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[nongnu] elpa/bash-completion fc3f762d16 177/313: Track and support opti

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/bash-completion fc3f762d16 177/313: Track and support options -o default, filenames and nospace.
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 10:59:28 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/bash-completion
commit fc3f762d1647c69aab120ca2ad4e173fa11d28fa
Author: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>
Commit: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@gmx.net>

    Track and support options -o default, filenames and nospace.
    This commit introduces a struct to keep track of the state needed to
    handle and apply options at different steps of the completion and
    then use it to support default, filenames and nospace in a generic
    Issue #19
 bash-completion.el                       | 393 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 test/bash-completion-integration-test.el | 143 +++++------
 test/bash-completion-test.el             | 386 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 553 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bash-completion.el b/bash-completion.el
index cb262173d3..33cccc6584 100644
--- a/bash-completion.el
+++ b/bash-completion.el
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
 ;; https://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion
 (require 'comint)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
 ;;; Code:
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ which typically takes a long time."
   :type '(float)
   :group 'bash-completion)
-(defcustom bash-completion-nospace nil
+(defcustom bash-completion-nospace 'as-configured
   "Never let bash add a final space at the end of a completion.
 When there is only one completion candidate, bash sometimes adds
@@ -196,10 +197,25 @@ to remove the extra space bash adds after a completion."
   :type '(boolean)
   :group 'bash-completion)
-(defcustom bash-completion-default-completion t
-  "Use Readline’s default filename completion if a compspec
-  generates no matches."
-  :type 'boolean
+(defcustom bash-completion-default 'as-configured
+  "Use default filename completion if a compspec
+  generates no matches. Normally configured function by function
+  using compgen."
+  :type '(choice
+          (:tag "As configured" 'as-configured)
+          (:tag "Always" t)
+          (:tag "Never"))
+  :group 'bash-completion)
+(defcustom bash-completion-filenames 'as-configured
+  "Perform filenames-specific processing on the candidates, such
+  as adding a slash to directories or supressing trailing
+  characters. Normally configured function by function using
+  compgen."
+  :type '(choice
+          (:tag "As configured" 'as-configured)
+          (:tag "Always" t)
+          (:tag "Never"))
   :group 'bash-completion)
 (if (fboundp 'completion-table-with-cache)
@@ -255,6 +271,13 @@ completion in colon-separated values.")
   (append bash-completion-wordbreaks-str nil)
   "`bash-completion-wordbreaks-str' as a list of characters.")
+(defconst bash-completion--default-option-strings
+  '("filenames")
+  "Compgen for command, default and wordbreak completions.
+`bash-completion--parse-options' is applied to it at runtime, to
+allow customization of these options.")
 (defconst bash-completion-special-chars "[^-0-9a-zA-Z_./\n=]"
   "Regexp of characters that must be escaped or quoted.")
@@ -274,6 +297,51 @@ to be included into a completion output.")
       "Download emacs-bash-completion version 2.1 to run on older Emacs "
       "versions, from 22 to 24."))))
+;;; ---------- Struct
+;; The main, completion structure, keeping track of the definition and
+;; state of the current completion.
+(defstruct (completion (:constructor bash-completion--make)
+                       (:conc-name bash-completion--)
+                       (:copier nil))
+  line           ; the relevant command (string)
+  point          ; 0-based position of the cursor in line (number)
+  words          ; line split into words, unescaped (list of strings)
+  cword          ; 0-based index of the word to be completed in words (number)
+  stub-start     ; start position of the thing we are completing
+  unparsed-stub  ; unparsed version of (nth cword words)
+  open-quote     ; quote open at stub end: nil, ?' or ?\""
+  compgen-args   ; compgen arguments, if custom (list of strings)
+(defsubst bash-completion--stub (comp)
+  "Returns the stub being completed for COMP."
+  (nth (bash-completion--cword comp) (bash-completion--words comp)))
+(defun bash-completion--type (comp)
+  "Returns the type of COMP.
+Completion type is 'command, if completing a command (cword = 0),
+'custom if there's a custom completion for the current command or
+'default if there isn't or if the completion hasn't been
+customized, usually by `bash-completion--customize'.
+  (cond
+   ((zerop (bash-completion--cword comp)) 'command)
+   ((bash-completion--compgen-args comp) 'custom)
+   (t 'default)))
+(defun bash-completion--options (comp)
+  "Returns options for comp, either default or customized.
+See options definition in
+  (bash-completion--parse-options 
+   (if (eq (bash-completion--type comp) 'custom)
+       (bash-completion--extract-compgen-options
+        (bash-completion--compgen-args comp))
+     bash-completion--default-option-strings)))
 ;;; ---------- Inline functions
 (defsubst bash-completion-tokenize-get-range (token)
@@ -363,24 +431,19 @@ Returns (list stub-start stub-end completions) with
  - completions, a possibly empty list of completion candidates or a function if
    `bash-completion-enable-caching' is non-nil"
   (when bash-completion-enabled
-    (let* ((tokens (bash-completion-tokenize comp-start comp-pos))
-          (open-quote (bash-completion-tokenize-open-quote tokens))
-          (parsed (bash-completion-process-tokens tokens comp-pos open-quote))
-          (line (cdr (assq 'line parsed)))
-          (point (cdr (assq 'point parsed)))
-          (cword (cdr (assq 'cword parsed)))
-          (words (cdr (assq 'words parsed)))
-          (stub-start (cdr (assq 'stub-start parsed)))
-           (stub (nth cword words))
-           (unparsed-stub (buffer-substring-no-properties stub-start 
+    (let* ((comp (bash-completion--parse comp-start comp-pos))
+           (open-quote (bash-completion--open-quote comp))
+          (stub-start (bash-completion--stub-start comp))
+           (stub (bash-completion--stub comp))
+           (unparsed-stub (bash-completion--unparsed-stub comp)))
       (if bash-completion-enable-caching
             (lambda (_)
-              (or (bash-completion-comm line point words cword open-quote
-                                        unparsed-stub)
+              (bash-completion--customize comp)
+              (or (bash-completion-comm comp)
                   (pcase-let ((`(,wordbreak-start _ ,wordbreak-collection)
                                 stub unparsed-stub stub-start comp-pos
@@ -393,8 +456,8 @@ Returns (list stub-start stub-end completions) with
                                           (- wordbreak-start stub-start))))
                           (mapcar (lambda (c) (concat before-wordbreak c))
-        (let ((completions (bash-completion-comm line point words cword
-                                                 open-quote unparsed-stub)))
+        (bash-completion--customize comp)
+        (let ((completions (bash-completion-comm comp)))
           (if completions
               (list stub-start comp-pos completions)
@@ -429,7 +492,8 @@ This function is not meant to be called outside of
              after-wordbreak unparsed-after-wordbreak
-             open-quote 'wordbreak)))))
+             open-quote (bash-completion--parse-options
+                         bash-completion--default-option-strings))))))
 (defun bash-completion--find-last (elt array)
   "Return the position of the last intance of ELT in array or nil."
