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[nongnu] elpa/emacsql 1146f2e26a 233/427: Flesh out the changes in the R

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/emacsql 1146f2e26a 233/427: Flesh out the changes in the README.
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 02:59:47 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/emacsql
commit 1146f2e26aa02af57001f4f575499b24475adf6d
Author: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>
Commit: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>

    Flesh out the changes in the README.
 README.md | 370 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e27330ff1e..0a464bff27 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ test suite from the Makefile.
 (emacsql db [:create-table people [name id salary]])
 ;; Or optionally provide column constraints.
-(emacsql db [:create-table people [name (id integer :unique) (salary float)]])
+(emacsql db [:create-table people
+             ([name (id integer :primary-key) (salary float)]]))
 ;; Insert some data:
 (emacsql db [:insert :into people
@@ -54,364 +55,217 @@ test suite from the Makefile.
 ;; Queries can be templates, using $1, $2, etc.:
 (emacsql db [:select [name id]
              :from people
-             :where (> salary $1)]
+             :where (> salary $s1)]
 ;; => (("Jeff" 1000) ("Susan" 1001))
-When editing these structured SQL statements, the `M-x
+When editing these prepared SQL s-expression statements, the `M-x
 emacsql-show-last-sql` command (think `eval-last-sexp`) is useful for
 seeing what the actual SQL expression will become when compiled.
 ## Schema
-A table schema is a vector of column specifications, or a list
-containing a vector of column specifications followed by table
-specifications. A column identifier is a symbol and a specification
-can either be just this symbol or it can include constraints. Because
+A table schema is a list whose first element is a vector of column
+specifications. The rest of the list specifies table constraints. A
+column identifier is a symbol and a column's specification can either
+be just this symbol or it can include constraints as a list. Because
 Emacsql stores entire lisp objects as values, the only relevant (and
 allowed) types are `integer`, `float`, and `object` (default).
+    ([(<column>) ...] (<table-constraint> ...) ...])
 Dashes in identifiers are converted into underscores when compiled
 into SQL. This allows for lisp-style identifiers to be used in SQL.
-Columns constraints include `:primary` (aka `PRIMARY KEY`),
-`:autoincrement`, `:unique`, `:non-nil` (aka `NOT NULL`), `:default`,
-`:check`, and `:references` (foreign key).
-Table constraints can be `:primary`, `:unique`, `:check`, and
+Constraints follow the compilation rules below.
 ;; No constraints schema with four columns:
-[name id building room]
+([name id building room])
 ;; Add some column constraints:
-[(name :unique) (id integer :primary) building room]
+([(name :unique) (id integer :primary-key) building room])
 ;; Add some table constraints:
-([(name :unique) (id integer :primary) building room]
- :unique [building room] :check ())
+([(name :unique) (id integer :primary-key) building room]
+ (:unique [building room])
+ (:check (> id 0)))
-Foreign keys are the most complex. Action triggers are `:on-delete`
-or `:on-update` and possible actions are `:set-nil`, `:set-default`,
-`:restrict`, `:cascade`. See [the SQLite documentation][foreign] for
-the details on what each of these means.
-`:references (<child-keys> <parent-table> <parent-keys> [<actions>])`
+Here's an example using foreign keys.
-;; "subject" table
-[(id integer :primary) subject]
+;; "subjects" table schema
+([(id integer :primary-key) subject])
 ;; "tag" table references subjects
-([(subjectid integer) tag]
- :references (subjectid subject id :on-delete :cascade))
+([(subject-id integer) tag]
+ (:foreign-key [subject-id] :references subjects [id]
+               :on-delete :cascade))
-Put the keys in a vector if the reference is composite. Also remember
-that foreign key checks are currently disabled by default in SQLite,
-so you'll need to enable it for each connection.
-(emacsql db [:pragma (= foreign_keys on)])
+Foreign keys are enabled by default in Emacsql.
 ## Operators
-Emacsql supports the following SQLite expression operators, named
-exactly like so in a structured Emacsql statement.
+Expressions are written lisp-style, with the operator first. If it
+looks like an operator Emacsql treats it like an operator. However,
+several operators are special.
-    *     /     %     +     -     <<    >>    &
-    |     <     <=    >     >=    =     !=
-    is    like  glob  and   or    in
-In addition, Emacsql has these operators.
-    quote   as    not     funcall
+    <=    >=    funcall    quote
 The `<=` and `>=` operators accept 2 or 3 operands, transforming into
 a SQL `_ BETWEEN _ AND _` operator as appropriate.
