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[nongnu] elpa/emacsql 79fb8cb223 230/427: Heavy compiler rework.

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/emacsql 79fb8cb223 230/427: Heavy compiler rework.
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 02:59:46 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/emacsql
commit 79fb8cb223030aa41688ddedf4bb412dc8c42d26
Author: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>
Commit: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>

    Heavy compiler rework.
 emacsql-compiler.el | 751 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 emacsql-tests.el    |  67 +++--
 emacsql.el          |  21 +-
 3 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 551 deletions(-)

diff --git a/emacsql-compiler.el b/emacsql-compiler.el
index 34d3498300..18d979348a 100644
--- a/emacsql-compiler.el
+++ b/emacsql-compiler.el
@@ -32,31 +32,37 @@
 ;; Escaping functions:
-(defun emacsql-quote (string)
-  "Quote STRING for use in a SQL expression."
+(defun emacsql-quote-scalar (string)
+  "Single-quote (scalar) STRING for use in a SQL expression."
   (format "'%s'" (replace-regexp-in-string "'" "''" string)))
+(defun emacsql-quote-identifier (string)
+  "Double-quote (identifier) STRING for use in a SQL expression."
+  (format "\"%s\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\"\"" string)))
 (defun emacsql-escape-identifier (identifier)
-  "Escape an identifier, always with quotes when FORCE is non-nil."
-  (let ((string (cl-typecase identifier
-                  (string identifier)
-                  (keyword (substring (symbol-name identifier) 1))
-                  (otherwise (format "%S" identifier))))
-        (forbidden "[]\000-\040!\"#%&'()*+,./;<=>?@[\\^`{|}~\177]"))
-    (when (or (null identifier)
-              (string-match-p forbidden string)
-              (string-match-p "^[0-9$]" string))
-      (emacsql-error "Invalid Emacsql identifier: %S" identifier))
-    (setf string (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "." string))
-    (setf string (replace-regexp-in-string "-" "_" string))
-    string))
+  "Escape an identifier, if needed, for SQL."
+  (when (or (null identifier)
+            (keywordp identifier)
+            (not (symbolp identifier)))
+    (emacsql-error "Invalid identifier: %S" identifier))
+  (let ((name (symbol-name identifier)))
+    (if (string-match-p ":" name)
+        (mapconcat #'emacsql-escape-identifier
+                   (mapcar #'intern (split-string name ":")) ".")
+      (let ((print (replace-regexp-in-string "-" "_" (format "%S" identifier)))
+            (special "[]-\000-\040!\"#%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\^`{|}~\177]"))
+        (if (or (string-match-p special print)
+                (string-match-p "^[0-9$]" print))
+            (emacsql-quote-identifier print)
+          name)))))
 (defun emacsql-escape-scalar (value)
   "Escape VALUE for sending to SQLite."
   (let ((print-escape-newlines t))
     (cond ((null value) "NULL")
           ((numberp value) (prin1-to-string value))
-          ((emacsql-quote (prin1-to-string value))))))
+          ((emacsql-quote-scalar (prin1-to-string value))))))
 (defun emacsql-escape-vector (vector)
   "Encode VECTOR into a SQL vector scalar."
@@ -66,100 +72,6 @@
     (vector (concat "(" (mapconcat #'emacsql-escape-scalar vector ", ") ")"))
     (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid vector %S" vector))))
-;; Statement compilers:
-(defvar emacsql-expanders ()
-  "Alist of all expansion functions.")
-(defvar emacsql-expander-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-  "Cache used to memoize `emacsql-expand'.")
-(defvar emacsql-type-map
-  '((integer "INTEGER")
-    (float "REAL")
-    (object "TEXT")
-    (nil "NONE"))
-  "An alist mapping Emacsql types to SQL types.")
-(defun emacsql-add-expander (keyword arity function)
-  "Register FUNCTION for KEYWORD as a SQL expander.
-FUNCTION should accept the keyword's arguments and should return
-a list of (<string> [arg-pos] ...)."
-  (prog1 keyword
-    (when emacsql-expander-cache (clrhash emacsql-expander-cache))
-    (push (list keyword arity function) emacsql-expanders)))
-(defmacro emacsql-defexpander (keyword args &rest body)
-  "Define an expander for KEYWORD."
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  `(emacsql-add-expander ,keyword ,(length args) (lambda ,args ,@body)))
-(defun emacsql-sql-p (thing)
-  "Return non-nil if THING looks like a :select."
-  (and (sequencep thing)
-       (or (not (null (assoc (elt thing 0) emacsql-expanders)))
-           (emacsql-sql-p (elt thing 0)))))
-(defun emacsql-get-expander (keyword)
-  "Return the expander with arity for KEYWORD."