@@ -441,19 +505,18 @@ This function is not meant to be called outside of
 (defun bash-completion--default-completion
-    (stub unparsed-stub open-quote completion-type)
+    (stub unparsed-stub open-quote options)
   "Do default completion on the given STUB.
 Return the extracted candidate, with STUB replaced with
-passed, eventually, to `bash-completion-fix'"
+UNPARSED-STUB, taking OPEN-QUOTE into account."
   (when (eq 0 (bash-completion-send (concat
                                      "compgen -o default -- "
                                      (bash-completion-quote stub))))
      stub unparsed-stub open-quote
-     (or completion-type 'default))))
+     options)))
 ;;; ---------- Functions: parsing and tokenizing
@@ -482,7 +545,7 @@ functions adds single quotes around it and return the 
            (replace-regexp-in-string "'" "'\\''" word nil t)
-(defun bash-completion-process-tokens (tokens pos open-quote)
+(defun bash-completion--parse (comp-start comp-pos)
   "Process a command line split into TOKENS that end at POS.
 If stub is quoted, the quote character should be passed as
@@ -497,35 +560,32 @@ Return an association list with the current symbol as 
  point - 0-based position of the cursor in line (number)
  cword - 0-based index of the word to be completed in words (number)
  words - line split into words, unescaped (list of strings)
- stub-start - start position of the thing we are completing"
-  (bash-completion-parse-line-postprocess
-   (bash-completion-parse-current-command tokens) pos open-quote))
-(defun bash-completion-parse-line-postprocess (tokens pos open-quote)
-  "Extract from TOKENS the data needed by compgen functions.
-This function takes a list of TOKENS created by
-`bash-completion-tokenize' for the current buffer and generate
-the data needed by compgen functions given the cursor position
-POS and the quote character OPEN-QUOTE, if any."
-  (let* ((first-token (car tokens))
-        (last-token (car (last tokens)))
-        (start (or (car (bash-completion-tokenize-get-range first-token)) pos))
-        (end (or (cdr (bash-completion-tokenize-get-range last-token)) pos))
-        (words (bash-completion-strings-from-tokens tokens))
-        (stub-empty (or (> pos end) (= start end)))
+ stub-start - start position of the thing we are completing
+ unparsed-stub - unparsed version of (nth cword words)
+ open-quote - quote open at stub end: nil, ?' or ?\""
+  (let* ((all-tokens (bash-completion-tokenize comp-start comp-pos))
+         (line-tokens (bash-completion-parse-current-command  all-tokens))
+         (first-token (car line-tokens))
+        (last-token (car (last line-tokens)))
+         (open-quote (bash-completion-tokenize-open-quote line-tokens))
+        (start (or (car (bash-completion-tokenize-get-range first-token)) 
+        (end (or (cdr (bash-completion-tokenize-get-range last-token)) 
+        (words (bash-completion-strings-from-tokens line-tokens))
+        (stub-empty (or (> comp-pos end) (= start end)))
          (if stub-empty
-             pos
+             comp-pos
            (+ (car (bash-completion-tokenize-get-range last-token))
               (if open-quote 1 0)))))
     (when stub-empty (setq words (append words '(""))))
-    (list
-     (cons 'line (buffer-substring-no-properties start pos))
-     (cons 'point (- pos start))
-     (cons 'cword (- (length words) 1))
-     (cons 'words words)
-     (cons 'stub-start stub-start))))
+    (bash-completion--make
+     :line (buffer-substring-no-properties start comp-pos)
+     :point (- comp-pos start)
+     :cword (- (length words) 1)
+     :words words
+     :stub-start stub-start
+     :unparsed-stub (buffer-substring-no-properties stub-start comp-pos)
+     :open-quote open-quote)))
 (defun bash-completion-parse-current-command (tokens)
   "Extract from TOKENS the tokens forming the current command.
@@ -725,53 +785,54 @@ QUOTE should be nil, ?' or ?\"."
 ;;; ---------- Functions: getting candidates from bash
-(defun bash-completion-comm (line pos words cword open-quote unparsed-stub)
-  "Set LINE, POS, WORDS and CWORD, call compgen, return the result.
+(defun bash-completion-comm (comp)
+  "Call compgen on COMP return the result.
+COMP should be a struct returned by `bash-completion--parse'
 This function starts a separate bash process if necessary, sets
 up the completion environment (COMP_LINE, COMP_POINT, COMP_WORDS,
 COMP_CWORD) and calls compgen.
-OPEN-QUOTE should be the quote, a character, that's still open in
-the last word or nil.
