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[nongnu] elpa/adoc-mode 569eff13b1 078/199: added lots of templates & ea

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/adoc-mode 569eff13b1 078/199: added lots of templates & easy-menu-entries
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 06:59:36 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/adoc-mode
commit 569eff13b144e2f2bd996a47502bff1aa88f9af4
Author: Florian Kaufmann <sensorflo@gmail.com>
Commit: Florian Kaufmann <sensorflo@gmail.com>

    added lots of templates & easy-menu-entries
    Now the most of the often used construct each have a
    - template
    - easy menu entry which calls the template
    - both of the above have a doc string, which's content is
      an extract from the AsciiDoc manual.
    As template, either the tempo or the tempo-snippet framework
    can be used.
 adoc-mode-test.el | 139 ++++++++++++
 adoc-mode.el      | 622 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 744 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/adoc-mode-test.el b/adoc-mode-test.el
index 82ba796a2f..d6c8f7a701 100644
--- a/adoc-mode-test.el
+++ b/adoc-mode-test.el
@@ -611,11 +611,150 @@ removed before TRANSFORM is evaluated.
        (should (equal (line-number-at-pos) 3)))
     (kill-buffer "adoc-test")))
+(defun adoctest-template (template expected)
+  (let ((buf-name (concat "adoctest-" (symbol-name template))))
+    (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         ;; setup
+         (set-buffer (get-buffer-create buf-name)) 
+         (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+         (funcall template)
+         (should (equal (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
(point-max)) expected)))
+      ;; tear-down
+      (kill-buffer buf-name))))
+(defun adoctest-quotes (start-del end-del transform)
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem ! ipsum"
+                 (concat "lorem " start-del end-del " ipsum") transform)
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor"
+                 (concat "lorem " start-del "ipsum" end-del " dolor") 
+;; todo: test templates also with tempo-snippets
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-quotes ()
+  (adoctest-quotes "_" "_" '(tempo-template-adoc-emphasis))
+  (adoctest-quotes "*" "*" '(tempo-template-adoc-strong))
+  (adoctest-quotes "+" "+" '(tempo-template-adoc-monospace))
+  (adoctest-quotes "`" "`" '(tempo-template-adoc-monospace-literal))
+  (adoctest-quotes "`" "'" '(tempo-template-adoc-single-quote))
+  (adoctest-quotes "``" "''" '(tempo-template-adoc-double-quote))
+  (adoctest-quotes "[]#" "#" '(tempo-template-adoc-attributed))
+  (adoctest-quotes "__" "__" '(tempo-template-adoc-emphasis-uc))
+  (adoctest-quotes "**" "**" '(tempo-template-adoc-strong-uc))
+  (adoctest-quotes "++" "++" '(tempo-template-adoc-monospace-uc))
+  (adoctest-quotes "^" "^" '(tempo-template-adoc-superscript))
+  (adoctest-quotes "~" "~" '(tempo-template-adoc-subscript)))
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-formatting-misc ()
+  (adoctest-trans "" " +" '(tempo-template-adoc-line-break))
+  (adoctest-trans "lor!em" "lor +\nem" '(tempo-template-adoc-line-break))
+  ;; dont change only white sequence between point and end of line
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem! \nipsum" "lorem + \nipsum" 
+  ;; if befor point already a space is, dont insert a new one
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem !\nipsum" "lorem +\nipsum" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "<<<" '(tempo-template-adoc-page-break))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem\n!\nipsum" "lorem\n<<<\nipsum" 
+  (adoctest-trans "lor!em\nipsum" "lor\n<<<\nem\nipsum" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "---" '(tempo-template-adoc-ruler-line))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem\n!\nipsum" "lorem\n---\nipsum" 
+  (adoctest-trans "lor!em\nipsum" "lor\n---\nem\nipsum" 
+;; todo: check buffer position after insertion (aka transionsion). Probably
+;; factor out from adoctest-trans a defun which translates a string containing
+;; !s into one with the ! stripped and a buffer-position-list
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-title ()
+  (let ((adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-one-line))
+    ;; BUG!! somehow I need to load adoc-mode twice until it works!!!