-  (if (emacsql-sql-p keyword)
-      (list 0 (lambda () (emacsql-expand keyword :subsql-p)))
-    (cdr (assoc keyword emacsql-expanders))))
-(defun emacsql-expand (sql &optional subsql-p)
-  "Expand SQL into a SQL-consumable string, with variables."
-  (let* ((cache emacsql-expander-cache)
-         (key (cons emacsql-type-map sql))
-         (cached (and cache (gethash key cache))))
-    (or cached
-        (cl-loop with items = (cl-coerce sql 'list)
-                 while (not (null items))
-                 for keyword = (pop items)
-                 for (arity expander) = (emacsql-get-expander keyword)
-                 when expander
-                 collect (apply expander (cl-subseq items 0 arity)) into parts
-                 else do (emacsql-error "Unrecognized keyword %s" keyword)
-                 do (setf items (cl-subseq items arity))
-                 finally
-                 (let ((string (concat (if subsql-p "(" "")
-                                       (mapconcat #'car parts " ")
-                                       (if subsql-p ")" ";")))
-                       (vars (apply #'nconc (mapcar #'cdr parts))))
-                   (cl-return (if cache
-                                  (setf (gethash key cache) (cons string vars))
-                                (cons string vars))))))))
-(defun emacsql-format (expansion &rest args)
-  "Fill in the variables EXPANSION with ARGS."
-  (cl-destructuring-bind (format . vars) expansion
-    (unless (= (length args) (length vars))
-      (emacsql-error "Wrong number of arguments for SQL template."))
-    (apply #'format format
-           (cl-loop for (i . kind) in vars collect
-                    (let ((thing (nth i args)))
-                      (cl-case kind
-                        (:identifier (emacsql-escape-identifier thing))
-                        (:scalar (emacsql-escape-scalar thing))
-                        (:vector (emacsql-escape-vector thing))
-                        (:schema (car (emacsql--schema-to-string thing)))
-                        (:auto (if (and thing (symbolp thing))
-                                   (emacsql-escape-identifier thing)
-                                 (emacsql-escape-scalar thing)))
-                        (otherwise
-                         (emacsql-error "Invalid var type %S" kind))))))))
-(defun emacsql-var (var)
-  "Return the index number of VAR, or nil if VAR is not a variable.
-A variable is a symbol that looks like $1, $2, $3, etc. A $ means
-$1. These are escaped with a double $$, in which case the proper
-symbol is returned."
-  (when (symbolp var)
-    (let ((name (symbol-name var)))
-      (cond
-       ((string-match-p "^\\$[0-9]+" name) (1- (read (substring name 1))))
-       ((string-match-p "^\\$$" name) 0)
-       ((string-match-p "^\\$\\$[0-9]+" name) (intern (substring name 1)))))))
 (defun emacsql-escape-format (thing &optional kind)
   "Escape THING for use as a `format' spec, pre-escaping for KIND.
 KIND should be :scalar or :identifier."
@@ -170,420 +82,241 @@ KIND should be :scalar or :identifier."
               (:vector (emacsql-escape-vector thing))
               (otherwise thing))))
+;; Schema compiler:
+(defvar emacsql-type-map
+  '((integer "&INTEGER")
+    (float "&REAL")
+    (object "&TEXT")
+    (nil "&NONE"))
+  "An alist mapping Emacsql types to SQL types.")
+(defun emacsql--from-keyword (keyword)
+  "Convert KEYWORD into SQL."
+  (let ((name (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1)))
+    (upcase (replace-regexp-in-string "-" " " name))))
+(defun emacsql--prepare-constraints (constraints)
+  "Compile CONSTRAINTS into a partial SQL expresson."
+  (mapconcat
+   #'identity
+   (cl-loop for constraint in constraints collect
+            (cl-typecase constraint
+              (null "NULL")
+              (keyword (emacsql--from-keyword constraint))
+              (symbol (emacsql-escape-identifier constraint))
+              (vector (format "(%s)"
+                              (mapconcat
+                               #'emacsql-escape-identifier
+                               constraint
+                               ", ")))
+              (list (format "(%s)"
+                            (car (emacsql--*expr constraint))))
+              (otherwise
+               (emacsql-escape-scalar constraint))))
+   " "))
+(defun emacsql--prepare-column (column)
+  "Convert COLUMN into a partial SQL string."
+  (mapconcat
+   #'identity
+   (cl-etypecase column
+     (symbol (list (emacsql-escape-identifier column)
+                   (cadr (assoc nil emacsql-type-map))))
+     (list (cl-destructuring-bind (name . constraints) column
+             (delete-if
+              (lambda (s) (zerop (length s)))
+              (list (emacsql-escape-identifier name)
+                    (if (member (car constraints) '(integer float object))
+                        (cadr (assoc (pop constraints) emacsql-type-map))
+                      (cadr (assoc nil emacsql-type-map)))
+                    (emacsql--prepare-constraints constraints))))))
+   " "))
+(defun emacsql-prepare-schema (schema)
+  "Compile SCHEMA into a SQL string."
