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[elpa] externals/urgrep fdd8dd54e6 044/115: Provide more details in the

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/urgrep fdd8dd54e6 044/115: Provide more details in the README
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 03:00:42 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/urgrep
commit fdd8dd54e67ce363b36fe84d058a8f6115ae197e
Author: Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com>
Commit: Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com>

    Provide more details in the README
 README.md | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 urgrep.el |  7 +++---
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 18b3e8c28e..8105880812 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,81 @@
 # Urgrep - Universal Recursive Grep
-Urgrep is an experimental Emacs package to provide an alternative to `M-x 
-(and similar packages) which will eventually support for *any* grep-like tool.
-Currently, `ripgrep`, `ag`, `ack`, `git grep`, and `grep`/`find` are supported.
+**Urgrep** is an Emacs package to provide a universal frontend for *any*
+grep-like tool, as an alternative to the built-in `M-x rgrep` (and other 
+packages). Currently, `ripgrep`, `ag`, `ack`, `git grep`, and `grep`/`find` are
+## Features
+#### One package, many tools
+No matter which tool you prefer, you can use it with Urgrep. If a new tool 
+along, you won't need to find a new Emacs package for it.
+#### Rich minibuffer interface
+Easily manipulate per-search options with Isearch-like key bindings within the
+Urgrep minibuffer prompt.
+#### Seamless support for TRAMP
+Each host can use a different set of tools depending on what the system has
+installed without any special configuration.
 ## Using Urgrep
-Load the package and type `C-h f urgrep RET`. That should show you the basics
-while the interface stabilizes (at which point it will be documented here).
+The primary entry point to Urgrep is the interactive function `urgrep`. This
+prompts you for a query to search for in, by default, the root directory of the
+current project (or the `default-directory` if there is no project). By
+prefixing with <kbd>C-u</kbd>, this will always start the search within the
+`default-directory`. With <kbd>C-u</kbd> <kbd>C-u</kbd>, Urgrep will allow you
+to enter the base directory. Within the search prompt, there are several
+Isearch-like key bindings to let you modify the search's behavior:
+| Key binding                 | Action                                   |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>r</kbd> | Toggle regexp search                     |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>c</kbd> | Toggle case sensitivity                  |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>f</kbd> | Set wildcards to filter files¹           |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>C</kbd> | Set number of lines of context²          |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>B</kbd> | Set number of lines of leading context²  |
+| <kbd>M-s</kbd> <kbd>A</kbd> | Set number of lines of trailing context² |
+> 1. Prompts with a recursive minibuffer<br>
+> 2. With a numeric prefix argument, set immediately; otherwise, use a 
+>    minibuffer
+In addition to the above, you can call `urgrep-run-command`, which works like
+`urgrep` but allows you to manually edit the command before executing it.
+### Configuring the tool to use
+By default, Urgrep tries all search tools it's aware of to find the best 
+To improve performance, you can restrict the set of tools to search for by
+setting `urgrep-preferred-tools`:
+(setq urgrep-preferred-tools '("git-grep" "grep"))
+This also works with connection-local variables:
+(connection-local-set-profile-variables 'urgrep-ripgrep
+ '((urgrep-preferred-tools . ("ripgrep"))))
+ '(:application tramp :machine "coco") 'urgrep-ripgrep)
+## Programmatic interface
+In addition to interactive use, Urgrep is designed to allow for programmatic
+use, returning a command to execute with the specified query and options:
+`urgrep-command`. This takes a `query` as well as several optional keyword
+arguments. For more information, consult the docstring for `urgrep-command`.
 ## Contributing
-It's a bit early for other contributors, but thanks for the thought! (Hopefully
-this will change after not too long.)
+Feedback is welcome, but it's a bit early for code contributions. Thanks for 
+thought, though! (Hopefully this will change after not too long.)
diff --git a/urgrep.el b/urgrep.el
index ef6f1f64bf..48374bc4ea 100644
--- a/urgrep.el
+++ b/urgrep.el
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; A universal frontend to various grep-like tools.  Currently, ripgrep, ag,
-;; ack, git-grep, and grep are supported.
+;; A universal frontend to various grep-like tools. Currently, ripgrep, ag, 
+;; git-grep, and grep are supported. The primary entry point to this package is
+;; the interactive function `urgrep' (which see).
 ;;; Code:
@@ -819,10 +820,10 @@ future searches."
     (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map)
     (define-key map "\M-sr" #'urgrep-toggle-regexp)
     (define-key map "\M-sc" #'urgrep-toggle-case-fold)
+    (define-key map "\M-sf" #'urgrep-set-file-wildcards)
     (define-key map "\M-sC" #'urgrep-set-context)
     (define-key map "\M-sB" #'urgrep-set-before-context)
     (define-key map "\M-sA" #'urgrep-set-after-context)
-    (define-key map "\M-sf" #'urgrep-set-file-wildcards)
 (cl-defun urgrep--read-query (initial &key tool (group urgrep-group-matches)

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