+    (adoctest-trans "" "= " '(tempo-template-adoc-title-1))
+    (adoctest-trans "" "=== " '(tempo-template-adoc-title-3))
+    (adoctest-trans "lorem\n!\nipsum" "lorem\n= \nipsum" 
+  (let ((adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-one-line-enclosed))
+    (adoctest-trans "" "=  =" '(tempo-template-adoc-title-1))
+    (adoctest-trans "" "===  ===" '(tempo-template-adoc-title-3))
+    (adoctest-trans "lorem\n!\nipsum" "lorem\n=  =\nipsum" 
+  (let ((adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-two-line))
+    (adoctest-trans "" "\n====" '(tempo-template-adoc-title-1))
+    (adoctest-trans "" "\n~~~~" '(tempo-template-adoc-title-3))
+    (adoctest-trans "lorem\n!\nipsum" "lorem\n\n====\nipsum" 
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-paragraphs ()
+  (adoctest-trans "" "  " '(tempo-template-adoc-literal-paragraph))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem<ipsum>" "lorem\n  ipsum" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "TIP: " '(tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-tip))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem<ipsum>" "lorem\nTIP: ipsum" 
+(defun adoctest-delimited-block (del transform)
+  (let ((del-line (if (integerp del) (make-string 50 del) del)))
+    (adoctest-trans
+     "" (concat del-line "\n\n" del-line) transform)
+    (adoctest-trans
+     "lorem\n!\nipsum" (concat "lorem\n" del-line "\n\n" del-line "\nipsum") 
+    (adoctest-trans
+     "lorem\n<ipsum>\ndolor" (concat "lorem\n" del-line "\nipsum\n" del-line 
"\ndolor") transform)
+    (adoctest-trans
+     "lorem !dolor" (concat "lorem \n" del-line "\n\n" del-line "\ndolor") 
+    (adoctest-trans
+     "lorem <ipsum >dolor" (concat "lorem \n" del-line "\nipsum \n" del-line 
"\ndolor") transform)))
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-delimited-blocks ()
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?/ '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-comment))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?+ 
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?- '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-listing))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?. '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-literal))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?_ '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-quote))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?= '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-example))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block ?* '(tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-sidebar))
+  (adoctest-delimited-block "--" 
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-lists ()
+  (adoctest-trans "" "- " '(tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-1))
+  (adoctest-trans "" " ** " '(tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-2))
+  (adoctest-trans "<foo>" "- foo" '(tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-1))
+  (adoctest-trans "" ":: " '(tempo-template-adoc-labeled-list-item))
+  (adoctest-trans "<foo>" ":: foo" '(tempo-template-adoc-labeled-list-item)))
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-macros ()
+  (adoctest-trans "" "http://foo.com[]"; '(tempo-template-adoc-url-caption))
+  (adoctest-trans "see <here> for" "see http://foo.com[here] for" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "mailto:[]"; '(tempo-template-adoc-email-caption))
+  (adoctest-trans "ask <bob> for" "ask mailto:[bob] for" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "[[]]" '(tempo-template-adoc-anchor))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem [[ipsum]] dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "anchor:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-anchor-default-syntax))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem anchor:ipsum[] dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "<<,>>" '(tempo-template-adoc-xref))
+  (adoctest-trans "see <here> for" "see <<,here>> for" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "xref:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-xref-default-syntax))
+  (adoctest-trans "see <here> for" "see xref:[here] for" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "image:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-image)))
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-tempo-passthroug-macros ()
+  ;; backticks are tested in adoctest-test-tempo-quotes
+  (adoctest-trans "" "pass:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-pass))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem pass:[ipsum] dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "asciimath:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-asciimath))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem asciimath:[ipsum] dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "latexmath:[]" '(tempo-template-adoc-latexmath))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem latexmath:[ipsum] dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "++++++" '(tempo-template-adoc-pass-+++))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem +++ipsum+++ dolor" 
+  (adoctest-trans "" "$$$$" '(tempo-template-adoc-pass-$$))
+  (adoctest-trans "lorem <ipsum> dolor" "lorem $$ipsum$$ dolor" 
 (ert-deftest adoctest-test-make-two-line-title-underline ()
   (should (equal (adoc-make-two-line-title-underline 0 6)
   (should (equal (adoc-make-two-line-title-underline 2)
+(ert-deftest adoctest-test-repeat-string ()
+  (should (equal (adoc-repeat-string "lorem" 0) ""))
+  (should (equal (adoc-repeat-string "lorem" 1) "lorem"))
+  (should (equal (adoc-repeat-string "lorem" 2) "loremlorem")))
 ;; purpose
 ;; - ensure that the latest version, i.e. the one currently in buffer(s), of
diff --git a/adoc-mode.el b/adoc-mode.el
index 7f9275877f..d65d964faa 100644
--- a/adoc-mode.el
+++ b/adoc-mode.el
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@
 (require 'markup-faces) ; https://github.com/sensorflo/markup-faces
 (require 'cl) ; I know, I should remove it, I will, eventually
+;; tempo or tempo-snippet is required later below
 (defconst adoc-mode-version "0.5.1" 
   "adoc mode version number.
@@ -287,6 +289,21 @@ most 3 chars from the length of the title text."
   :group 'adoc)
+(defcustom adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-one-line
+  "Title style used for title tempo templates.
+See for example `tempo-template-adoc-title-1'."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "== one line" adoc-title-style-one-line)
+                (const :tag "== one line enclosed ==" 
+                 (const :tag "two line\\n--------" adoc-title-style-two-line))
+  :group 'adoc)
+(defcustom adoc-tempo-frwk 'tempo-vanilla
+  "Tempo framework to be used by adoc's templates. "
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "tempo" tempo-vanilla)
+                (const :tag "tempo-snippets" tempo-snippets))
+  :group 'adoc)
 ;;;; faces / font lock  
 (define-obsolete-face-alias 'adoc-orig-default 'adoc-align "23.3")
@@ -403,21 +420,195 @@ To become a customizable variable when regexps for list 
items become customizabl
   "Keymap used in adoc mode.")