-UNPARSED-STUB is a raw, unparsed version of COMP_WORDS[CWORD] as
-it appears in the original buffer. Returned candidates The
-returned set of candidates start with UNPARSED-STUB.
 The result is a list of candidates, which might be empty."
   ;; start process now, to make sure bash-completion-alist is
   ;; set before we run bash-completion-generate-line
   (let* ((entry (bash-completion-require-process))
          (process (car entry))
-         (bash-completion-alist (cdr entry))
-         (cmdline)
-         (completion-status))
-    (setq cmdline (bash-completion-generate-line line pos words cword t))
-    (setq completion-status (bash-completion-send (cdr cmdline) process))
+         (completion-status)
+         (options))
+    (setq completion-status (bash-completion-send 
(bash-completion-generate-line comp) process))
     (when (eq 124 completion-status)
       ;; Special 'retry-completion' exit status, typically returned by
       ;; functions bound by complete -D. Presumably, the function has
       ;; just setup completion for the current command and is asking
-      ;; us to retry once with the new configuration. 
-      (bash-completion-send "complete -p" process)
-      (bash-completion-build-alist (process-buffer process))
-      (setcdr entry bash-completion-alist)
-      (setq cmdline (bash-completion-generate-line line pos words cword nil))
-      (setq completion-status (bash-completion-send (cdr cmdline) process)))
+      ;; us to retry once with the new configuration.
+      (let ((bash-completion-alist nil))
+        (bash-completion-send "complete -p" process)
+        (bash-completion-build-alist (process-buffer process))
+        (setcdr entry bash-completion-alist))
+      (bash-completion--customize comp 'nodefault)
+      (setq completion-status (bash-completion-send 
(bash-completion-generate-line comp) process)))
+    (setq options (bash-completion--options comp))
     (setq candidates
           (when (eq 0 completion-status)
-             (nth cword words) unparsed-stub open-quote (car cmdline))))
-    (if (and bash-completion-default-completion (not candidates) (eq 'custom 
(car cmdline)))
+             (bash-completion--stub comp)
+             (bash-completion--unparsed-stub comp)
+             (bash-completion--open-quote comp)
+             options)))
+    (if (and (not candidates) (memq 'default options))
-         (nth cword words) unparsed-stub open-quote 'default)
+         (bash-completion--stub comp)
+         (bash-completion--unparsed-stub comp)
+         (bash-completion--open-quote comp)
+         options)
 (defun bash-completion-extract-candidates
-    (parsed-stub unparsed-stub open-quote completion-type)
+    (parsed-stub unparsed-stub open-quote options)
   "Extract the completion candidates from the process buffer for PARSED-STUB.
 This command takes the content of the completion process buffer,
@@ -790,20 +851,20 @@ Post-processing includes escaping special characters, 
adding a /
 to directory names, replacing STUB with UNPARSED-STUB in the
 result. See `bash-completion-fix' for more details."
   (let ((candidates) (result (list)))
-    (setq candidates (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
-                       (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
+    (setq candidates (delete-dups (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
+                                    (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))))
     (if (eq 1 (length candidates))
         (list (bash-completion-fix
                (car candidates) parsed-stub unparsed-stub
-               open-quote completion-type t))
+               open-quote options t))
       (dolist (completion candidates)
         (push (bash-completion-fix
-               completion parsed-stub unparsed-stub open-quote completion-type 
+               completion parsed-stub unparsed-stub open-quote options nil)
       (delete-dups (nreverse result)))))
 (defun bash-completion-fix
-    (str parsed-prefix unparsed-prefix open-quote completion-type single)
+    (str parsed-prefix unparsed-prefix open-quote options single)
   "Fix completion candidate in STR if PREFIX is the current prefix.
 STR is the completion candidate to modify.
@@ -818,9 +879,10 @@ of candidates.
 OPEN-QUOTE should be the quote that's still open in prefix.  A
 character (' or \") or nil.  
-COMPLETION-TYPE describes the type of completion that was
-executed: 'default, 'custom, 'command or 'wordbreak. It is used
-to choose whether to add a space and detect directories.
+OPTIONS configrues some behaviors:
+ 'nospace to not add a space after a single completion
+ 'filenames to post-process candidates as filenames and detect
+  directories
 If SINGLE is non-nil, this is the single completion candidate.
@@ -871,7 +933,7 @@ for directory name detection to work."
     ;; build suffix
     (let ((last-char (bash-completion-last-char rest))
           (close-quote-str (if open-quote (char-to-string open-quote) ""))
-          (final-space-str (if bash-completion-nospace "" " ")))
+          (final-space-str (if (memq 'nospace options) "" " ")))
        ((eq ?\  last-char)
         (setq rest (substring rest 0 -1))
@@ -880,14 +942,12 @@ for directory name detection to work."
             (eq ?/ last-char))
         (setq suffix ""))
-         (memq completion-type '(command default wordbreak custom))
+         (memq 'filenames options)
           (bash-completion--expand-file-name (bash-completion-unescape
                                               open-quote (concat parsed-prefix 
         (setq suffix "/"))
-       ((or (eq completion-type 'command)
-            (and (memq completion-type '(default wordbreak custom))
-                 single))
+       (single
         (setq suffix (concat close-quote-str final-space-str)))
        (t (setq suffix close-quote-str))))
@@ -1140,76 +1200,69 @@ Return `bash-completion-alist'."
          (push (cons command options) bash-completion-alist)))))
-(defun bash-completion-generate-line (line pos words cword allowdefault)
-  "Generate a command-line that calls compgen.
+(defun bash-completion--customize (comp &optional nodefault)
+  (unless (eq 'command (bash-completion--type comp))
+    (let ((bash-completion-alist (cdr (bash-completion-require-process))))
+      (let ((command-name (file-name-nondirectory (car (bash-completion--words 
+        (setf (bash-completion--compgen-args comp)
+              (or (cdr (assoc command-name bash-completion-alist))
+                  (and (not nodefault) (cdr (assoc nil 
-This function looks into `bash-completion-alist' for a matching compgen
-argument set. If it finds one, it executes it. Otherwise, it executes the
-default bash completion (compgen -o default)
-LINE is the command-line to complete.
