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[nongnu] elpa/cider b64213b76d 2/2: User manual: add "Working with Conta

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/cider b64213b76d 2/2: User manual: add "Working with Containers" section
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 18:59:42 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/cider
commit b64213b76dabc0350691a20b981bdf10fbff61d5
Author: behrica <behrica@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: vemv <vemv@users.noreply.github.com>

    User manual: add "Working with Containers" section
    Closes https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/pull/3505
 doc/modules/ROOT/pages/basics/up_and_running.adoc | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/modules/ROOT/pages/basics/up_and_running.adoc 
index a2229862e0..7038887a16 100644
--- a/doc/modules/ROOT/pages/basics/up_and_running.adoc
+++ b/doc/modules/ROOT/pages/basics/up_and_running.adoc
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ contains some combination of project.clj, build.boot and 
deps.edn and you want
 to launch a REPL for one or the other.
 NOTE: The examples use only `cider-jack-in`, but this behavior is consistent
-for all `cider-jack-in-*` commands.
+for all `cider-jack-in-\*` commands.
 You can further customize the command line CIDER uses for `cider-jack-in` by
 modifying the some options. Those differ a bit between the various tools,
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ reads for the host and port prompts when you invoke
 == Working with Remote Hosts
 While most of the time you'd be connecting to a locally running nREPL
-server, that was started manually or via `cider-jack-in-*`, there's
+server, that was started manually or via `cider-jack-in-\*`, there's
 also the option to connect to remote nREPL hosts. For the sake of security
 CIDER has the ability to tunnel a connection over SSH in such cases.
 This behavior is controlled by
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ WARNING: As nREPL connections are insecure by default 
you're encouraged to use o
 tunneling when connecting to servers running outside of your network.
 There's a another case in which CIDER may optionally leverage the `ssh` 
command - when
-trying to figure out potential target hosts and ports when you're doing 
+trying to figure out potential target hosts and ports when you're doing 
 If  `cider-infer-remote-nrepl-ports` is true, CIDER will use ssh to try to 
 nREPL ports on remote hosts (for a direct connection). That option is also set 
to `nil`
 by default.
@@ -346,11 +346,91 @@ https://www.gnu.org/software/tramp/[TRAMP] for some SSH 
operations, which parses
 config files such as `~/.ssh/config` and `~/.ssh/known_hosts`. This is known to
 cause problems with complex or nonstandard ssh configs.
-You can safely run `cider-jack-in-*` while working with remote files over 
-will reuse existing SSH connection's parameters (like port and username) for 
establishing SSH tunnel.
-The same will happen if you try to `cider-connect-*` to a host that matches 
the one you're currently
+You can run `cider-jack-in-\*` while working with remote files over TRAMP. 
+will reuse existing SSH connection's parameters (like port and username) for 
establishing a SSH tunnel.
+The same will happen if you try to `cider-connect-\*` to a host that matches 
the one you're currently
 connected to.
+NOTE: For Docker containers, running `cider-jack-in-\*` over TRAMP may 
technically work but it may give mixed results.
+Please check out the following section for the recommended approaches.
+== Working with Containers (Docker or others)
+By 'containers' we mean Docker containers, or similar technologies, for 
running the JVM that will host our nREPL server.
+The files which we edit may / may not be edited using TRAMP. They could as 
well be mounted inside the container, so they appear as local.
+Because CIDER can't always detect if it's dealing with remote files, it's 
advisable to not rely on `cider-jack-in`
+and its remote support described above, but to 
+start the nREPL server via command line from inside the container, and 
`cider-connect` to it.
+This requires to first get a shell inside the running container and then start 
a nREPL server manually,
+or configure the container to start an nREPL automatically when the container 
+In order to connect Emacs to nREPL, we need to make sure that the port of 
nREPL is reachable to our local Emacs,
+so that we can `cider-connect` to it.
+There are several solutions for this depending on the concrete scenario.
+=== Working with Containers running on localhost
+The nREPL port should be set to a fixed value as we need to give this during 
the `docker start` command in order to forward the port from 
+container to host. This requires as well that nREPL server listens to 
"" and not only to "localhost".
+=== Working with Containers running on remote hosts
+In case we have the container running on a remote machine, we need to do the 
same setup as above and additionally use `ssh`
+to forward the already-forwarded port again to our local machine.
+This can be done using a command such as "ssh -L 12345:localhost:12345 
+assuming that 12345 was the nREPL port exposed by the container.
+=== Working with devcontainers locally or remotely
+https://containers.dev[Development Containers] is a standard to describe 
container-based development environments. It includes a CLI.
+It uses Docker/Podman behind the scenes. So the principles of making sure that 
the nREPL port becomes available stay the same,
+but there are slightly different ways to configure this (given by the 
devcontainer standard).
+There are several CLI tools to manage devcontainers, as there are several 
container technologies. The following example uses 
+link:https://github.com/devcontainers/cli[the devcontainers cli], but there 
are others (devpod, gitpod...).
+==== Example: Working with containers (using `devcontainer`) on a remote server
+In this scenario and assuming a folder `/home/me/my-clj-code` containing the 
relevant `devcontainer` related config files
+(devcontainer.json) we can first start remotely a devcontainer via:
+# executed on MY_REMOTE_SERVER
+devcontainer up --workspace-folder /home/me/my-clj-code
+Then we can start a nREPL server inside the container on the remote host as 
shown below (executed from from your local machine).
+The command tunnels as well the remote port 12345 to local machine on port 
+ssh -t -L 12345:localhost:12345 MY_REMOTE_SERVER \
+    devcontainer exec  --workspace-folder /home/me/my-clj-code \
+    "clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version \"0.8.3\"} 
cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version \"0.25.5\"}}}' -m nrepl.cmdline -p 12345 -b --middleware '[\"cider.nrepl/cider-middleware\"]' "
+For this to work, we need as well to configure `devcontainer.json` with a 
snippet that exposes port `12345` from the container to the (remote) host:
+"appPort": [
+  // will make container port 12345 available as 12345 on remote host
+  // (which will be further tunneled to 12345 on local machine)
+  "12345:12345"
+       ],
+This results then in having port 12345 available locally and we can 
`cider-connect` to it, using `localhost:12345`.
+Editing of the files can then happen via TRAMP. As the files are "on the 
remote machine"
+and also mounted inside the container on the remote machine, we have two 
possible TRAMP file syntaxes to edit them - either of:
+* `/ssh:MY_REMOTE_SERVER:/home/me/my-clj-code/...`
 == Connecting via unix domain file socket
 NOTE: Unix socket support was introduced in nREPL 0.9. Currently

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