-;;; Code:
+;;;; help text copied from asciidoc manual
+(defconst adoc-help-constrained-quotes
+  "Constrained quotes must be bounded by white space or commonly
+  adjoining punctuation characters. These are the most commonly
+  used type of quote.")
+(defconst adoc-help-emphasis
+  "Usually rendered italic")
+(defconst adoc-help-strong
+  "Usually rendered bold")
+(defconst adoc-help-monospace
+  "Aka typewritter. This does _not_ mean verbatim / literal")
+(defconst adoc-help-single-quote
+  "Single quotation marks around enclosed text.")
+(defconst adoc-help-double-quote
+  "Quotation marks around enclosed text.")
+(defconst adoc-help-attributed
+  "A mechanism to allow inline attributes to be applied to
+  otherwise unformatted text.")
+(defconst adoc-help-unconstrained-quotes
+  "Unconstrained quotes have no boundary constraints and can be
+  placed anywhere within inline text.")
+(defconst adoc-help-line-break
+  "A plus character preceded by at least one space character at
+  the end of a non-blank line forces a line break. It generates a
+  line break (`br`) tag for HTML outputs and a custom XML
+  `asciidoc-br` processing instruction for DocBook outputs")
+(defconst adoc-help-page-break
+  "A line of three or more less-than (`<<<`) characters will
+  generate a hard page break in DocBook and printed HTML
+  outputs.")
+(defconst adoc-help-ruler-line
+  "A line of three or more apostrophe characters will generate a
+  ruler line. It generates a ruler (`hr`) tag for HTML outputs
+  and a custom XML `asciidoc-hr` processing instruction for
+  DocBook outputs.")
+(defconst adoc-help-entity-reference
+  "You can also include arbitrary character entity references in
+  the AsciiDoc source. Example both `&amp;` and `&#38;` are
+  replace by an & (ampersand).")
+(defconst adoc-help-literal-paragraph
+  "Verbatim in a monospaced font. Applyied to paragraphs where
+  the first line is indented by one or more space or tab
+  characters")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block
+  "Delimited blocks are blocks of text enveloped by leading and
+  trailing delimiter lines (normally a series of four or more
+  repeated characters).")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-comment
+  "The contents of 'CommentBlocks' are not processed; they are
+  useful for annotations and for excluding new or outdated
+  content that you don't want displayed. CommentBlocks are never
+  written to output files.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-passthrouh
+  "By default the block contents is subject only to 'attributes'
+  and 'macros' substitutions (use an explicit 'subs' attribute to
+  apply different substitutions). PassthroughBlock content will
+  often be backend specific. The following styles can be applied
+  to passthrough blocks: pass:: No substitutions are performed.
+  This is equivalent to `subs=\"none\"`. asciimath, latexmath::
+  By default no substitutions are performed, the contents are
+  rendered as mathematical formulas.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-listing
+  "'ListingBlocks' are rendered verbatim in a monospaced font,
+  they retain line and whitespace formatting and are often
+  distinguished by a background or border. There is no text
+  formatting or substitutions within Listing blocks apart from
+  Special Characters and Callouts. Listing blocks are often used
+  for computer output and file listings.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-literal
+  "'LiteralBlocks' are rendered just like literal paragraphs.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-quote
+  "'QuoteBlocks' are used for quoted passages of text. There are
+  two styles: 'quote' and 'verse'. The style behavior is
+  identical to quote and verse paragraphs except that blocks can
+  contain multiple paragraphs and, in the case of the 'quote'
+  style, other section elements. The first positional attribute
+  sets the style, if no attributes are specified the 'quote'
+  style is used. The optional 'attribution' and 'citetitle'
+  attributes (positional attributes 2 and3) specify the quote's
+  author and source.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-example
+  "'ExampleBlocks' encapsulate the DocBook Example element and
+  are used for, well, examples. Example blocks can be titled by
+  preceding them with a 'BlockTitle'. DocBook toolchains will
+  normally automatically number examples and generate a 'List of
+  Examples' backmatter section.
+  Example blocks are delimited by lines of equals characters and
+  can contain any block elements apart from Titles, BlockTitles
+  and Sidebars) inside an example block.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-sidebar
+  "A sidebar is a short piece of text presented outside the
+  narrative flow of the main text. The sidebar is normally
+  presented inside a bordered box to set it apart from the main
+  text.The sidebar body is treated like a normal section body.")
+(defconst adoc-help-delimited-block-open-block
+  "An 'OpenBlock' groups a set of block elements.")
+(defconst adoc-help-list
+  "Indentation is optional and does _not_ determine nesting.")
+(defconst adoc-help-bulleted-list
+  "Aka itimized or unordered.")
