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[nongnu] elpa/proof-general 8b8e0b1e5f 3/3: CI: add cipg and documentati

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/proof-general 8b8e0b1e5f 3/3: CI: add cipg and documentation for it
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 16:00:44 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/proof-general
commit 8b8e0b1e5f242d242c9f9c8702592139821943cf
Author: Hendrik Tews <hendrik@askra.de>
Commit: hendriktews <hendrik@askra.de>

    CI: add cipg and documentation for it
    cipq is an OCaml program that can handle many tedious tasks to keep CI
    for Proof General up-to-date. This commit adds cipg and documentation
    for it.
 ci/doc/README.md              |  141 +++-
 ci/doc/README.pdf             |  Bin 48999 -> 63794 bytes
 ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org |    8 +
 ci/tools/.gitignore           |    4 +
 ci/tools/cipg.ml              | 1498 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 1649 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ci/doc/README.md b/ci/doc/README.md
index d8ac640a66..72711eae78 100644
--- a/ci/doc/README.md
+++ b/ci/doc/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+ !-- This file is part of Proof General.
+ !-- 
+ !-- Copyright 2024  Hendrik Tews
+ !-- 
+ !-- Authors:   Hendrik Tews
+ !-- 
+ !-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+  -->
 title:  'Continuous integration and testing for Proof General'
 toc: true
@@ -303,7 +312,8 @@ symbols in the table.
 Obviously, after each Coq or Emacs release and additionally every few
 month the rules in the preceding sections for building containers and
 for testing must be re-evaluated and the workflow file
-`.github/workflows/test.yml` must be updated.
+`.github/workflows/test.yml` and the tables in this document must be
 Large portions of this process have been automated. Coq, Emacs, Debian
 and Ubuntu releases must be manually added into an Org mode table in
@@ -316,9 +326,10 @@ file `coq-emacs-releases.org`. This table is read by the 
OCaml program
   Coq](#coq-ci) in this document.
 - It determines missing docker images and generates command lines for
   building them.
-- It determines superfluous docker images and deletes them.
+- It determines superfluous docker images and offers to delete them.
 - It generates the lines that are needed to update
+- It can update this document and `test.yml` in place.
 ## Release table
@@ -392,6 +403,132 @@ that `cipg` can process it.
+## `cipg`
+`cipg` is the OCaml program `ci/tools/cipg.ml` in the Proof General
+repository that automates many tasks for keeping the Proof General
+GitHub action up-to-date. `cipg` can be compiled with `ocamlopt.opt -g
+-o cipg unix.cmxa cipg.ml`, see also the `compile-command` in
+`cipg.ml`. By default, `cipg` assumes that `../..` is the root
+directory of the PG repository, which is right, if `cipg` runs in
+`ci/tools`. Use option `-pg-repo` to specify a different directory as
+Proof-General repository.
+### Dependencies and credentials
+`cipg` runs `curl` and `jq` as subcommands. They must be located
+somewhere on `PATH`.
+The deletion of docker images (via option `-delete`) requires
+credentials for `hub.docker.com`. Currently, `cipg` can only use
+credentials specified in `~/.authinfo`. If `-delete` is used, this
+file must contain a simple 6-element entry for host `hub.docker.com`
+without quotes of the form
+machine hub.docker.com login <user> password <passwd>
+The restriction of a simple line without quotes means that usernames
+or passwords containing spaces are currently not supported.
+### Obtaining information
+Without any options, `cipg` reads the release table in
+`coq-emacs-releases.org` and outputs the relevant information for
+Proof General continuous integration and testing on the current date.
+In particular, `cipg` prints the table of containers to build and the
+table of Coq/Emacs version pairs selected for those jobs that test Coq
+and Emacs in different version pairs.
+With option `-check`, `cipg` additionally checks if all needed docker
+images exist in the docker registry and if there are any superfluous
+images. For missing docker images `cipg` prints docker build commands
+that work with the dockerfiles in the `coq-nix-docker` and
+`coq-emacs-docker` repositories. For these commands, `cipg` emits
+`pushd` commands to change into directories inside the respective
+repositories. The directory where the two repositories are checked out
+can be set with command line option `-src-dir`, the default is
+With option `-ci-print`, `cipg` additionally prints the lines with the
+versions for the matrix version variables of all jobs in `test.yml`.
+These lines can be copied into `test.yml`, but see option `-ci-change`
+### Updating the CI configuration
+The options described in this subsection perform destructive updates
+or removals. Use them with care.