+  (if (vectorp schema)
+      (emacsql-prepare-schema (list schema))
+    (cl-destructuring-bind (columns . constraints) schema
+      (mapconcat
+       #'identity
+       (nconc
+        (mapcar #'emacsql--prepare-column columns)
+        (mapcar #'emacsql--prepare-constraints constraints))
+       ", "))))
+;; Statement compilation:
+(defvar emacsql-prepare-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'key)
+  "Cache used to memoize `emacsql-prepare'.")
 (defvar emacsql--vars ()
   "For use with `emacsql-with-vars'.")
-(defun emacsql--vars-var (thing kind)
-  "Only use within `emacsql-with-vars'!"
-  (let ((var (emacsql-var thing)))
-    (when (and var (symbolp var)) (setf thing var))
-    (if (numberp var)
-        (prog1 "%s"
-          (setf emacsql--vars (nconc emacsql--vars (list (cons var kind)))))
-      (cl-case kind
-        ((:identifier :scalar :vector) (emacsql-escape-format thing kind))
-        (:auto (emacsql-escape-format
-                thing (if (and thing (symbolp thing)) :identifier :scalar)))
-        (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid var type: %S" kind))))))
-(defun emacsql--vars-combine (expanded)
-  "Only use within `emacsql-with-vars'!"
-  (cl-destructuring-bind (string . vars) expanded
-    (setf emacsql--vars (nconc emacsql--vars vars))
-    string))
-(defmacro emacsql-with-vars (prefix &rest body)
-  "Evaluate BODY, collecting variables with `var', `combine', `expr', `idents'.
-BODY should return a string, which will be combined with variable
-definitions for return from a `emacsql-defexpander'."
+(defun emacsql-sql-p (thing)
+  "Return non-nil if THING looks like a prepared statement."
+  (and (vectorp thing) (> (length thing) 0) (keywordp (aref thing 0))))
+(defun emacsql-param (thing)
+  "Return the index and type of THING, or nil if THING is not a parameter.
+A parameter is a symbol that looks like $i1, $s2, $v3, etc. The
+letter refers to the type: identifier (i), scalar (s),
+vector (v), schema (S)."
+  (when (symbolp thing)
+    (let ((name (symbol-name thing)))
+      (when (string-match-p "^\\$[isvS][0-9]+$" name)
+        (cons (1- (read (substring name 2)))
+              (cl-ecase (aref name 1)
+                (?i :identifier)
+                (?s :scalar)
+                (?v :vector)
+                (?S :schema)))))))
+(defmacro emacsql-with-params (prefix &rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY, collecting patameters.
+Provided local functions: `param', `identifier', `scalar',
+`svector', `expr', `subsql', and `combine'. BODY should return a string,
+which will be combined with variable definitions."
   (declare (indent 1))
   `(let ((emacsql--vars ()))
-     (cl-flet* ((var (thing kind) (emacsql--vars-var thing kind))
-                (combine (expanded) (emacsql--vars-combine expanded))
-                (expr (thing) (combine (emacsql--expr thing)))
-                (idents (thing) (combine (emacsql--idents thing)))
-                (subsql (thing) (combine (emacsql-expand thing t))))
+     (cl-flet* ((combine (prepared) (emacsql--*combine prepared))
+                (param (thing) (emacsql--!param thing))
+                (identifier (thing) (emacsql--!param thing :identifier))
+                (scalar (thing) (emacsql--!param thing :scalar))
+                (svector (thing) (combine (emacsql--*vector thing)))
+                (expr (thing) (combine (emacsql--*expr thing)))
+                (subsql (thing)
+                        (format "(%s)" (combine (emacsql-prepare thing)))))
        (cons (concat ,prefix (progn ,@body)) emacsql--vars))))
-(defun emacsql--column-to-string (column)
-  "Convert COLUMN schema into a SQL string."
