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[elpa] externals/phpinspect 2fd91898a3 104/126: Add tests for pipeline a

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/phpinspect 2fd91898a3 104/126: Add tests for pipeline and make API more ergonomic
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:58:49 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phpinspect
commit 2fd91898a3bf18e52ad2fe667ca9b80760ccadc9
Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
Commit: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>

    Add tests for pipeline and make API more ergonomic
    - Added `phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all' to emit multiple values at once
    - Added :async parameter to `phpinspect-pipeline'
    - Improved error handling
    - Only execute seed form once and require it to return a list
 phpinspect-pipeline.el | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 test/test-pipeline.el  |  69 +++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phpinspect-pipeline.el b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
index b4356bfc86..456243c869 100644
--- a/phpinspect-pipeline.el
+++ b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'phpinspect-worker)
 (require 'phpinspect-queue)
+(require 'phpinspect-util)
 (define-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming "Signal for incoming pipeline 
 (define-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-error "Signal for pipeline errors")
@@ -31,13 +31,18 @@
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-end (:constructor 
   (value nil
          :type any)
+  (error nil)
   (thread nil
           :type thread))
+(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-emission (:constructor 
+  (collection nil
+              :type list))
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-thread (:constructor 
   (in-queue nil
             :type phpinspect-queue)
-  (ended nil
+  (end nil
          :type boolean))
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx (:constructor 
@@ -54,13 +59,14 @@
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ((ctx 
phpinspect-pipeline-ctx) (end phpinspect-pipeline-end))
   (let ((thread (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-get-thread ctx 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-thread end))))
-    (setf (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-ended thread) t)))
+    (setf (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-end thread) end)))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ((ctx phpinspect-pipeline-ctx))
-  (let (errors err ended thread-live)
+  (let (errors err end thread-live)
     (dolist (thread (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-threads ctx))
-      (setq err (thread-last-error (car thread))
-            ended (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-ended (cdr thread))
+      (setq end (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-end (cdr thread))
+            err (or  (thread-last-error (car thread))
+                     (and end (phpinspect-pipeline-end-error end)))
             thread-live (thread-live-p (car thread)))
       (when thread-live
@@ -70,12 +76,11 @@
           (setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s is still running 
when pipeline is closing"
                                                    (thread-name (car 
-      (when (thread-last-error (car thread))
+      (when err
         (setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s signaled error: %s"
                                                  (thread-name (car thread))
-                                                 (thread-last-error (car 
-      (unless ended
+                                                 err)))))
+      (unless end
         (setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s never ended"
                                                  (thread-name (car 
@@ -89,6 +94,11 @@
 (defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-emit (data)
   `(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit ,data))
+(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all (collection)
+  `(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
+          (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission
+           :collection ,collection)))
 (defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-end (&optional value)
   (if value
       `(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
@@ -104,19 +114,6 @@
          (phpinspect-thread-pause 1 mx (make-condition-variable mx 
-(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-generator (queue &rest body)
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  (let ((result-sym (gensym))
-        (queue-sym (gensym)))
-    `(let (,result-sym
-           (,queue-sym ,queue))
-       (while (setq ,result-sym (progn ,@body))
-         (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue-sym ,result-sym)
-         (phpinspect-pipeline-pause))
-       (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end 
:thread (current-thread))))))
 (defun phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps (steps start-queue end-queue ctx)
   (let ((result (gensym "result"))
         (incoming (gensym "incoming"))
@@ -154,47 +151,38 @@
         "The name of this step"))
-(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline (&rest parameters)
-  (let (key value steps body let-vars)
-    (catch 'break
-      (while parameters
-        (setq key (pop parameters)
-              value (pop parameters))
-        (pcase key
-          (:into
-           (let ((parameters)
-                 (name)
-                 (construct-params))
-             (if (listp value)
-                 (progn