+The option `ci-change` updates `README.md` (this file) and `test.yml`
+in the Proof-General repository identified by `cipg` with the new
+configuration. See option `-pg-repo` to change the Proof General
+repository. The updates are done in place, without taking backups,
+which is not a problem, if there are no unstaged changes. In
+particular, the option `ci-change` changes
+- the three tables in the Sections [Generic strategy](#generic),
+  [Container build strategy](#contbuild), and [Proof General
+  interaction tests with Coq](#coq-ci) in this document, including the
+  numbers of containers and Coq/Emacs version pairs in front of the
+  last two tables, and
+- the versions for the matrix version variables of all jobs in
+  `test.yml`.
+To facilitate these automatic updates `README.md` and `test.yml`
+contain “CIPG change markers” in comments before and after the to be
+replaced portions.
+With option `-delete`, `cipg` offers to delete superfluous containers.
+For each superfluous container, `cipg` asks, whether to really delete
+### Accessing `hub.docker.com`
+This subsection documents how `cipg` accesses `hub.docker.com`. The
+information here is not relevant for using `cipg`. For easy
+copy/paste, the commands in this section are on one line in the
+markdown sources, which may result in overly long lines and
+incorrectly inserted line breaks in the PDF version.
+To list all tags of the `proofgeneral/coq-emacs` image use
+curl -L -s 
 | jq '."results"[]["name"]'
+If the `page_size` number is too small only some first portion is
+The shell commands for deleting a docker image are taken from the
+folling stackoverflow article.
+In order to delete an image, one first needs get an access token,
+which is a string more than 2500 characters long. To save a new access
+token in variable `XX` do
+XX=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"username\": 
\"<user>\", \"password\": \"<passwd>\"}" https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login/ 
| jq -r .token)
+In this line, `<user>` and `<passwd>` must be replaced with some valid
+To delete tag `coq-8.18-rc-emacs-27.1` of the `proofgeneral/coq-emacs`
+docker images use
+curl -i -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT $XX" 
+Note the use of `XX` in this line.
+Alternatively, the command
+curl -i -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT $XX" 
+does also delete a tag. However, the first deletion command is said to
+be preferred in the cited stackoverflow article.
  !-- Local Variables:
  !-- compile-command: "pandoc -N --pdf-engine=lualatex README.md -o README.pdf"
diff --git a/ci/doc/README.pdf b/ci/doc/README.pdf
index 988a22a28b..7e0a38d637 100644
Binary files a/ci/doc/README.pdf and b/ci/doc/README.pdf differ
diff --git a/ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org b/ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org
index 93269359e8..7532a2d7c2 100644
--- a/ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org
+++ b/ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+# This file is part of Proof General.
+# Copyright 2024  Hendrik Tews
+# Authors:   Hendrik Tews
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 * Coq, Emacs, Debian and Ubuntu releases
   This table must be maintained manually. Its content is processed
   automatically, therefore please observe the requirements in Section
diff --git a/ci/tools/.gitignore b/ci/tools/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43da29be71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/tools/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ci/tools/cipg.ml b/ci/tools/cipg.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0331f01c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/tools/cipg.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1498 @@
+(* This file is part of Proof General.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2024  Hendrik Tews
+ *
+ * Authors:   Hendrik Tews
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ *)
+(* PG repo *)
+let pg_repo = ref "../.."
+(* file containing the Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu release table, relative
+   to pg_repo
+ *)
+let release_table_file = "ci/doc/coq-emacs-releases.org"
+(* CI documentatioin README.md, relative to pg_repo *)
+let readme_file = "ci/doc/README.md"
+(* github yaml workflow file *)
+let test_workflow_file = ".github/workflows/test.yml"
+(* directory in which the coq-nix-docker and coq-emacs-docker repos are *)
+let src_dir = ref "~/src"
+(* Number of years for which to build containers for all coq versions
+   released since then.
+ *)
+let coq_full_range_years = 2.0
+(* Number of years for which to run old coq versions in PG CI.
+ *)
+let coq_partial_range_years = 1.5
+(* Number of years for which containers are build for historic pairs.