-  (emacsql-with-vars ""
-    (when (symbolp column)
-      (setf column (list column)))
-    (let ((name (var (pop column) :identifier))
-          (output ())
-          (type (cadr (assoc nil emacsql-type-map))))
-      (while column
-        (let ((next (pop column)))
-          (cl-case next
-            (:primary (push "PRIMARY KEY" output))
-            (:autoincrement (push "AUTOINCREMENT" output))
-            (:non-nil (push "NOT NULL" output))
-            (:unique  (push "UNIQUE" output))
-            (:default (push "DEFAULT" output)
-                      (push (var (pop column) :scalar) output))
-            (:check   (push "CHECK" output)
-                      (push (format "(%s)" (expr (pop column))) output))
-            (:references
-             (push (combine (emacsql--references (pop column))) output))
-            ((integer float object)
-             (setf type (cadr (assoc next emacsql-type-map))))
-            (otherwise
-             (if (keywordp next)
-                 (emacsql-error "Unknown schema contraint %s" next)
-               (emacsql-error "Invalid type %s: %s" next
-                              "must be 'integer', 'float', or 'object'"))))))
-      (setf output (nreverse output))
-      (when type (push type output))
-      (push name output)
-      (mapconcat #'identity output " "))))
-(defun emacsql--columns-to-string (columns)
-  "Convert COLUMNS into a SQL-consumable string."
-  (emacsql-with-vars ""
-    (cl-loop for column across columns
-             collect (combine (emacsql--column-to-string column)) into parts
-             finally (cl-return (mapconcat #'identity parts ", ")))))
-(defun emacsql--references (spec)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "REFERENCES "
-    (cl-destructuring-bind (table parent . actions) (cl-coerce spec 'list)
-      (mapconcat
-       #'identity
-       (cons
-        (format "%s (%s)" (var table :identifier) (idents parent))
-        (cl-loop for (key value) on actions by #'cddr collect
-                 (cl-case key
-                   (:on-update "ON UPDATE")
-                   (:on-delete "ON DELETE")
-                   (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid case: %S" key)))
-                 collect
-                 (cl-case value
-                   (:restrict "RESTRICT")
-                   (:set-nil "SET NULL")
-                   (:set-default "SET DEFAULT")
-                   (:cascade "CASCADE")
-                   (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid action: %S" key)))))
-       " "))))
-(defun emacsql--foreign-key (spec)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "FOREIGN KEY "
-    (cl-destructuring-bind (child . references) (cl-coerce spec 'list)
-      (format "(%s) %s" (idents child)
-              (combine (emacsql--references references))))))
-(defun emacsql--schema-to-string (schema)
-  (cl-typecase schema
-    (vector (emacsql--columns-to-string schema))
-    (list
-     (emacsql-with-vars ""
-       (mapconcat
-        #'identity
-        (cons
-         (combine (emacsql--columns-to-string (pop schema)))
-         (cl-loop for (key value) on schema by #'cddr collect
-                  (cl-case key
-                    (:primary (format "PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (idents value)))
-                    (:unique (format "UNIQUE (%s)" (idents value)))
-                    (:check (format "CHECK (%s)" (expr value)))
-                    (:references (combine (emacsql--foreign-key value)))
-                    (otherwise
-                     (emacsql-error "Invalid table constraint: %S" key)))))
-        ", ")))
-    (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid schema: %S" schema))))
-(defun emacsql--vector (vector)
-  "Expand VECTOR, making variables as needed."
-  (emacsql-with-vars ""
+(defun emacsql--!param (thing &optional kind)
+  "Only use within `emacsql-with-params'!"
+  (cl-flet ((check (param)
+                   (when (and kind (not (eq kind (cdr param))))
+                     (emacsql-error
+                      "Invalid parameter type %s, expecting %s" thing kind))))
+    (let ((param (emacsql-param thing)))
+      (if (null param)
+          (emacsql-escape-format
+           (if kind
+               (cl-case kind
+                 (:identifier (emacsql-escape-identifier thing))
+                 (:scalar (emacsql-escape-scalar thing))
+                 (:vector (emacsql-escape-vector thing))
+                 (:schema (emacsql-prepare-schema thing)))
+             (if (symbolp thing)
+                 (emacsql-escape-identifier thing)
+               (emacsql-escape-scalar thing))))
+        (prog1 "%s"
+          (check param)
+          (setf emacsql--vars (nconc emacsql--vars (list param))))))))
+(defun emacsql--*vector (vector)
+  "Prepare VECTOR."
+  (emacsql-with-params ""
     (cl-typecase vector
-      (symbol
-       (var vector :vector))
-      (list
-       (mapconcat (lambda (v) (combine (emacsql--vector v))) vector ", "))
-      (vector
-       (format "(%s)" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (var x :scalar)) vector ", ")))
+      (symbol (param vector :vector))
+      (list (mapconcat #'svector vector ", "))
+      (vector (format "(%s)" (mapconcat #'scalar vector ", ")))
       (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid vector: %S" vector)))))
-(defun emacsql--expr (expr)
+(defun emacsql--*expr (expr)
   "Expand EXPR recursively."
