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[elpa] externals/dape 2376cf5400 010/123: Resolve symbols in config eval

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/dape 2376cf5400 010/123: Resolve symbols in config evaluation
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 03:57:56 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dape
commit 2376cf5400fd72259b1b1510b0ae6b1c8b9f57bf
Author: Daniel Pettersson <daniel@dpettersson.net>
Commit: Daniel Pettersson <daniel@dpettersson.net>

    Resolve symbols in config evaluation
 README.org | 35 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 dape.el    | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index a99382e3df..3b0b271854 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -44,16 +44,17 @@ Currently =Dape= does not come with any debug adapter 
 * Differences with dap-mode
-~dap-mode~ is the most popular alternative and of course much more mature and 
probably more feature rich (have not used ~dap-mode~ extensively).
+[[https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode][dap-mode]] is the most popular 
alternative and is of course much more mature and probably more feature rich 
(have not used ~dap-mode~ extensively).
 Dape has no dependencies outside of packages included in emacs, and tries to 
use get as much out of them possible.
 Dape takes a slightly different approach to configuration.
 + Dape does not support ~launch.json~ files, if per project configuration is 
needed use ~dir-locals~.
 + Tries to simplify configuration, by having just a plist.
-+ No magic, no special variables.
-+ Dape tries to improve config ergonomics in ~dape~ completing-read by 
allowing to change and add plist entries in an already existing config, 
example: ~adapter-config :port 5555~.
-+ No batteries included.
++ Dape tries to improve config ergonomics in ~dape~ completing-read by 
allowing to change/add plist entries in an already existing config, example: 
~adapter-config :program "/home/user/b.out" :compile "gcc -g -o b.out main.c "~.
++ No magic, no special variables. Instead, functions and variables are 
resolved before starting a new session.
++ No batteries included. Many, suffer from a significant drawback: they're 
tightly coupled with the vscode extension they're bundled with. This tight 
coupling results in launch/attach requests being specific to each adapter, 
devoid of reasonable defaults as they are stored within the extension itself, 
leading to an ever-changing and unstable API. Consequently, attempting to 
include default configurations for each adapter seems like a losing proposition.
++ Tries to be envision to how debug adapter configuration would be implemented 
in emacs if vscode never existed.
 Some might say that Dape has a nicer UI others might not.
@@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ Example launch configuration for ~node~.
                  command-args ("src/dapDebugServer.js" "8123")
                  :type "pwa-node"
                  :request "launch"
-                 :cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
-                 :program dape-find-file
+                 :cwd dape-cwd-fn
+                 :program dape-find-file-buffer-default
                  :outputCapture "console"
                  :sourceMapRenames t
                  :pauseForSourceMap nil
@@ -100,13 +101,13 @@ See 
                  modes (go-mode go-ts-mode)
                  command "dlv"
                  command-args ("dap" "--listen" "")
-                 command-cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
+                 command-cwd dape-cwd-fn
                  host ""
                  port 55878
                  :type "debug"
                  :request "launch"
-                 :cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
-                 :program ,dape-cwd-fn)
+                 :cwd dape-cwd-fn
+                 :program dape-cwd-fn)
@@ -118,16 +119,16 @@ Download latest 
[[https://github.com/vadimcn/codelldb/releases][release]] and un
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (add-to-list `(codelldb
                  modes (c-mode c-ts-mode
-                               c++-mode c++-ts-mode
-                               rust-ts-mode rust-mode)
+                        c++-mode c++-ts-mode
+                        rust-ts-mode rust-mode)
                  ;; Replace vadimcn.vscode-lldb with the vsix directory you 
just extracted
-                 command ,"vadimcn.vscode-lldb/adapter/codelldb"
+                 command "vadimcn.vscode-lldb/adapter/codelldb"
                  host "localhost"
                  port 5818
                  command-args ("--port" "5818")
                  :type "lldb"
                  :request "launch"
-                 :cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
+                 :cwd dape-cwd-fn
                  :program dape-find-file)
@@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ Then ~chmod +x debugAdapters/bin/OpenDebugAD7~.
                  modes (c-mode c-ts-mode c++-mode c++-ts-mode)
                  command-cwd ,(file-name-directory
-                 command ,cppdbg-command
+                 command cppdbg-command
                  :type "cppdbg"
                  :request "launch"
-                 :cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
+                 :cwd dape-cwd-fn
                  :program dape-find-file
                  :MIMode ,(cond
                            ((executable-find "gdb") "gdb")
@@ -168,8 +169,8 @@ Install debugpy with pip ~pip install debugpy~
                  command-args ("-m" "debugpy.adapter")
                  :type "executable"
                  :request "launch"
-                 :cwd ,dape-cwd-fn
-                 :program dape-find-file)
+                 :cwd dape-cwd-fn
+                 :program dape-find-file-buffer-default)
diff --git a/dape.el b/dape.el
index c089b68749..edcb6d5bf5 100644
--- a/dape.el
+++ b/dape.el
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Symbol Keys (Used by Dape):
 Debug adapter connection in configuration:
 - If only command is specified (without host and port), Dape
   will communicate with the debug adapter through stdin/stdout.
-- If both host'and port are specified, Dape will connect to the
