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[nongnu] elpa/slime 4349a0bbec 44/44: Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/slime 4349a0bbec 44/44: Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/slime/main' into elpa--merge/slime
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 01:00:08 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/slime
commit 4349a0bbec2ada42e55f5199d77a5a1b042aa7d7
Merge: 28adf1dca0 dfb83b4b4f
Author: ELPA Syncer <elpasync@gnu.org>
Commit: ELPA Syncer <elpasync@gnu.org>

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/slime/main' into 
 .github/workflows/ci.yml           |   2 +-
 NEWS                               |  10 +
 contrib/slime-autodoc.el           |   2 +-
 contrib/slime-cl-indent.el         |   2 +-
 contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el     |  26 +-
 contrib/slime-parse.el             |  59 +++-
 contrib/slime-repl.el              |   4 +-
 contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp |   2 +-
 contrib/swank-quicklisp.lisp       |   6 +-
 contrib/swank-repl.lisp            |   2 +
 doc/slime.texi                     |   2 +-
 packages.lisp                      | 238 +++++++--------
 slime.el                           |  24 +-
 swank-loader.lisp                  |  22 +-
 swank.asd                          |  96 +++---
 swank.lisp                         |  65 ++++-
 swank/abcl.lisp                    | 577 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 swank/clasp.lisp                   | 135 +++++----
 swank/gray.lisp                    |   3 +
 19 files changed, 735 insertions(+), 542 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index c66baafe29..b0d7664743 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs:
       fail-fast: false
-    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
+    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
         nix_path: nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable
     - uses: purcell/setup-emacs@master
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 32267c6e12..fd397cbcfe 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
 * SLIME News                                -*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 
+* 2.29 (unreleased)
+** Core
+*** Loading the system "swank" with ASDF produces compilation artifacts
+** ABCL
+*** Fix missing source position from string buffer location
+*** Add interface to debug stepper
+*** Update xref implmentation
+*** Close temp file before compile-file
+*** Fix detection of serve-event module
 * 2.28 (January 2023)
 ** Operations that produce a lot of output can be interrupted more easily. 
 ** Improved compatibility with implementations and newer Emacs versions.
diff --git a/contrib/slime-autodoc.el b/contrib/slime-autodoc.el
index 3463b47f1f..2d727993f8 100644
--- a/contrib/slime-autodoc.el
+++ b/contrib/slime-autodoc.el
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ If it's not in the cache, the cache will be updated 
 (defun slime-autodoc--async (context multilinep)
-      `(swank:autodoc ',context ;; FIXME: misuse of quote
+      `(swank:autodoc ',context
                      :print-right-margin ,(window-width (minibuffer-window)))
     (slime-curry #'slime-autodoc--async% context multilinep)))
diff --git a/contrib/slime-cl-indent.el b/contrib/slime-cl-indent.el
index 1d2bcfa218..5f8863d7d6 100644
--- a/contrib/slime-cl-indent.el
+++ b/contrib/slime-cl-indent.el
@@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ Cause subsequent clauses to be indented.")
              (macrolet       (as flet))
              (generic-flet   (as flet))
              (generic-labels (as flet))
-             (handler-case (4 &rest (&whole 2 &lambda &body)))
+             (handler-case (4 &rest (&whole 2 2 4 &body)))
              (restart-case (as handler-case))
              ;; single-else style (then and else equally indented)
              (if          (&rest nil))
diff --git a/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el b/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el
index 74f8ed348d..2c06857395 100644
--- a/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el
+++ b/contrib/slime-fontifying-fu.el
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@ position, or nil."
        (when reader-conditional-pt
-          (let* ((parser-state
-                  (parse-partial-sexp
-                  (progn (goto-char (+ reader-conditional-pt 2))
-                         (forward-sexp) ; skip feature expr.
-                         (point))
-                  orig-pt))
-                 (paren-depth  (car  parser-state))
-                 (last-sexp-pt (cl-caddr  parser-state)))
-            (if (and paren-depth
-                    (not (cl-plusp paren-depth)) ; no '(' in between?
-                     (not last-sexp-pt)) ; no complete sexp in between?
-                reader-conditional-pt
-              nil))))
+          (let ((condition-end (progn (goto-char (+ reader-conditional-pt 2))
+                                     (forward-sexp) ; skip feature expr.
+                                     (point))))
+            (unless (>= condition-end orig-pt)
+              (let* ((parser-state
+                       (parse-partial-sexp condition-end orig-pt))
+                     (paren-depth  (car  parser-state))
+                     (last-sexp-pt (cl-caddr  parser-state)))
+                (if (and paren-depth
+                        (not (cl-plusp paren-depth)) ; no '(' in between?
+                         (not last-sexp-pt)) ; no complete sexp in between?
+                    reader-conditional-pt
+                    nil))))))
     (scan-error nil)))                 ; improper feature expression
diff --git a/contrib/slime-parse.el b/contrib/slime-parse.el
index 6bbd8f4cfb..4d7e17924c 100644
--- a/contrib/slime-parse.el
+++ b/contrib/slime-parse.el
@@ -53,7 +53,12 @@
           (push pt2 todo)
           (push cursexp sexps)))))
     (when sexps
-      (setf (car sexps) (cl-nreconc form-suffix (car sexps)))
+      (if (car sexps)
+          (setf (car sexps) (cl-nreconc form-suffix (car sexps)))
+          (setf (car sexps) (nreverse
+                             (if (equal (car form-suffix) "")
+                                 form-suffix
+                                 (cons "" form-suffix)))))
       (while (> depth 1)
         (push (nreverse (pop sexps)) (car sexps))
         (cl-decf depth))
@@ -223,7 +228,10 @@ The pattern can have the form:
                always (ignore-errors
                         (cl-etypecase p
                           (symbol (slime-beginning-of-list)
-                                  (eq (read (current-buffer)) p))
+                                  (let ((x (read (current-buffer))))
+                                    (and (symbolp x)
+                                         (string-equal-ignore-case 
(symbol-name x)
(symbol-name p)))))
                           (number (backward-up-list p)
@@ -250,13 +258,31 @@ Point is placed before the first expression in the list."
   (forward-list 1)
   (down-list -1))
-(defun slime-parse-toplevel-form ()
-  (ignore-errors                        ; (foo)
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char (car (slime-region-for-defun-at-point)))
-      (down-list 1)
-      (forward-sexp 1)
-      (slime-parse-context (read (current-buffer))))))
+(defun slime-parse-toplevel-form (&optional match)
+  (let ((start (car (slime-region-for-defun-at-point))))
+    (or (ignore-errors
+         (save-excursion
+          (goto-char start)
+          (down-list 1)
+          (forward-sexp 1)
+          (let ((context (slime-parse-context (read (current-buffer)))))
+            (when (or (not match)
+                      (member (car context) match))
+              context))))
+        (when match
+          (ignore-errors
+           (save-excursion
+            (cl-loop while (> (point) start)
+                     thereis
+                     (progn
+                       (backward-up-list)
+                       (ignore-errors
+                        (save-excursion
+                         (down-list 1)
+                         (forward-sexp 1)
+                         (let ((context (slime-parse-context (read 
+                           (when (member (car context) match)
+                             context))))))))))))
 (defun slime-arglist-specializers (arglist)
   (cond ((or (null arglist)
@@ -271,12 +297,15 @@ Point is placed before the first expression in the list."
 (defun slime-definition-at-point (&optional only-functional)
   "Return object corresponding to the definition at point."
-  (let ((toplevel (slime-parse-toplevel-form)))
+  (let* ((functional '(:defun :defgeneric :defmethod :defmacro 
+         (all '(:defun :defgeneric :defmacro :define-modify-macro 
+                :defmethod :defparameter :defvar :defconstant :defclass 
:defstruct :defpackage))
+         (toplevel (slime-parse-toplevel-form (if only-functional
+                                                  functional
+                                                  all))))
     (if (or (symbolp toplevel)
             (and only-functional
-                 (not (member (car toplevel)
-                              '(:defun :defgeneric :defmethod
-                                       :defmacro :define-compiler-macro)))))
+                 (not (member (car toplevel) functional))))
         (error "Not in a definition")
       (slime-dcase toplevel
         (((:defun :defgeneric) symbol)
@@ -285,9 +314,9 @@ Point is placed before the first expression in the list."
          (format "(macro-function '%s)" symbol))
         ((:define-compiler-macro symbol)
          (format "(compiler-macro-function '%s)" symbol))
-        ((:defmethod symbol &rest args)
+        ((:defmethod &rest args)
          (declare (ignore args))
-         (format "#'%s" symbol))
+         (format "%s" toplevel))
         (((:defparameter :defvar :defconstant) symbol)
          (format "'%s" symbol))
         (((:defclass :defstruct) symbol)
diff --git a/contrib/slime-repl.el b/contrib/slime-repl.el
index d0d48831a9..3d647739c4 100644
--- a/contrib/slime-repl.el
+++ b/contrib/slime-repl.el
@@ -766,6 +766,7 @@ If NEWLINE is true then add a newline at the end of the 
      (buffer-substring slime-repl-input-start-mark end))
     (when newline
+      ;; Reset the output columns independently in case they are out of sync.
       (insert "\n")
     (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
@@ -1568,7 +1569,8 @@ expansion will be added to the REPL's history.)"
                         (save-excursion (insert ")"))))
                  (unless function
                    (goto-char slime-repl-input-start-mark)))))
-    (let ((toplevel (slime-parse-toplevel-form)))
+    (let ((toplevel (slime-parse-toplevel-form '(:defun :defgeneric :defmacro 
+                                                 :defmethod :defparameter 
:defvar :defconstant :defclass))))
       (if (symbolp toplevel)
           (error "Not in a function definition")
         (slime-dcase toplevel
diff --git a/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp 
index d61cfe2ede..3351a4bdb2 100644
--- a/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp
+++ b/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
         ;; Function
         (if (fboundp symbol)
             (append (if (macro-function symbol)
-                        `("It a macro with macro-function: "
+                        `("It is a macro with macro-function: "
                           (:value ,(macro-function symbol)))
                         `("It is a function: "
                           (:value ,(symbol-function symbol))))
diff --git a/contrib/swank-quicklisp.lisp b/contrib/swank-quicklisp.lisp
index 36545991c4..b46a01c69a 100644
--- a/contrib/swank-quicklisp.lisp
+++ b/contrib/swank-quicklisp.lisp
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
   "Returns the Quicklisp systems list."