-  (emacsql-with-vars ""
+  (emacsql-with-params ""
      ((emacsql-sql-p expr) (subsql expr))
-     ((atom expr) (var expr :auto))
+     ((vectorp expr) (svector expr))
+     ((atom expr) (param expr))
      ((cl-destructuring-bind (op . args) expr
-         (cl-flet ((recur (n) (combine (emacsql--expr (nth n args))))
-                   (nops (op)
-                     (emacsql-error "Wrong number of operands for %s" op)))
-           (cl-case op
-             ;; Trinary/binary
-             ((<= >=)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (2 (format "%s %s %s" (recur 0) op (recur 1)))
-                (3 (format "%s BETWEEN %s AND %s"
-                           (recur 1)
-                           (recur (if (eq op '>=) 2 0))
-                           (recur (if (eq op '>=) 0 2))))
-                (otherwise (nops op))))
-             ;; Binary
-             ((< > = != like glob is * / % << >> + & | as)
-              (if (= 2 (length args))
-                  (format "%s %s %s"
-                          (recur 0)
-                          (if (eq op '%) '%% (upcase (symbol-name op)))
-                          (recur 1))
-                (nops op)))
-             ;; Unary
-             ((not)
-              (if (= 1 (length args))
-                  (format "%s %s" (upcase (symbol-name op)) (recur 0))
-                (nops op)))
-             ;; Unary/Binary
-             ((-)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (1 (format "-(%s)" (recur 0)))
-                (2 (format "%s - %s" (recur 0) (recur 1)))
-                (otherwise (nops op))))
-             ;; Variadic
-             ((and or)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (0 (if (eq op 'and) "1" "0"))
-                (1 (recur 0))
-                (otherwise
-                 (mapconcat
-                  #'recur (cl-loop for i from 0 below (length args) collect i)
-                  (format " %s " (upcase (symbol-name op)))))))
-             ;; quote special case
-             ((quote)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (1 (var (nth 0 args) :scalar))
-                (otherwise (nops op))))
-             ;; funcall special case
-             ((funcall)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (2 (format "%s(%s)" (var (nth 0 args) :identifier) (recur 1)))
-                (otherwise
-                 (emacsql-error "Wrong number of operands for %s" op))))
-             ;; IN special case
-             ((in)
-              (cl-case (length args)
-                (1 (emacsql-error "Wrong number of operands for %s" op))
-                (2 (format "%s IN %s" (recur 0) (var (nth 1 args) :vector)))
-                (otherwise
-                 (format "%s IN %s" (recur 0) (subsql (cdr args))))))
-             (otherwise (emacsql-error "Unknown operator: %S" op)))))))))
-(defun emacsql--idents (idents)
+        (cl-flet ((recur (n) (combine (emacsql--*expr (nth n args))))
+                  (nops (op)
+                        (emacsql-error "Wrong number of operands for %s" op)))
+          (cl-case op
+            ;; Special cases <= >=
+            ((<= >=)
+             (cl-case (length args)
+               (2 (format "%s %s %s" (recur 0) op (recur 1)))
+               (3 (format "%s BETWEEN %s AND %s"
+                          (recur 1)
+                          (recur (if (eq op '>=) 2 0))
+                          (recur (if (eq op '>=) 0 2))))
+               (otherwise (nops op))))
+            ;; Special case -
+            ((-)
+             (cl-case (length args)
+               (1 (format "-(%s)" (recur 0)))
+               (2 (format "%s - %s" (recur 0) (recur 1)))
+               (otherwise (nops op))))
+            ;; Special case quote
+            ((quote) (scalar (nth 0 args)))
+            ;; Guess
+            (otherwise
+             (mapconcat
+              #'recur (cl-loop for i from 0 below (length args) collect i)
+              (format " %s " (upcase (symbol-name op))))))))))))
+(defun emacsql--*idents (idents)
   "Read in a vector of IDENTS identifiers, or just an single identifier."
-  (emacsql-with-vars ""
-    (cl-typecase idents
-      (symbol (var idents :identifier))
-      (list (expr idents))
-      (vector (mapconcat (lambda (e) (expr e)) idents ", "))
-      (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid syntax: %S" idents)))))
-(defun emacsql-init-font-lock ()
-  "Add font-lock highlighting for `emacsql-defexpander'."
-  (font-lock-add-keywords
-   'emacs-lisp-mode
-   '(("(\\(emacsql-defexpander\\)\\_>"
-      (1 'font-lock-keyword-face)))))
-;; SQL Expansion Functions:
-(emacsql-defexpander :select (arg)
-  "Expands to the SELECT keyword."
-  (emacsql-with-vars "SELECT "
-    (cond ((eq '* arg)
-           "*")
-          ((listp arg)
-           (cl-case (length arg)
-             (1 (idents (car arg)))
-             (2 (cl-case (car arg)
-                  (:distinct (concat "DISTINCT " (idents (cadr arg))))
-                  (:all (concat "ALL " (idents (cadr arg))))
-                  (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid SELECT: %S" (car arg)))))
-             (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid SELECT idents: %S" arg))))
-          ((idents arg)))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :from (sources)
-  "Expands to the FROM keyword."
