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[nongnu] elpa/mastodon 16340dbef1 23/47: add user id to user item insert

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/mastodon 16340dbef1 23/47: add user id to user item inserting, for pagination
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 19:00:56 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/mastodon
commit 16340dbef16de36cb1aff10d78723bdb0652f03b
Author: marty hiatt <martianhiatus [a t] riseup [d o t] net>
Commit: marty hiatt <martianhiatus [a t] riseup [d o t] net>

    add user id to user item inserting, for pagination
 lisp/mastodon-search.el | 11 ++++++-----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/mastodon-search.el b/lisp/mastodon-search.el
index bba816ff85..5b94132820 100644
--- a/lisp/mastodon-search.el
+++ b/lisp/mastodon-search.el
@@ -245,21 +245,22 @@ user's profile note. This is also called by
 (defun mastodon-search--propertize-user (acct &optional note)
   "Propertize display string for ACCT, optionally including profile NOTE."
-  (let ((user (mastodon-search--get-user-info acct)))
+  (let* ((user (mastodon-search--get-user-info acct))
+         (id (alist-get 'id acct)))
       (propertize (car user)
                   'face 'mastodon-display-name-face
                   'byline t
-                  'toot-id "0")
+                  'toot-id id) ; for prev/next nav
       " : \n : "
       (propertize (concat "@" (cadr user))
                   'face 'mastodon-handle-face
                   'mouse-face 'highlight
-                         'mastodon-tab-stop 'user-handle
-                         'keymap mastodon-tl--link-keymap
+                 'mastodon-tab-stop 'user-handle
+                 'keymap mastodon-tl--link-keymap
                   'mastodon-handle (concat "@" (cadr user))
-                         'help-echo (concat "Browse user profile of @" (cadr 
+                 'help-echo (concat "Browse user profile of @" (cadr user)))
       " : \n"
       (if note
           (mastodon-tl--render-text (cadddr user) acct)

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