.14)
-                  (error "unexpected timeout: %s" timeout))
-                (insert buffer-content)
-                t)))
-      (sz-testutils-with-buffer-ret-and-content
-       ""
-       (bash-completion-send "cmd" 'process 3.14)))))
 ;; ---------- unit tests
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-join-test ()
@@ -71,91 +54,91 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-tokenize-test ()
   (should (equal '("a" "hello" "world" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a hello world b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a hello world b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; extra spaces
   (should (equal '("a" "hello" "world" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("  a  hello \n world \t b \r c  ")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "  a  hello \n world \t b \r c  "
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position 2))))))
   ;; escaped spaces
   (should (equal '("a" "hello world" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a hello\\ world b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a hello\\ world b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; escaped #
   (should (equal '("a" "hello" "#world#" "b")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a hello \\#world\\# b")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a hello \\#world\\# b"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; double quotes
   (should (equal '("a" "hello world" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a \"hello world\" b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a \"hello world\" b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; escaped double quotes
   (should (equal '("a" "-\"hello world\"-" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a \"-\\\"hello world\\\"-\" b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a \"-\\\"hello world\\\"-\" b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; single quotes
   (should (equal '("a" "hello world" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a \"hello world\" b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a \"hello world\" b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; escaped single quotes
   (should (equal '("a" "-'hello world'-" "b" "c")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a '-\\'hello world\\'-' b c")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a '-\\'hello world\\'-' b c"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; complex quote mix
   (should (equal '("a" "hello world bc" "d")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-                 '("a hel\"lo w\"o'rld b'c d")
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+                 "a hel\"lo w\"o'rld b'c d"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; unescaped semicolon
   (should (equal '("to" "infinity" ";" "and beyond")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
                  "to infinity;and\\ beyond"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; unescaped &&"
   (should (equal '("to" "infinity" "&&" "and beyond")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
                  "to infinity&&and\\ beyond"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;;unescaped ||"
   (should (equal '("to" "infinity" "||" "and beyond")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
                  "to infinity||and\\ beyond"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position))))))
   ;; quoted ;&|"
   (should (equal '("to" "infinity;&|and" "beyond")
-                (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+                (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
                  "to \"infinity;&|and\" beyond"
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position)))))))
@@ -168,7 +151,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 2)
             (words . ("a" "hello" "world"))
             (stub-start . 9))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "a hello world"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 14 nil))))
@@ -180,7 +163,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 0)
             (words . (""))
             (stub-start . 2))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            " "
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 2 nil))))
@@ -192,7 +175,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 2)
             (words . ("a" "hello" ""))
             (stub-start . 9))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "a hello "
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 9 nil))))
@@ -204,7 +187,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 1)
             (words . ("make" "-"))
             (stub-start . 27))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "cd /var/tmp ; ZORG=t make -"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 28 nil))))
@@ -216,7 +199,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 1)
             (words . ("sort" "-"))
             (stub-start . 20))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "ls /var/tmp | sort -"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 21 nil))))
@@ -228,7 +211,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 7)
             (words . ("find" "-name" "*.txt" "-exec" "echo" "{}" ";" "-"))
             (stub-start . 38))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "find -name '*.txt' -exec echo {} ';' -"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 39 nil))))
@@ -240,7 +223,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 0)
             (words . ("ZORG=t"))
             (stub-start . 19))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "cd /var/tmp ; A=f ZORG=t"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 25 nil))))
@@ -252,7 +235,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             (cword . 1)
             (words . ("cd" "/vcr/shows/Dexter's"))
             (stub-start . 4))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
