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[elpa] externals/ellama 510cc0a2ce 07/11: Merge pull request #29 from St

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/ellama 510cc0a2ce 07/11: Merge pull request #29 from Stebalien/steb/dry
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:57:50 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/ellama
commit 510cc0a2ceec2b89a17c720497d6e9309a449a2c
Merge: a0aba01fa1 c8bf280bc9
Author: Sergey Kostyaev <s-kostyaev@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #29 from Stebalien/steb/dry
    Merge duplicate code
 ellama.el | 178 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ellama.el b/ellama.el
index c4c23318f8..db9914e9f4 100644
--- a/ellama.el
+++ b/ellama.el
@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@
   (rx (minimal-match
        (literal "```") (zero-or-more anything))))
+(defun ellama--code-filter (text)
+  "Filter code prefix/suffix from TEXT."
+  (string-trim text ellama--code-prefix ellama--code-suffix))
 (defun ellama-setup-keymap ()
   "Set up the Ellama keymap and bindings."
@@ -176,11 +180,31 @@ ARGS contains keys for fine control.
 :buffer BUFFER -- BUFFER is the buffer (or `buffer-name') to insert ellama 
 in.  Default value is (current-buffer).
-:point POINT -- POINT is the point in buffer to insert ellama reaply at."
+:point POINT -- POINT is the point in buffer to insert ellama reply at.
+:filter FILTER -- FILTER is a function that's applied to (partial) response
+strings before they're inserted into the BUFFER.
+:session SESSION -- if session is non-nil, the PROMPT will be appended to the
+current (BUFFER-local) conversation.
+:on-error ON-ERROR -- ON-ERROR a function that's called with an error message 
+failure (with BUFFER current).
+:on-done ON-DONE -- ON-DONE a function that's called with the full response 
+when the request completes (with BUFFER current)."
   (let* ((buffer (or (plist-get args :buffer) (current-buffer)))
         (point (or (plist-get args :point)
-                   (with-current-buffer buffer (point)))))
+                   (with-current-buffer buffer (point))))
+        (filter (or (plist-get args :filter) #'identity))
+        (session (plist-get args :session))
+        (errcb (or (plist-get args :on-error) (lambda (msg) (error "Error 
calling the LLM: %s" msg))))
+        (donecb (or (plist-get args :on-done) #'ignore)))
     (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (if (and session ellama--chat-prompt)
+         (llm-chat-prompt-append-response
+          ellama--chat-prompt prompt)
+       (setq ellama--chat-prompt (llm-make-simple-chat-prompt prompt)))
            (let* ((start (make-marker))
@@ -194,7 +218,7 @@ in.  Default value is (current-buffer).
                            (goto-char start)
                            (delete-region start end)
-                           (insert text)
+                           (insert (funcall filter text))
                            (fill-region start (point)))
                          (goto-char pt))
                        (when ellama-auto-scroll
@@ -214,69 +238,19 @@ in.  Default value is (current-buffer).
              (set-marker-insertion-type end t)
              (spinner-start ellama-spinner-type)
              (llm-chat-streaming ellama-provider
-                                 (llm-make-simple-chat-prompt prompt)
+                                 ellama--chat-prompt
                                  (lambda (text)
                                    (funcall insert-text text)
                                    (with-current-buffer buffer
                                      (accept-change-group ellama--change-group)
-                                     (spinner-stop)))
+                                     (spinner-stop)
+                                     (funcall donecb text)))
                                  (lambda (_ msg)
-                                   (error "Error calling the LLM: %s" msg)
-                                   (cancel-change-group 
-(defun ellama-stream-filter (prompt prefix suffix buffer point)
-  "Query ellama for PROMPT with filtering.
-In BUFFER at POINT will be inserted result between PREFIX and SUFFIX."
-  (with-current-buffer buffer
-    (unwind-protect
-       (save-excursion
-         (let* ((start (make-marker))
-                (end (make-marker))
-                (window (selected-window))
-                (insert-text
-                 (lambda (text)
-                   ;; Erase and insert the new text between the marker cons.
-                   (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer start)
-                     (let ((pt (point)))
-                       (save-excursion
-                         (goto-char start)
-                         (delete-region start end)
-                         ;; remove prefix and suffix parts
-                         (insert (string-trim-right
-                                  (string-trim-left text prefix)
-                                  suffix))
-                         (fill-region start (point)))
-                       (goto-char pt))
-                     (when ellama-auto-scroll
-                       (select-window (get-window-with-predicate
-                                       (lambda (_)
-                                         (eq (current-buffer)
-                                             (get-buffer ellama-buffer))))
-                                      t)
-                       (goto-char (point-max))
-                       (recenter -1)
-                       (select-window window))))))
-           (setq ellama--change-group (prepare-change-group))
-           (activate-change-group ellama--change-group)
-           (set-marker start point)
-           (set-marker end point)
-           (set-marker-insertion-type start nil)
-           (set-marker-insertion-type end t)
-           (spinner-start ellama-spinner-type)
-           (llm-chat-streaming ellama-provider
-                               (llm-make-simple-chat-prompt prompt)
-                               insert-text
-                               (lambda (text)
-                                 (funcall insert-text text)
-                                 (with-current-buffer buffer
-                                   (undo-amalgamate-change-group 
-                                   (accept-change-group ellama--change-group)
-                                   (spinner-stop)))
-                               (lambda (_ msg)
-                                 (cancel-change-group ellama--change-group)
-                                 (error "Error calling the LLM: %s" msg))))))))
+                                   (with-current-buffer buffer
+                                     (cancel-change-group ellama--change-group)
+                                     (funcall errcb msg))))))))))
 (defun ellama-chat (prompt)
@@ -288,60 +262,15 @@ In BUFFER at POINT will be inserted result between PREFIX 
and SUFFIX."