-With `glob` and `like` keep in mind that they're matching the
-*printed* representations of these values, even if the value is a
+For function-like "operators" like `count` and `ave` use the `funcall`
+[:select (funcall ave age) :from people]
 Inside expressions, Emacsql cannot tell the difference between symbol
 literals and column references. If you're talking about the symbol
 itself, just quote it as you would in normal Elisp. Note that this
-does not "escape" `$n` variables: it just means the argument gets
-quoted. Use `$$` for escaping variables.
+does not "escape" `$tn` parameter symbols.
-[... :where (= category 'hiking)]
-(emacsql db [... :where (= category '$1)] 'hiking)
+(emacsql db [... :where (= category 'hiking)])
+Since template parameters include their type they never need to be
+With `glob` and `like` SQL operators keep in mind that they're
+matching the *printed* representations of these values, even if the
+value is a string.
 The `||` concatenation operator is unsupported because concatenating
 printed representations breaks an important constraint: all values must
 remain readable within SQLite.
-## Structured Statements
-The database is interacted with via structured s-expression
-statements. You won't be concatenating strings on your own. (And it
-leaves out any possibility of a SQL injection!) See the "Usage"
-section above for examples. A statement is a vector of keywords and
-other lisp object.
-Structured Emacsql statements are compiled into SQL statements. The
-statement compiler is memoized so that using the same statement
-multiple times is fast. To assist in this, the statement can act as a
-template -- using `$1`, `$2`, etc. -- working like the Elisp `format`
-### Keywords
-Rather than the typical uppercase SQL keywords, keywords in a
-structured Emacsql statement are literally just that: lisp keywords.
-#### Table
-##### :create-table `<table>` `<schema|select>`
-Provides `CREATE TABLE`. A selection can be used in place of a schema,
-which will create a `CREATE TABLE ... AS` statement.
-[:create-table employees [name (id integer :primary) (salary float)]]
-[:create-table (:temporary :if-not-exists employees) ...]
-[:create-table names [:select name :from employees]]
-##### :drop-table `<table>`
-Provides `DROP TABLE`.
-[:drop-table employees]
-##### :alter-table `<table>`, :rename-to `<table>`
-Provides `ALTER TABLE` and `RENAME TO`.
-[:alter-table prices :rename-to costs]
-##### :add-column `<column-spec>`
-Provides `ADD COLUMN`.
-[:alter-table tags :add-column (rating integer :non-nil)]
-#### Selection
-##### :select `<column-spec>|(:distinct <column-spec>)`
-Provides `SELECT`. `column-spec` can be a `*` symbol or a vector of
-column identifiers, optionally as expressions.
-[:select [name (/ salary 52)] ...]
-[:select [(as name n) (as age a)] ...]
-[:select (:distinct [name age id]) ...]
-##### :from `<table>`
-Provides `FROM`.
-[... :from employees]
-[... :from [employees accounts]]
-[... :from [employees (as accounts a)]]
-[... :from (:select ...)]
-[... :from [(as (:select ...) s1) (as (:select ...) s2)]]
-##### :join `<table>`
-Provides `JOIN`.
-[... :join players ...]
-[... :join (as players p) ...]
-##### :outer, :inner, :cross, :natural, :left, :right, :full
-Provides `OUTER`, `INNER`, `CROSS`, `NATURAL`, `LEFT`, `RIGHT`, and
-[... :natural :join ...]
-[... :left :outer :join ...]
-##### :on `<expr>`
-Provides `ON`.
-[... :on (= entry-id other-id)]
-##### :using `<column>|[<columns>]`
-Provides `USING`.
-[... :using entry-id]
-[... :using [entry-id, feed-id]]
-##### :where `<expr>`, :having `<expr>`
-Provides `WHERE` and `HAVING`.
-[... :where (< count 10)]
-[... :having (= size 10)]
-##### :group-by `<expr>`
+## Prepared Statements
-Provides `GROUP BY`.
+The database is interacted with via prepared SQL s-expression
+statements. You shouldn't normally be concatenating strings on your
+own. (And it leaves out any possibility of a SQL injection!) See the
+"Usage" section above for examples. A statement is a vector of
+keywords and other lisp object.
-[... :group-by name]
+Prepared Emacsql s-expression statements are compiled into SQL
+statements. The statement compiler is memoized so that using the same
+statement multiple times is fast. To assist in this, the statement can
+act as a template -- using `$i1`, `$s2`, etc. -- working like the
+Elisp `format` function.
-##### :order-by `<expr>|(<expr> <:asc|:desc>)|[<expr> ...]`
+### Compilation Rules
-Provides `ORDER BY`.
+Rather than the typical uppercase SQL keywords, keywords in a prepared
+Emacsql statement are literally just that: lisp keywords. Emacsql only
+understands a very small amount of SQL's syntax. The compiler follows
+some simple rules to convert an s-expression into SQL.