   (if (member :quicklisp *features*)
       (let ((ql-dist-name (find-symbol "NAME" "QL-DIST"))
-            (ql-system-list (find-symbol "SYSTEM-LIST" "QL")))
-        (mapcar ql-dist-name (funcall ql-system-list)))
+            (ql-system-list (find-symbol "SYSTEM-LIST" "QL"))
+           (ql-local-systems (find-symbol "LIST-LOCAL-SYSTEMS" "QL")))
+        (append (mapcar ql-dist-name (funcall ql-system-list))
+               (funcall ql-local-systems)))
       (error "Could not find Quicklisp already loaded.")))
 (provide :swank-quicklisp)
diff --git a/contrib/swank-repl.lisp b/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
index f6db28b9e5..8e141a8e07 100644
--- a/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
+++ b/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ This is an optimized way for Lisp to deliver output to 
     (let ((ok nil))
            (prog1 (caddr (wait-for-event `(:emacs-return-string ,tag value)))
+             (swank/gray::reset-stream-line-column (connection.user-output 
              (setq ok t))
         (unless ok
           (send-to-emacs `(:read-aborted ,(current-thread-id) ,tag)))))))
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ LISTENER-EVAL directly, so that spacial variables *, etc 
are set."
                    (write-to-string '*listener-saved-value*))))
 (defslimefun listener-eval (string &key (window-width nil window-width-p))
+  (swank/gray::reset-stream-line-column (connection.user-output 
   (if window-width-p
       (let ((*print-right-margin* window-width))
         (funcall *listener-eval-function* string))
diff --git a/doc/slime.texi b/doc/slime.texi
index 9adc45dda9..389c8b7140 100644
--- a/doc/slime.texi
+++ b/doc/slime.texi
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ Recompile all definitions.
 @table @kbd
 @kbditem{C-c C-m, slime-expand-1}
 Macroexpand (or compiler-macroexpand) the expression starting at point
-once.  If invoked with a prefix argument use macroexpand instead or
+once.  If invoked with a prefix argument, use macroexpand instead of
 macroexpand-1 (or compiler-macroexpand instead of
diff --git a/packages.lisp b/packages.lisp
index 969c9d467e..9c21982714 100644
--- a/packages.lisp
+++ b/packages.lisp
@@ -1,140 +1,142 @@
-(defpackage swank/backend
-  (:use cl)
-  (:nicknames swank-backend)
-  (:export *debug-swank-backend*
-           *log-output*
-           sldb-condition
-           compiler-condition
-           original-condition
-           message
-           source-context
-           condition
-           severity
-           with-compilation-hooks
-           make-location
-           location
-           location-p
-           location-buffer
-           location-position
-           location-hints
-           position-p
-           position-pos
-           print-output-to-string
-           quit-lisp
-           references
-           unbound-slot-filler
-           declaration-arglist
-           type-specifier-arglist
-           with-struct
-           when-let
-           defimplementation
-           converting-errors-to-error-location
-           make-error-location
-           deinit-log-output
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/backend
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:nicknames #:swank-backend)
+  (:export #:*debug-swank-backend*
+           #:*log-output*
+           #:sldb-condition
+           #:compiler-condition
+           #:original-condition
+           #:message
+           #:source-context
+           #:condition
+           #:severity
+           #:with-compilation-hooks
+           #:make-location
+           #:location
+           #:location-p
+           #:location-buffer
+           #:location-position
+           #:location-hints
+           #:position-p
+           #:position-pos
+           #:print-output-to-string
+           #:quit-lisp
+           #:references
+           #:unbound-slot-filler
+           #:declaration-arglist
+           #:type-specifier-arglist
+           #:with-struct
+           #:when-let
+           #:defimplementation
+           #:converting-errors-to-error-location
+           #:make-error-location
+           #:deinit-log-output
            ;; interrupt macro for the backend
-           *pending-slime-interrupts*
-           check-slime-interrupts
-           *interrupt-queued-handler*
+           #:*pending-slime-interrupts*
+           #:check-slime-interrupts
+           #:*interrupt-queued-handler*
            ;; inspector related symbols
-           emacs-inspect
-           label-value-line
-           label-value-line*
-           boolean-to-feature-expression
-           with-symbol
-           choose-symbol
+           #:emacs-inspect
+           #:label-value-line
+           #:label-value-line*
+           #:boolean-to-feature-expression
+           #:with-symbol
+           #:choose-symbol
            ;; package helper for backend
-           import-to-swank-mop
-           import-swank-mop-symbols
+           #:import-to-swank-mop
+           #:import-swank-mop-symbols
-           default-directory
-           set-default-directory
-           frame-source-location
-           restart-frame
-           gdb-initial-commands
-           sldb-break-on-return
-           buffer-first-change
+           #:default-directory
+           #:set-default-directory
+           #:frame-source-location
+           #:restart-frame
+           #:gdb-initial-commands
+           #:sldb-break-on-return
+           #:buffer-first-change
-           profiled-functions
-           unprofile-all
-           profile-report
-           profile-reset
-           profile-package
+           #:profiled-functions
+           #:unprofile-all
+           #:profile-report
+           #:profile-reset
+           #:profile-package
-           with-collected-macro-forms
-           auto-flush-loop
-           *auto-flush-interval*
-           with-lock))
+           #:with-collected-macro-forms
+           #:auto-flush-loop
+           #:*auto-flush-interval*
+           #:with-lock))
-(defpackage swank/rpc
-  (:use :cl)
-  (:export
-   read-message
-   read-packet
-   swank-reader-error
-   swank-reader-error.packet
-   swank-reader-error.cause
-   write-message))
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/rpc
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:export #:read-message
+           #:read-packet
+           #:swank-reader-error
+           #:swank-reader-error.packet
+           #:swank-reader-error.cause
+           #:write-message))
-(defpackage swank/match
-  (:use cl)
-  (:export match))
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank/match
+  (:use #:cl)
+  (:export #:match))
 ;; FIXME: rename to sawnk/mop
-(defpackage swank-mop
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank-mop
    ;; classes
-   standard-generic-function
-   standard-slot-definition
-   standard-method
-   standard-class
-   eql-specializer
-   eql-specializer-object
+   #:standard-generic-function
+   #:standard-slot-definition
+   #:standard-method
+   #:standard-class
+   #:eql-specializer
+   #:eql-specializer-object
    ;; standard-class readers
-   class-default-initargs
-   class-direct-default-initargs
-   class-direct-slots
-   class-direct-subclasses
-   class-direct-superclasses
-   class-finalized-p
-   class-name
-   class-precedence-list
-   class-prototype
-   class-slots
-   specializer-direct-methods
+   #:class-default-initargs
+   #:class-direct-default-initargs
+   #:class-direct-slots
+   #:class-direct-subclasses
+   #:class-direct-superclasses
+   #:class-finalized-p
+   #:class-name
+   #:class-precedence-list
+   #:class-prototype
+   #:class-slots
+   #:specializer-direct-methods
    ;; generic function readers
-   generic-function-argument-precedence-order
-   generic-function-declarations
-   generic-function-lambda-list
-   generic-function-methods
-   generic-function-method-class
-   generic-function-method-combination
-   generic-function-name
+   #:generic-function-argument-precedence-order
+   #:generic-function-declarations
+   #:generic-function-lambda-list
+   #:generic-function-methods
+   #:generic-function-method-class
+   #:generic-function-method-combination
+   #:generic-function-name
    ;; method readers
-   method-generic-function
-   method-function
-   method-lambda-list
-   method-specializers
-   method-qualifiers
+   #:method-generic-function
+   #:method-function
+   #:method-lambda-list
+   #:method-specializers
+   #:method-qualifiers
    ;; slot readers
-   slot-definition-allocation
-   slot-definition-documentation
-   slot-definition-initargs
-   slot-definition-initform
-   slot-definition-initfunction
-   slot-definition-name
-   slot-definition-type
-   slot-definition-readers
-   slot-definition-writers
-   slot-boundp-using-class
-   slot-value-using-class
-   slot-makunbound-using-class
+   #:slot-definition-allocation
+   #:slot-definition-documentation
+   #:slot-definition-initargs
+   #:slot-definition-initform
+   #:slot-definition-initfunction
+   #:slot-definition-name
+   #:slot-definition-type
+   #:slot-definition-readers
+   #:slot-definition-writers
+   #:slot-boundp-using-class
+   #:slot-value-using-class
+   #:slot-makunbound-using-class
    ;; generic function protocol
-   compute-applicable-methods-using-classes
-   finalize-inheritance))
+   #:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes
+   #:finalize-inheritance))
-(defpackage swank
-  (:use cl swank/backend swank/match swank/rpc)
+(swank-loader:define-package #:swank
+  (:use #:cl
+        #:swank/backend
+        #:swank/match
+        #:swank/rpc)
   (:export #:startup-multiprocessing
diff --git a/slime.el b/slime.el
index d4905d374c..3b9bb0ec4e 100644
--- a/slime.el
+++ b/slime.el
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ information."
             (pkg   (slime-current-package)))
         (concat " "
                 (if local "{" "[")
-                (if pkg (slime-pretty-package-name pkg) "?")
+                (if pkg (string-replace "%" "%%" (slime-pretty-package-name 
pkg)) "?")
                 " "
                 ;; ignore errors for closed connections
                 (ignore-errors (slime-connection-name conn))
@@ -1363,7 +1363,6 @@ The default condition handler for timer functions (see
     "Hack and be merry!"
     "Your hacking starts... NOW!"
     "May the source be with you!"
-    "Take this REPL, brother, and may it serve you well."
     "Lemonodor-fame is but a hack away!"
     "Are we consing yet?"
     ,(format "%s, this could be the start of a beautiful program."
@@ -3218,7 +3217,8 @@ you should check twice before modifying.")