-POS is the position of the cursor on LINE
-WORDS is the content of LINE split by words and unescaped
-CWORD is the word 0-based index of the word to complete in WORDS
-ALLOWDEFAULT controls whether to fallback on a possible -D completion 
+(defun bash-completion-generate-line (comp)
+  "Generate a command-line that calls compgen for COMP.
+COMP is a struct returned by `bash-completion--parse'. It is
+normally configured using `bash-completion--customize' before
+calling this command.
 If the compgen argument set specifies a custom function or command, the
 arguments will be passed to this function or command as:
- COMP_LINE, taken from LINE
- COMP_POINT, taken from POS
- COMP_WORDS, taken from WORDS (a bash array)
- COMP_CWORD, taken for CWORD
+ COMP_LINE, taken from (bash-completion--line COMP)
+ COMP_POINT, taken from (bash-completion--point COMP)
+ COMP_WORDS, taken from (bash-completion--words COMP) (a bash array)
+ COMP_CWORD, taken for (bash-completion--cword COMP)
 Return a cons containing the completion type (command default or
 custom) and a bash command-line that calls compgen to get the
 completion candidates."
-  (let* ( (command-name (file-name-nondirectory (car words)))
-          (compgen-args
-           (or (cdr (assoc command-name bash-completion-alist))
-               (and allowdefault (cdr (assoc nil bash-completion-alist)))))
-          (quoted-stub (bash-completion-quote (nth cword words)))
-          (completion-type)
-          (commandline) )
-    (cond
-      ((= cword 0)
-       ;; a command. let bash expand builtins, aliases and functions
-       (setq completion-type 'command)
-       (setq commandline (concat "compgen -b -c -a -A function -- " 
-      ((not compgen-args)
-       ;; no completion configured for this command
-       (setq completion-type 'default)
-       (setq commandline (concat "compgen -o default -- " quoted-stub)))
-      ((or (member "-F" compgen-args) (member "-C" compgen-args))
+  (let ((quoted-stub (bash-completion-quote (bash-completion--stub comp)))
+        (completion-type (bash-completion--type comp))
+        (compgen-args (bash-completion--compgen-args comp)))
+    (concat
+     (bash-completion-cd-command-prefix)
+     (cond
+      ((eq 'command completion-type)
+       (concat "compgen -b -c -a -A function -- " quoted-stub))
+      ((eq 'default completion-type)
+       (concat "compgen -o default -- " quoted-stub))
+      ((and (eq 'custom completion-type) (or (member "-F" compgen-args)
+                                             (member "-C" compgen-args)))
        ;; custom completion with a function of command
        (let* ((args (copy-tree compgen-args))
-             (function (or (member "-F" args) (member "-C" args)))
-             (function-name (car (cdr function))) )
-        (setcar function "-F")
-        (setcar (cdr function) "__bash_complete_wrapper")
-         (setq completion-type 'custom)
-        (setq commandline
-               (format "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER=%s compgen %s -- %s"
-                (bash-completion-quote
-                 (format "COMP_LINE=%s; COMP_POINT=%s; COMP_CWORD=%s; 
COMP_WORDS=( %s ); %s \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\""
-                         (bash-completion-quote line)
-                         pos
-                         cword
-                         (bash-completion-join words)
-                         (bash-completion-quote function-name)))
-                (bash-completion-join args)
-                quoted-stub))))
-      (t
+              (function (or (member "-F" args) (member "-C" args)))
+              (function-name (car (cdr function))) )
+         (setcar function "-F")
+         (setcar (cdr function) "__bash_complete_wrapper")
+         (format "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER=%s compgen %s -- %s"
+                 (bash-completion-quote
+                  (format "COMP_LINE=%s; COMP_POINT=%s; COMP_CWORD=%s; 
COMP_WORDS=( %s ); %s \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\""
+                          (bash-completion-quote (bash-completion--line comp))
+                          (bash-completion--point comp)
+                          (bash-completion--cword comp)
+                          (bash-completion-join (bash-completion--words comp))
+                          (bash-completion-quote function-name)))
+                 (bash-completion-join args)
+                 quoted-stub)))
+      ((eq 'custom completion-type)
        ;; simple custom completion
-       (setq completion-type 'custom)
-       (setq commandline (format "compgen %s -- %s" (bash-completion-join 
-                                 quoted-stub))))
-    (cons completion-type
-          (concat
-           (bash-completion-cd-command-prefix)
-           commandline
-           " 2>/dev/null"))))
+       (format "compgen %s -- %s"
+               (bash-completion-join compgen-args)
+               quoted-stub))
+      (t (error "Unsupported completion type: %s" completion-type)))
+     " 2>/dev/null")))
 (defun bash-completion-reset ()
@@ -1313,5 +1366,57 @@ Return the status code of the command, as a number."
         (file-remote-p expanded 'localname)
+(defun bash-completion--extract-compgen-options (compgen-args)
+  "Extract from COMPGEN-ARGS the -o option strings."
+  (let ((rest compgen-args)
+        (options (list)))
+    (while (setq rest (cdr (member "-o" rest)))
+      (push (car rest) options)
+      (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+    options))
+(defun bash-completion--parse-options (option-strings)
+  "Parse OPTIONS-STRINGS for compgen into a list of symbols.