-[... :order-by date]
-[... :order-by [(width :asc) (height :desc)]]
-[... :order-by [(width :asc) (- height)]]
-##### :limit `<limit>|[<offset> <limit>]`
+ * All prepared statements are vectors.
-Provides `LIMIT` and `OFFSET`.
+A prepared s-expression statement is a vector beginning with a keyword
+followed by a series of keywords and special values.
-[... :limit 50]
-[... :limit [150 50]]
+[:select ... :from ...]
-##### :union, :union-all, :difference, :except
+ * Keywords are split and capitalized.
+Dashes are converted into spaces and the keyword gets capitalized. For
+example, `:if-not-exists` becomes `IF NOT EXISTS`. How you choose to
+combine keywords is up to your personal taste (e.g. `:drop :table` vs.
-[:select * :from sales :union :select * :from accounting]
-#### Manipulation
-##### :insert, :replace
+ * Standalone symbols are identifiers.
-Provides `INSERT`, `REPLACE`.
+Emacsql doesn't know what symbols refer to identifiers and what
+symbols should be treated as values. Use quotes to mark a symbol as a
+value. For example, `people` here will become an identifier.
-[:insert :into ...]
-[:replace :into ...]
+[:insert-into people :values ...]
-##### :into `<table>`
+ * Row-oriented information is stored as vectors.
-Provides `INTO`.
+This includes rows being inserted and sets of columns. If you're
+talking about a raw, put it in a vector.
-[:into employees ...]
-[:into (employees [id name]) ...]
+[:select [id name] :from people]
-##### :delete
+ * Lists are treated as expressions.
-Provides `DELETE`.
+This is true even within row-oriented vectors.
-[:delete :from employees :where ...]
+[... :where (= name "Bob")]
+[:select [(/ seconds 60) count] :from ...]
-##### :values `<vector>|(<vector> ...)`
+Some things that are are traditionally keywords, particularly those
+that are mixed in with expressions, have been converted into
-[:insert :into employees :values ["Jeff" 0]]
-[:insert :into employees :values (["Jeff" 0] ["Susan" 0])]
+[... :order-by [(asc b), (desc a)]]  ; "ORDER BY b ASC, a DESC"
-##### :update `<table>`
+ * The `:values` keyword is special.
-Provides `UPDATE`.
+What follows `:values` is always treated like a vector or list of
+vectors. Normally this would appear to be a column reference.
-[:update people :set ...]
+[... :values [1 2 3]]
+[... :values ([1 2 3] [4 5 6])]  ; insert multiple rows
-##### :set `<assignment>|[<assignment> ...]`
+ * Schemas are always lists at the top level.
-Provides `SET`.
+This is to distinguish schemas from everything else. They are lists
+whose first element is a vector (column specifications). With the
+exception of what follows `:values`, nothing else would be shaped like
-[:update people :set (= name "Richy") :where ...]
-[:update people :set [(= name "Richy") (= salary 300000)] :where ...]
+[:create-table people ([(id :primary-key) name])]
-#### Transaction
-##### :begin `<:transaction|:immediate|:deferred|:exclusive>`
-Provides `BEGIN`. Exactly one of these "arguments" must always be
-supplied. `:deferred` and `:transaction` are aliases.
-[:begin :transaction]
-[:begin :immediate]
-##### :commit, :rollback
+### Templates
-Provides `COMMIT` and `ROLLBACK`.
+To make statement compilation faster, and to avoid making you build up
+statements dynamically, you can insert `$tn` parameters in place of
+identifiers and values. These refer to the argument's type and its
+argument position after the statement in the `emacsql` function,
+(emacsql db [:select * :from $i1 :where (> salary $s2)] 'employees 50000)
-#### Meta
+The letter before the number is the type.
-##### :pragma `<expr>`
+ * `i` : identifier
+ * `s` : scalar
+ * `v` : vector (or multiple vectors)
+ * `S` : schema
-Provides `PRAGMA`.
+When combined with `:values`, the vector type can refer to lists of
-(emacsql db [:pragma (= foreign-keys on)])
+(emacsql db [:insert-into people :values $v1]
+            '([0 "Calvin"] [1 "Hobbes"] [3 "Susie"]))
-##### :vacuum
-Provides `VACUUM`.
-### Templates
-To make statement compilation faster, and to avoid making you build up
-statements dynamically, you can insert `$n` "variables" in place of
-identifiers and values. These refer to argument positions after the
-statement in the `emacsql` function, 1-indexed.
-    (emacsql db [:select * :from $1 :where (> salary $2)] 'employees 50000)
-To get a literal symbol that looks like one of these variables, escape
-it with an extra dollar sign (i.e. `$$1` becomes `$1`).
+This is why rows must be vectors and not lists.
 ## Ignored Features

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