+(defconst adoc-help-list-item-continuation
+  "Another list or a literal paragraph immediately following a
+  list item is implicitly appended to the list item; to append
+  other block elements to a list item you need to explicitly join
+  them to the list item with a 'list continuation' (a separator
+  line containing a single plus character). Multiple block
+  elements can be appended to a list item using list
+  continuations (provided they are legal list item children in
+  the backend markup).")
+(defconst adoc-help-table
+  "The AsciiDoc table syntax looks and behaves like other
+  delimited block types and supports standard block configuration
+  entries.")
+(defconst adoc-help-macros
+  "Inline Macros occur in an inline element context. A Block
+  macro reference must be contained in a single line separated
+  either side by a blank line or a block delimiter. Block macros
+  behave just like Inline macros, with the following differences:
+  1) They occur in a block context. 2) The default syntax is
+  <name>::<target>[<attrlist>] (two colons, not one). 3) Markup
+  template section names end in -blockmacro instead of
+  -inlinemacro.")
+(defconst adoc-help-url
+  "If you don’t need a custom link caption you can enter the
+  http, https, ftp, file URLs and email addresses without any
+  special macro syntax.")
+(defconst adoc-help-anchor
+  "Used to specify hypertext link targets. The `<id>` is a unique
+  string that conforms to the output markup's anchor syntax. The
+  optional `<xreflabel>` is the text to be displayed by
+  captionless 'xref' macros that refer to this anchor.")
+(defconst adoc-help-xref
+  "Creates a hypertext link to a document anchor. The `<id>`
+  refers to an anchor ID. The optional `<caption>` is the link's
+  displayed text.")
+(defconst adoc-help-local-doc-link
+  "Hypertext links to files on the local file system are
+  specified using the link inline macro.")
+(defconst adoc-help-local-doc-link
+  "Hypertext links to files on the local file system are
+  specified using the link inline macro.")
+(defconst adoc-help-comment
+  "Single lines starting with two forward slashes hard up against
+  the left margin are treated as comments. Comment lines do not
+  appear in the output unless the showcomments attribute is
+  defined. Comment lines have been implemented as both block and
+  inline macros so a comment line can appear as a stand-alone
+  block or within block elements that support inline macro
+  expansion.")
+(defconst adoc-help-passthrough-macros
+  "Passthrough macros are analogous to passthrough blocks and are
+  used to pass text directly to the output. The substitution
+  performed on the text is determined by the macro definition but
+  can be overridden by the <subslist>. Passthroughs, by
+  definition, take precedence over all other text
+  substitutions.")
+(defconst adoc-help-pass
+  "Inline and block. Passes text unmodified (apart from
+  explicitly specified substitutions).")
+(defconst adoc-help-asciimath
+  "Inline and block. Passes text unmodified. A (backend
+  dependent) mechanism for rendering mathematical formulas given
+  using the ASCIIMath syntax.")
+(defconst adoc-help-latexmath
+  "Inline and block. Passes text unmodified. A (backend
+  dependent) mechanism for rendering mathematical formulas given
+  using the LaTeX math syntax.")
+(defconst adoc-help-pass-+++
+  "Inline and block. The triple-plus passthrough is functionally
+  identical to the pass macro but you don’t have to escape ]
+  characters and you can prefix with quoted attributes in the
+  inline version.")
+(defconst adoc-help-pass-$$
+  "Inline and block. The double-dollar passthrough is
+  functionally identical to the triple-plus passthrough with one
+  exception: special characters are escaped.")
+(defconst adoc-help-monospace-literal
+  "Text quoted with single backtick characters constitutes an
+  inline literal passthrough. The enclosed text is rendered in a
+  monospaced font and is only subject to special character
+  substitution. This makes sense since monospace text is usually
+  intended to be rendered literally and often contains characters
+  that would otherwise have to be escaped. If you need monospaced
+  text containing inline substitutions use a plus character
+  instead of a backtick.")
-(defvar adoc-menu)
-(condition-case nil
-    (progn
-      (require 'easymenu)
-      (easy-menu-define
-       adoc-menu adoc-mode-map "Menu for adoc mode"
-       '("AsciiDoc"
-         ["Promote" adoc-promote t]
-         ["Denote" adoc-denote t]
-         ["Toggle title type" adoc-toggle-title-type t]
-         ["Adjust title underline" adoc-adjust-title-del t]
-         ["Goto anchor" adoc-goto-ref-label t])))
-  (error nil))
+;;; Code:
 ;; from asciidoc.conf:
 ;; ^:(?P<attrname>\w[^.]*?)(\.(?P<attrname2>.*?))?:(\s+(?P<attrvalue>.*))?$
@@ -1634,6 +1825,7 @@ considered to be meta characters."
    ;;The double-dollar passthrough is functionally identical to the triple-plus
    ;;passthrough with one exception: special characters are escaped.
    (adoc-kw-quote 'adoc-unconstrained "$$" markup-typewriter-face nil nil t)  
+   ;; todo: add pass:[...], latexmath:[...], asciimath[...]