-                   (setq name (car value)
-                         parameters (cdr value)))
-               (setq name value))
-             (unless (symbolp name)
-               (error "Step name should be a symbol"))
-             (let (key value)
-               (while parameters
-                 (setq key (pop parameters)
-                       value (pop parameters))
-                 (when (eq :with-context key)
-                   (setq value `(quote ,value)))
-                 (setq key (intern (string-replace ":with-" ":" (symbol-name 
-                 (setq construct-params (nconc construct-params (list key 
-             (push (eval `(phpinspect--make-pipeline-step ,@construct-params 
:name (quote ,name)))
-                   steps)))
-          (_ (if (keywordp key)
-                 (error "unexpected key %s" key)
-               (setq body `(,key))
-               (throw 'break nil))))))
-    (when value
-      (setq body (nconc body (list value))))
-    (when parameters
-      (setq body (nconc body parameters)))
+(defmacro phpinspect--pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
+  (let (key value steps let-vars)
+    (while parameters
+      (setq key (pop parameters)
+            value (pop parameters))
+      (pcase key
+        (:into
+         (let ((parameters)
+               (name)
+               (construct-params))
+           (if (listp value)
+               (progn
+                 (setq name (car value)
+                       parameters (cdr value)))
+             (setq name value))
+           (unless (symbolp name)
+             (error "Step name should be a symbol"))
+           (let (key value)
+             (while parameters
+               (setq key (pop parameters)
+                     value (pop parameters))
+               (when (eq :with-context key)
+                 (setq value `(quote ,value)))
+               (setq key (intern (string-replace ":with-" ":" (symbol-name 
+               (setq construct-params (nconc construct-params (list key 
+           (push (eval `(phpinspect--make-pipeline-step ,@construct-params 
:name (quote ,name)))
+                 steps)))
+        (_ (error "unexpected key %s" key))))
     (setq steps (nreverse steps))
@@ -213,42 +201,59 @@
           (result-sym (gensym))
           (collecting-sym (gensym)))
-             (when (eq main-thread (current-thread))
-               (error "Pipelines should not run in the main thread"))
-             (let* (,@let-vars
-                    (,ctx-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-ctx))
-                    (,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
-                    (,end-queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
-                    (,collecting-sym t)
-                    ,recv-sym ,result-sym)
-               ,(phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps steps queue-sym 
end-queue-sym ctx-sym)
-               (phpinspect-pipeline-generator ,queue-sym
-                 ,@body)
-               (while ,collecting-sym
-                 (ignore-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming
-                     (progn
-                       (phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function 
-                       (while (not (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p
-                                    (setq ,recv-sym 
(phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,end-queue-sym))))
-                         (setq ,result-sym (nconc ,result-sym (list 
-                       (setq ,collecting-sym nil))))
-               (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ,ctx-sym)
-               ,result-sym)))))
-(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-async (callback &rest parameters)
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  `(make-thread
-    (lambda ()
-      (condition-case err
-          (let ((result (phpinspect-pipeline ,@parameters)))
-            (funcall ,callback result nil))
-        (t (funcall ,callback nil err))))
-    "phpinspect-pipeline-async"))
+         (when (eq main-thread (current-thread))
+           (error "Pipelines should not run in the main thread"))
+         (let* (,@let-vars
+                (,ctx-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-ctx))
+                (,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
+                (,end-queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
+                (,collecting-sym t)
+                ,recv-sym ,result-sym)
+           ,(phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps steps queue-sym end-queue-sym 
+           (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue
+            ,queue-sym
+            (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-form) 
+           (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue
+            ,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
+           (while ,collecting-sym
+             (ignore-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming
+               (progn
+                 (phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function ,end-queue-sym)
+                 (while (not (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p
+                              (setq ,recv-sym (phpinspect-pipeline-receive 
+                   (setq ,result-sym (nconc ,result-sym (list ,recv-sym))))
+                 (setq ,collecting-sym nil))))
+           (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ,ctx-sym)
+           ,result-sym)))))
+(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  (let ((result (gensym)) async macro-params)
+    (while parameters
+      (setq key (pop parameters)
+            value (pop parameters))