      (let ((filename (slime-from-lisp-filename filename)))
        (slime-check-location-filename-sanity filename)
        (set-buffer (or (get-file-buffer filename)
-                       (let ((find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings t))
+                       (let ((find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings t)
+                             (confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer t))
                          (find-file-noselect filename))))))
     ((:buffer buffer-name)
      (slime-check-location-buffer-name-sanity buffer-name)
@@ -3389,8 +3389,11 @@ are supported:
       (when edit-path (slime-search-edit-path edit-path))
       (when call-site (slime-search-call-site call-site))
       (when align
-        (slime-forward-sexp)
-        (beginning-of-sexp)))
+        (condition-case nil
+            (progn
+              (slime-forward-sexp)
+              (beginning-of-sexp))
+          (error (goto-char 0)))))
@@ -4512,8 +4515,7 @@ With prefix argument include internal symbols."
     (cl-loop for (prop value) on plist by #'cddr
              unless (eq prop :designator) do
              (let ((namespace (cadr (or (assq prop slime-apropos-namespaces)
-                                        (error "Unknown property: %S" prop))))
-                   (start (point)))
+                                        (error "Unknown property: %S" prop)))))
                (princ "  ")
@@ -6365,6 +6367,10 @@ was called originally."
         (fstring "%s%2s  %-10s  %-17s  %-7s %-s\n"))
     (insert (format fstring " " "Nr" "Name" "Port" "Pid" "Type")
             (format fstring " " "--" "----" "----" "---" "----"))
+    (setf slime-net-processes
+          (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (conn)
+                              (eq (process-status conn) 'open))
+                            slime-net-processes))
     (dolist (p (reverse slime-net-processes))
       (when (eq default p) (setf default-pos (point)))
@@ -6414,12 +6420,12 @@ was called originally."
 (defvar slime-inspector-mark-stack '())
-(defun slime-inspect (string)
+(defun slime-inspect (string &optional definition)
   "Eval an expression and inspect the result."
    (list (slime-read-from-minibuffer "Inspect value (evaluated): "
-  (slime-eval-async `(swank:init-inspector ,string) 'slime-open-inspector))
+  (slime-eval-async `(swank:init-inspector ,string ,definition) 
 (define-derived-mode slime-inspector-mode fundamental-mode
diff --git a/swank-loader.lisp b/swank-loader.lisp
index 4d20ab1d81..ce21cac89d 100644
--- a/swank-loader.lisp
+++ b/swank-loader.lisp
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
-           :*started-from-emacs*))
+           :*started-from-emacs*
+           :define-package))
 (cl:in-package :swank-loader)
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
   #+lispworks '((swank lispworks) (swank gray))
   #+allegro '((swank allegro) (swank gray))
   #+clisp '(xref metering (swank clisp) (swank gray))
-  #+armedbear '((swank abcl))
+  #+armedbear '((swank abcl) (swank gray))
   #+cormanlisp '((swank corman) (swank gray))
   #+ecl '((swank ecl) (swank gray))
   #+clasp '(metering (swank clasp) (swank gray))
@@ -375,3 +376,20 @@ global variabes in SWANK."
               (collect-fasls (src-files *contribs*
                                         (contrib-dir *source-directory*))
                              (contrib-dir *fasl-directory*))))))
+(defmacro define-package (package &rest options)
+  "This is like CL:DEFPACKAGE but silences warnings and errors
+  signalled when the redefined package is at variance with the current
+  state of the package. Typically this situation occurs when symbols
+  are exported by calling EXPORT (as is the case with DEFSECTION) as
+  opposed to adding :EXPORT forms to the DEFPACKAGE form and the
+  package definition is subsequently reevaluated. See the section on
+  [package variance](http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Package-Variance) in
+  the SBCL manual."
+  `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel, :execute)
+     (locally
+         (declare #+sbcl
+                  (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-kernel::package-at-variance))
+       (handler-bind
+           (#+sbcl (sb-kernel::package-at-variance #'muffle-warning))
+         (cl:defpackage ,package ,@options)))))
diff --git a/swank.asd b/swank.asd
index a0e17124dd..ff916eb07c 100644
--- a/swank.asd
+++ b/swank.asd
@@ -6,47 +6,75 @@
 ;; This is only useful if you want to start a Swank server in a Lisp
 ;; processes that doesn't run under Emacs. Lisp processes created by
 ;; `M-x slime' automatically start the server.
-;; If Swank is already loaded (e.g. the Lisp is running under SLIME),
-;; then attempts to load it via asdf do nothing, except for emitting a
-;; warning if Swank is to be loaded from a location that's different
-;; from the location where it was originally loaded from. This
-;; behavior is intended to prevent loading a possibly incompatible
-;; version of Swank with a running SLIME.
 ;; Usage:
-;;   (require :swank)
-;;   (swank:create-swank-server PORT) => ACTUAL-PORT
+;;   (asdf:load-system :swank)
+;;   (swank:create-server :dont-close t)
-;; (PORT can be zero to mean "any available port".)
-;; Then the Swank server is running on localhost:ACTUAL-PORT. You can
+;; After which, the Swank server is running on localhost:4005. You can
 ;; use `M-x slime-connect' to connect Emacs to it.
 ;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain.  All warranties
 ;; are disclaimed.
-(defclass swank-loader-file (asdf:cl-source-file) ())
-;;;; after loading run init
-(defmethod asdf:perform ((o asdf:load-op) (f swank-loader-file))
-  (let ((var (uiop:find-symbol* '#:*source-directory* '#:swank-loader nil)))
-    (cond ((and var (boundp var))
-           (let ((loaded (truename (symbol-value var)))
-                 (requested (truename (asdf:system-source-directory "swank"))))
-             (unless (equal requested loaded)
-               (warn "~@<Not loading SWANK from ~S because it was ~
-                      already loaded from ~S.~:@>"
-                     requested loaded))))
-          (t
-           ;; swank-loader computes its own source/fasl relation based
-           ;; on the TRUENAME of the loader file, so we need a "manual"
-           ;; CL:LOAD invocation here.
-           (load (asdf::component-pathname f))
-           ;; After loading, run the swank-loader init routines.
-           (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader::init") :reload t)))))
+(asdf:defsystem "swank"
+  :perform (load-op :after (o c)
+              (set (intern "*SOURCE-DIRECTORY*" 'swank-loader)
+                   (asdf:system-source-directory :swank))
+              (set (intern "*FASL-DIRECTORY*" 'swank-loader)
+                   (asdf:apply-output-translations 
(asdf:system-source-directory :swank)))
+              (uiop:symbol-call :swank :before-init
+                 (uiop:symbol-call :swank-loader :slime-version-string)
+                 (list
+                  (uiop:symbol-call :swank-loader :contrib-dir
+                     (symbol-value (intern "*FASL-DIRECTORY*" 'swank-loader)))
+                  (uiop:symbol-call :swank-loader :contrib-dir
+                     (symbol-value (intern "*SOURCE-DIRECTORY*" 
+  :components ((:file "swank-loader")
+               (:file "packages")
+               (:file "xref" :if-feature :clisp)
+               (:file "metering" :if-feature (:or :clozure :clisp :clasp))
+               (:module "backend"
+                :pathname "swank"
+                :components ((:file "backend")
+                             (:file "source-path-parser" :if-feature (:or :cmu 
:scl :sbcl))
+                             (:file "source-file-cache" :if-feature (:or :cmu 
:scl :sbcl))
+                             (:file "cmucl" :if-feature :cmu)
+                             (:file "scl" :if-feature :scl)
+                             (:file "sbcl" :if-feature :sbcl)
+                             (:file "ccl" :if-feature :clozure)
+                             (:file "lispworks" :if-feature :lispworks)
+                             (:file "allegro" :if-feature :allegro)
+                             (:file "clisp" :if-feature :clisp)
+                             (:file "abcl" :if-feature :armedbear)
+                             (:file "corman" :if-feature :cormanlisp)
+                             (:file "ecl" :if-feature :ecl)
+                             (:file "clasp" :if-feature :clasp)
+                             (:file "mkcl" :if-feature :mkcl)
+                             (:file "mezzano" :if-feature :mezzano)
+                             (:file "gray")
+                             (:file "match")
+                             (:file "rpc")))
+               (:file "swank")))
-(asdf:defsystem :swank
-  :default-component-class swank-loader-file
-  :components ((:file "swank-loader")))
+(asdf:defsystem "swank/exts"
+  :depends-on ("swank")
+  :pathname "contrib"
+  :components ((:file "swank-util")
+               (:file "swank-repl")
+               (:file "swank-c-p-c")
+               (:file "swank-arglists")
+               (:file "swank-fuzzy")
+               (:file "swank-fancy-inspector")
+               (:file "swank-presentations")
+               (:file "swank-presentation-streams")
+               (:file "swank-asdf" :if-feature (:or :asdf2 :asdf3 :sbcl :ecl))
+               (:file "swank-package-fu")
+               (:file "swank-hyperdoc")
+               (:file "swank-indentation")
+               (:file "swank-sbcl-exts" :if-feature :sbcl)
+               (:file "swank-mrepl")
+               (:file "swank-trace-dialog")
+               (:file "swank-macrostep")
+               (:file "swank-quicklisp")))
diff --git a/swank.lisp b/swank.lisp
index 07af095429..928d3d3844 100644
--- a/swank.lisp
+++ b/swank.lisp
@@ -2247,10 +2247,14 @@ Operation was KERNEL::DIVISION, operands (1 0).\"
       (invoke-restart-interactively restart))))
 (defslimefun sldb-abort ()
-  (invoke-restart (find 'abort *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))
+  (let ((restart (find 'abort *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))
+    (when restart
+      (invoke-restart (find 'abort *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))))
 (defslimefun sldb-continue ()
-  (invoke-restart (find 'continue *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))
+  (let ((restart (find 'continue *sldb-restarts* :key #'restart-name)))
+    (when restart
+      (invoke-restart restart))))
 (defun coerce-to-condition (datum args)
   (etypecase datum
@@ -2618,8 +2622,12 @@ the filename of the module (or nil if the file doesn't 
 (defslimefun disassemble-form (form)
   (with-buffer-syntax ()
     (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-      (let ((*print-readably* nil))
-        (disassemble (eval (read-from-string form)))))))
+      (let ((definition (find-definition form)))
+        (disassemble (if (typep definition 'method)
+                         (or #+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 
'%method-function-fast-function 'sb-pcl)
+                             (sb-pcl::%method-function-fast-function 
(swank-mop:method-function definition))
+                             (swank-mop:method-generic-function definition))
+                         definition))))))
 ;;;; Simple completion
@@ -3103,12 +3111,39 @@ DSPEC is a string and LOCATION a source location. NAME 
is a string."