    ;; special characters
    ;; ------------------
@@ -1932,10 +2124,407 @@ new customization demands."
   (setq adoc-font-lock-keywords (adoc-get-font-lock-keywords))
   (when (and font-lock-mode (eq major-mode 'adoc-mode))
-    (font-lock-fontify-buffer)))
+    (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
+  (adoc-easy-menu-define))
+(defun adoc-easy-menu-define()
+  (easy-menu-define
+    adoc-mode-menu adoc-mode-map "Menu for adoc mode"
+    `("AsciiDoc"
+      ["Promote" adoc-promote]
+      ["Denote" adoc-denote]
+      ["Toggle title type" adoc-toggle-title-type]
+      ["Adjust title underline" adoc-adjust-title-del]
+      ["Goto anchor" adoc-goto-ref-label]
+      "---"
+      ;; names|wording / rough order/ help texts are from asciidoc manual
+      ("Templates / cheat sheet" 
+       ("Text formatting - constrained quotes"
+       :help ,adoc-help-constrained-quotes
+       ["_Emphasis_" tempo-template-adoc-emphasis
+        :help ,adoc-help-emphasis ]
+       ["*Strong*" tempo-template-adoc-strong
+        :help ,adoc-help-strong ]
+       ["+Monospaced+" tempo-template-adoc-monospace
+        :help ,adoc-help-monospace]
+       ["`Monospaced literal`" tempo-template-adoc-monospace-literal ; 
redundant to the one in the passthrough section
+        :help ,adoc-help-monospace-literal]
+       ["`Single quote'" tempo-template-adoc-single-quote
+        :help ,adoc-help-single-quote] 
+       ["``Double quote''" tempo-template-adoc-double-quote
+        :help ,adoc-help-double-quote]
+       ;; todo: insert underline, overline, strikethrough, big, small
+       ["[attributes]##text##" tempo-template-adoc-attributed
+        :help ,adoc-help-attributed]) 
+       ("Text formatting - unconstrained quotes"
+       :help ,adoc-help-unconstrained-quotes
+       ["^Superscript^" tempo-template-adoc-superscript]
+       ["~Subscript~" tempo-template-adoc-subscript]
+       ["__Emphasis__" tempo-template-adoc-emphasis-uc
+        :help ,adoc-help-emphasis ]
+       ["**Strong**" tempo-template-adoc-strong-uc
+        :help ,adoc-help-strong ]
+       ["++Monospaced++" tempo-template-adoc-monospace-uc
+        :help ,adoc-help-monospace]
+       ["[attributes]##text##" tempo-template-adoc-attributed-uc
+        :help ,adoc-help-attributed])
+       ("Text formatting - misc"
+       ["Line break: <SPC>+<NEWLINE>" tempo-template-adoc-line-break
+        :help ,adoc-help-line-break]
+       ["Page break: <<<" tempo-template-adoc-page-break
+        :help ,adoc-help-page-break]
+       ["Ruler line: ---" tempo-template-adoc-ruler-line
+        :help ,adoc-help-ruler-line])
+       ("Text formatting - replacements"
+       ["Copyright: (C) \u2192 \u00A9" tempo-template-adoc-copyright]
+       ["Trademark: (TM) \u2192 \u00AE" tempo-template-adoc-trademark]
+       ["Registered trademark: (R) \u2192 \u2122" 
+       ["Dash: -- \u2192 \u2014" tempo-template-adoc-dash]
+       ["Ellipsis: ... \u2192 \u2026" tempo-template-adoc-ellipsis]
+       ["Right arrow: -> \u2192 \u2192" tempo-template-adoc-right-arrow]
+       ["Left arrow: <- \u2192 \u2190" tempo-template-adoc-left-arrow]
+       ["Right double arrow: => \u2192 \u21D2" 
+       ["Left double arrow: <= \u2192 \u21D0" 
+       "---"
+       ["Character entity reference: &...;" 
+        :help ,adoc-help-entity-reference])
+       ("Titles"
+       [,(concat "Document title (level 0): " (adoc-template-str-title 0))
+        tempo-template-adoc-title-1]
+       [,(concat "Section title (level 1): " (adoc-template-str-title 1))
+        tempo-template-adoc-title-2]
+       [,(concat "Section title (level 2): " (adoc-template-str-title 2))
+        tempo-template-adoc-title-3]
+       [,(concat "Section title (level 3): " (adoc-template-str-title 3))
+        tempo-template-adoc-title-4]
+       [,(concat "Section title (level 4): " (adoc-template-str-title 4))
+        tempo-template-adoc-title-5]
+       ["Block title: .foo" tempo-template-adoc-block-title]
+       ["BlockId: [[id]]" tempo-template-adoc-anchor]) ; redundant to anchor 
+       ("Paragraphs"
+       ["Literal paragraph" tempo-template-adoc-literal-paragraph
+        :help ,adoc-help-literal-paragraph]
+       "---"
+       ["TIP: " tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-tip]
+       ["NOTE: " tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-note]
+       ["IMPORTANT: " tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-important]
+       ["WARNING: " tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-warning]
+       ["CAUTION: " tempo-template-adoc-paragraph-caution])
+       ("Delimited blocks"
+       :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block
+       ;; BUG: example does not reflect the content of adoc-delimited-block-del
+       ["Comment: ////" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-comment
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-comment]
+       ["Passthrough: ++++" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-passthrough
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-passthrouh]
+       ["Listing: ----" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-listing
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-listing]
+       ["Literal: ...." tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-literal
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-literal]
+       ["Quote: ____" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-quote
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-quote]
+       ["Example: ====" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-example
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-example]
+       ["Sidebar: ****" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-sidebar
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-sidebar]
+       ["Open: --" tempo-template-adoc-delimited-block-open-block
+        :help ,adoc-help-delimited-block-open-block])
+       ("Lists"
+       :help ,adoc-help-list
+       ("Bulleted"
+        :help ,adoc-help-bulleted-list
+        ["Item: -" tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-1]
+        ["Item: **" tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-2]
+        ["Item: ***" tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-3]
+        ["Item: ****" tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-4]
+        ["Item: *****" tempo-template-adoc-bulleted-list-item-5])
+       ("Numbered - explicit"
+        ["Arabic (decimal) numbered item: 1." 