            "cd /vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s"
             (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 24 nil)))))
@@ -292,7 +275,7 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
             ("cv" "-F" "_cdargs_aliases")
             ("cb" "-F" "_cdargs_aliases")
             (nil "-F" "_completion_loader"))
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
+          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
 complete -F _cdargs_aliases cdb
 complete -F complete_projects project
@@ -317,46 +300,72 @@ garbage
   (should (equal "'hell'\\''o'"
                 (bash-completion-quote "hell'o"))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-generate-list-test ()
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-generate-line-test ()
   ;; no custom completion
-   (equal (concat "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 " (expand-file-name "~/test")
-                 " ; compgen -o default -- worl 2>/dev/null")
+   (equal (cons 'default
+                (concat "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 " (expand-file-name "~/test")
+                        " ; compgen -o default -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
          (let ((bash-completion-alist nil)
                (default-directory "~/test"))
            (bash-completion-generate-line "hello worl" 7 '("hello" "worl") 1 
   ;; custom completion no function or command
-  (should (equal 
-          "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -A -G '*.txt' -- worl 
+  (should (equal
+           (cons 'custom
+                 "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -A -G '*.txt' -- worl 
           (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-A" "-G" "*.txt"))))
                 (default-directory "/test"))
             (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
   ;; custom completion function
-  (should (equal 
-          "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; 
COMP_CWORD=1; COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); __zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' compgen -F 
__bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"
+  (should (equal
+           (cons 'custom
+                 (concat
+                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
+                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
+                  "COMP_POINT=7; COMP_CWORD=1; "
+                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
+                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
+                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
           (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
                 (default-directory "/test"))
             (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
   ;; custom completion command
-  (should (equal 
-          "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; 
COMP_CWORD=1; COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); __zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' compgen -F 
__bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"
+  (should (equal
+           (cons 'custom
+                 (concat
+                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
+                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
+                  "COMP_POINT=7; "
+                  "COMP_CWORD=1; "
+                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
+                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
+                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
           (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-C" "__zorg"))))
                 (default-directory "/test"))
             (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
   ;; default completion function
-  (should (equal 
-          "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; 
COMP_CWORD=1; COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); __zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' compgen -F 
__bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"
+  (should (equal
+           (cons 'custom
+                 (concat
+                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
+                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
+                  "COMP_POINT=7; "
+                  "COMP_CWORD=1; "
+                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
+                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
+                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
           (let ((bash-completion-alist '((nil . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
                 (default-directory "/test"))
             (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
   ;; ignore completion function
-  (should (equal 
-          "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -o default -- worl 2>/dev/null"
+  (should (equal
+           (cons 'default
+                 "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -o default -- worl 
           (let ((bash-completion-alist '((nil . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
                 (default-directory "/test"))
             (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
@@ -367,7 +376,7 @@ garbage
   (should (equal 5 (bash-completion--find-last ?f "abcdef")))
   (should (equal 9 (bash-completion--find-last ?d "abcdefabcdef"))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-generate-list-test ()
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-starts-with-test ()
   ;; empty str
   (should (equal nil
                 (bash-completion-starts-with "" "prefix")))
@@ -384,6 +393,35 @@ garbage
   (should (equal t
                 (bash-completion-starts-with "blah-" "blah-"))))
+(defun bash-completion-test-send (buffer-content)
+  "Run `bash-completion-send' on BUFFER-CONTENT.
+Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
+  (let ((process 'process))
+    (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'process-buffer)
+               (lambda (process)
+                 (unless (eq process 'process)
+                   (error "unexpected: %s" process))
+                 (current-buffer)))
+              ((symbol-function 'process-send-string)
+               (lambda (process command)
+                 (unless (eq process 'process)
+                   (error "unexpected process: %s" process))
+                 (unless (equal "cmd\n" command)
+                   (error "unexpected command: %s" command))))
+              ((symbol-function 'accept-process-output)
+               (lambda (process timeout)
+                 (unless (eq process 'process)
+                   (error "unexpected process: %s" process))
+                 (unless (= timeout 3.14)
+                   (error "unexpected timeout: %s" timeout))
+                 (insert buffer-content)
+                 t)))
+      (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+       ""
+       (cons
+        (bash-completion-send "cmd" 'process 3.14)
+        (buffer-string))))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-send-test ()
   (should (equal 
           (cons 0 "line1\nline2\n")
@@ -534,14 +572,15 @@ garbage
                                       nil nil nil))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-extract-candidates-test ()
-  (should (equal 
-          '("hello\\ world" "hello ")
-          (sz-testutils-with-buffer
-           "hello world\nhello \n\n"
-           (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'bash-completion-buffer)
-                      (lambda () (current-buffer)))
-                     (bash-completion-nospace nil))
-             (bash-completion-extract-candidates "hello" "hello" nil nil))))))
+  (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
+    (should
+     (equal
+      '("hello\\ world" "hello ")
+      (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+       "hello world\nhello \n\n"
+       (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'bash-completion-buffer)
+                  (lambda () (current-buffer))))
+         (bash-completion-extract-candidates "hello" "hello" nil nil)))))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-nonsep-test ()
   (should (equal "^ \t\n\r;&|'\"#"
@@ -626,78 +665,6 @@ garbage
   (should (equal "ls -l /a/b '/a/b c' '/a/b'\\''c' '$help/d'"
                 (bash-completion-join '("ls" "-l" "/a/b" "/a/b c" "/a/b'c" 
-;; ---------- integration tests
-(defmacro bash-completion_test-harness (&rest body)
-  `(let ((bash-completion-process nil) (bash-completion-alist nil))
-     (unwind-protect
-        (progn ,@body)
-       ;; tearDown
-       (condition-case err
-          (when bash-completion-process
-            (let ((buffer (process-buffer bash-completion-process)))
-              (kill-process bash-completion-process)
-              (sit-for 0.2)
-              (kill-buffer buffer)))
-        (error (message "error in bash-completion_test tearDown: %s" err))))))
-(defmacro bash-completion_test-with-shell (complete-me)
-  `(bash-completion_test-harness
-    (let ((explicit-shell-file-name bash-completion-prog)
-         shell-buffer)
-      (unwind-protect
-         (progn
-           (setq shell-buffer (shell (generate-new-buffer-name
-                                      "*bash-completion_test-with-shell*")))
-           ;; accept process output until there's nothing left
-           (while (accept-process-output nil 0.6))
-           ;; do a completion and return the result
-           (with-current-buffer shell-buffer
-             (insert ,complete-me)
-             (if bash-completion-comint-uses-standard-completion
-                 (let ((comint-dynamic-complete-functions 
-                   (completion-at-point))
-               (bash-completion-dynamic-complete))
-             (buffer-substring-no-properties
-               (comint-line-beginning-position) (point))))
-       ;; finally
-       (when (and shell-buffer (buffer-live-p shell-buffer))
-         (kill-process (get-buffer-process shell-buffer))
-         (sit-for 0.2)
-         (kill-buffer shell-buffer))))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-interaction-test ()
-  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
-  (bash-completion_test-harness
-   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))
-   (should (buffer-live-p (bash-completion-buffer)))
-   (should (bash-completion-is-running))
-   (should-not (null (member
-                     "help "
-                     (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
-                       (bash-completion-comm "hel" 4 '("hel") 0 nil "hel")))))
-   (bash-completion-reset)
-   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-setenv-test ()
-  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
-  (bash-completion_test-harness
-   (bash-completion-send "echo $EMACS_BASH_COMPLETE")
-   (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
-     (should (equal "t\n" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-one-completion-test ()
-  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
-  (should (equal "__bash_complete_wrapper "
-                (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
-                  (bash-completion_test-with-shell "__bash_complete_")))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-wordbreak-completion-test ()
-  (skip-unless (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog))
-  (should (equal "export PATH=/sbin:/bin/"
-                (bash-completion_test-with-shell "export PATH=/sbin:/bi"))))
 (defmacro --with-fake-bash-completion-send (&rest body)
   "Runs the body in an environment that fakes `bash-completion-send'.

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