       (funcall ellama-buffer-mode)))
   (display-buffer ellama-buffer)
   (with-current-buffer ellama-buffer
-    (if ellama--chat-prompt
-       (llm-chat-prompt-append-response
-        ellama--chat-prompt prompt)
-      (setq ellama--chat-prompt (llm-make-simple-chat-prompt prompt)))
       (goto-char (point-max))
       (insert "## " ellama-user-nick ":\n" prompt "\n\n"
              "## " ellama-assistant-nick ":\n")
-      (let* ((start (make-marker))
-            (end (make-marker))
-            (point (point-max))
-            (window (selected-window))
-            (insert-text
-             (lambda (text)
-               ;; Erase and insert the new text between the marker cons.
-               (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer start)
-                 (let ((pt (point)))
-                   (save-excursion
-                     (goto-char start)
-                     (delete-region start end)
-                     (insert text)
-                     (fill-region start (point)))
-                   (goto-char pt))
-                 (when ellama-auto-scroll
-                   (select-window (get-window-with-predicate
-                                   (lambda (_)
-                                     (eq (current-buffer)
-                                         (get-buffer ellama-buffer))))
-                                  t)
-                   (goto-char (point-max))
-                   (recenter -1)
-                   (select-window window))))))
-       (setq ellama--change-group (prepare-change-group))
-       (activate-change-group ellama--change-group)
-       (set-marker start point)
-       (set-marker end point)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type start nil)
-       (set-marker-insertion-type end t)
-       (spinner-start ellama-spinner-type)
-       (llm-chat-streaming ellama-provider
-                           ellama--chat-prompt
-                           insert-text
-                           (lambda (text)
-                             (funcall insert-text text)
-                             (with-current-buffer ellama-buffer
-                               (save-excursion
-                                 (goto-char (point-max))
-                                 (insert "\n\n"))
-                               (undo-amalgamate-change-group 
-                               (accept-change-group ellama--change-group)
-                               (spinner-stop)))
-                           (lambda (_ msg)
-                             (cancel-change-group ellama--change-group)
-                             (error "Error calling the LLM: %s" msg)))))))
+      (ellama-stream prompt
+                    :session t
+                    :on-done (lambda (_) (save-excursion
+                                     (goto-char (point-max))
+                                     (insert "\n\n")))))))
 (defalias 'ellama-ask 'ellama-chat)
@@ -502,14 +431,12 @@ In BUFFER at POINT will be inserted result between PREFIX 
and SUFFIX."
         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
     (kill-region beg end)
-    (ellama-stream-filter
+    (ellama-stream
       "Regarding the following code, %s, only ouput the result code in format 
       change text)
-     ellama--code-prefix
-     ellama--code-suffix
-     (current-buffer)
-     beg)))
+     :filter #'ellama--code-filter
+     :point beg)))
 (defun ellama-enhance-code ()
@@ -523,14 +450,12 @@ In BUFFER at POINT will be inserted result between PREFIX 
and SUFFIX."
         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
     (kill-region beg end)
-    (ellama-stream-filter
+    (ellama-stream
       "Enhance the following code, only ouput the result code in format 
-     ellama--code-prefix
-     ellama--code-suffix
-     (current-buffer)
-     beg)))
+     :filter #'ellama--code-filter
+     :point beg)))
 (defun ellama-complete-code ()
@@ -543,14 +468,12 @@ In BUFFER at POINT will be inserted result between PREFIX 
and SUFFIX."
         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
-    (ellama-stream-filter
+    (ellama-stream
       "Continue the following code, only write new code in format 
-     ellama--code-prefix
-     ellama--code-suffix
-     (current-buffer)
-     end)))
+     :filter #'ellama--code-filter
+     :point end)))
 (defun ellama-add-code (description)
@@ -565,14 +488,11 @@ buffer."
         (text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
-    (ellama-stream-filter
+    (ellama-stream
       "Context: \n```\n%s\n```\nBased on this context, %s, only ouput the 
result in format ```\n...\n```"
       text description)
-     ellama--code-prefix
-     ellama--code-suffix
-     (current-buffer)
-     (point))))
+     :filter #'ellama--code-filter)))

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