+      (pcase key
+        (:async (setq async value))
+        (_ (setq macro-params (nconc macro-params (list key value))))))
+        (inline-quote
+         (if ,async
+             (make-thread
+              (lambda ()
+                (condition-case err
+                    (let ((,result ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list 
seed-form) macro-params)))
+                      (funcall ,async ,result nil))
+                  (t (funcall ,async nil err))))
+              "phpinspect-pipeline-async")
+           ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list seed-form) macro-params)))))
 (define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-receive (queue)
   (inline-letevals (queue)
@@ -267,6 +272,21 @@
      (setf (phpinspect-queue-subscription ,queue)
            (lambda () (thread-signal thread 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming 
+(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue (queue emission &optional 
+  (inline-letevals (queue emission no-notify)
+    (inline-quote
+     (if (and (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-p ,emission)
+              (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
+         (progn
+           (while (cdr (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
+             (phpinspect-queue-enqueue
+              ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
+              ,no-notify))
+           (phpinspect-queue-enqueue
+            ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)) 
+       (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue ,emission ,no-notify)))))
 (defmacro phpinspect-define-pipeline-step (name function-name)
   (unless (symbolp name)
     (error "name must be a symbol"))
@@ -335,12 +355,12 @@
                                                  (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
                                                        ,outgoing ,statement)
-                                                 (phpinspect-queue-enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
+                                                 (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
                                              (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
                                              (setq ,continue-running nil)
-                                             (phpinspect-queue-enqueue 
,out-queue ,end))
+                                             (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,end))
                                          ;; Else
                                          (setq ,outgoing ,statement)
@@ -348,16 +368,16 @@
                                            (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
                                            (setq ,continue-running nil))
-                                         (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,out-queue 
+                                         (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing))
                                        (when ,end
                                          (throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-break 
-                               (t (message "Pipeline thread errored: %s" err)
+                               (t (phpinspect--log "Pipeline thread errored: 
%s" err)
+                                  (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end 
:thread (current-thread) :error err))
                                   (setq ,continue-running nil)
-                                  (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end
-                                   ,pctx-sym
-                                   (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread 
+                                  (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
+                                  (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue 
 (provide 'phpinspect-pipeline)
diff --git a/test/test-pipeline.el b/test/test-pipeline.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..871b16b702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-pipeline.el
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;;; test-pipeline.el --- Unit tests for phpinspect.el  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'phpinspect-pipeline)
+(ert-deftest phpinspect-pipeline ()
+  (let (result error thread)
+    (defun correct-the-record (input)
+      (phpinspect-pipeline-emit
+       (format "It's not %s, but GNU/%s" input input)))
+    (phpinspect-define-pipeline-step correct-the-record correct-the-record)
+    (phpinspect-pipeline (list "Linux" "Emacs")
+      :into correct-the-record
+      :async (lambda (res err)
+               (setq result res
+                     error err)))
+    (while (not (or result error))
+      (thread-yield))
+    (should (equal '("It's not Linux, but GNU/Linux" "It's not Emacs, but 
+                   result))
+    (should-not error)))
+(ert-deftest phpinspect-pipeline-error ()
+  (defun aaaaaah-it-broke (input)
+    (signal 'it-brokey input))
+  (phpinspect-define-pipeline-step it-brokey aaaaaah-it-broke)
+  (let (result error)
+    (phpinspect-pipeline (list "Holy smokey")
+      :into it-brokey
+      :async (lambda (res err)
+               (setq result res
+                     error err)))
+    (while (not (or result error))
+      (thread-yield))
+    (should error)
+    (should (equal '(phpinspect-pipeline-error
+                     "Thread phpinspect-pipeline-it-brokey signaled error: 
(it-brokey . Holy smokey)")
+                   error))))

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