+        ["Lower case alpha (letter) numbered item: a." 
+        ["Upper case alpha (letter) numbered item: A." 
+        ["Lower case roman numbered list item: i)" 
+        ["Upper case roman numbered list item: I)" 
+       ("Numbered - implicit"
+        ["Arabic (decimal) numbered item: ." 
+        ["Lower case alpha (letter) numbered item: .." 
+        ["Upper case alpha (letter)numbered item: ..." 
+        ["Lower case roman numbered list item: ...." 
+        ["Upper case roman numbered list item: ....." 
+       ["Labeled item: label:: text" tempo-template-adoc-labeled-list-item]
+       ["List item continuation: <NEWLINE>+<NEWLINE>" 
+        :help ,adoc-help-list-item-continuation])
+       ("Tables"
+       :help ,adoc-help-table
+        ["Example table" tempo-template-adoc-example-table])
+       ("Macros (inline & block)"
+       :help ,adoc-help-macros
+       ["URL: http://foo.com"; tempo-template-adoc-url
+        :help ,adoc-help-url]
+       ["URL with caption: http://foo.com[caption]"; 
+        :help ,adoc-help-url]
+       ["EMail: bob@foo.com" tempo-template-adoc-email
+        :help ,adoc-help-url]
+       ["EMail with caption: mailto:address[caption]"; 
+        :help ,adoc-help-url]
+       ["Anchor aka BlockId (syntax 1): [[id,xreflabel]]" 
+        :help ,adoc-help-anchor]
+       ["Anchor (syntax 2): anchor:id[xreflabel]" 
+        :help ,adoc-help-anchor]
+       ["Xref (syntax 1): <<id,caption>>" adoc-xref
+        :help ,adoc-help-xref]
+       ["Xref (syntax 2): xref:id[caption]" adoc-xref-default-syntax
+        :help ,adoc-help-xref]
+       ["Image: image:target-path[caption]" adoc-image]
+       ["Comment: //" tempo-template-adoc-comment
+        :help ,adoc-help-comment]
+       ("Passthrough macros"
+        :help adoc-help-passthrough-macros
+        ["pass:[text]" tempo-template-adoc-pass
+         :help ,adoc-help-pass]
+        ["ASCIIMath: asciimath:[text]" tempo-template-adoc-asciimath
+         :help ,adoc-help-asciimath]
+        ["LaTeX math: latexmath[text]" tempo-template-adoc-latexmath
+         :help ,adoc-help-latexmath]
+        ["+++text+++" tempo-template-adoc-pass-+++
+         :help ,adoc-help-pass-+++]
+        ["$$text$$" tempo-template-pass-$$
+         :help ,adoc-help-pass-$$]
+        ["`text`" tempo-template-monospace-literal ; redundant to the one in 
the quotes section
+         :help ,adoc-help-monospace-literal]))))))
+;;;; tempos
+;; todo: tell user to make use of tempo-interactive
+;; todo: tell user to how to use tempo-snippets?? that there are clear methods
+;; todo: tell user to how to use tempo-snippets?? suggested customizations 
working best with adoc
+;; todo: after changing adoc-tempo-frwk, all adoc-tempo-define need to be
+;;       evaluated again. This doesn't feel right
+;; todo: titles,block titles,blockid,... should start on a new line
+;; PROBLEM: snippets dont allow empty 'field', e.g. empty caption
+;;       Workaround: mark whole 'edit-field' and delete it
+(if (eq adoc-tempo-frwk 'tempo-snippets)
+    (require 'tempo-snippets)
+  (require 'tempo))
+(defun adoc-tempo-define (&rest args)
+  (if (eq adoc-tempo-frwk 'tempo-snippets)
+      (apply 'tempo-define-snippet args)
+    (apply 'tempo-define-template args)))
+(defun adoc-template-str-title (&optional level title-text)
+  "Returns the string tempo-template-adoc-title-x would insert"
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert (or title-text "foo"))
+    (set-mark (point-min))
+    (funcall (intern-soft (concat "tempo-template-adoc-title-" 
(number-to-string (1+ (or level 0))))))
+    (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\\\n" 
+                             (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
+;; Text formatting - constrained quotes
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-emphasis" '("_" (r "text" text) "_") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-strong" '("*" (r "text" text) "*") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-monospace" '("+" (r "text" text) "+") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-monospace-literal" '("`" (r "text" text) "`"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-single-quote" '("`" (r "text" text) "'") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-double-quote" '("``" (r "text" text) "''") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-attributed" '("[" p "]#" (r "text" text) "#") nil 
+;; Text formatting - unconstrained quotes
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-emphasis-uc" '("__" (r "text" text) "__") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-strong-uc" '("**" (r "text" text) "**") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-monospace-uc" '("++" (r "text" text) "++") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-attributed-uc" '("[" p "]##" (r "text" text) "##") 
nil adoc-help-attributed)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-superscript" '("^" (r "text" text) "^"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-subscript" '("~" (r "text" text) "~"))
+;; Text formatting - misc
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-line-break" '((if (looking-back " ") "" " ") "+" %) 
nil adoc-help-line-break)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-page-break" '(bol "<<<" %) nil adoc-help-page-break)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-ruler-line" '(bol "---" %) nil adoc-help-ruler-line)
