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[elpa] externals/cursory 6e31c87cf0 3/4: Update the docs to reflect comm

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/cursory 6e31c87cf0 3/4: Update the docs to reflect commit 88820a7
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 03:57:47 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/cursory
commit 6e31c87cf05fea5d3f4b21c383be16da5dec7ec4
Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Update the docs to reflect commit 88820a7
 README.org | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 cursory.el | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index b88ad868bb..5682c8e3e5 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -114,16 +114,22 @@ Presets can inherit from each other.  Using the special 
 property, like this:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- :cursor-type (bar . 2)
- :cursor-in-non-selected-windows hollow
- :blink-cursor-mode 1
- :blink-cursor-blinks 10
- :blink-cursor-interval 0.5
- :blink-cursor-delay 0.2)
- :inherit bar
- :cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil)
+(setq cursory-presets
+      '(
+        ;; Sample code here ...
+        (bar
+         :cursor-type (bar . 2)
+         :cursor-in-non-selected-windows hollow
+         :blink-cursor-mode 1
+         :blink-cursor-blinks 10
+         :blink-cursor-interval 0.5
+         :blink-cursor-delay 0.2)
+        (bar-no-other-window
+         :inherit bar
+         :cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil)
+        ;; More sample code here ...
+        ))
 In the above example, the =bar-no-other-window= is the same as =bar=
@@ -137,11 +143,11 @@ take precedence over those of the inherited one, thus 
overriding them.
 A preset whose car is =t= is treated as the default option.  This
 makes it possible to specify multiple presets without duplicating
-their properties.  The other presets beside =t= act as overrides of
-the defaults and, as such, need only consist of the properties that
-change from the default.  In the case of an =:inherit=, properties are
-first taken from the inherited preset and then the default one.  See
-the original value of this variable for how that is done:
+their properties.  Presets beside =t= act as overrides of the defaults
+and, as such, need only consist of the properties that change from the
+default.  In the case of an =:inherit=, properties are first taken
+from the inherited preset and then the default one.  See the original
+value of this variable for how that is done:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (defcustom cursory-presets
diff --git a/cursory.el b/cursory.el
index 5e250e812d..7ac126dcc6 100644
--- a/cursory.el
+++ b/cursory.el
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 ;; A preset whose car is `t' is treated as the default option.  This
 ;; makes it possible to specify multiple presets without duplicating
-;; their properties.  The other presets beside `t' act as overrides of
-;; the defaults and, as such, need only consist of the properties that
-;; change from the default.  In the case of an `:inherit', properties are
-;; first taken from the inherited preset and then the default one.  See
-;; the original value of this variable for how that is done:
+;; their properties.  Presets beside `t' act as overrides of the
+;; defaults and, as such, need only consist of the properties that
+;; change from the default.  In the case of an `:inherit', properties
+;; are first taken from the inherited preset and then the default one.
+;; See the original value of this variable for how that is done:
 ;;     (defcustom cursory-presets
 ;;       '((box

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