+- If both host and port are specified, Dape will connect to the
   debug adapter. If `command is specified, Dape will wait until the
   command is initiated before it connects with host and port.
@@ -81,9 +81,11 @@ Keywords in configuration:
   information on how Dape serializes these keyword elements. Dape
   uses nil as false.
-Functions in configuration:
+Functions and symbols in configuration:
  If a value in a key is a function, the function's return value will
- replace the key's value before execution."
+ replace the key's value before execution.
+ If a value in a key is a symbol, the symbol will recursively resolve
+ at runtime."
   :type '(alist :key-type (symbol :tag "Name")
                 (plist :options
@@ -104,7 +106,6 @@ Functions in configuration:
   "Dape buffers to open when debugging starts."
   :type '(list (const dape-info) (const dape-repl)))
 (defcustom dape-main-functions '("main")
   "Functions to set breakpoints at startup if no other breakpoints are set."
   :type '(list string))
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ Functions in configuration:
   "Function to run compile with."
   :type 'function)
-(defcustom dape-cwd-fn 'dape--default-cwd
+(defcustom dape-cwd-fn #'dape--default-cwd
   "Function to get current working directory."
   :type 'function)
@@ -310,11 +311,18 @@ The hook is run with one argument, the compilation 
          (project-root project))
-(defun dape-find-file ()
+(defun dape-find-file (&optional default)
   (let* ((completion-ignored-extensions nil)
          (default-directory (funcall dape-cwd-fn)))
-     (read-file-name "Program: " default-directory nil t))))
+     (read-file-name (if default
+                         (format "Program (default %s): " default)
+                       "Program : ")
+                     default-directory
+                     default t))))
+(defun dape-find-file-buffer-default ()
+  (dape-find-file (buffer-file-name)))
 (defun dape--overlay-region (&optional extended)
   (list (line-beginning-position)
@@ -342,8 +350,6 @@ The hook is run with one argument, the compilation buffer."
                          'face 'font-lock-type-face))))))
 ;;; Process and parsing
 (defconst dape--content-length-re
@@ -1085,7 +1091,7 @@ string is read as NAME and rest as element in CONFIG.
 Interactive example:
   launch :program \"bin\"
-Executes launch `dape-config' with :program as \"bin\"."
+Executes launch `dape-configs' with :program as \"bin\"."
   (interactive (dape--read-config))
   (unless (plist-get config 'start-debugging)
@@ -1096,8 +1102,8 @@ Executes launch `dape-config' with :program as \"bin\"."
     (setq evaled-config
            (seq-reduce (apply-partially 'apply 'plist-put)
-                        (seq-partition config 2)
-                        (copy-tree base-config))))
+                       (seq-partition config 2)
+                       (copy-tree base-config))))
     (when (called-interactively-p)
       (push (dape--config-to-string name
@@ -1982,23 +1988,26 @@ Buffer contains debug session information."
                  ((functionp value) (funcall-interactively value))
                  ((plistp value) (dape--config-eval value))
                  ((vectorp value) (cl-map 'vector #'eval-value value))
+                 ((and (symbolp value)
+                       (not (eq (symbol-value value) value)))
+                  (funcall #'eval-value (symbol-value value)))
                  (t value))))
     (cl-loop for (key value) on config by 'cddr
              append (cond
                      ((memq key '(modes)) (list key value))
-                     (t  (list key (funcall #'eval-value value)))))))
+                     (t (list key (funcall #'eval-value value)))))))
 (defun dape--config-from-string (str)
   (let (name read-config base-config)
     (when (string-empty-p str)
-      (user-error "Expected `dape-config' name."))
+      (user-error "Expected config name."))
     (setq name (read str)
           base-config (copy-tree (alist-get name dape-configs))
           str (substring str (length (symbol-name name))))
     (unless (string-empty-p str)
       (setq read-config (read (format "(%s)" str))))
     (unless (plistp read-config)
-      (user-error "Unexpected `dape-config' format, see `dape'."))
+      (user-error "Unexpected config format, see `dape-configs'."))
     (cl-loop for (key value) on read-config by 'cddr
              do (setq base-config (plist-put base-config key value)))
     (list name base-config)))
@@ -2010,7 +2019,7 @@ Buffer contains debug session information."
 (defun dape--config-to-string (name pre-eval-config post-eval-config)
   (let ((config-diff (dape--config-diff pre-eval-config
-                                         post-eval-config)))
+                                        post-eval-config)))
     (concat (format "%s" name)
             (when-let ((config-str (and config-diff
                                         (prin1-to-string config-diff))))
@@ -2021,18 +2030,17 @@ Buffer contains debug session information."
 (defun dape--read-config ()
   (let ((candidate
-         (completing-read
-          "Dape config: "
-          (append
-           (mapcan
-            (lambda (name-config)
-              (let* ((config (cdr name-config))
-                     (modes (plist-get config 'modes)))
-                (when (apply 'provided-mode-derived-p major-mode modes)
-                  (list (car name-config)))))
-            dape-configs)
-           dape--config-history)
-          nil nil nil 'dape-history)))
+         (completing-read "Dape config: "
+                          (append
+                           (mapcan
+                            (lambda (name-config)
+                              (let* ((config (cdr name-config))
+                                     (modes (plist-get config 'modes)))
+                                (when (apply 'provided-mode-derived-p 
major-mode modes)
+                                  (list (car name-config)))))
+                            dape-configs)
+                           dape--config-history)
+                          nil nil nil 'dape-history)))
     (if-let ((config
               (alist-get (intern candidate) dape-configs)))
         (list (intern candidate) config)

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