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[elpa] externals/phpinspect d86ef5756b 115/126: Remove `phpinspect-defin

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/phpinspect d86ef5756b 115/126: Remove `phpinspect-define-pipeline-step' in favor of direct fun call
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:58:53 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phpinspect
commit d86ef5756bc887c0cb2b4b3c8c07a2fbc9524029
Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
Commit: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>

    Remove `phpinspect-define-pipeline-step' in favor of direct fun call
 phpinspect-autoload.el |  11 +--
 phpinspect-pipeline.el | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 test/test-pipeline.el  |  11 +--
 3 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phpinspect-autoload.el b/phpinspect-autoload.el
index 307b000510..8533b89734 100644
--- a/phpinspect-autoload.el
+++ b/phpinspect-autoload.el
@@ -158,8 +158,6 @@ bareword typenames."))
         (when own
           (puthash type-fqn file own-typehash))))))
-(phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-project-add-file-index 
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ((strat phpinspect-files))
   (phpinspect--log "indexing files list: %s" (phpinspect-files-list strat))
   (let* ((project (phpinspect-autoloader-project (phpinspect-files-autoloader 
@@ -246,18 +244,11 @@ bareword typenames."))
   (or (gethash typename-symbol (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
       (gethash typename-symbol (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader))))
-(phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons
-                                 phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons)
-(phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-al-strategy-execute
-                                 phpinspect-al-strategy-execute)
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ((autoloader 
phpinspect-autoloader) &optional async-callback)
   "Refresh autoload definitions by reading composer.json files
   from the project and vendor folders."
   (let* ((project-root (phpinspect-project-root (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
-         (fs (phpinspect-project-fs (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
-         result error)
+         (fs (phpinspect-project-fs (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
     (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags autoloader)
           (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 3000 :rehash-size 3000))
     (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader)
diff --git a/phpinspect-pipeline.el b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
index 8ff789c2b5..a55b944e0a 100644
--- a/phpinspect-pipeline.el
+++ b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
@@ -124,6 +124,81 @@ user input.")
           phpinspect-pipeline-pause-time mx (make-condition-variable mx 
+(define-inline phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission (&rest body)
+  (push 'progn body)
+  (inline-quote
+   (catch 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
+     ,body
+     nil)))
+(defmacro phpinspect--run-as-pipeline-step (func-name queue consumer-queue 
pipeline-ctx &optional local-ctx)
+  (unless (symbolp func-name)
+    (error "Function name must be a symbol, got: %s" func-name))
+  (let ((thread-name (concat "phpinspect-pipeline-" (symbol-name func-name)))
+        (statement (list func-name))
+        (incoming (gensym "incoming"))
+        (outgoing (gensym "outgoing"))
+        (inc-queue (gensym "queue"))
+        (out-queue (gensym "queue"))
+        (context-sym (gensym "context"))
+        (continue-running (gensym "continue-running"))
+        (pctx-sym (gensym "pipeline-ctx"))
+        (incoming-end (gensym "incoming-end"))
+        (end (gensym "end")))
+      (when local-ctx
+        (setq statement (nconc statement (list context-sym))))
+      (setq statement (nconc statement (list incoming)))
+      `(let ((,inc-queue ,queue)
+             (,out-queue ,consumer-queue)
+             (,context-sym ,local-ctx)
+             (,pctx-sym ,pipeline-ctx))
+         (make-thread
+          (lambda ()
+            (let ((,continue-running t)
+                  ,incoming ,outgoing ,end ,incoming-end)
+              (phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function ,inc-queue)
+              (while ,continue-running
+                (condition-case err
+                    (progn
+                      (phpinspect-pipeline-pause)
+                      (setq ,incoming (phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,inc-queue))
+                      (if (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,incoming)
+                          (progn
+                            (setq ,incoming-end ,incoming)
+                            (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
+                              (progn
+                                (setq ,incoming (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value 
+                                      ,outgoing 
(phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission ,statement))
+                                (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue 
,outgoing 'no-notify)))
+                            (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread 
+                            (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym 
+                            (setq ,continue-running nil)
+                            (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,end))
+                        ;; Else
+                        (setq ,outgoing (phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission 
+                        (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,outgoing)
+                          (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread 
+                          (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
+                          (setq ,continue-running nil))
+                        (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,outgoing)))
+                  (phpinspect-pipeline-incoming)
+                  (t (phpinspect--log "Pipeline thread errored: %s" err)
+                     (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread 
(current-thread) :error err))
+                     (setq ,continue-running nil)
+                     (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
+                     (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,end))))))
+          ,thread-name))))
 (defun phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps (steps start-queue end-queue ctx)
   (let ((result (gensym "result"))
         (incoming (gensym "incoming"))
@@ -135,9 +210,9 @@ user input.")
       (setq statement
             (if (phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step)
-                `(,(phpinspect-pipeline-step-name name "create")
-                  ,incoming ,outgoing ,ctx-sym 
,(phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step))
-              `(,(phpinspect-pipeline-step-name name "create") ,incoming 
,outgoing ,ctx-sym)))
+                `(phpinspect--run-as-pipeline-step
+                  ,name ,incoming ,outgoing ,ctx-sym 
,(phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step))
+              `(phpinspect--run-as-pipeline-step ,name ,incoming ,outgoing 
       (setq body (nconc body `(,(if steps
                                     `(setq ,outgoing (phpinspect-make-queue))
                                   `(setq ,outgoing ,end-queue))
@@ -244,9 +319,11 @@ user input.")
            (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ,ctx-sym)
-(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