 (defun reset-inspector ()
   (setq *istate* nil
         *inspector-history* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
-(defslimefun init-inspector (string)
+(defun find-definition (string)
+  (let ((sexp (read-from-string string)))
+    (typecase sexp
+      ((cons (eql :defmethod))
+       (pop sexp)
+       (let ((gf (pop sexp))
+             (qualifiers)
+             (specializers))
+         (loop for x = (pop sexp)
+               when (consp x)
+               do (setf specializers x)
+                  (return)
+               else do (push x qualifiers)
+               while sexp)
+         (find-method (fdefinition gf) qualifiers 
+                      (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+                                (etypecase spec
+                                  (symbol (find-class spec))
+                                  ((cons (eql eql))
+                                   (make-instance 'swank-mop:eql-specializer
+                                                  :object (second spec)))))
+                              specializers))))
+      (t
+       (eval sexp)))))
+(defslimefun init-inspector (string &optional definition)
   (with-buffer-syntax ()
     (with-retry-restart (:msg "Retry SLIME inspection request.")
-      (inspect-object (eval (read-from-string string))))))
+      (inspect-object (if definition
+                          (find-definition string)
+                          (eval (read-from-string string)))))))
 (defun ensure-istate-metadata (o indicator default)
   (with-struct (istate. object metadata-plist) *istate*
@@ -3405,9 +3440,16 @@ Return NIL if LIST is circular."
    (iline "Adjustable" (adjustable-array-p array))
    (iline "Fill pointer" (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
                              (fill-pointer array)))
-   (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
-       (emacs-inspect-vector-with-fill-pointer-aux array)
-       (emacs-inspect-array-aux array))))
+   (multiple-value-bind (displaced offset) (array-displacement array)
+     (if displaced
+         (lcons* (iline "Displaced to" displaced)
+                 (iline "Displaced index offset" offset)
+                 (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
+                     (emacs-inspect-vector-with-fill-pointer-aux array)
+                     (emacs-inspect-array-aux array)))
+         (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
+             (emacs-inspect-vector-with-fill-pointer-aux array)
+             (emacs-inspect-array-aux array))))))
 (defun emacs-inspect-array-aux (array)
   (unless (= 0 (array-total-size array))
@@ -3594,7 +3636,8 @@ after each command.")
        (handle-indentation-cache-request c request))
-         (send (mconn.indentation-cache-thread c) request))))))
+         (send (mconn.indentation-cache-thread c) request)))
+      (null t))))
 (defun indentation-cache-loop (connection)
   (with-connection (connection)
diff --git a/swank/abcl.lisp b/swank/abcl.lisp
index d9d70620f3..4b684b473c 100644
--- a/swank/abcl.lisp
+++ b/swank/abcl.lisp
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*"; -*-
-;;; swank-abcl.lisp --- Armedbear CL specific code for SLIME.
+;;; swank-abcl.lisp --- Armed Bear Common Lisp specific code for SLIME.
 ;;; Adapted from swank-acl.lisp, Andras Simon, 2004
 ;;; New work by Alan Ruttenberg, 2016-7
+;;; maintained by Mark Evenson, 2009-2023
 ;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain.  All warranties
 ;;; are disclaimed.
 (defpackage swank/abcl
   (:use cl swank/backend)
@@ -49,10 +49,13 @@
 (defimplementation gray-package-name ()
-;; FIXME: switch to shared Gray stream implementation when the
-;; architecture for booting streams allows us to replace the Java-side
-;; implementation of a Slime{Input,Output}Stream.java classes are
-;; subsumed <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/373>.
+;;;; abcl-1.9.2 revamped Gray Streams, so it uses the default
+;;;; implementation of MAKE-{INPUT,OUTPUT}-STREAM.
+;;;; Previous ABCL versions use the specialized Java implementations,
+;;;; which won't work with all SLIME contribs, notably the
+;;;; <file:../contrib/slime-repl.lisp> one
+#-#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'java/element-type 'gray-streams/java)
   (defimplementation make-output-stream (write-string)
     (ext:make-slime-output-stream write-string))
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
             (format stream "~a" (jclass-name (jobject-class object))))
         ;; usual handling
         (format stream "~S" (type-of object)))
-      (format stream " "))
+    (format stream " "))
   (when body
     (funcall body))
   (when identity
@@ -162,7 +165,7 @@
-           'compute-applicable-methods-using-classes 'mop)
+         'compute-applicable-methods-using-classes 'mop)
    ;; standard-class readers
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@
-           'slot-makunbound-using-class 'mop)
+         'slot-makunbound-using-class 'mop)
 ;;;; TCP Server
@@ -297,34 +300,34 @@
       (ext::get-pid)       ;;; Introduced with abcl-1.5.0
           (let* ((runtime
-                  (java:jstatic "getRuntime" "java.lang.Runtime"))
+                   (java:jstatic "getRuntime" "java.lang.Runtime"))
-                  (java:jnew-array-from-array
-                   "java.lang.String" #("sh" "-c" "echo $PPID")))
+                   (java:jnew-array-from-array
+                    "java.lang.String" #("sh" "-c" "echo $PPID")))
-                  ;; Complicated because java.lang.Runtime.exec() is
-                  ;; overloaded on a non-primitive type (array of
-                  ;; java.lang.String), so we have to use the actual
-                  ;; parameter instance to get java.lang.Class
-                  (java:jmethod "java.lang.Runtime" "exec"
-                                (java:jcall
-                                 (java:jmethod "java.lang.Object" "getClass")
-                                 command)))
+                   ;; Complicated because java.lang.Runtime.exec() is
+                   ;; overloaded on a non-primitive type (array of
+                   ;; java.lang.String), so we have to use the actual
+                   ;; parameter instance to get java.lang.Class
+                   (java:jmethod "java.lang.Runtime" "exec"
+                                 (java:jcall
+                                  (java:jmethod "java.lang.Object" "getClass")
+                                  command)))
-                  (java:jcall runtime-exec-jmethod runtime command))
+                   (java:jcall runtime-exec-jmethod runtime command))
-                  (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" 
-                              process)))
+                   (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" 
+                               process)))
             (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.lang.Process" "waitFor")
             (loop :with b :do
-               (setq b
-                     (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.io.InputStream" "read")
-                                 output))
-               :until (member b '(-1 #x0a))     ; Either EOF or LF
-               :collecting (code-char b) :into result
-               :finally (return
-                          (parse-integer (coerce result 'string)))))
+              (setq b
+                    (java:jcall (java:jmethod "java.io.InputStream" "read")
+                                output))
+                  :until (member b '(-1 #x0a))     ; Either EOF or LF
+                  :collecting (code-char b) :into result
+                  :finally (return
+                             (parse-integer (coerce result 'string)))))
         (t () 0))))
 (defimplementation lisp-implementation-type-name ()
@@ -340,17 +343,17 @@
 (defimplementation arglist (fun)
   (cond ((symbolp fun)
-          (multiple-value-bind (arglist present)
-              (sys::arglist fun)
-            (when (and (not present)
-                       (fboundp fun)
-                       (typep (symbol-function fun)
-                              'standard-generic-function))
-              (setq arglist
-                    (mop::generic-function-lambda-list (symbol-function fun))
-                    present
-                    t))
-            (if present arglist :not-available)))
+         (multiple-value-bind (arglist present)
+             (sys::arglist fun)
+           (when (and (not present)
+                      (fboundp fun)
+                      (typep (symbol-function fun)
+                             'standard-generic-function))
+             (setq arglist
+                   (mop::generic-function-lambda-list (symbol-function fun))
+                   present
+                   t))
+           (if present arglist :not-available)))
         (t :not-available)))
 (defimplementation function-name (function)
@@ -369,7 +372,7 @@
   (with-collected-macro-forms (macro-forms)
       (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
-          (compile nil `(lambda () ,(macroexpand-all form env)))))
+         (compile nil `(lambda () ,(macroexpand-all form env)))))
     (values macro-forms nil)))
 (defimplementation describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol)
@@ -426,13 +429,14 @@
   (lambda (condition old-hook)
     (prog1 (let (#+abcl-introspect
                  (sys::*caught-frames* nil))
-             ;; the next might be the right thing for earlier lisps but I 
don't know
-             ;;; XXX probably doesn't work in absence of ABCL-INTROSPECT on 
abcl-1.4 and earlier
+             ;;; the next might be the right thing for earlier lisps
+             ;;; XXX probably doesn't work in absence
+             ;;; of ABCL-INTROSPECT on abcl-1.4 and earlier
              (let (#+abcl-introspect
-                    (if (fboundp 'sys::new-backtrace)
-                        (sys::new-backtrace condition)
-                        (sys::backtrace))))
+                     (if (fboundp 'sys::new-backtrace)
+                         (sys::new-backtrace condition)
+                         (sys::backtrace))))
                (if *debugger-hook*
                    (funcall *debugger-hook* condition old-hook)
                    (funcall hook condition old-hook)))))))
@@ -465,8 +469,8 @@
 (defun backtrace (start end)
   "A backtrace without initial SWANK frames."
