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[nongnu] elpa/geiser-stklos 149196d9d0 1/4: Fix autodoc

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/geiser-stklos 149196d9d0 1/4: Fix autodoc
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 10:00:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/geiser-stklos
commit 149196d9d00416f28c76c9b5153ec342904f9352
Author: Jeronimo Pellegrini <j_p@aleph0.info>
Commit: Jeronimo Pellegrini <j_p@aleph0.info>

    Fix autodoc
    The code has been simplified, and autodoc should work now for
    symbols inside and outside module definitions.
 geiser-stklos.el | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 geiser.stk       | 10 ++++++----
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geiser-stklos.el b/geiser-stklos.el
index 359eac7685..164a5b8957 100644
--- a/geiser-stklos.el
+++ b/geiser-stklos.el
@@ -188,21 +188,19 @@ Optional argument ARGS are the arguments to the 
   ;; Adapted from Geiser-Gauche
   (cl-case proc
     ((autodoc symbol-location completions)
-     (format "(eval '(geiser:%s %s {{cur-module}}) (find-module 'GEISER))"
-            proc (mapconcat #'identity args " ")))
+     (let ((cur-mod (geiser-stklos--get-module)))
+       ;; geiser:autodoc needs a module -- either a call to (current-module),
+       ;; or a QUOTED symbol that identifies a module:
+       (let ((cur-mod (if (eq cur-mod :f)
+                          "(current-module)"
+                          (format "(quote %s)" cur-mod))))
+         (format "(eval '(geiser:autodoc %s %s) (find-module 'GEISER))"
+                      (mapconcat #'identity args " ")
+                 cur-mod))))
     ((eval compile)
      (let ((module (if (car args) (concat "'" (car args)) "#f"))
                 (form (mapconcat #'identity (cdr args) " ")))
        (format "((in-module GEISER geiser:eval) %s '%s)" module form)))
-       ;; ;; The {{cur-module}} cookie is replaced by the current module for
-       ;; ;; commands that need it
-       ;; (replace-regexp-in-string
-            ;;  "{{cur-module}}"
-            ;;  (if (string= module "'#f")
-            ;;      (format "'%s" (geiser-stklos--get-module))
-            ;;    module)
-            ;;  (format "(eval '(geiser:eval %s '%s) (find-module 'GEISER))" 
module form))))
     ((load-file compile-file)
      (format "((in-module GEISER geiser:load-file) %s)" (car args)))
@@ -247,6 +245,12 @@ if a closing match is not found."
 ;; find which module should be used for the position where the
 ;; cursor is.
+;; The result:
+;; - if the cursor is inside a module, a STRING with the name of the module
+;; - if the cursor is not inside a module definition, then the SYMBOL :f
+;;   is returned
 ;; if the user is editing text inside a module definition -- which is
 ;; between "(define-module " or "(define-library " and its closing
 ;; parenthesis, then the current module should be taken as that one,
@@ -254,27 +258,18 @@ if a closing match is not found."
 (defun geiser-stklos--get-module (&optional module)
   "Find which MODULE should be used for the position where the cursor is."
   (cond ((null module)
-         (let ((here (point)))
-           (save-excursion
-             ;; goto end of line, so if we are already exacly on the module
-             ;; definition, we'll be able to find it searching backwards:
-             (end-of-line)
-             ;; module defined BEFORE point:
-             (let ((module-begin (re-search-backward geiser-stklos--module-re 
nil t)))
-               (if module-begin
-                   ;; and we're not AFTER it was closed:
-                   (let ((module-end (geiser-stklos--find-close-par 
-                     (if (< here module-end)
-                         (geiser-stklos--get-module 
(match-string-no-properties 1))
-                       :f))
-                 :f)))))
-        ((symbolp module) (geiser-stklos--get-module (symbol-name module))) ; 
try again, as string
+         (save-excursion
+           (geiser-syntax--pop-to-top)
+           (if (looking-at geiser-stklos--module-re)
+             (geiser-stklos--get-module (match-string-no-properties 2))
+             :f)))
+        ;;((symbolp module) module) ;; why?
         ((listp module) module)
         ((stringp module)
          (condition-case e
              (car (geiser-syntax--read-from-string module))
            (progn (message "error -> %s" e)
-                  (error   :f))))
+                  (error :f))))
         (t :f)))
diff --git a/geiser.stk b/geiser.stk
index 863b8639cc..aeddc3f605 100644
--- a/geiser.stk
+++ b/geiser.stk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; geiser-stklos.el -- STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols
+;; geiser-stklos.el -- STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols
 ;; Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jerônimo Pellegrini
@@ -285,7 +285,9 @@
   (let ((mod-name (if (null? rest)
                       (module-name (current-module))
                       (car rest))))
-    (cond ((procedure? (eval name (find-module mod-name)))
+    ;; "procedure?" tests for primitives OR closures;
+    ;; but primitives have no signature data, so we use "closure?"
+    (cond ((closure? (eval name (find-module mod-name)))
            (let ((sig (geiser:procedure-signature name mod-name))
                  (doc (%procedure-doc (eval name (find-module mod-name)))))
              (let ((res
@@ -372,8 +374,8 @@
          (let ((module (if (null? rest)
                            (car rest))))
-           (map (lambda (n) (geiser-build-autodoc n module)) names)))
-        (else "")))
+           (filter list? (map (lambda (n) (geiser-build-autodoc n module)) 
+        (else ())))
 ;; The no-values identity
 (define (geiser:no-values)

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