-  (emacsql-with-vars "FROM "
-    (idents sources)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :join (source)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "JOIN "
-    (idents source)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :natural ()
-  (list "NATURAL"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :outer ()
-  (list "OUTER"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :inner ()
-  (list "INNER"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :cross ()
-  (list "CROSS"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :left ()
-  (list "LEFT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :right ()
-  (list "RIGHT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :full ()
-  (list "FULL"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :on (expr)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "ON "
-    (expr expr)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :using (columns)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "USING "
-    (format "(%s)" (idents columns))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :insert ()
-  (list "INSERT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :replace ()
-  (list "REPLACE"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :into (table)
-  "Expands to the INTO keywords."
-  (emacsql-with-vars "INTO "
-    (cl-typecase table
-      (symbol (var table :identifier))
-      (list (cl-destructuring-bind (name columns) table
-              (format "%s (%s)" (var name :identifier)
-                      (idents columns)))))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :where (expr)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "WHERE "
-    (expr expr)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :having (expr)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "HAVING "
-    (expr expr)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :group-by (expr)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "GROUP BY "
-    (expr expr)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :order-by (columns)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "ORDER BY "
-    (cl-flet ((order (k) (cl-case k
-                           (:asc " ASC")
-                           (:desc " DESC")
-                           (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid order: %S" k)))))
-      (if (not (vectorp columns))
-          (expr columns)
-        (cl-loop for column across columns collect
-                 (cl-typecase column
-                   (list (let ((kpos (cl-position-if #'keywordp column)))
-                           (if kpos
-                               (concat (expr (nth (- 1 kpos) column))
-                                       (order (nth kpos column)))
-                             (expr column))))
-                   (symbol (var column :identifier))
-                   (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid order spec: %S" column)))
-                 into parts
-                 finally (cl-return (mapconcat #'identity parts ", ")))))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :limit (limits)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "LIMIT "
-    (if (vectorp limits)
-        (mapconcat #'expr limits ", ")
-      (expr limits))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :create-table (table schema)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "CREATE "
-    (let (temporary if-not-exists name)
-      (dolist (item (if (listp table) table (list table)))
-        (cl-case item
-          (:if-not-exists (setf if-not-exists "IF NOT EXISTS"))
-          (:temporary (setf temporary "TEMPORARY"))
-          (otherwise (setf name (var item :identifier)))))
-      (let* ((items (list temporary "TABLE" if-not-exists name))
-             (spec (cl-remove-if-not #'identity items)))
-        (format "%s %s" (mapconcat #'identity spec " ")
-                (cond ((symbolp schema)
-                       (format "(%s)" (var schema :schema)))
-                      ((eq :select (elt schema 0))
-                       (concat "AS " (subsql schema)))
-                      ((let ((compiled (emacsql--schema-to-string schema)))
-                         (format "(%s)" (combine compiled))))))))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :drop-table (table)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "DROP TABLE "
-    (var table :identifier)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :delete ()
-  (list "DELETE"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :values (values)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "VALUES "
-    (combine (emacsql--vector values))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :update (table)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "UPDATE "
-    (var table :identifier)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :set (set)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "SET "
-    (cl-typecase set
-      (vector (idents set))
-      (list (expr set))
-      (otherwise (emacsql-error "Invalid SET expression: %S" set)))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :union ()
-  (list "UNION"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :union-all ()
-  (list "UNION ALL"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :intersect ()
-  (list "INTERSECT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :except ()
-  (list "EXCEPT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :pragma (expr)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "PRAGMA "
-    (expr expr)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :begin (kind)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "BEGIN "
-    (cl-case kind
-      (:transaction "TRANSACTION")
-      (:deferred    "DEFERRED")
-      (:immediate   "IMMEDIATE")
-      (:exclusive   "EXCLUSIVE")
-      (otherwise (emacsql-error "Unknown transaction type: %S" kind)))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :commit ()
-  (list "COMMIT"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :rollback ()
-  (list "ROLLBACK"))
-(emacsql-defexpander :alter-table (table)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "ALTER TABLE "
-    (var table :identifier)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :add-column (column)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "ADD COLUMN "
-    (cl-typecase column
-      (symbol (var column :identifier))
-      (list (combine (emacsql--column-to-string column)))
-      (otherwise (emacsql-error "Only one column allowed here: %S" column)))))
-(emacsql-defexpander :rename-to (new-name)
-  (emacsql-with-vars "RENAME TO "
-    (var new-name :identifier)))
-(emacsql-defexpander :vacuum ()
-  (list "VACUUM"))
+  (emacsql-with-params ""
+    (mapconcat #'expr idents ", ")))
+(defun emacsql--*combine (prepared)
+  "Only use within `emacsql-with-vars'!"