   (let ((backtrace
-         #+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
-         #-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)))
+          #+abcl-introspect sys::*saved-backtrace*
+          #-abcl-introspect (sys:backtrace)))
     (subseq (or (member *sldb-topframe* backtrace) backtrace) start end)))
 (defun nth-frame (index)
@@ -546,13 +550,13 @@
 ;; Switch to enable or disable locals functionality
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defvar *enable-locals* t)
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defun are-there-locals? (frame index)
   (and *enable-locals*
-       (fboundp 'abcl-introspect/sys::find-locals)
+       (fboundp 'abcl-introspect/sys:find-locals)
        (typep frame 'sys::lisp-stack-frame)
        (let ((operator (jss::get-java-field (nth-frame index) "operator" t)))
          (and (function-lambda-expression (if (functionp operator) operator 
(symbol-function operator)))
@@ -561,30 +565,30 @@
                   (not (eq (symbol-package operator) (find-package 'cl)))
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defun abcl-introspect/frame-locals (frame index)
-    ;; FIXME introspect locals in SYS::JAVA-STACK-FRAME
-    (or (and (are-there-locals? frame index)
-             (let ((locals (abcl-introspect/sys:find-locals index (backtrace 0 
(1+ index)))))
-               (let ((argcount (length (cdr (nth-frame-list index))))
-                     (them 
-                       (let ((operator (jss::get-java-field (nth-frame index) 
"operator" t)))
-                         (let* ((env (and (jss::jtypep operator 'lisp.closure)
-                                          (jss::get-java-field operator 
"environment" t)))
-                                (closed-count (if env (length 
(sys::environment-parts env)) 0)))
-                           (declare (ignore closed-count))
+  ;; FIXME introspect locals in SYS::JAVA-STACK-FRAME
+  (or (and (are-there-locals? frame index)
+           (let ((locals (abcl-introspect/sys:find-locals index (backtrace 0 
(1+ index)))))
+             (let ((argcount (length (cdr (nth-frame-list index))))
+                   (them 
+                     (let ((operator (jss::get-java-field (nth-frame index) 
"operator" t)))
+                       (let* ((env (and (jss::jtypep operator 'lisp.closure)
+                                        (jss::get-java-field operator 
"environment" t)))
+                              (closed-count (if env (length 
(sys::environment-parts env)) 0)))
+                         (declare (ignore closed-count))
                                         ; FIXME closed-over are in parts but 
also in locals
                                         ; FIXME closed-over are in compiled 
functions to but are value of internal field
                                         ; environment is the enviromnet of 
-                           (loop for (kind symbol value) in (caar locals)
-                                 when (eq kind :lexical-variable)
+                         (loop for (kind symbol value) in (caar locals)
+                               when (eq kind :lexical-variable)
                                         ; FIXME should I qualify each by 
whether arg, closed-over, let-bound?
-                                   collect (list :name symbol 
-                                                 :id 0        
-                                                 :value value))))))
-                 (declare (ignore argcount))
-                 (reverse them))))))
+                                 collect (list :name symbol 
+                                               :id 0        
+                                               :value value))))))
+               (declare (ignore argcount))
+               (reverse them))))))
 (defimplementation frame-locals (index)
   (let ((frame (nth-frame index)))         ;;(id -1)
     (let ((frame-locals
@@ -613,12 +617,12 @@
                            :value value))))
       (append frame-arguments frame-locals))))
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defimplementation frame-catch-tags (index)
   (mapcar 'second (remove :catch (caar (abcl-introspect/sys:find-locals index 
(backtrace 0 (1+ index))))
                           :test-not 'eq :key 'car)))
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defimplementation frame-var-value (index id)
   (if (are-there-locals? (nth-frame index) index)
       (third (nth id (reverse (remove :lexical-variable
@@ -626,7 +630,7 @@
                                       :test-not 'eq :key 'car))))
       (elt (rest (jcall "toLispList" (nth-frame index))) id)))
+#+#.(swank/backend:with-symbol 'find-locals 'abcl-introspect/sys)
 (defimplementation disassemble-frame (index)
   (sys::disassemble (frame-function (nth-frame index))))
@@ -638,7 +642,7 @@
              (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" (jclass (getf list :class)))
              :key (lambda(e)(jcall "getName" e)) :test 'equal))
       (t (car list) ))))
 (defimplementation frame-source-location (index)
   (let ((frame (nth-frame index)))
     (or (source-location (nth-frame index))
@@ -679,8 +683,7 @@
                                 (list :file (namestring *compile-filename*))
                                 (list :position 1))))))))
-(defimplementation swank-compile-file (input-file output-file
-                                       load-p external-format
+(defimplementation swank-compile-file (input-file output-file load-p 
                                        &key policy)
   (declare (ignore external-format policy))
   (let ((jvm::*resignal-compiler-warnings* t)
@@ -712,6 +715,9 @@
 ;; source location and users of it
+(defimplementation find-source-location (thing)
+  (source-location thing))
 (defgeneric source-location (object))
 ;; try to find some kind of source for internals
@@ -732,7 +738,7 @@
                   (split-string classname "\\$")
                   (list classname (jcall "replaceFirst" classname 
"([^.]*\\.)*" "")))
             (unless (member local '("MacroObject" "CompiledClosure" "Closure") 
:test 'equal)
-            ;; look for java source
+              ;; look for java source
               (let* ((partial-path   (substitute #\/ #\. class))
                      (java-path (concatenate 'string partial-path ".java"))
                      (found-in-source-path (find-file-in-path java-path 
@@ -751,7 +757,7 @@
                     ;; with jad <https://github.com/moparisthebest/jad>
                     ;; Also (setq sys::*disassembler* "jad -a -p")
                     (let ((class-in-source-path 
-                           (find-file-in-path (concatenate 'string 
partial-path ".class") *source-path*)))
+                            (find-file-in-path (concatenate 'string 
partial-path ".class") *source-path*)))
                       ;; no snippet, since internal class is in its own file
                       (when class-in-source-path
                         `(:primitive (:location ,class-in-source-path (:line 
0) nil)))))))))))))
@@ -796,8 +802,8 @@
   (or (loop for spec in  sources
             for (dspec) = spec
             when (and (consp dspec) (eq (car dspec) :function))
-            when (and (consp dspec) (member (car dspec) 
'(:swank-implementation :function)))
-                 do (return-from if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function 
+              when (and (consp dspec) (member (car dspec) 
'(:swank-implementation :function)))
+                do (return-from if-we-have-to-choose-one-choose-the-function 
       (car sources)))
 (defmethod source-location ((symbol symbol))
@@ -809,9 +815,9 @@
       (and (pathnamep (ext:source-pathname symbol))
            (let ((pos (ext:source-file-position symbol))
                  (path (namestring (ext:source-pathname symbol))))
-             ; boot.lisp gets recorded wrong
+                                        ; boot.lisp gets recorded wrong
              (when (equal path "boot.lisp")
-                 (setq path (second (find-file-in-path 
"org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp" *source-path*))))
+               (setq path (second (find-file-in-path 
"org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp" *source-path*))))
              (cond ((ext:pathname-jar-p path)
                       ;; strip off "jar:file:" = 9 characters
@@ -867,9 +873,9 @@
 (defmethod source-location ((method method))
   (let ((found 
-         (find `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list method))
-               (get (function-name method) 'sys::source)
-               :key 'car :test 'equalp)))
+          (find `(:method ,@(sys::method-spec-list method))
+                (get (function-name method) 'sys::source)
+                :key 'car :test 'equalp)))
     (and found (second (slime-location-from-source-annotation (function-name 
method) found))))
   (let ((name (function-name fun)))
@@ -887,7 +893,7 @@
 (defun split-string (string regexp)
    (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.String" "split" "java.lang.String")
-               string regexp)
+          string regexp)
 (defun path-separator ()
@@ -918,14 +924,14 @@
                   (list (sys::find-system-jar)
-                  ;; you should tell slime where the abcl sources are. In 
.swank.lisp I have:
-                  ;; (push (probe-file "/Users/alanr/repos/abcl/src/") 
-"List of directories to search for source files.")
+  ;; you should tell slime where the abcl sources are. In .swank.lisp I have:
+  ;; (push (probe-file "/Users/alanr/repos/abcl/src/") *SOURCE-PATH*)
+  "List of directories to search for source files.")
 (defun zipfile-contains-p (zipfile-name entry-name)
   (let ((zipfile (jnew (jconstructor "java.util.zip.ZipFile"
-                                               "java.lang.String")
-                            zipfile-name)))
+                                     "java.lang.String")
+                       zipfile-name)))
      (jmethod "java.util.zip.ZipFile" "getEntry" "java.lang.String")
      zipfile entry-name)))
@@ -976,13 +982,13 @@
     :ir1-convert :def-ir1-translator
     :declaration declaim
     :alien-type :define-alien-type)
-  "Map SB-INTROSPECT definition type names to Slime-friendly forms")
+  "Map definition type names to Slime-friendly forms")
 (defun definition-specifier (type)
   "Return a pretty specifier for NAME representing a definition of type TYPE."
   (or (if (and (consp type) (getf *definition-types* (car type)))
-       `(,(getf *definition-types* (car type)) ,(second type) ,@(third type) 
,@(cdddr type))
-       (getf *definition-types* type))
+          `(,(getf *definition-types* (car type)) ,(second type) ,@(third 
type) ,@(cdddr type))
+          (getf *definition-types* type))
 (defun stringify-method-specs (type)
@@ -1043,22 +1049,38 @@
 (defun slime-location-from-source-annotation (sym it)
   (destructuring-bind (what path pos) it
     (let* ((isfunction
-            ;; all of these are (defxxx forms, which is what :function 
locations look for in slime
-            (and (consp what) (member (car what)
-                                      '(:function :generic-function :macro 
:class :compiler-macro
-                                        :type :constant :variable :package 
:structure :condition))))
-           (ismethod (and (consp what) (eq (car what) :method)))
-           (<position> (cond (isfunction (list :function-name (princ-to-string 
(second what))))
-                                             (ismethod (stringify-method-specs 
-                                             (t (list :position (1+ (or pos 
-           (path2 (if (eq path :top-level)
-                      ;; this is bogus - figure out some way to guess which is 
the repl associated with :toplevel
-                      ;; or get rid of this
-                      "emacs-buffer:*slime-repl*"
-                      (maybe-redirect-to-jar path))))
+             ;; all of these are (defxxx forms, which is what :function
+             ;; locations look for in slime
+             (and (consp what)
+                  (member (car what)
+                          '(:function :generic-function :macro :class 
+                            :type :constant :variable :package :structure 
+           (ismethod
+             (and (consp what)
+                  (eq (car what) :method)))
+           ;;; <file:../slime/slime.el> docstring for
+           ;;; slime-goto-source-location constains the position to a
+           ;;; single clause.  We prioritize a :POSITION clause over
+           ;;; others.
+           (<position>
+             (cond (isfunction
+                    (if pos
+                        `(:position ,(1+ (or pos 0)))
+                        `(:function-name ,(princ-to-string (second what)))))
+                   (ismethod
+                    (if pos
+                        `(:position ,(1+ (or pos 0)))
+                        (stringify-method-specs what)))
+                   (t ;; Are we ever called with a nil POS?