+;; Text formatting - replacements
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-copyright" '("(C)"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-trademark" '("(T)"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-registered-trademark" '("(R)"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-dash" '("---"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-ellipsis" '("..."))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-right-arrow" '("->"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-left-arrow" '("<-"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-right-double-arrow" '("=>"))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-left-double-arrow" '("<="))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-entity-reference" '("&" r ";") nil 
+;; Titles
+;; todo
+;; - merge with adoc-make-title
+;; - dwim:
+;;   - when point is on a text line, convert that line to a title
+;;   - when it is already a title .... correct underlines?
+;;   - ensure n blank lines before and m blank lines after title, or unchanged 
if n/m nil
+(dotimes (level 5) ; level starting at 0
+  (let ((one-line-del (make-string (1+ level) ?\=)))
+    (adoc-tempo-define
+     (concat "adoc-title-" (number-to-string (1+ level)))
+     ;; see adoc-tempo-handler for what the (tr ...) does.
+     (list
+      `(cond
+       ((eq adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-one-line)
+        '(tr bol ,one-line-del " " (r "text" text)))
+       ((eq adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-one-line-enclosed)
+        '(tr bol ,one-line-del " " (r "text" text) " " ,one-line-del))
+       ;; BUG in tempo: when first thing is a tempo element which introduces a 
marker, that
+       ;; marker is skipped
+       ((eq adoc-title-style 'adoc-title-style-two-line)
+        '(tr bol (r "text" text) "\n"
+             (adoc-make-two-line-title-underline ,level (if on-region (- 
tempo-region-stop tempo-region-start)))))
+       (t
+        (error "Unknown title style"))))
+     nil
+     (concat
+      "Inserts a level " (number-to-string (1+ level)) " (starting at 1) title.
+Is influenced by customization variables such as `adoc-title-style'."))))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-block-title" '(bol "." (r "text" text) %))
+;; Paragraphs
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-literal-paragraph" '(bol "  " (r "text" text) %) nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-paragraph-tip" '(bol "TIP: " (r "text" text) %))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-paragraph-note" '(bol "NOTE: " (r "text" text) %))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-paragraph-important" '(bol "IMPORTANT: " (r "text" 
text) %))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-paragraph-warning" '(bol "WARNING: " (r "text" text) 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-paragraph-caution" '(bol "CAUTION: " (r "text" text) 
+;; delimited blocks
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-comment" 
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?/) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?/) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-comment)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-passthrough"
+ '(bol (make-string 50 ?+) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?+) %)
+ nil adoc-help-delimited-block-passthrouh)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-listing"
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?-) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?-) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-listing)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-literal"
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?.) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?.) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-literal)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-quote"
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?_) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?_) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-quote)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-example"
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?=) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?=) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-example)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-sidebar"
+  '(bol (make-string 50 ?*) n (r-or-n "text" text) bol (make-string 50 ?*) %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-sidebar)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-delimited-block-open-block"
+  '(bol "--" n (r-or-n "text" text) bol "--" %)
+  nil adoc-help-delimited-block-open-block)
+;; Lists
+;; todo: customize indentation
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-bulleted-list-item-1" '(bol "- " (r "text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-bulleted-list-item-2" '(bol " ** " (r "text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-bulleted-list-item-3" '(bol "  *** " (r "text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-bulleted-list-item-4" '(bol "   **** " (r "text" 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-bulleted-list-item-5" '(bol "    ***** " (r "text" 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-numbered-list-item" '(bol (p "number" number) ". " (r 
