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[nongnu] elpa/cider a0d0c3c70a 4/5: Also match friendly sessions based o

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/cider a0d0c3c70a 4/5: Also match friendly sessions based on the buffer's ns form
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:59:05 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/cider
commit a0d0c3c70a1968ed2342bb8bf0369f37d3216ed0
Author: vemv <vemv@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: Bozhidar Batsov <bozhidar@batsov.dev>

    Also match friendly sessions based on the buffer's ns form
    Fixes https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/3419
 CHANGELOG.md        |  1 +
 cider-connection.el | 58 ------------------------------------------
 cider-repl.el       | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 8017439871..cba6dd11ed 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 - Introduce `cider-stacktrace-navigate-to-other-window` defcustom.
 - Preserve the `:cljs-repl-type` more reliably.
 - Improve the presentation of `xref` data.
+- [#3419](https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/3419): Also match 
friendly sessions based on the buffer's ns form.
 - `cider-test`: only show diffs for collections.
 - [#3375](https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/pull/3375): `cider-test`: 
don't render a newline between expected and actual, most times.
 - Improve `nrepl-dict` error reporting.
diff --git a/cider-connection.el b/cider-connection.el
index d1a835725c..d4f437f762 100644
--- a/cider-connection.el
+++ b/cider-connection.el
@@ -615,64 +615,6 @@ REPL defaults to the current REPL."
 (declare-function cider-classpath-entries "cider-client")
-(defun cider--sesman-friendly-session-p (session &optional debug)
-  "Check if SESSION is a friendly session, DEBUG optionally."
-  (setcdr session (seq-filter #'buffer-live-p (cdr session)))
-  (when-let* ((repl (cadr session))
-              (proc (get-buffer-process repl))
-              (file (file-truename (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory))))
-    ;; With avfs paths look like 
-    (when (string-match-p "#uzip" file)
-      (let ((avfs-path (directory-file-name (expand-file-name (or (getenv 
"AVFSBASE")  "~/.avfs/")))))
-        (setq file (replace-regexp-in-string avfs-path "" file t t))))
-    (when-let ((tp (cider-tramp-prefix (current-buffer))))
-      (setq file (string-remove-prefix tp file)))
-    (when (process-live-p proc)
-      (let* ((classpath (or (process-get proc :cached-classpath)
-                            (let ((cp (with-current-buffer repl
-                                        (cider-classpath-entries))))
-                              (process-put proc :cached-classpath cp)
-                              cp)))
-             (classpath-roots (or (process-get proc :cached-classpath-roots)
-                                  (let ((cp (thread-last
-                                              classpath
-                                              (seq-filter (lambda (path) (not 
(string-match-p "\\.jar$" path))))
-                                              (mapcar #'file-name-directory)
-                                              (seq-remove  #'null)
-                                              (seq-uniq))))
-                                    (process-put proc :cached-classpath-roots 
-                                    cp))))
-        (or (seq-find (lambda (path) (string-prefix-p path file))
-                      classpath)
-            (seq-find (lambda (path) (string-prefix-p path file))
-                      classpath-roots)
-            (when-let* ((cider-path-translations 
-                        (translated (cider--translate-path file 'to-nrepl 
-              (seq-find (lambda (translated-path)
-                          (or (seq-find (lambda (path)
-                                          (string-prefix-p path 
-                                        classpath)
-                              (seq-find (lambda (path)
-                                          (string-prefix-p path 
-                                        classpath-roots)))
-                        translated))
-            (when debug
-              (list file "was not determined to belong to classpath:" 
classpath "or classpath-roots:" classpath-roots)))))))
-(defun cider-debug-sesman-friendly-session-p ()
-  "`message's debugging information relative to friendly sessions.
-This is useful for when one sees 'No linked CIDER sessions'
-in an unexpected place."
-  (interactive)
-  (message (prin1-to-string (mapcar (lambda (session)
-                                      (cider--sesman-friendly-session-p 
session t))
-                                    (sesman--all-system-sessions 'CIDER)))))