+                    `(:position ,(1+ (or pos 0))))))
+           (path2
+             (if (eq path :top-level)
+                 ;; this is bogus - figure out some way to guess which
+                 ;; is the repl associated with :toplevel or get
+                 ;; rid of this
+                 "emacs-buffer:*slime-repl*"
+                 (maybe-redirect-to-jar path))))
       (when (atom what)
         (setq what (list what sym)))
       (list (definition-specifier what)
@@ -1071,15 +1093,15 @@
                 ;; conspire with swank-compile-string to keep the
                 ;; buffer name in a pathname whose device is
                 ;; "emacs-buffer".
-                  (if (eql 0 (search "emacs-buffer:" path2))
-                      `(:location
-                        (:buffer ,(subseq path2  (load-time-value (length 
-                        ,<position>
-                        (:align t))
-                      `(:location
-                        (:file ,path2)
-                        ,<position>
-                        (:align t))))))))
+                (if (eql 0 (search "emacs-buffer:" path2))
+                    `(:location
+                      (:buffer ,(subseq path2  (load-time-value (length 
+                      ,<position>
+                      (:align t))
+                    `(:location
+                      (:file ,path2)
+                      ,<position>
+                      (:align t))))))))
 (defimplementation list-callers (thing)
@@ -1111,7 +1133,7 @@
                        ,(if *slime-inspector-hyperspec-in-browser* 
                             '(lambda(a v) (eww a))
-                        (slime-hyperdoc-lookup ,name))))
+                 (slime-hyperdoc-lookup ,name))))
     (swank::eval-in-emacs form t)))
 ;;; END FIXME move into generalized Swank infrastructure, or add to contrib 
@@ -1131,10 +1153,10 @@
               `((:label "Java type: ") (:value ,jclass) (:newline)))
         ,@(if parts
               (loop :for (label . value) :in parts
-                 :appending (list
-                             (list :label (string-capitalize label))
-                             ": "
-                             (list :value value (princ-to-string value)) 
+                    :appending (list
+                                (list :label (string-capitalize label))
+                                ": "
+                                (list :value value (princ-to-string value)) 
               (list '(:label "No inspectable parts, dumping output of 
                     (with-output-to-string (desc) (describe o desc))))))))
@@ -1154,7 +1176,7 @@
          (:label "Abbreviates java class: ")
          ,(let ((it (funcall (intern "LOOKUP-CLASS-NAME" :jss) string 
:return-ambiguous t :muffle-warning t)))
-           `(:value ,(jclass it)))
+            `(:value ,(jclass it)))
    (if (ignore-errors (find-package (string-upcase string)))
@@ -1181,10 +1203,10 @@
 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-exception))
   (append (call-next-method)
           (list '(:newline) '(:label "Stack trace")
-                      '(:newline)
-                      (let ((w (jnew "java.io.StringWriter"))) 
-                        (jcall "printStackTrace" (java:java-exception-cause o) 
(jnew "java.io.PrintWriter" w))
-                        (jcall "toString" w)))))
+                '(:newline)
+                (let ((w (jnew "java.io.StringWriter"))) 
+                  (jcall "printStackTrace" (java:java-exception-cause o) (jnew 
"java.io.PrintWriter" w))
+                  (jcall "toString" w)))))
@@ -1193,18 +1215,18 @@
     (let ((lexicals (mapcar 'cdr (remove :lexical-variable parts :test-not 'eq 
:key 'car)))
          (specials (mapcar 'cdr (remove :special parts :test-not 'eq :key 
          (functions (mapcar 'cdr (remove :lexical-function parts :test-not 'eq 
:key 'car))))
-       `(,@(if lexicals  
-              (list* '(:label "Lexicals:") '(:newline) 
-                     (loop for (var value) in lexicals 
-                           append `("  " (:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))
-        ,@(if functions  
-              (list* '(:label "Functions:") '(:newline)
-                     (loop for (var value) in functions 
-                           append `("  "(:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))
-        ,@(if specials  
-              (list* '(:label "Specials:") '(:newline) 
-                     (loop for (var value) in specials 
-                           append `("  " (:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))))))
+      `(,@(if lexicals  
+             (list* '(:label "Lexicals:") '(:newline) 
+                    (loop for (var value) in lexicals 
+                          append `("  " (:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))
+       ,@(if functions  
+             (list* '(:label "Functions:") '(:newline)
+                    (loop for (var value) in functions 
+                          append `("  "(:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))
+       ,@(if specials  
+             (list* '(:label "Specials:") '(:newline) 
+                    (loop for (var value) in specials 
+                          append `("  " (:label ,(format nil "~s" var)) ": " 
(:value ,value) (:newline)))))))))
 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((slot mop::slot-definition))
   `("Name: "
@@ -1212,67 +1234,67 @@
     "Documentation:" (:newline)
     ,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
-            `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
+        `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
     "Initialization:" (:newline)
     (:label "  Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) 
     (:label "  Form: ")  ,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
-                     `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
-                     "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
-                     (:label "  Function: ")
-                     (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
-                     (:newline)))
+                              `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
+                              "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
+    (:label "  Function: ")
+    (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
+    (:newline)))
 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((f function))
   `(,@(when (function-name f)
         `((:label "Name: ")
           ,(princ-to-string (sys::any-function-name f)) (:newline)))
-      ,@(multiple-value-bind (args present) (sys::arglist f)
-          (when present
-            `((:label "Argument list: ")
-              ,(princ-to-string args)
-              (:newline))))
-      #+abcl-introspect
-      ,@(when (documentation f t)
-          `("Documentation:" (:newline)
-                             ,(documentation f t) (:newline)))
-      ,@(when (function-lambda-expression f)
-          `((:label "Lambda expression:")
-            (:newline) ,(princ-to-string
-                         (function-lambda-expression f)) (:newline)))
-      (:label "Function java class: ") (:value ,(jcall "getClass" f)) 
-      #+abcl-introspect
-      ,@(when (jcall "isInstance"  (java::jclass 
"org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure") f)
-          `((:label "Closed over: ")
-            ,@(loop
-                 for el in (sys::compiled-closure-context f)
-                 collect `(:value ,el)
-                 collect " ")
-            (:newline)))
-      #+abcl-introspect
-      ,@(when (sys::get-loaded-from f)
-          (list `(:label "Defined in: ")
-                `(:value ,(sys::get-loaded-from f) ,(namestring 
(sys::get-loaded-from f)))
-                '(:newline)))
-      ;; I think this should work in older lisps too -- alanr
-      ,@(let ((fields (jcall "getDeclaredFields" (jcall "getClass" f))))
-          (when (plusp (length fields))
-            (list* '(:label "Internal fields: ") '(:newline)
-                   (loop for field across fields
-                      do (jcall "setAccessible" field t) ;;; not a great idea 
esp. wrt. Java9
-                      append
-                        (let ((value (jcall "get" field f)))
-                          (list "  "
-                                `(:label ,(jcall "getName" field))
-                                ": "
-                                `(:value ,value ,(princ-to-string value))
-                                '(:newline)))))))
-      #+abcl-introspect
-      ,@(when (and (function-name f) (symbolp (function-name f))
-                   (eq (symbol-package (function-name f)) (find-package :cl)))
-          (list '(:newline) (list :action "Lookup in hyperspec"
-                                  (lambda () (hyperspec-do (symbol-name 
(function-name f))))
-                                  :refreshp nil)
-                '(:newline)))))
+    ,@(multiple-value-bind (args present) (sys::arglist f)
+        (when present
+          `((:label "Argument list: ")
+            ,(princ-to-string args)
+            (:newline))))
+    #+abcl-introspect
+    ,@(when (documentation f t)
+        `("Documentation:" (:newline)
+                           ,(documentation f t) (:newline)))
+    ,@(when (function-lambda-expression f)
+        `((:label "Lambda expression:")
+          (:newline) ,(princ-to-string
+                       (function-lambda-expression f)) (:newline)))
+    (:label "Function java class: ") (:value ,(jcall "getClass" f)) (:newline)
+    #+abcl-introspect
+    ,@(when (jcall "isInstance"  (java::jclass 
"org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure") f)
+        `((:label "Closed over: ")
+          ,@(loop
+              for el in (sys::compiled-closure-context f)
+              collect `(:value ,el)
+              collect " ")
+          (:newline)))
+    #+abcl-introspect
+    ,@(when (sys::get-loaded-from f)
+        (list `(:label "Defined in: ")
+              `(:value ,(sys::get-loaded-from f) ,(namestring 
(sys::get-loaded-from f)))
+              '(:newline)))
+    ;; I think this should work in older lisps too -- alanr
+    ,@(let ((fields (jcall "getDeclaredFields" (jcall "getClass" f))))
+        (when (plusp (length fields))
+          (list* '(:label "Internal fields: ") '(:newline)
+                 (loop for field across fields
+                       do (jcall "setAccessible" field t) ;;; not a great idea 
esp. wrt. Java9
+                       append
+                       (let ((value (jcall "get" field f)))
+                         (list "  "
+                               `(:label ,(jcall "getName" field))
+                               ": "
+                               `(:value ,value ,(princ-to-string value))
+                               '(:newline)))))))
+    #+abcl-introspect
+    ,@(when (and (function-name f) (symbolp (function-name f))
+                 (eq (symbol-package (function-name f)) (find-package :cl)))
+        (list '(:newline) (list :action "Lookup in hyperspec"
+                                (lambda () (hyperspec-do (symbol-name 
(function-name f))))
+                                :refreshp nil)
+              '(:newline)))))
 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((o java:java-object))
   (if (jinstance-of-p o (jclass "java.lang.Class"))
@@ -1354,30 +1376,30 @@
     "Documentation:" (:newline)
     ,@(when (slot-definition-documentation slot)
-            `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
+        `((:value ,(slot-definition-documentation slot)) (:newline)))
     (:label "Initialization:") (:newline)
     (:label "  Args: ") (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initargs slot)) 