+Supported options and compgen option equivalent:
+ 'default: -o default or -o bashdefault
+ 'nospace: -o nospace
+ 'filenames: -o filenames"
+  (let ((options))
+    (if (bash-completion--check-option
+         option-strings
+         '("default" "bashdefault") bash-completion-default)
+        (push 'default options))
+    (if (bash-completion--check-option
+         option-strings
+         "nospace" bash-completion-nospace)
+        (push 'nospace options))
+    (if (bash-completion--check-option
+         option-strings
+         "filenames" bash-completion-filenames)
+        (push 'filenames options))
+    options))
+(defun bash-completion--check-option
+    (option-strings option-name-or-names customize-option)
+  "Return t if the option should be enabled.
+OPTION-STRINGS is a list of compgen option strings, often
+generated by `bash-completion--extract-compgen-options'
+OPTION-NAME-OR-NAMES is one or more strings that correspond
+to the option to check.
+CUSTOMIZE-OPTION is a customized value, which is either
+'as-configured, to take the option from OPTION-STRINGS, t, to
+force it to be always enabled, or nil, to force it to be always
+  (if (eq 'as-configured customize-option)
+      (if (listp option-name-or-names)
+          (delete nil (mapcar (lambda (name) (member name option-strings))
+                            option-name-or-names))
+        (member option-name-or-names option-strings))
+    customize-option))
 (provide 'bash-completion)
 ;;; bash-completion.el ends here
diff --git a/test/bash-completion-integration-test.el 
index f43232edd7..2f858f5b33 100644
--- a/test/bash-completion-integration-test.el
+++ b/test/bash-completion-integration-test.el
@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@
 (require 'ert)
 (defmacro bash-completion_test-harness (&rest body)
-  `(progn
+  `(if (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog)
      (let ((test-env-dir (bash-completion_test-setup-env)))
        (let ((bash-completion-processes nil)
              (bash-completion-alist nil)
              (bash-completion-nospace nil)
+             (bash-completion-default 'as-configured)
+             (bash-completion-enable-caching nil)
              (bash-completion-start-files nil)
               (list "--noediting"
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
              (bash-completion_test-teardown-env test-env-dir)
-(defmacro bash-completion_test-with-shell (complete-me)
+(defmacro bash-completion_test-with-shell-harness (&rest body)
     (let ((shell-buffer))
@@ -66,15 +68,21 @@
            (while (accept-process-output nil 0.6))
            ;; do a completion and return the result
            (with-current-buffer shell-buffer
-             (insert ,complete-me)
               (let ((comint-dynamic-complete-functions 
-                (completion-at-point))
-             (buffer-substring-no-properties
-               (comint-line-beginning-position) (point))))
-       ;; finally
-       (when (and shell-buffer (buffer-live-p shell-buffer))
-         (kill-process (get-buffer-process shell-buffer))
-         (kill-buffer shell-buffer))))))
+                (progn ,@body))))
+        (progn ;; finally
+          (when (and shell-buffer (buffer-live-p shell-buffer))
+            (kill-process (get-buffer-process shell-buffer)))
+          (when shell-buffer 
+            (kill-buffer shell-buffer)))))))
+(defun bash-completion_test-complete (complete-me)
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (comint-delete-input)
+  (insert complete-me)
+  (completion-at-point)
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties
+   (comint-line-beginning-position) (point)))
 (defun bash-completion_test-setup-env ()
   "Sets up a directory that contains a bashrc file other files
@@ -88,7 +96,13 @@ for testing completion."
       (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "bashrc" test-env-dir)
         (insert (format "cd '%s'\n" test-env-dir))
-        (insert "function somefunction { echo ok; }\n"))
+        (insert "function somefunction { echo ok; }\n")
+        (insert "function someotherfunction { echo ok; }\n")
+        (insert "function _dummy_complete {\n")
+        (insert "  if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} == du ]]; then 
COMPREPLY=(dummy); fi\n")
+        (insert "}\n")
+        (insert "complete -F _dummy_complete -o filenames somefunction\n")
+        (insert "complete -F _dummy_complete -o default -o filenames 
       (let ((default-directory test-env-dir))
         (make-directory "some/directory" 'parents)
         (make-directory "some/other/directory" 'parents)))))
@@ -101,67 +115,54 @@ for testing completion."
       (dired-delete-file test-env-dir 'always))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-test ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching nil))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration)))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-test-with-caching ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching t))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration)))
-(defun bash-completion_test-integration ()
-  (if (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog)
-      (bash-completion_test-harness
-       (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))
-       (should (buffer-live-p (bash-completion-buffer)))
-       (should (bash-completion-is-running))
-       (should-not (null (member
-                          "help "
-                          (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
-                            (bash-completion-comm "hel" 4 '("hel") 0 nil 
-       (bash-completion-reset)
-       (should-not (bash-completion-is-running)))))
+  (bash-completion_test-harness
+   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))
+   (should (buffer-live-p (bash-completion-buffer)))
+   (should (bash-completion-is-running))
+   (should-not (null (member
+                      "help "
+                      (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
+                        (bash-completion-comm
+                         (bash-completion--make
+                          :line "hel"
+                          :point 4
+                          :words '("hel")
+                          :cword 0
+                          :unparsed-stub "hel"))))))
+   (bash-completion-reset)
+   (should-not (bash-completion-is-running))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-setenv-test ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching nil))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-setenv-test)))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-setenv-test-with-caching ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching t))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-setenv-test)))
-(defun bash-completion_test-integration-setenv-test ()
-  (if (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog)
-      (bash-completion_test-harness
-       (bash-completion-send "echo $EMACS_BASH_COMPLETE")
-       (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
-         (should (equal "t\n" (buffer-string)))))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-one-completion-test ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching nil))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-one-completion-test)))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-one-completion-test-with-caching ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching t))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-one-completion-test)))
-(defun bash-completion_test-integration-one-completion-test ()
-  (if (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog)
-      (should (equal "somefunction "
-                     (bash-completion_test-with-shell "somef")))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-wordbreak-completion-test ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching nil))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-wordbreak-completion-test)))
bash-completion-integration-wordbreak-completion-test-with-caching ()
-  (let ((bash-completion-enable-caching t))
-    (bash-completion_test-integration-wordbreak-completion-test)))
-(defun bash-completion_test-integration-wordbreak-completion-test ()
-  (if (file-executable-p bash-completion-prog)
-      (should (equal "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/other/"
-                     (bash-completion_test-with-shell
