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[nongnu] elpa/slime 5cb01098e9 22/44: Fixed a problem with intering symb

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/slime 5cb01098e9 22/44: Fixed a problem with intering symbols into the user's package.
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 01:00:04 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/slime
commit 5cb01098e9a844723fbc97b2fda9cda49394ab87
Author: Alexander Artemenko <svetlyak.40wt@gmail.com>
Commit: Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com>

    Fixed a problem with intering symbols into the user's package.
 packages.lisp | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages.lisp b/packages.lisp
index 89206bf88b..9c21982714 100644
--- a/packages.lisp
+++ b/packages.lisp
@@ -1,140 +1,142 @@
-(swank-loader:define-package swank/backend
-  (:use cl)
-  (:nicknames swank-backend)
-  (:export *debug-swank-backend*
-           *log-output*
-           sldb-condition
-           compiler-condition
-           original-condition
-           message
-           source-context
-           condition
-           severity
-           with-compilation-hooks
-           make-location
-           location
-           location-p
-           location-buffer
-           location-position
-           location-hints
-           position-p
-           position-pos
-           print-output-to-string
-           quit-lisp
-           references
-           unbound-slot-filler
-           declaration-arglist
-           type-specifier-arglist
-           with-struct
-           when-let
-           defimplementation
-           converting-errors-to-error-location
-           make-error-location
-           deinit-log-output
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/backend
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:nicknames #:swank-backend)
+  (:export #:*debug-swank-backend*
+           #:*log-output*
+           #:sldb-condition
+           #:compiler-condition
+           #:original-condition
+           #:message
+           #:source-context
+           #:condition
+           #:severity
+           #:with-compilation-hooks
+           #:make-location
+           #:location
+           #:location-p
+           #:location-buffer
+           #:location-position
+           #:location-hints
+           #:position-p
+           #:position-pos
+           #:print-output-to-string
+           #:quit-lisp
+           #:references
+           #:unbound-slot-filler
+           #:declaration-arglist
+           #:type-specifier-arglist
+           #:with-struct
+           #:when-let
+           #:defimplementation
+           #:converting-errors-to-error-location
+           #:make-error-location
+           #:deinit-log-output
            ;; interrupt macro for the backend
-           *pending-slime-interrupts*
-           check-slime-interrupts
-           *interrupt-queued-handler*
+           #:*pending-slime-interrupts*
+           #:check-slime-interrupts
+           #:*interrupt-queued-handler*
            ;; inspector related symbols
-           emacs-inspect
-           label-value-line
-           label-value-line*
-           boolean-to-feature-expression
-           with-symbol
-           choose-symbol
+           #:emacs-inspect
+           #:label-value-line
+           #:label-value-line*
+           #:boolean-to-feature-expression
+           #:with-symbol
+           #:choose-symbol
            ;; package helper for backend
-           import-to-swank-mop
-           import-swank-mop-symbols
+           #:import-to-swank-mop
+           #:import-swank-mop-symbols
-           default-directory
-           set-default-directory
-           frame-source-location
-           restart-frame
-           gdb-initial-commands
-           sldb-break-on-return
-           buffer-first-change
+           #:default-directory
+           #:set-default-directory
+           #:frame-source-location
+           #:restart-frame
+           #:gdb-initial-commands
+           #:sldb-break-on-return
+           #:buffer-first-change
-           profiled-functions
-           unprofile-all
-           profile-report
-           profile-reset
-           profile-package
+           #:profiled-functions
+           #:unprofile-all
+           #:profile-report
+           #:profile-reset
+           #:profile-package
-           with-collected-macro-forms
-           auto-flush-loop
-           *auto-flush-interval*
-           with-lock))
+           #:with-collected-macro-forms
+           #:auto-flush-loop
+           #:*auto-flush-interval*
+           #:with-lock))
-(swank-loader:define-package swank/rpc
-  (:use :cl)
-  (:export
-   read-message
-   read-packet
-   swank-reader-error
-   swank-reader-error.packet
-   swank-reader-error.cause
-   write-message))
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/rpc
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:export #:read-message
+           #:read-packet
+           #:swank-reader-error
+           #:swank-reader-error.packet
+           #:swank-reader-error.cause
+           #:write-message))
-(swank-loader:define-package swank/match
-  (:use cl)
-  (:export match))
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/match
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:export #:match))
 ;; FIXME: rename to sawnk/mop
-(swank-loader:define-package swank-mop
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank-mop
    ;; classes
-   standard-generic-function
-   standard-slot-definition
-   standard-method
-   standard-class
-   eql-specializer
-   eql-specializer-object
+   #:standard-generic-function
+   #:standard-slot-definition
+   #:standard-method
+   #:standard-class
+   #:eql-specializer
+   #:eql-specializer-object
    ;; standard-class readers
-   class-default-initargs
-   class-direct-default-initargs
-   class-direct-slots
-   class-direct-subclasses
-   class-direct-superclasses
-   class-finalized-p
-   class-name
-   class-precedence-list
-   class-prototype
-   class-slots
-   specializer-direct-methods
+   #:class-default-initargs
+   #:class-direct-default-initargs
+   #:class-direct-slots
+   #:class-direct-subclasses
+   #:class-direct-superclasses
+   #:class-finalized-p
+   #:class-name
+   #:class-precedence-list
+   #:class-prototype
+   #:class-slots
+   #:specializer-direct-methods
    ;; generic function readers
-   generic-function-argument-precedence-order
-   generic-function-declarations
-   generic-function-lambda-list
-   generic-function-methods
-   generic-function-method-class
-   generic-function-method-combination
-   generic-function-name
+   #:generic-function-argument-precedence-order
+   #:generic-function-declarations
+   #:generic-function-lambda-list
+   #:generic-function-methods
+   #:generic-function-method-class
+   #:generic-function-method-combination
+   #:generic-function-name
    ;; method readers
-   method-generic-function
-   method-function
-   method-lambda-list
-   method-specializers
-   method-qualifiers
+   #:method-generic-function
+   #:method-function
+   #:method-lambda-list
+   #:method-specializers
+   #:method-qualifiers
    ;; slot readers
-   slot-definition-allocation
-   slot-definition-documentation
-   slot-definition-initargs
-   slot-definition-initform
-   slot-definition-initfunction
-   slot-definition-name
-   slot-definition-type
-   slot-definition-readers
-   slot-definition-writers
-   slot-boundp-using-class
-   slot-value-using-class
-   slot-makunbound-using-class
+   #:slot-definition-allocation
+   #:slot-definition-documentation
+   #:slot-definition-initargs
+   #:slot-definition-initform
+   #:slot-definition-initfunction
+   #:slot-definition-name
+   #:slot-definition-type
+   #:slot-definition-readers
+   #:slot-definition-writers
+   #:slot-boundp-using-class
+   #:slot-value-using-class
+   #:slot-makunbound-using-class
    ;; generic function protocol
-   compute-applicable-methods-using-classes
-   finalize-inheritance))
+   #:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes
+   #:finalize-inheritance))
-(swank-loader:define-package swank
-  (:use cl swank/backend swank/match swank/rpc)
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank
+  (:use #:cl
+        #:swank/backend
+        #:swank/match
+        #:swank/rpc)
   (:export #:startup-multiprocessing

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