+   Those historic pairs that are older than the oldest LTS version,
+   are kept as passively supported historic pairs. *)
+let passive_historic_pairs_years = 6.0
+(* Number of month added to EOL dates. E.g., when EOL says 2023/04
+   then relax_month=1 keeps it until 2023/05 *)
+let eol_relax_month = 0.0
+(* print stuff for container building *)
+let do_containers = ref false
+(* print stuff for updating PG CI *)
+let print_pg_ci_config = ref false
+(* update PG CI doc and config*)
+let do_pg_ci_update = ref false
+(* delete superfluous containers *)
+let do_delete_containers = ref false
+ *
+ * translate time ranges into seconds
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let years_to_secs y = y *. 365.2425 *. 24.0 *. 3600.0
+let coq_full_range_secs = years_to_secs coq_full_range_years
+let coq_partial_range_secs = years_to_secs coq_partial_range_years
+let passive_historic_pairs_secs =
+  years_to_secs passive_historic_pairs_years
+let eol_relax_seconds = eol_relax_month *. 31. *. 24.0 *. 3600.0
+ *
+ * types
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+type date = float
+(* Coq and Emacs versions from the release table. *)
+type version = {
+    major : int;
+    minor : int;
+    release_candidate : bool;
+  }
+let null_version = {major = 0; minor = 0; release_candidate = false; }
+(* record for lines of the Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu release table *)
+type release_record = {
+    rel_date : date;
+    rel_coq : version option;
+    rel_emacs : version option;
+    rel_lts : string;                   (* "" if no Debian/Ubuntu release *)
+    rel_eol : date option;
+    rel_historic : bool;
+  }
+(* record for Debian/Ubuntu releases *)
+type lts_record = {
+    lts_coq : version;
+    lts_emacs : version;
+    lts_name : string;
+    eol_date : date;
+  }
+(* enumeration type for elements of an container matrix *)
+type matrix_element =
+  | Unused
+  | Lts                                 (* needed for Debian/Ubuntu release *)
+  | Latest_versions_complete            (* needed for recent versions *)
+  | History_pair                        (* needed for historic pair *)
+  | Newest                              (* needed for a newest Coq or Emacs *)
+  | RC                                  (* needed for release candidate *)
+ *
+ * library functions
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* last element of non-empty lists *)
+let rec list_last = function
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | a :: [] -> a
+  | a :: l -> list_last l
+(* l1 \ l2 : returns elements of l1 not in l2 *)
+let list_diff l1 l2 =
+  List.filter
+    (fun x1 -> not (List.exists (fun x2 -> x1 = x2) l2))
+    l1
+(* take a list of pairs, sorted for the first element and return a
+ * list in which all second elements, which were associated to one
+ * first element are collected in a list.
+ * [(0, a); (0, b); (1, c); ...] -> [(0, [a; b]); (1, [c; ...]); ...]
+ *)
+let pairs_to_keyed_list l =
+  let rec doit cur_left acc_right res = function
+    | [] -> List.rev_map (fun (a, l) -> (a, List.rev l))
+              ((cur_left, acc_right) :: res)
+    | (a, b) :: l ->
+       if cur_left = a
+       then doit cur_left (b :: acc_right) res l
+       else doit a [b] ((cur_left, acc_right) :: res) l
+  in
+  match l with
+    | [] -> []
+    | (a, b) :: l -> doit a [b] [] l
+ *
+ * general time functions
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+module U = Unix
+(* Return tm record for year and month. Year must be a four digit year
+ * number, month are real-live month numbers.
+ *)
+let tm_date year month = {
+  U.tm_sec = 0;
+  tm_min = 0;
+  tm_hour = 12;
+  tm_mday = 15;
+  tm_mon = month - 1;
+  tm_year = year - 1900;
+  tm_wday = 0;
+  tm_yday = 0;
+  tm_isdst = false;
+let normalize_date date = fst (U.mktime date)
+(* return date as float for year and month *)
+let norm_tm_date year month = normalize_date (tm_date year month)
+let today = U.time()
+(* let today = norm_tm_date 2023 3 *)
+ *
+ * sorting
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* sort Debian/Ubuntu releases by their end-of-live date *)
+let sort_lts = List.sort (fun a b -> compare a.eol_date b.eol_date)
+(* compare version records, taking the release_candidate field into account *)
+let compare_versions a b =
+  let x = compare a.major b.major in
+  if x = 0
+  then
+    begin
+      let x = compare a.minor b.minor in
+      if x = 0 then
+        match (a.release_candidate, b.release_candidate) with
+          | (true, false) -> -1
+          | (false, true) -> 1
+          | (true, true)
+          | (false, false) -> 0
+      else x
+    end
+  else x
+(* sort version records in ascending order *)
+let sort_versions = List.sort compare_versions
+(* sort vl in ascending order and return a list of (version, index) pairs *)
+let sort_and_index_versions vl : (version * int) list =
+  List.mapi (fun i vr -> (vr, i)) (sort_versions vl)
+(* Sort a list of version pairs. In the result, the first element
+ * increses and for equal first elements, the second element
+ * increases.