-                      "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/oth")))))
+  (bash-completion_test-harness
+   (bash-completion-send "echo $EMACS_BASH_COMPLETE")
+   (with-current-buffer (bash-completion-buffer)
+     (should (equal "t\n" (buffer-string))))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-completion-test ()
+  (bash-completion_test-with-shell-harness
+   (bash-completion-integration-test-complete)))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-integration-completion-test-with-caching ()
+  (bash-completion_test-with-shell-harness
+   (setq bash-completion-enable-caching t)
+   (bash-completion-integration-test-complete)))
+(defun bash-completion-integration-test-complete ()
+   ;; complete command
+   (should (equal "somefunction "
+                  (bash-completion_test-complete "somef")))
+   ;; custom completion
+   (should (equal "somefunction dummy "
+                  (bash-completion_test-complete "somefunction du")))
+   ;; failed completion, no -o default
+   (should (equal "somefunction so"
+                  (bash-completion_test-complete "somefunction so")))
+   ;; failed completion, with -o default
+   (should (equal "someotherfunction some/"
+                  (bash-completion_test-complete "someotherfunction so")))
+   ;; wordbreak completion
+   (should (equal "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/other/"
+                  (bash-completion_test-complete
+                   "export SOMEPATH=some/directory:some/oth"))))
 ;;; bash-completion-integration-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/bash-completion-test.el b/test/bash-completion-test.el
index be5706e645..4d71e2b761 100644
--- a/test/bash-completion-test.el
+++ b/test/bash-completion-test.el
@@ -146,102 +146,138 @@ The return value is the one returned by BODY."
                   (bash-completion-tokenize 1 (line-end-position)))))))
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-process-tokens-test ()
+(ert-deftest bash-completion--parse-test ()
   ;; cursor at end of word
   (should (equal
-          '((line . "a hello world")
-            (point . 13)
-            (cword . 2)
-            (words . ("a" "hello" "world"))
-            (stub-start . 9))
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "a hello world"
+            :point 13
+            :cword 2
+            :words '("a" "hello" "world")
+            :stub-start 9
+             :unparsed-stub "world")
            "a hello world"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 14 nil))))
+           (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 14))))
   ;; just one space, cursor after it
   (should (equal
-          '((line . "")
-            (point . 0)
-            (cword . 0)
-            (words . (""))
-            (stub-start . 2))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           " "
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 2 nil))))
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line ""
+            :point 0
+            :cword 0
+            :words '("")
+            :stub-start 2
+            :unparsed-stub "")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            " "
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 2))))
   ;; some words separated by spaces, cursor after the last space
   (should (equal
-          '((line . "a hello ")
-            (point . 8)
-            (cword . 2)
-            (words . ("a" "hello" ""))
-            (stub-start . 9))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "a hello "
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 9 nil))))
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "a hello "
+            :point 8
+            :cword 2
+            :words '("a" "hello" "")
+            :stub-start 9
+            :unparsed-stub "")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "a hello "
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 9))))
   ;; complex multi-command line
-  (should (equal 
-          '((line . "make -")
-            (point . 6)
-            (cword . 1)
-            (words . ("make" "-"))
-            (stub-start . 27))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "cd /var/tmp ; ZORG=t make -"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 28 nil))))
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "make -"
+            :point 6
+            :cword 1
+            :words '("make" "-")
+            :stub-start 27
+            :unparsed-stub "-")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "cd /var/tmp ; ZORG=t make -"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 28))))
   ;; pipe
-  (should (equal 
-          '((line . "sort -")
-            (point . 6)
-            (cword . 1)
-            (words . ("sort" "-"))
-            (stub-start . 20))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "ls /var/tmp | sort -"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 21 nil))))
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "sort -"
+            :point 6
+            :cword 1
+            :words '("sort" "-")
+            :stub-start 20
+            :unparsed-stub "-")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "ls /var/tmp | sort -"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 21))))
   ;; escaped semicolon
-  (should (equal 
-          '((line . "find -name '*.txt' -exec echo {} ';' -")
-            (point . 38)
-            (cword . 7)
-            (words . ("find" "-name" "*.txt" "-exec" "echo" "{}" ";" "-"))
-            (stub-start . 38))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "find -name '*.txt' -exec echo {} ';' -"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 39 nil))))
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "find -name '*.txt' -exec echo {} ';' -"
+            :point 38
+            :cword 7
+            :words '("find" "-name" "*.txt" "-exec" "echo" "{}" ";" "-")
+            :stub-start 38
+            :unparsed-stub "-")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "find -name '*.txt' -exec echo {} ';' -"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 39))))
   ;; at var assignment
-  (should (equal 
-          '((line . "ZORG=t")
-            (point . 6)
-            (cword . 0)
-            (words . ("ZORG=t"))
-            (stub-start . 19))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "cd /var/tmp ; A=f ZORG=t"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 25 nil))))
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "ZORG=t"
+            :point 6
+            :cword 0
+            :words '("ZORG=t")
+            :stub-start 19
+            :unparsed-stub "ZORG=t")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "cd /var/tmp ; A=f ZORG=t"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 25))))
   ;; with escaped quote
-  (should (equal 
-          '((line . "cd /vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s")
-            (point . 23)
-            (cword . 1)
-            (words . ("cd" "/vcr/shows/Dexter's"))
-            (stub-start . 4))
-          (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
-           "cd /vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s"
-           (bash-completion-process-tokens
-            (bash-completion-tokenize (point-min) (point-max)) 24 nil)))))
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "cd /vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s"
+            :point 23
+            :cword 1
+            :words '("cd" "/vcr/shows/Dexter's")
+            :stub-start 4
+            :unparsed-stub "/vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "cd /vcr/shows/Dexter\\'s"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 24))))
+  ;; with double quote
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "cd \"/vcr/shows/Dexter's"
+            :point 23
+            :cword 1
+            :words '("cd" "/vcr/shows/Dexter's")
+            :stub-start 5
+            :unparsed-stub "/vcr/shows/Dexter's"
+            :open-quote ?\")
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "cd \"/vcr/shows/Dexter's"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 24))))
+  ;; with single quote
+  (should (equal
+           (bash-completion--make
+            :line "cd '/vcr/shows/Dexter'\\''s"
+            :point 26
+            :cword 1
+            :words '("cd" "/vcr/shows/Dexter's")
+            :stub-start 5
+            :unparsed-stub "/vcr/shows/Dexter'\\''s"
+            :open-quote ?')
