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[elpa] externals/corfu aec861d832: Try to reuse timer (see #404)

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/corfu aec861d832: Try to reuse timer (see #404)
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 06:57:34 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/corfu
commit aec861d832236dd35969c50930f1c9f6ea5fb122
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    Try to reuse timer (see #404)
    With this change the Corfu PCH doesn't appear anymore in the profile as 
long as
    auto completion doesn't trigger, for example when repeatedly pressing a DEL 
    DEL a DEL...
 corfu.el | 32 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/corfu.el b/corfu.el
index ca9598f309..34c22d1007 100644
--- a/corfu.el
+++ b/corfu.el
@@ -984,20 +984,24 @@ See `completion-in-region' for the arguments BEG, END, 
 (defun corfu--auto-post-command ()
   "Post command hook which initiates auto completion."
   (when corfu--auto-timer
-    (cancel-timer corfu--auto-timer)
-    (setq corfu--auto-timer nil))
-  (when (and (not completion-in-region-mode)
-             (not defining-kbd-macro)
-             (not buffer-read-only)
-             (corfu--match-symbol-p corfu-auto-commands this-command)
-             (corfu--popup-support-p))
-    (if (<= corfu-auto-delay 0)
-        (corfu--auto-complete-deferred)
-      ;; Do not use idle timer since this leads to unpredictable pauses, in
-      ;; particular with `flyspell-mode'.
-      (setq corfu--auto-timer
-            (run-at-time corfu-auto-delay nil
-                         #'corfu--auto-complete-deferred 
+    (cancel-timer corfu--auto-timer))
+  (if (and (not completion-in-region-mode)
+           (not defining-kbd-macro)
+           (not buffer-read-only)
+           (corfu--match-symbol-p corfu-auto-commands this-command)
+           (corfu--popup-support-p))
+      (if (<= corfu-auto-delay 0)
+          (corfu--auto-complete-deferred)
+        ;; Do not use `timer-set-idle-time' since this leads to
+        ;; unpredictable pauses, in particular with `flyspell-mode'.
+        (unless corfu--auto-timer
+          (setq corfu--auto-timer (timer-create)))
+        (timer-set-time corfu--auto-timer
+                        (timer-relative-time nil corfu-auto-delay))
+        (timer-set-function corfu--auto-timer #'corfu--auto-complete-deferred
+                            (list (corfu--auto-tick)))
+        (unless (memq corfu--auto-timer timer-list)
+          (timer-activate corfu--auto-timer)))))
 (defun corfu--auto-tick ()
   "Return the current tick/status of the buffer.

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