"text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-numbered-list-item-roman" '(bol (p "number" number) 
") " (r "text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-implicit-numbered-list-item-1" '(bol ". " (r "text" 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-implicit-numbered-list-item-2" '(bol " .. " (r "text" 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-implicit-numbered-list-item-3" '(bol "  ... " (r 
"text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-implicit-numbered-list-item-4" '(bol "   .... " (r 
"text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-implicit-numbered-list-item-5" '(bol "    ..... " (r 
"text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-labeled-list-item" '(bol (p "label" label) ":: " (r 
"text" text)))
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-list-item-continuation" '(bol "+" %) nil 
+;; tables
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-example-table"
+  '(bol "|====================\n" 
+    "| cell 11 | cell 12\n"
+    "| cell 21 | cell 22\n"
+    "|====================\n" % ))
+;; Macros (inline & block)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-url" '("http://foo.com";) nil adoc-help-url)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-url-caption" '("http://foo.com["; (r "caption" 
caption) "]") nil adoc-help-url)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-email" '("bob@foo.com") nil adoc-help-url)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-email-caption" '("mailto:"; (p "address" address) "[" 
(r "caption" caption) "]") nil adoc-help-url)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-anchor" '("[[" (r "id" id) "]]") nil adoc-help-anchor)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-anchor-default-syntax" '("anchor:" (r "id" id) "[" (p 
"xreflabel" xreflabel) "]") nil adoc-help-anchor)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-xref" '("<<" (p "id" id) "," (r "caption" caption) 
">>") nil adoc-help-xref)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-xref-default-syntax" '("xref:" (p "id" id) "[" (r 
"caption" caption) "]") nil adoc-help-xref)
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-image" '("image:" (r "target-path" target-path) "[" 
(p "caption" caption) "]"))
+;; Passthrough
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-pass" '("pass:[" (r "text" text) "]") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-asciimath" '("asciimath:[" (r "text" text) "]") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-latexmath" '("latexmath:[" (r "text" text) "]") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-pass-+++" '("+++" (r "text" text) "+++") nil 
+(adoc-tempo-define "adoc-pass-$$" '("$$" (r "text" text) "$$") nil 
+; backticks handled in tempo-template-adoc-monospace-literal
 ;;;; misc
+(defun adoc-repeat-string (str n)
+  "Returns str n times concatenated"
+  (let ((retval ""))
+    (dotimes (i n)
+      (setq retval (concat retval str)))
+    retval))
+(defun adoc-tempo-handler (element)
+  "Tempo user element handler, see `tempo-user-elements'."
+  (let ((on-region (adoc-tempo-on-region)))
+    (cond
+     ;; tr / tempo-recurse : tempo-insert the remaining args of the list
+     ((and (listp element)
+          (memq (car element) '(tr tempo-recurse)))
+      (mapc (lambda (elt) (tempo-insert elt on-region)) (cdr element))
+      "")
+     ;; bol: ensure point is at the beginning of a line by inserting a newline 
if needed
+     ((eq element 'bol)
+      (if (bolp) "" "\n"))
+     ;; r-or-n
+     ((eq element 'r-or-n)
+      (if on-region 'r '(tr p n)))
+     ;; (r-or-n ...)
+     ((and (consp element)
+          (eq (car element) 'r-or-n)) 
+      (if on-region (cons 'r (cdr element)) '(tr p n))))))
+(add-to-list 'tempo-user-elements 'adoc-tempo-handler)
+(defun adoc-tempo-on-region ()
+  "Guesses the on-region argument `tempo-insert' is given.
+Is a workaround the problem that tempo's user handlers don't get
+passed the on-region argument."
+  (let* (
+        ;; try to determine the arg with which the tempo-template-xxx was
+        ;; called that eventually brought us here. If we came here not by an
+        ;; interactive call to tempo-template-xxx we can't have a clue - assume
+        ;; nil.
+        (arg (if (string-match "^tempo-template-" (symbol-name this-command))
+                 current-prefix-arg
+               nil)) 
+        ;; copy from tempo-define-template
+        (on-region (if tempo-insert-region
+                       (not arg)
+                     arg)))
+    ;; copy from tempo-insert-template
+    (if (or (and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode) ; For Emacs
+                transient-mark-mode
+                mark-active)
+           (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+               (and zmacs-regions (mark))))
+       (setq on-region t))
+    on-region))
 (defun adoc-forward-xref (&optional bound)
   "Move forward to next xref and return it's id.
@@ -2238,8 +2827,7 @@ Turning on Adoc mode runs the normal hook 
     (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
     (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'asciidoc))
-  (if (featurep 'easymenu)
-      (easy-menu-add cperl-menu))      ; A NOP in Emacs.
+  (easy-menu-add adoc-mode-menu)
   (run-hooks 'adoc-mode-hook))

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