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[nongnu] elpa/emacsql a6155464c7 274/427: Try to build the package local

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/emacsql a6155464c7 274/427: Try to build the package locally if possible.
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 02:59:51 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/emacsql
commit a6155464c764822380848260935c0a6f9de285d8
Author: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>
Commit: Christopher Wellons <wellons@nullprogram.com>

    Try to build the package locally if possible.
 Makefile          |  8 ++---
 emacsql-sqlite.el | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 emacsql.el        |  5 +++
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 983f0d0033..138b90ac2e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ all : test
 binary :
        $(MAKE) -C sqlite
-compile: .cask $(ELC) binary
+compile: .cask $(ELC)
-package : compile $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar
+package : $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar
 $(PACKAGE)-pkg.el : Cask
        $(CASK) package
-$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar : $(PACKAGE)-pkg.el $(EL) bin/ $(EXTRA_DIST)
+$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar : $(PACKAGE)-pkg.el $(EL) sqlite/ $(EXTRA_DIST)
        tar -cf $@ --transform "s,^,$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/," $^
 test: compile $(TEST_ELC)
        $(BATCH) -l tests/$(PACKAGE)-tests.elc -f ert-run-tests-batch
 clean :
-       $(RM) *.tar *.elc tests/*.elc $(PACKAGE)-pkg.el
+       $(RM) *.tar *.elc tests/*.elc $(PACKAGE)-pkg.el bin/*
 distclean : clean
        $(MAKE) -C sqlite clean
diff --git a/emacsql-sqlite.el b/emacsql-sqlite.el
index abf0b4c322..d9b062ac00 100644
--- a/emacsql-sqlite.el
+++ b/emacsql-sqlite.el
@@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
 (require 'cl-lib)
 (require 'eieio)
+(require 'url)
+(require 'url-http)
 (require 'emacsql)
 (require 'emacsql-system)
 (defvar emacsql-sqlite-executable
-  (expand-file-name (concat "bin/emacsql-sqlite-" (emacsql-system-tuple))
-                    (file-name-directory load-file-name))
+  (expand-file-name (format "bin/emacsql-sqlite-%s%s" (emacsql-system-tuple)
+                            (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt cygwin ms-dos))
+                                ".exe"
+                              ""))
+                    emacsql-data-root)
   "Path to the EmacSQL backend (this is not the sqlite3 shell).")
 (defclass emacsql-sqlite-connection (emacsql-connection emacsql-protocol-mixin)
@@ -30,6 +35,7 @@ If FILE is nil use an in-memory database.
 :debug LOG -- When non-nil, log all SQLite commands to a log
 buffer. This is for debugging purposes."
+  (emacsql-sqlite-ensure-binary)
   (let* ((process-connection-type nil)  ; use a pipe
          (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-auto)
          (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8-auto)
@@ -78,6 +84,90 @@ buffer. This is for debugging purposes."
    (list message)))
+;; SQLite compilation
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-compile-switches ()
+  (let ((makefile (expand-file-name "sqlite/Makefile" emacsql-data-root))
+        (case-fold-search nil))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents makefile)
+      (setf (point) (point-min))
+      (cl-loop while (re-search-forward "-D[A-Z0-9_=]+" nil :no-error)
+               collect (match-string 0)))))
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-compile (&optional o-level async)
+  "Compile the SQLite back-end for EmacSQL, returning non-nil on success."
+  (let* ((cc (executable-find "cc"))
+         (src (expand-file-name "sqlite" emacsql-data-root))
+         (files (mapcar (lambda (f) (expand-file-name f src))
+                        '("sqlite3.c" "emacsql.c")))
+         (cflags (list (format "-I%s" (shell-quote-argument src))
+                       (format "-O%d" (or o-level 2))))
+         (ldlibs (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) () (list "-ldl")))
+         (options (emacsql-sqlite-compile-switches))
+         (output (list "-o" emacsql-sqlite-executable))
+         (arguments (nconc ldlibs cflags options files output)))
+    (if (not cc)
+        (prog1 nil
+          (message "Could not find C compiler, skipping SQLite compilation"))
+      (mkdir (expand-file-name "bin" emacsql-data-root) t)
+      (message "Compiling EmacSQL SQLite binary ...")
+      (let ((log (get-buffer-create byte-compile-log-buffer)))
+        (with-current-buffer log
+          (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+            (insert (mapconcat #'identity (cons cc arguments) " ") "\n")
+            (apply #'call-process cc nil (if async 0 t) t arguments))))
+      :success)))
+(defvar emacsql-sqlite-user-prompted nil
+  "To avoid prompting for fetch multiple times.")
+(defvar emacsql-sqlite-host "http://nullprogram.s3.amazonaws.com/emacsql/";
+  "Location where EmacSQL binaries can be found.")
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-download (url filename)
+  "Downlod URL to FILENAME, clobbering returning nil on failure.
+This works like `url-copy-file' but actually checks for errors."
+  (cl-declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
+  (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)))
+    (when buffer
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+        (let ((response (url-http-parse-response)))
+          (when (and (>= 200 response) (< response 300))
+            (mkdir (file-name-directory filename) t)
+            (let ((buffer-file-coding-system 'no-conversion))
+              (write-region (1+ url-http-end-of-headers) (point-max) filename)
+              :success)))))))
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-mark-exec (file)
+  "Set executable bits on FILE's mode."
+  (set-file-modes file (logior (file-modes file) #o111)))
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-fetch-binary ()
+  (let ((query "EmacSQL binary could not be built. Fetch from the Internet?"))
+    (unless emacsql-sqlite-user-prompted
+      (let ((prompt (y-or-n-p query)))
+        (setf emacsql-sqlite-user-prompted t)
+        (when prompt
+          (let* ((file (file-name-nondirectory emacsql-sqlite-executable))
+                 (url (format "%s%s/%s"
+                              emacsql-sqlite-host emacsql-version file)))
+            (when (emacsql-sqlite-download url emacsql-sqlite-executable)
+              (emacsql-sqlite-mark-exec emacsql-sqlite-executable)
+              :success)))))))
+(defun emacsql-sqlite-ensure-binary ()
+  "Ensure the EmacSQL SQLite binary is available, signaling an error if not."
+  (unless (file-exists-p emacsql-sqlite-executable)
+    ;; try compiling again at the last minute
+    (unless (ignore-errors (emacsql-sqlite-compile 0))
+      (unless (emacsql-sqlite-fetch-binary)
+        (error "No EmacSQL SQLite binary available, aborting")))))
+(cl-eval-when (compile)
+  (unless (file-exists-p emacsql-sqlite-executable)
+    (ignore-errors (emacsql-sqlite-compile 2))))
 (provide 'emacsql-sqlite)
 ;;; emacsql-sqlite.el ends here
diff --git a/emacsql.el b/emacsql.el
index a35ee3c02a..c3c4183bd3 100644
--- a/emacsql.el
+++ b/emacsql.el
@@ -73,10 +73,15 @@
 (require 'finalize)
 (require 'emacsql-compiler)
+(defvar emacsql-version "1.0.0")
 (defvar emacsql-global-timeout 30
   "Maximum number of seconds to wait before bailing out on a SQL command.
 If nil, wait forever.")
+(defvar emacsql-data-root (file-name-directory load-file-name)
+  "Directory where EmacSQL is installed.")
 (defclass emacsql-connection ()
   ((process :type process
             :initarg :process

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