     (:label "  Form: ")
     ,(if (mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
-                     `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
-                     "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
-                     "  Function: "
-                     (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
-                     (:newline)))
+         `(:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initform slot))
+         "#<unspecified>") (:newline)
+    "  Function: "
+    (:value ,(mop:slot-definition-initfunction slot))
+    (:newline)))
 (defun inspector-java-fields (class)
-     for super
-       = class then (jclass-superclass super)
-     while super
-     for fields
-       = (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super)
-     for fromline
-       = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" 
super)) '(:newline))
-     when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
-     append fromline
-     append
-       (loop for this across fields
+    for super
+      = class then (jclass-superclass super)
+    while super
+    for fields
+      = (jcall "getDeclaredFields" super)
+    for fromline
+      = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" 
super)) '(:newline))
+    when (and (plusp (length fields)) fromline)
+      append fromline
+    append
+    (loop for this across fields
           for pre = (subseq (jcall "toString" this)
                             (1+ (position #\. (jcall "toString" this)  
:from-end t)))
@@ -1388,17 +1410,17 @@
 (defun inspector-java-methods (class)
-     for super
-       = class then (jclass-superclass super)
-     while super
-     for methods
-       = (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" super)
-     for fromline
-       = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" 
super)) '(:newline))
-     when (and (plusp (length methods)) fromline)
-     append fromline
-     append
-       (loop for this across methods
+    for super
+      = class then (jclass-superclass super)
+    while super
+    for methods
+      = (jcall "getDeclaredMethods" super)
+    for fromline
+      = nil then (list `(:label "From: ") `(:value ,super  ,(jcall "getName" 
super)) '(:newline))
+    when (and (plusp (length methods)) fromline)
+      append fromline
+    append
+    (loop for this across methods
           for desc = (jcall "toString" this)
           for paren =  (position #\( desc)
           for dot = (position #\. (subseq desc 0 paren) :from-end t)
@@ -1431,7 +1453,7 @@
                          `(:action "[open in emacs buffer]" ,(lambda() 
(swank::ed-in-emacs `( ,path)))) '(:newline)))
       ,@(if has-superclasses 
             (list* '(:label "Superclasses: ") (butlast (loop for super = 
(jclass-superclass class) then (jclass-superclass super)
-                            while super collect (list :value super (jcall 
"getName" super)) collect ", "))))
+                                                             while super 
collect (list :value super (jcall "getName" super)) collect ", "))))
       ,@(if has-interfaces
             (list* '(:newline) '(:label "Implements Interfaces: ")
                    (butlast (loop for i across (jclass-interfaces class) 
collect (list :value i (jcall "getName" i)) collect ", "))))
@@ -1463,27 +1485,27 @@
 (defmethod emacs-inspect ((object sys::structure-class))
   (let* ((name (jss::get-java-field object "name" t))
          (def (get name  'system::structure-definition)))
-  `((:label "Class: ") (:value ,object) (:newline)
-    (:label "Raw defstruct definition: ") (:value ,def  ,(let ((*print-array* 
nil)) (prin1-to-string def))) (:newline)
-   ,@(parts-for-structure-def  name)
-    ;; copy-paste from swank fancy inspector
-    ,@(when (swank-mop:specializer-direct-methods object)
-        `((:label "It is used as a direct specializer in the following 
-          (:newline)
-          ,@(loop
-              for method in (specializer-direct-methods object)
-              for method-spec = (swank::method-for-inspect-value method)
-              collect "  "
-              collect `(:value ,method ,(string-downcase (string (car 
-              collect `(:value ,method ,(format nil " (~{~a~^ ~})" (cdr 
-              append (let ((method method))
-                       `(" " (:action "[remove]"
-                                      ,(lambda () (remove-method 
(swank-mop::method-generic-function method) method)))))
-              collect '(:newline)
-              if (documentation method t)
-                collect "    Documentation: " and
-              collect (swank::abbrev-doc  (documentation method t)) and
-              collect '(:newline)))))))
+    `((:label "Class: ") (:value ,object) (:newline)
+      (:label "Raw defstruct definition: ") (:value ,def  ,(let 
((*print-array* nil)) (prin1-to-string def))) (:newline)
+      ,@(parts-for-structure-def  name)
+      ;; copy-paste from swank fancy inspector
+      ,@(when (swank-mop:specializer-direct-methods object)
+          `((:label "It is used as a direct specializer in the following 
+            (:newline)
+            ,@(loop
+                for method in (specializer-direct-methods object)
+                for method-spec = (swank::method-for-inspect-value method)
+                collect "  "
+                collect `(:value ,method ,(string-downcase (string (car 
+                collect `(:value ,method ,(format nil " (~{~a~^ ~})" (cdr 
+                append (let ((method method))
+                         `(" " (:action "[remove]"
+                                        ,(lambda () (remove-method 
(swank-mop::method-generic-function method) method)))))
+                collect '(:newline)
+                if (documentation method t)
+                  collect "    Documentation: " and
+                collect (swank::abbrev-doc  (documentation method t)) and
+                collect '(:newline)))))))
 (defun parts-for-structure-def-slot (def)
   `((:label ,(string-downcase (sys::dsd-name def))) " reader: " (:value 
,(sys::dsd-reader def) ,(string-downcase (string (sys::dsdreader def))))
@@ -1491,8 +1513,8 @@
     ,@(if (sys::dsd-initform def)
           `(", initform: " (:value ,(sys::dsd-initform def))))
     ,@(if (sys::dsd-read-only def)
-         '(", Read only"))))
+          '(", Read only"))))
 (defun parts-for-structure-def (name)
   (let ((structure-def (get name 'system::structure-definition )))
@@ -1504,18 +1526,18 @@
            for value = (eval `(,fsym ,structure-def))
            append `((:label ,(string-capitalize (string key))) ": " (:value 
,value) (:newline)))
      (let* ((direct (sys::dd-direct-slots structure-def) )
-           (all (sys::dd-slots structure-def))
-           (inherited (set-difference all direct)))
-     `((:label "Direct slots: ") (:newline)
-       ,@(loop for slotdef in direct  
-               append `("  " ,@(parts-for-structure-def-slot slotdef)
-                             (:newline)))
-       ,@(if inherited 
-             (append '((:label "Inherited slots: ") (:newline))
-                     (loop for slotdef in inherited  
-                           append `("  " (:label ,(string-downcase (string 
(sys::dsd-name slotdef))))
-                                         (:value ,slotdef "slot definition")
-                                         (:newline))))))))))
+            (all (sys::dd-slots structure-def))
+            (inherited (set-difference all direct)))
+       `((:label "Direct slots: ") (:newline)
+         ,@(loop for slotdef in direct  
+                 append `("  " ,@(parts-for-structure-def-slot slotdef)
+                               (:newline)))
+         ,@(if inherited 
+               (append '((:label "Inherited slots: ") (:newline))
+                       (loop for slotdef in inherited  
+                             append `("  " (:label ,(string-downcase (string 
(sys::dsd-name slotdef))))
+                                           (:value ,slotdef "slot definition")
+                                           (:newline))))))))))
 ;;;; Multithreading
@@ -1529,9 +1551,9 @@
 (defimplementation thread-id (thread)
   (threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
-    (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
-        (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
-              (incf *thread-id-counter*)))))
+                           (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'id)
+                               (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 
+                                     (incf *thread-id-counter*)))))
 (defimplementation find-thread (id)
   (find id (all-threads)
@@ -1572,30 +1594,30 @@
 (defun mailbox (thread)
   "Return THREAD's mailbox."
   (threads:synchronized-on *thread-plists*
-    (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
-        (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
-              (make-mailbox)))))
+                           (or (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 'mailbox)
+                               (setf (getf (gethash thread *thread-plists*) 
+                                     (make-mailbox)))))
 (defimplementation send (thread message)
   (let ((mbox (mailbox thread)))
     (threads:synchronized-on mbox
-      (setf (mailbox-queue mbox)
-            (nconc (mailbox-queue mbox) (list message)))
-      (threads:object-notify-all mbox))))
+                             (setf (mailbox-queue mbox)
+                                   (nconc (mailbox-queue mbox) (list message)))
+                             (threads:object-notify-all mbox))))
 (defimplementation receive-if (test &optional timeout)
   (let* ((mbox (mailbox (current-thread))))
     (assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
-     (check-slime-interrupts)
-     (threads:synchronized-on mbox
-       (let* ((q (mailbox-queue mbox))
-              (tail (member-if test q)))
-         (when tail
-           (setf (mailbox-queue mbox) (nconc (ldiff q tail) (cdr tail)))
-           (return (car tail)))
-         (when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t)))
-         (threads:object-wait mbox 0.3))))))
+      (check-slime-interrupts)
+      (threads:synchronized-on mbox
+                               (let* ((q (mailbox-queue mbox))
+                                      (tail (member-if test q)))
+                                 (when tail
+                                   (setf (mailbox-queue mbox) (nconc (ldiff q 
tail) (cdr tail)))
+                                   (return (car tail)))
+                                 (when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t)))
+                                 (threads:object-wait mbox 0.3))))))
 (defimplementation quit-lisp ()
@@ -1622,8 +1644,7 @@
         for impl = (get s 'swank-backend::implementation)
         do (when (and impl (not (compiled-function-p impl)))
              (let ((name (gensym)))
-               (compile name  impl)
+               (compile name impl)
                (let ((compiled (symbol-function name)))
                  (system::%set-lambda-name compiled (second (sys::lambda-name 
                  (setf (get s 'swank-backend::implementation) compiled))))))
diff --git a/swank/clasp.lisp b/swank/clasp.lisp
index 96f6a04c1b..9416b4ef3c 100644
--- a/swank/clasp.lisp
+++ b/swank/clasp.lisp
@@ -13,14 +13,6 @@
 (in-package swank/clasp)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (setq swank::*log-output* (open "/tmp/slime.log" :direction :output))
-  (setq swank:*log-events* t))
-(defmacro slime-dbg (fmt &rest args)
-  `(swank::log-event "slime-dbg ~a ~a~%" mp:*current-process* (apply #'format 
nil ,fmt ,args)))
 ;; Hard dependencies.