+           (bash-completion-test-with-buffer
+            "cd '/vcr/shows/Dexter'\\''s"
+            (bash-completion--parse (point-min) 27)))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-add-to-alist-test ()
   ;; garbage
@@ -306,72 +342,82 @@ garbage
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-generate-line-test ()
   ;; no custom completion
-   (equal (cons 'default
-                (concat "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 " (expand-file-name "~/test")
-                        " ; compgen -o default -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
+   (equal (concat "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 " (expand-file-name "~/test")
+                  " ; compgen -o default -- worl 2>/dev/null")
          (let ((bash-completion-alist nil)
                (default-directory "~/test"))
-           (bash-completion-generate-line "hello worl" 7 '("hello" "worl") 1 
+           (bash-completion-generate-line
+             (bash-completion--make
+              :line "hello worl"
+              :point 7
+              :words '("hello" "worl")
+              :cword 1)))))
   ;; custom completion no function or command
   (should (equal
-           (cons 'custom
-                 "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -A -G '*.txt' -- worl 
-          (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-A" "-G" "*.txt"))))
-                (default-directory "/test"))
-            (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
+           "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -A -G '*.txt' -- worl 
+           (let ((default-directory "/test"))
+             (bash-completion-generate-line
+              (bash-completion--make
+               :line "zorg worl"
+               :point 7
+               :words '("zorg" "worl")
+               :cword 1
+               :compgen-args '("-A" "-G" "*.txt"))))))
   ;; custom completion function
   (should (equal
-           (cons 'custom
-                 (concat
-                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
-                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
-                  "COMP_POINT=7; COMP_CWORD=1; "
-                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
-                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
-                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
-          (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
-                (default-directory "/test"))
-            (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
+           (concat
+            "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
+            "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
+            "COMP_POINT=7; COMP_CWORD=1; "
+            "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
+            "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
+            "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null")
+           (let ((default-directory "/test"))
+             (bash-completion-generate-line
+              (bash-completion--make
+               :line "zorg worl"
+               :point 7
+               :words '("zorg" "worl")
+               :cword 1
+               :compgen-args '("-F" "__zorg"))))))
   ;; custom completion command
   (should (equal
-           (cons 'custom
-                 (concat
-                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
-                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
-                  "COMP_POINT=7; "
-                  "COMP_CWORD=1; "
-                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
-                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
-                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
-          (let ((bash-completion-alist '(("zorg" . ("-C" "__zorg"))))
-                (default-directory "/test"))
-            (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
-  ;; default completion function
-  (should (equal
-           (cons 'custom
-                 (concat
-                  "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
-                  "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
-                  "COMP_POINT=7; "
-                  "COMP_CWORD=1; "
-                  "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
-                  "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
-                  "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null"))
-          (let ((bash-completion-alist '((nil . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
-                (default-directory "/test"))
-            (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
-  ;; ignore completion function
-  (should (equal
-           (cons 'default
-                 "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; compgen -o default -- worl 
-          (let ((bash-completion-alist '((nil . ("-F" "__zorg"))))
-                (default-directory "/test"))
-            (bash-completion-generate-line "zorg worl" 7 '("zorg" "worl") 1 
+           (concat
+            "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /test ; "
+            "__BASH_COMPLETE_WRAPPER='COMP_LINE='\\''zorg worl'\\''; "
+            "COMP_POINT=7; "
+            "COMP_CWORD=1; "
+            "COMP_WORDS=( zorg worl ); "
+            "__zorg \"${COMP_WORDS[@]}\"' "
+            "compgen -F __bash_complete_wrapper -- worl 2>/dev/null")
+           (let ((default-directory "/test"))
+             (bash-completion-generate-line
+              (bash-completion--make
+               :line "zorg worl"
+               :point 7
+               :words '("zorg" "worl")
+               :cword 1
+               :compgen-args '("-C" "__zorg")))))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-customize-test ()
+  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'bash-completion-require-process)
+             (lambda () '(nil
+                          (nil "-F" "__default")
+                          ("zorg" "-F" "__zorg")))))
+    (let ((comp (bash-completion--make :cword 1)))
+      (setf (bash-completion--words comp) '("zorg" "world"))
+      (bash-completion--customize comp)
+      (should (equal '("-F" "__zorg") (bash-completion--compgen-args comp)))
+      (setf (bash-completion--words comp) '("notzorg" "world"))
+      (bash-completion--customize comp)
+      (should (equal '("-F" "__default") (bash-completion--compgen-args comp)))
+      (bash-completion--customize comp 'nodefault)
+      (should (null (bash-completion--compgen-args comp))))))
 (ert-deftest bash-completion--find-last-test ()
   (should (equal nil (bash-completion--find-last ?a "xxxxx")))