-(cl-defmethod sesman-friendly-session-p ((_system (eql CIDER)) session)
-  "Check if SESSION is a friendly session."
-  (cider--sesman-friendly-session-p session))
 (defvar cider-sesman-browser-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map (kbd "j q") #'cider-quit)
diff --git a/cider-repl.el b/cider-repl.el
index b083a08deb..9166c87c3d 100644
--- a/cider-repl.el
+++ b/cider-repl.el
@@ -1746,6 +1746,79 @@ constructs."
                      (mapconcat #'identity (cider-repl--available-shortcuts) 
", "))))
         (error "No command selected")))))
+(defun cider--sesman-friendly-session-p (session &optional debug)
+  "Check if SESSION is a friendly session, DEBUG optionally."
+  (setcdr session (seq-filter #'buffer-live-p (cdr session)))
+  (when-let* ((repl (cadr session))
+              (proc (get-buffer-process repl))
+              (file (file-truename (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory))))
+    ;; With avfs paths look like 
+    (when (string-match-p "#uzip" file)
+      (let ((avfs-path (directory-file-name (expand-file-name (or (getenv 
"AVFSBASE")  "~/.avfs/")))))
+        (setq file (replace-regexp-in-string avfs-path "" file t t))))
+    (when-let ((tp (cider-tramp-prefix (current-buffer))))
+      (setq file (string-remove-prefix tp file)))
+    (when (process-live-p proc)
+      (let* ((classpath (or (process-get proc :cached-classpath)
+                            (let ((cp (with-current-buffer repl
+                                        (cider-classpath-entries))))
+                              (process-put proc :cached-classpath cp)
+                              cp)))
+             (ns-list (or (process-get proc :all-namespaces)
+                          (let ((ns-list (with-current-buffer repl
+                                           (cider-sync-request:ns-list))))
+                            (process-put proc :all-namespaces ns-list)
+                            ns-list)))
+             (classpath-roots (or (process-get proc :cached-classpath-roots)
+                                  (let ((cp (thread-last
+                                              classpath
+                                              (seq-filter (lambda (path) (not 
(string-match-p "\\.jar$" path))))
+                                              (mapcar #'file-name-directory)
+                                              (seq-remove  #'null)
+                                              (seq-uniq))))
+                                    (process-put proc :cached-classpath-roots 
+                                    cp))))
+        (or (seq-find (lambda (path) (string-prefix-p path file))
+                      classpath)
+            (seq-find (lambda (path) (string-prefix-p path file))
+                      classpath-roots)
+            (when-let* ((cider-path-translations 
+                        (translated (cider--translate-path file 'to-nrepl 
+              (seq-find (lambda (translated-path)
+                          (or (seq-find (lambda (path)
+                                          (string-prefix-p path 
+                                        classpath)
+                              (seq-find (lambda (path)
+                                          (string-prefix-p path 
+                                        classpath-roots)))
+                        translated))
+            (when-let ((ns (condition-case nil
+                               (substring-no-properties (cider-current-ns 
+                             (error nil))))
+              ;; if the ns form matches with a ns of all runtime namespaces, 
we can consider the buffer to match
+              ;; (this is a bit lax, but also quite useful)
+              (with-current-buffer repl
+                (or (when cider-repl-ns-cache ;; may be nil on repl startup
+                      (member ns (nrepl-dict-keys cider-repl-ns-cache)))
+                    (member ns ns-list))))
+            (when debug
+              (list file "was not determined to belong to classpath:" 
classpath "or classpath-roots:" classpath-roots)))))))
+(defun cider-debug-sesman-friendly-session-p ()
+  "`message's debugging information relative to friendly sessions.
+This is useful for when one sees 'No linked CIDER sessions'
+in an unexpected place."
+  (interactive)
+  (message (prin1-to-string (mapcar (lambda (session)
+                                      (cider--sesman-friendly-session-p 
session t))
+                                    (sesman--all-system-sessions 'CIDER)))))
+(cl-defmethod sesman-friendly-session-p ((_system (eql CIDER)) session)
+  "Check if SESSION is a friendly session."
+  (cider--sesman-friendly-session-p session))
 ;;;;; CIDER REPL mode
 (defvar cider-repl-mode-hook nil

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