+  (cl-destructuring-bind (string . vars) prepared
+    (setf emacsql--vars (nconc emacsql--vars vars))
+    string))
+(defun emacsql-prepare (sql)
+  "Expand SQL into a SQL-consumable string, with parameters."
+  (let* ((cache emacsql-prepare-cache)
+         (key (cons emacsql-type-map sql)))
+    (or (gethash key cache)
+        (setf (gethash key cache)
+              (emacsql-with-params ""
+                (cl-loop with items = (cl-coerce sql 'list)
+                         and last = nil
+                         while (not (null items))
+                         for item = (pop items)
+                         collect
+                         (cl-typecase item
+                           (keyword (if (eq :values item)
+                                        (concat "VALUES " (svector (pop 
+                                      (emacsql--from-keyword item)))
+                           (symbolp (if (eq item '*)
+                                        "*"
+                                      (identifier item)))
+                           (vector (if (emacsql-sql-p item)
+                                       (subsql item)
+                                     (let ((idents (combine
+                                                    (emacsql--*idents item))))
+                                       (if (keywordp last)
+                                           idents
+                                         (format "(%s)" idents)))))
+                           (list (if (vectorp (car item))
+                                     (emacsql-escape-format
+                                      (format "(%s)"
+                                              (emacsql-prepare-schema item)))
+                                   (combine (emacsql--*expr item)))))
+                         into parts
+                         do (setf last item)
+                         finally (cl-return
+                                  (mapconcat #'identity parts " "))))))))
+(defun emacsql-format (expansion &rest args)
+  "Fill in the variables EXPANSION with ARGS."
+  (cl-destructuring-bind (format . vars) expansion
+    (unless (= (length args) (length vars))
+      (emacsql-error "Wrong number of arguments for SQL template."))
+    (apply #'format format
+           (cl-loop for (i . kind) in vars collect
+                    (let ((thing (nth i args)))
+                      (cl-case kind
+                        (:identifier (emacsql-escape-identifier thing))
+                        (:scalar (emacsql-escape-scalar thing))
+                        (:vector (emacsql-escape-vector thing))
+                        (:schema (car (emacsql--schema-to-string thing)))
+                        (otherwise
+                         (emacsql-error "Invalid var type %S" kind))))))))
 (provide 'emacsql-compiler)
diff --git a/emacsql-tests.el b/emacsql-tests.el
index 282bfe25af..f8fd98e1af 100644
--- a/emacsql-tests.el
+++ b/emacsql-tests.el
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@
                (mapcar #'car emacsql-tests-connection-factories)))
 (ert-deftest emacsql-escape-identifier ()
-  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier "foo") "foo"))
+  (should-error (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier "foo")))
   (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier 'foo) "foo"))
-  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier :foo) "foo"))
-  (should-error (emacsql-escape-identifier "a b"))
-  (should-error (emacsql-escape-identifier '$foo))
+  (should-error (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier :foo)))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier 'a\ b) "\"a\\ b\""))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier '$foo) "\"$foo\""))
   (should-error (emacsql-escape-identifier 10))
   (should-error (emacsql-escape-identifier nil))
   (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier 'person-id) "person_id"))
   (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier
                     'people:person-id) "people.person_id"))
   (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier 'foo$) "foo$"))
-  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier "foo:bar") "foo.bar")))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-escape-identifier 'foo:bar) "foo.bar")))
 (ert-deftest emacsql-escape-scalar ()
   (should (string= (emacsql-escape-scalar 'foo) "'foo'"))
@@ -54,34 +54,33 @@
                    "(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)")))
 (ert-deftest emacsql-schema ()
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string [a]))
-                   "a NONE"))
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string [a b c]))
-                   "a NONE, b NONE, c NONE"))
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string [a (b)]))
-                   "a NONE, b NONE"))
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string [a (b float)]))
-                   "a NONE, b REAL"))
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string
-                         [a (b float :primary :unique)]))
-                   "a NONE, b REAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE"))
-  (should (string= (car (emacsql--schema-to-string [(a integer) (b float)]))
-                   "a INTEGER, b REAL")))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema [a]) "a &NONE"))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema [a b c])
+                   "a &NONE, b &NONE, c &NONE"))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema [a (b)])
+                   "a &NONE, b &NONE"))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema [a (b float)])
+                   "a &NONE, b &REAL"))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema
+                    [a (b float :primary-key :unique)])
+                   "a &NONE, b &REAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE"))
+  (should (string= (emacsql-prepare-schema [(a integer) (b float)])
+                   "a &INTEGER, b &REAL")))
-(ert-deftest emacsql-var ()
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var 'a) nil))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var 0) nil))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var "") nil))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$) 0))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$1) 0))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$5) 4))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$10) 9))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$a) nil))
-  (should (eq (emacsql-var '$$10) '$10)))
+(ert-deftest emacsql-param ()
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param 'a) nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param 0) nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param "") nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$) nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$1) nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$s5) '(4 . :scalar)))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$v10) '(9 . :vector)))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$a) nil))
+  (should (equal (emacsql-param '$i10) '(9 . :identifier))))
 (defun emacsql-tests-query (query args result)
   "Check that QUERY outputs RESULT for ARGS."