+(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
   (declare (indent defun))
-  (let ((result (gensym)) async macro-params)
+  (let ((result (gensym))
+        (async-sym (gensym))
+        async macro-params)
     (while parameters
       (setq key (pop parameters)
             value (pop parameters))
@@ -255,16 +332,15 @@ user input.")
         (:async (setq async value))
         (_ (setq macro-params (nconc macro-params (list key value))))))
-        (inline-quote
-         (if ,async
-             (make-thread
-              (lambda ()
-                (condition-case err
-                    (let ((,result ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list 
seed-form) macro-params)))
-                      (funcall ,async (or ,result 
'phpinspect-pipeline-nil-result) nil))
-                  (t (funcall ,async nil err))))
-              "phpinspect-pipeline-async")
-           ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list seed-form) macro-params)))))
+    `(if-let ((,async-sym ,async))
+         (make-thread
+          (lambda ()
+            (condition-case err
+                (let ((,result (phpinspect--pipeline ,seed-form 
+                  (funcall ,async-sym (or ,result 
'phpinspect-pipeline-nil-result) nil))
+              (t (funcall ,async-sym nil err))))
+          "phpinspect-pipeline-async")
+       (phpinspect--pipeline ,seed-form ,@macro-params))))
 (define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-receive (queue)
   (inline-letevals (queue)
@@ -297,92 +373,5 @@ user input.")
               ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)) 
          (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue ,emission ,no-notify))))))
-(defmacro phpinspect-define-pipeline-step (name function-name)
-  (unless (symbolp name)
-    (error "name must be a symbol"))
-  (unless (symbolp function-name)
-    (error "function-name must be a symbol"))
-  (let ((execute-function (phpinspect-pipeline-step-name name "execute"))
-        (constructor-function (phpinspect-pipeline-step-name name "create")))
-    `(progn
-       (define-inline ,execute-function (input &optional context)
-         (if context
-             (inline-quote
-              (catch 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
-                ,(append `(,function-name) '(,context) '(,input))
-                nil))
-           (inline-quote
-            (catch 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
-              ,(append `(,function-name) '(,input))
-              nil))))
-       (define-inline ,constructor-function (queue consumer-queue pipeline-ctx 
&optional context)
-         (inline-letevals (queue consumer-queue context)
-           (let ((thread-name ,(concat "phpinspect-pipeline-" (symbol-name 
-                 (statement (list (quote ,execute-function))))
-             ,@(list
-                '(let ((incoming (gensym "incoming"))
-                       (outgoing (gensym "outgoing"))
-                       (inc-queue (gensym "queue"))
-                       (out-queue (gensym "queue"))
-                       (context-sym (gensym "context"))
-                       (continue-running (gensym "continue-running"))
-                       (pctx-sym (gensym "pipeline-ctx"))
-                       (incoming-end (gensym "incoming-end"))
-                       (end (gensym "end")))
-                   (setq statement (nconc statement (list incoming)))
-                   (unless (and (inline-const-p context) (not 
(inline-const-val context)))
-                     (setq statement (nconc statement (list context-sym))))
-                   (inline-quote
-                    (let ((,inc-queue ,queue)
-                          (,out-queue ,consumer-queue)
-                          (,context-sym ,context)
-                          (,pctx-sym ,pipeline-ctx))
-                      (make-thread
-                       (lambda ()
-                         (let ((,continue-running t)
-                               ,incoming ,outgoing ,end ,incoming-end)
-                           (phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function 
-                           (while ,continue-running
-                             (condition-case err
-                                 (progn
-                                   (phpinspect-pipeline-pause)
-                                   (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,inc-queue))
-                                   (if (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,incoming)
-                                       (progn
-                                         (setq ,incoming-end ,incoming)
-                                         (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value 
-                                           (progn
-                                             (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
-                                                   ,outgoing ,statement)
-                                             (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
-                                         (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
-                                         (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
-                                         (setq ,continue-running nil)
-                                         (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,end))
-                                     ;; Else
-                                     (setq ,outgoing ,statement)
-                                     (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p 
-                                       (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
-                                       (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
-                                       (setq ,continue-running nil))
-                                     (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue 
-                               (phpinspect-pipeline-incoming)
-                               (t (phpinspect--log "Pipeline thread errored: 
%s" err)
-                                  (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end 
:thread (current-thread) :error err))
-                                  (setq ,continue-running nil)
-                                  (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
-                                  (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue 
-                       ,thread-name)))))))))))
 (provide 'phpinspect-pipeline)
 ;;; phpinspect-pipeline.el ends here
diff --git a/test/test-pipeline.el b/test/test-pipeline.el
index 871b16b702..d755f338ae 100644
--- a/test/test-pipeline.el
+++ b/test/test-pipeline.el
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
        (format "It's not %s, but GNU/%s" input input)))
-    (phpinspect-define-pipeline-step correct-the-record correct-the-record)
     (phpinspect-pipeline (list "Linux" "Emacs")
       :into correct-the-record
       :async (lambda (res err)
@@ -48,14 +45,12 @@
     (should-not error)))
 (ert-deftest phpinspect-pipeline-error ()
-  (defun aaaaaah-it-broke (input)
+  (defun aah-it-broke (input)
     (signal 'it-brokey input))
-  (phpinspect-define-pipeline-step it-brokey aaaaaah-it-broke)
   (let (result error)
     (phpinspect-pipeline (list "Holy smokey")
-      :into it-brokey
+      :into aah-it-broke
       :async (lambda (res err)
                (setq result res
                      error err)))
@@ -65,5 +60,5 @@
     (should error)
     (should (equal '(phpinspect-pipeline-error
-                     "Thread phpinspect-pipeline-it-brokey signaled error: 
(it-brokey . Holy smokey)")
+                     "Thread phpinspect-pipeline-aah-it-broke signaled error: 
(it-brokey . Holy smokey)")

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