+ *)
+let sort_version_pairs =
+  List.sort
+    (fun (a,b) (c,d) ->
+      let x = compare_versions a c in
+      if x = 0
+      then compare_versions b d
+      else x)
+ *
+ * parse table of Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu releases
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* string that marks the begin of the table *)
+let table_start_prefix = "| date "
+(* Skip in file ic to start of the body of the Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu
+ * release table
+ *)
+let rec skip_to_table_start ic =
+  let line = input_line ic in
+  if String.starts_with ~prefix:table_start_prefix line
+  then
+    begin
+      (* Printf.printf "XX found start\n%!"; *)
+      ignore(input_line ic)
+    end
+  else
+    begin
+      (* Printf.printf "XX skip line %s\n%!" line; *)
+      skip_to_table_start ic;
+    end
+(* scan a date of the form YYYY/mm *)
+let scan_year_month_date s =
+  if s = ""
+  then None
+  else
+    Some (Scanf.sscanf s "%d/%d" norm_tm_date)
+(* Scan a version in string s in the form <major>.<minor>[rc] or
+ * <major>.<minor>-[rc], where the [rc] is optional. Return a version
+ * option, where None is used when s is empty.
+ *)
+let scan_version s =
+  if s = ""
+  then None
+  else
+    Scanf.sscanf s "%d.%d%n"
+      (fun ma mi i ->
+        Some {major = ma; minor = mi;
+              release_candidate =
+                if (i + 1 < String.length s && String.sub s i 2 = "rc")
+                   || (i + 2 < String.length s && String.sub s i 3 = "-rc")
+                then true
+                else false
+      })
+(* Parse table of Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu releases in file ic,
+ * accumulating the results in accu. Recognize the end of the table by
+ * an empty line.
+ *)
+let rec parse_table_lines ic accu =
+  let scanf_continuation date_s coq_s emacs_s lts_s eol_s hist_mark =
+    (* Printf.printf "XX scan-cont\n%!"; *)
+    let rel_date = match scan_year_month_date date_s with
+        | None ->
+           prerr_endline "Empty date column in version table!";
+           assert false
+        | Some d -> d
+    in           
+    let line_rec = {
+        rel_date = rel_date;
+        rel_coq = scan_version coq_s;
+        rel_emacs = scan_version emacs_s;
+        rel_lts = String.trim lts_s;
+        rel_eol = scan_year_month_date eol_s;
+        rel_historic = hist_mark <> ""
+      }
+    in
+    parse_table_lines ic (line_rec :: accu)
+  in        
+  match input_line ic with
+    | ""
+    | exception End_of_file -> accu
+    | line ->
+       (* Printf.printf "XX parse line %s\n%!" line; *)
+       Scanf.sscanf line "| %[^| ] | %[^| ] | %[^| ] | %[^|]| %[^| ] | %[^| ] 
+         scanf_continuation
+(* returns the table of Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu releases as
+ * release_record's in reverse order.
+ *)
+let parse_table () =
+  let ic = open_in (Filename.concat !pg_repo release_table_file) in
+  skip_to_table_start ic;
+  let res = parse_table_lines ic [] in
+  close_in ic;
+  res
+ *
+ * collect lts, emacs and coq versions from table
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Process the remainder of the Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu release table
+   in form of release records. The arguments accumulate the found.
+   In particular
+   - ltss: relevant Debian/Ubuntu releases
+   - passive_hist: passively supported historic pairs
+   - active_hist: actively supported historic pairs
+   - coqs: actively and passively supported Coq versions
+   - emacses: actively and passively supported Emacs versions
+   See extract_lts_versions below for the return value.
+ *)
+let rec collect_remaining_versions
+          ltss passive_hist active_hist coqs emacses = function
+  | [] -> (ltss, passive_hist, active_hist, coqs, emacses)
+  | { rel_date; rel_coq; rel_emacs; rel_lts; rel_eol; rel_historic } :: table 
+     let (this_coq, coqs) =
+       match rel_coq with
+         | None -> (List.hd coqs, coqs)
+         | Some coqv ->
+            (coqv, if List.mem coqv coqs then coqs else coqv :: coqs)
+     in
+     let (this_emacs, emacses) =
+       match rel_emacs with
+         | None -> (List.hd emacses, emacses)
+         | Some emacs_v ->
+            (emacs_v,
+             if List.mem emacs_v emacses then emacses else emacs_v :: emacses)
+     in
+     let lts_maybe =
+       match rel_eol with
+         | None -> None
+         | Some eol_date ->
+            if eol_date +. eol_relax_seconds > today
+            then
+              Some { lts_coq = this_coq ;
+                     lts_emacs = this_emacs;
+                     lts_name = rel_lts;
+                     eol_date = eol_date;
+                }
+            else None
+     in
+     let (passive_hist, active_hist) =
+       match (lts_maybe, ltss) with
+         | (Some _, []) -> (active_hist, [])
+         | _ -> (passive_hist, active_hist)
+     in
+     let active_hist =
+       if rel_historic
+       then (this_coq, this_emacs) :: active_hist
+       else active_hist
+     in
+     let ltss = match lts_maybe with
+         | Some lts -> lts :: ltss
+         | None -> ltss
+     in
+     collect_remaining_versions ltss passive_hist active_hist coqs emacses 
+(* Extract relevant Debian/Ubuntu releases from the
+ * Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu release table in form of release records.
