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[elpa] externals/dired-preview 99053aa4a3 09/10: Reposition dired-previe

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/dired-preview 99053aa4a3 09/10: Reposition dired-preview--add-truncation-message
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 09:58:02 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/dired-preview
commit 99053aa4a30f6144297227e71f7ad3ef7924bd83
Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Reposition dired-preview--add-truncation-message
 dired-preview.el | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dired-preview.el b/dired-preview.el
index 84c524659c..28336cc6e6 100644
--- a/dired-preview.el
+++ b/dired-preview.el
@@ -216,6 +216,13 @@ Return the preview buffer."
     (dired-preview--find-file-no-select file))))
+(defun dired-preview--add-truncation-message ()
+  "Add a message indicating that the previewed file is truncated."
+  (let ((end-ov (make-overlay (1- (point-max)) (point-max))))
+    (overlay-put
+     end-ov 'display
+     (propertize "\n--PREVIEW TRUNCATED--" 'face 'shadow))))
 (declare-function hexl-mode "hexl")
 (declare-function hexl-mode-exit "hexl" (&optional arg))
@@ -249,13 +256,6 @@ The size of the leading chunk is specified by
                          nil nil 'equal)
-(defun dired-preview--add-truncation-message ()
-  "Add a message indicating that the previewed file is truncated."
-  (let ((end-ov (make-overlay (1- (point-max)) (point-max))))
-    (overlay-put
-     end-ov 'display
-     (propertize "\n--PREVIEW TRUNCATED--" 'face 'shadow))))
 (defun dired-preview-hexl-toggle ()
   "Toggle preview between text and `hexl-mode'."

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