-  (should (string= (apply #'emacsql-format (emacsql-expand query) args)
+  (should (string= (apply #'emacsql-compile nil (emacsql-expand query) args)
 (defmacro emacsql-tests-with-queries (&rest queries)
@@ -91,20 +90,20 @@
 (ert-deftest emacsql-select ()
-    ([:select [$1 name] :from $2] '(id people)
+    ([:select [$i1 name] :from $i2] '(id people)
      "SELECT id, name FROM people;")
     ([:select * :from employees] '()
      "SELECT * FROM employees;")
     ([:select * :from employees :where (< salary 50000)] '()
      "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary < 50000;")
-    ([:select * :from people :where (in name $1)] '([FOO BAR])
+    ([:select * :from people :where (in name $v1)] '([FOO BAR])
      "SELECT * FROM people WHERE name IN ('FOO', 'BAR');")
     ;; Sub queries
-    ([:select name :from (:select * :from $1)] '(people)
+    ([:select name :from [:select * :from $i1]] '(people)
      "SELECT name FROM (SELECT * FROM people);")
     ([:select name :from [people (as accounts a)]] '()
      "SELECT name FROM people, accounts AS a;")
-    ([:select p:name :from [(as (:select * :from people) p)]] '()
+    ([:select p:name :from [(as [:select * :from people] p)]] '()
      "SELECT p.name FROM (SELECT * FROM people) AS p;")))
 (ert-deftest emacsql-create-table ()
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
     ([:create-table foo [a (b :check (< b 10))]] '()
      "CREATE TABLE foo (a NONE, b NONE CHECK (b < 10));")
-    ([:create-table foo $1] '([a b (c :primary)])
+    ([:create-table foo $S1] '([a b (c :primary)])
     ([:create-table foo [a b (c :default $1)]] '("FOO")
      "CREATE TABLE foo (a NONE, b NONE, c NONE DEFAULT '\"FOO\"');")
diff --git a/emacsql.el b/emacsql.el
index 39212614ff..a48bc5f0f6 100644
--- a/emacsql.el
+++ b/emacsql.el
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ MESSAGE should not have a newline on the end."
   "Compile s-expression SQL for CONNECTION into a string."
   (let* ((mask (when connection (emacsql-types connection)))
          (emacsql-type-map (or mask emacsql-type-map)))
-    (apply #'emacsql-format (emacsql-expand sql) args)))
+    (concat (apply #'emacsql-format (emacsql-prepare sql) args) ";")))
 (defmethod emacsql ((connection emacsql-connection) sql &rest args)
   "Send SQL s-expression to CONNECTION and return the results."
@@ -316,18 +316,23 @@ Each column must be a plain symbol, no expressions 
allowed here."
 (defun emacsql-flatten-sql (sql)
   "Convert a s-expression SQL into a flat string for display."
-  (cl-destructuring-bind (string . vars) (emacsql-expand sql)
-    (apply #'format string (cl-loop for i from 1 to (length vars)
-                                    collect (intern (format "$%d" i))))))
+  (cl-destructuring-bind (string . vars) (emacsql-prepare sql)
+    (concat
+     (apply #'format string (cl-loop for i from 1 to (length vars)
+                                     collect (intern (format "$%d" i))))
+     ";")))
 (defun emacsql-show-last-sql (&optional prefix)
   "Display the compiled SQL of the s-expression SQL expression before point.
 A prefix argument causes the SQL to be printed into the current buffer."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((sql (emacsql-flatten-sql (preceding-sexp))))
-    (if prefix
-        (insert sql)
-      (emacsql-show-sql sql))))
+  (let ((sexp (preceding-sexp)))
+    (if (emacsql-sql-p sexp)
+        (let ((sql (emacsql-flatten-sql sexp)))
+          (if prefix
+              (insert sql)
+            (emacsql-show-sql sql)))
+      (user-error "Invalid SQL: %S" sexp))))
 ;;; emacsql.el ends here

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