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (require 'sockets))
@@ -30,13 +22,18 @@
   (when (probe-file "sys:profile.fas")
     (require :profile)
     (pushnew :profile *features*))
-  (when (probe-file "sys:serve-event")
+  (when (probe-file "sys:src;lisp;modules;serve-event;")
     (require :serve-event)
     (pushnew :serve-event *features*))
   (when (find-symbol "TEMPORARY-DIRECTORY" "EXT")
     (pushnew :temporary-directory *features*)))
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+;;; Compatibility tests
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  ;; xref support (2.4)
+  (defun clasp-with-xref-p ()
+   (with-symbol 'who-calls 'ext)))
 ;;; Swank-mop
@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@
     (fixnum socket)
     (two-way-stream (socket-fd (two-way-stream-input-stream socket)))
     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor socket))
-    (file-stream (si:file-stream-fd socket))))
+    (file-stream (ext:file-stream-file-descriptor socket))))
 (defvar *external-format-to-coding-system*
@@ -162,7 +159,7 @@
 (defimplementation getpid ()
-  (si:getpid))
+  (clasp-posix:getpid))
 (defimplementation set-default-directory (directory)
   (ext:chdir (namestring directory))  ; adapts *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*.
@@ -277,18 +274,14 @@
                                        load-p external-format
                                        &key policy)
   (declare (ignore policy))
-  (format t "Compiling file input-file = ~a   output-file = ~a~%" input-file 
-  ;; Ignore the output-file and generate our own
-  (let ((tmp-output-file (compile-file-pathname (mkstemp 
-    (format t "Using tmp-output-file: ~a~%" tmp-output-file)
-    (multiple-value-bind (fasl warnings-p failure-p)
-        (with-compilation-hooks ()
-          (compile-file input-file :output-file tmp-output-file
-                        :external-format external-format))
+  (multiple-value-bind (fasl warnings-p failure-p)
+      (with-compilation-hooks ()
+        (compile-file input-file :output-file output-file
+                                 :external-format external-format))
       (values fasl warnings-p
               (or failure-p
                   (when load-p
-                    (not (load fasl))))))))
+                    (not (load fasl)))))))
 (defvar *tmpfile-map* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
@@ -311,10 +304,10 @@
-             (with-open-file (tmp-stream tmp-file :direction :output
-                                                  :if-exists :supersede)
-               (write-string string tmp-stream)
-               (finish-output tmp-stream)
+             (progn
+               (with-open-file (tmp-stream tmp-file :direction :output
+                                                    :if-exists :overwrite)
+                 (write-string string tmp-stream))
                (multiple-value-setq (fasl-file warnings-p failure-p)
                  (let ((truename (or filename (note-buffer-tmpfile tmp-file 
                    (compile-file tmp-file
@@ -334,12 +327,12 @@
 (defimplementation arglist (name)
   (multiple-value-bind (arglist foundp)
-      (sys:function-lambda-list name)     ;; Uses bc-split
+      (ext:function-lambda-list name)     ;; Uses bc-split
     (if foundp arglist :not-available)))
 (defimplementation function-name (f)
   (typecase f
-    (generic-function (clos::generic-function-name f))
+    (generic-function (clos:generic-function-name f))
     (function (ext:compiled-function-name f))))
@@ -352,7 +345,6 @@
   (let ((macro-forms '())
         (compiler-macro-forms '())
         (function-quoted-forms '()))
-    (format t "In collect-macro-forms~%")
      (lambda (form environment)
        (when (and (consp form)
@@ -395,6 +387,24 @@
   (or (subtypep nil symbol)
       (not (eq (type-specifier-arglist symbol) :not-available))))
+;;; XREF
+(macrolet ((defxref (name &optional (fname name))
+             `(defimplementation ,name (what)
+                (let ((r (,(find-symbol (symbol-name fname) "EXT")
+                          what)))
+                  (loop for (fname . spi) in r
+                        collect (list fname (translate-spi spi)))))))
+  (defxref who-calls)
+  (defxref who-binds)
+  (defxref who-sets)
+  (defxref who-references)
+  (defxref who-macroexpands)
+  (defxref who-specializes who-specializes-directly)
+  (defxref list-callers)
+  (defxref list-callees))
 ;;; Debugging
@@ -466,13 +476,21 @@
 (defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
   (clasp-debug:prin1-frame-call frame stream))
+(defun translate-spi (spi)
+  (if spi
+      (let ((pathname (clasp-debug:code-source-line-pathname spi)))
+        (if pathname
+            (make-location (list :file (namestring (translate-logical-pathname 
+                           (list :line 
(clasp-debug:code-source-line-line-number spi))
+                           '(:align t))
+            nil))
+      nil))
 (defimplementation frame-source-location (frame-number)
-  (let ((csl (clasp-debug:frame-source-position (frame-from-number 
-    (if (clasp-debug:code-source-line-pathname csl)
-        (make-location (list :file (namestring (translate-logical-pathname 
(clasp-debug:code-source-line-pathname csl))))
-                       (list :line (clasp-debug:code-source-line-line-number 
-                       '(:align t))
-        `(:error ,(format nil "No source for frame: ~a" frame-number)))))
+  (or (translate-spi
+       (clasp-debug:frame-source-position
+        (frame-from-number frame-number)))
+      `(:error ,(format nil "No source for frame: ~a" frame-number))))
 (defimplementation frame-locals (frame-number)
   (loop for (var . value)
@@ -496,15 +514,31 @@
                     collect `(,var ',value)))
         (progn ,form)))))
+(defimplementation activate-stepping (frame)
+  (declare (ignore frame))
+  (core:set-breakstep))
+(defimplementation sldb-stepper-condition-p (condition)
+  (typep condition 'clasp-debug:step-form))
+(defimplementation sldb-step-into ()
+  (invoke-restart 'clasp-debug:step-into))
+(defimplementation sldb-step-next ()
+  (invoke-restart 'clasp-debug:step-over))
+(defimplementation sldb-step-out ()
+  ;; FIXME: This stops stepping entirely. Clasp does not have step out yet.
+  (invoke-restart 'continue))
 (defimplementation gdb-initial-commands ()
   ;; These signals are used by the GC.
   #+linux '("handle SIGPWR  noprint nostop"
             "handle SIGXCPU noprint nostop"))
 (defimplementation command-line-args ()
-  (loop for n from 0 below (si:argc) collect (si:argv n)))
+  (loop for n below (ext:argc) collect (ext:argv n)))
 ;;;; Inspector
@@ -603,7 +637,7 @@
       (mp:with-lock (*thread-id-map-lock*)
         ;; Does TARGET-THREAD have an id already?
         (maphash (lambda (id thread-pointer)
-                   (let ((thread (si:weak-pointer-value thread-pointer)))
+                   (let ((thread (ext:weak-pointer-value thread-pointer)))
                      (cond ((not thread)
                             (remhash id *thread-id-map*))
                            ((eq thread target-thread)
@@ -611,14 +645,14 @@
         ;; TARGET-THREAD not found in *THREAD-ID-MAP*
         (let ((id (incf *thread-id-counter*))
-              (thread-pointer (si:make-weak-pointer target-thread)))
+              (thread-pointer (ext:make-weak-pointer target-thread)))
           (setf (gethash id *thread-id-map*) thread-pointer)
   (defimplementation find-thread (id)
     (mp:with-lock (*thread-id-map-lock*)
       (let* ((thread-ptr (gethash id *thread-id-map*))
-             (thread (and thread-ptr (si:weak-pointer-value thread-ptr))))
+             (thread (and thread-ptr (ext:weak-pointer-value thread-ptr))))
         (unless thread
           (remhash id *thread-id-map*))
@@ -674,47 +708,32 @@
   (defimplementation wake-thread (thread)
     (let* ((mbox (mailbox thread))
            (mutex (mailbox.mutex mbox)))
-      (format t "About to with-lock in wake-thread~%")
       (mp:with-lock (mutex)
-        (format t "In wake-thread~%")
         (mp:condition-variable-broadcast (mailbox.cvar mbox)))))
   (defimplementation send (thread message)
     (let* ((mbox (mailbox thread))
            (mutex (mailbox.mutex mbox)))
-      (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp: send message ~a    mutex: ~a~%" message 
-      (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp:    (lock-owner mutex) -> ~a~%" 
(mp:lock-owner mutex))
-      (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp:    (lock-count mutex) -> ~a~%" 
(mp:lock-count mutex))
       (mp:with-lock (mutex)
-        (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp:  in with-lock   (lock-owner mutex) -> 
~a~%" (mp:lock-owner mutex))
-        (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp:  in with-lock   (lock-count mutex) -> 
~a~%" (mp:lock-count mutex))
         (setf (mailbox.queue mbox)
               (nconc (mailbox.queue mbox) (list message)))
-        (swank::log-event "clasp.lisp: send about to broadcast~%")
         (mp:condition-variable-broadcast (mailbox.cvar mbox)))))
   (defimplementation receive-if (test &optional timeout)
-    (slime-dbg "Entered receive-if")
     (let* ((mbox (mailbox (current-thread)))
            (mutex (mailbox.mutex mbox)))
-      (slime-dbg "receive-if assert")
       (assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
-         (slime-dbg "receive-if check-slime-interrupts")
-         (slime-dbg "receive-if with-lock")
          (mp:with-lock (mutex)
            (let* ((q (mailbox.queue mbox))
                   (tail (member-if test q)))
              (when tail
                (setf (mailbox.queue mbox) (nconc (ldiff q tail) (cdr tail)))
                (return (car tail))))
-           (slime-dbg "receive-if when (eq")
            (when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t))) 
-           (slime-dbg "receive-if condition-variable-timedwait")
            (mp:condition-variable-wait (mailbox.cvar mbox) mutex) ; timedwait 
-           (slime-dbg "came out of condition-variable-timedwait")
   ) ; #+threads (progn ...
@@ -733,3 +752,11 @@
 (defimplementation package-local-nicknames (package)
   (ext:package-local-nicknames package))
+;;; Floating point
+(defimplementation float-nan-p (float)
+  (ext:float-nan-p float))
+(defimplementation float-infinity-p (float)
+  (ext:float-infinity-p float))
diff --git a/swank/gray.lisp b/swank/gray.lisp
index 162e344a38..ae4de419f0 100644
--- a/swank/gray.lisp
+++ b/swank/gray.lisp
@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@
 (defmethod stream-line-column ((stream slime-output-stream))
   (with-slime-output-stream stream column))
+(defun reset-stream-line-column (stream)
+  (with-slime-output-stream stream (setf column 0)))
 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream slime-output-stream))
   (with-slime-output-stream stream
     (unless (zerop fill-pointer)

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