@@ -506,13 +552,11 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
   ;; do not escape final space
   (should (equal "ab "
-                (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
-                  (bash-completion-fix "ab " "a" "a" nil nil nil))))
+                  (bash-completion-fix "ab " "a" "a" nil nil nil)))
-  ;; remove final space
+  ;; remove final space with option nospace
   (should (equal "ab"
-                (let ((bash-completion-nospace t))
-                  (bash-completion-fix "ab " "a" "a" nil nil nil))))
+                 (bash-completion-fix "ab " "a" "a" nil '(nospace) nil)))
   ;; unexpand home and escape
   (should (equal "~/a/hello\\ world"
@@ -528,10 +572,13 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
   (should (equal "hello\\ world"
                 (bash-completion-fix " world" "hello" "hello" nil nil nil)))
-  ;; append / for home
+  ;; append / for home, with option filenames
   (should (equal "~/"
                  (bash-completion-fix (expand-file-name "~")
-                                      "~" "~" nil 'default nil)))
+                                      "~" "~" nil '(filenames) nil)))
+  (should (equal "~"
+                 (bash-completion-fix (expand-file-name "~")
+                                      "~" "~" nil nil nil)))
   (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'file-accessible-directory-p)
              (lambda (d) (equal d "/tmp/somedir"))))
@@ -539,35 +586,31 @@ Return (const return-value new-buffer-content)"
       ;; append / for directory
       (should (equal "somedir/"
                      (bash-completion-fix "somedir" "some" "some"
-                                          nil 'default nil)))
-      ;; append / for initial command that is a directory
-      (should (equal "somedir/"
-                     (bash-completion-fix "somedir" "some" "some"
-                                          nil 'command nil)))))
+                                          nil '(filenames) nil)))))
   ;; append a space for initial command that is not a directory
   (should (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
             (equal "somecmd "
                    (bash-completion-fix "somecmd" "some" "some"
-                                        nil 'command nil))))
+                                        nil nil 'single))))
-  ;; ... but not if nospace is t.
+  ;; ... but not if nospace option is set
   (should (let ((bash-completion-nospace t))
             (equal "somecmd"
                    (bash-completion-fix "somecmd" "some" "some"
-                                        nil 'command nil))))
+                                        nil '(nospace) nil))))
-  ;; append a space for a single default completion
+  ;; append a space for a single completion
   (should (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
             (equal "somecmd "
                    (bash-completion-fix "somecmd" "some" "some"
-                                        nil 'default 'single))))
+                                        nil nil 'single))))
   ;; but only for a single completion
   (should (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
             (equal "somecmd"
                    (bash-completion-fix "somecmd" "some" "some"
-                                        nil 'default nil))))
+                                        nil nil nil))))
   ;; subset of the prefix"
   (should (equal "Dexter"
@@ -862,7 +905,7 @@ before calling `bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint'.
    (push "bin\nbind\n" --send-results)
    (insert "$ b")
    (should (equal
-            '("bin/" "bind ")
+            '("bin/" "bind")
             (nth 2 (bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint 3 (point)))))
    (should (equal (concat "cd >/dev/null 2>&1 /tmp/test ; "
                           "compgen -b -c -a -A function -- b 2>/dev/null")
@@ -934,9 +977,9 @@ before calling `bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint'.
               (nth 2 (bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint 3 
-(ert-deftest bash-completion-single-custom-completion-as-directory-implicit ()
+(ert-deftest bash-completion-single-custom-completion-as-directory-with-option 
-   (setq bash-completion-alist '(("ls" "compgen" "args")))
+   (setq bash-completion-alist '(("ls" "compgen" "args" "-o" "filenames")))
    ;; note that adding a / after a completion is not always the right thing
    ;; to do. See github issue #19.
    (push "/tmp/test/somedir" --directories)
@@ -949,7 +992,7 @@ before calling `bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint'.
 (ert-deftest bash-completion-custom-completion-with-fallback ()
-   (setq bash-completion-alist '(("ls" "compgen" "args")))
+   (setq bash-completion-alist '(("ls" "compgen" "args" "-o" "default")))
    (setq --send-results '("" "foo\nfoobar\n"))
    (insert "$ ls fo")
    (let ((bash-completion-nospace nil))
@@ -957,5 +1000,40 @@ before calling 
               '("foo" "foobar")
               (nth 2 (bash-completion-dynamic-complete-nocomint 3 
+(ert-deftest bash-completion--extract-compgen-options-test ()
+  (should (equal '("filenames" "default")
+                 (bash-completion--extract-compgen-options
+                  '("-a" "-o" "default" "-F" "fun" "-o" "filenames"))))
+  (should (equal '()
+                 (bash-completion--extract-compgen-options
+                  '("-a" "-F" "fun"))))
+  (should (equal '()
+                 (bash-completion--extract-compgen-options
+                  '("-a" "-F" "fun" "-o")))))
+(ert-deftest bash-completion--parse-options ()
+  (let ((bash-completion-default 'as-configured)
+        (bash-completion-nospace 'as-configured)
+        (bash-completion-filenames 'as-configured))
+    (should (equal nil (bash-completion--parse-options nil)))
+    (should (equal '(filenames nospace default)
+                   (bash-completion--parse-options
+                    '("filenames" "nospace" "default"))))
+    (should (equal '(filenames)
+                   (bash-completion--parse-options
+                    '("filenames"))))
+    (should (equal '(default)
+                   (bash-completion--parse-options
+                    '("bashdefault"))))
+    (setq bash-completion-default nil)
+    (setq bash-completion-nospace nil)
+    (setq bash-completion-filenames nil)
+    (should (equal '() (bash-completion--parse-options
+                        '("filenames" "nospace" "default"))))
+    (setq bash-completion-default t)
+    (setq bash-completion-nospace t)
+    (setq bash-completion-filenames t)
+    (should (equal '(filenames nospace default)
+                   (bash-completion--parse-options nil)))))
 ;;; bash-completion_test.el ends here

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