+ * Also extract the list of all supported Coq and Emacs versions and
+ * two lists of historic versions pairs. The list of passively
+ * supported historic pairs for old version testing before the first
+ * relevant Debian/Ubuntu release and the list of actively supported
+ * pairs starting with the first relevant Debian/Ubuntu release.
+ * Return everything in a 5-tuple of
+ * - Debian/Ubuntu releases as list of lts_records,
+ * - passive_hist: passively supported historic pairs as Coq/Emacs version 
+ * - active_hist: actively supported historic pairs as Coq/Emacs version pairs
+ * - coqs: actively and passively supported Coq versions as list of versions
+ * - emacses: actively and passively supported Emacs versions as list of 
+ *
+ * This function processes the release records until the first
+ * passively supported historic pair or the first relevant Debian/Ubuntu
+ * release is found. Then collect_remaining_versions processes the
+ * remainder. The arguments last_coq and last_emacs contain the last
+ * Coq and Emacs versions seen, for the following table lines that do
+ * not contain these versions.
+ *)
+let rec extract_lts_versions last_coq last_emacs = function
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | { rel_date; rel_coq; rel_emacs; rel_lts; rel_eol; rel_historic; } :: table 
+     let last_coq =
+       match rel_coq with
+         | None -> last_coq
+         | Some coq_v -> coq_v
+     in
+     let last_emacs =
+       match rel_emacs with
+         | None -> last_emacs
+         | Some emacs_v -> emacs_v
+     in
+     (* check if this line contains an LTS version with EOL date later
+      * than today
+      *)
+     let lts_maybe =
+       match rel_eol with
+       | None -> []
+       | Some eol_date ->
+          if eol_date +. eol_relax_seconds > today
+          then
+            [{ lts_coq = last_coq;
+               lts_emacs = last_emacs;
+               lts_name = rel_lts;
+               eol_date = eol_date;
+            }]
+          else []
+     in
+     (* check if this line contains an passively supported historic pair *)
+     let hist_pair =
+       if rel_historic && rel_date +. passive_historic_pairs_secs > today
+       then [(last_coq, last_emacs)]
+       else []
+     in
+     if lts_maybe <> [] || hist_pair <> []
+     then
+       collect_remaining_versions lts_maybe [] hist_pair
+         [last_coq] [last_emacs] table
+     else extract_lts_versions last_coq last_emacs table
+(* Return the first actively supported Coq version. *)
+let get_first_active_supported_coq lts =
+  let lts_coqs = List.map (fun lt -> lt.lts_coq) lts in
+  List.hd (sort_versions lts_coqs)
+(* Return the first actively supported Emacs version. *)
+let get_first_active_supported_emacs lts =
+  let lts_emacses = List.map (fun lt -> lt.lts_emacs) lts in
+  List.hd (sort_versions lts_emacses)
+(* Returns the first coq version in the pg.org release_record table
+   that was released on a date after range seconds before now
+ *)
+let rec get_first_range_coq range = function
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | { rel_date; rel_coq = Some coq_version; } :: table ->
+     if rel_date +. range < today
+     then get_first_range_coq range table
+     else coq_version
+  | _ :: table -> get_first_range_coq range table
+(* return the two latest emacs versions with different major versions
+ * (for the magic check)
+ *)
+let get_latest_two_emacs_major emacses =
+  let emacses = List.rev emacses in
+  let newest = fst (List.hd emacses) in
+  let newest_major = newest.major in
+  let other =
+    match List.find (fun ({major;}, _) -> major <> newest_major) emacses with
+      | v_i -> fst v_i
+      (* seems there is only one major emacs version - this should not happen 
+      | exception Not_found -> assert false
+  in
+  [other; newest]
+ *
+ * container matrix - create and mark
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Create a container matrix, accessed as conts.(coq_index).(emacs_index) *)
+let create_container_matrix coq_number emacs_number =
+  Array.init coq_number (fun _ -> Array.make emacs_number Unused)
+(* return index for version *)
+let get_version_index version indexed_version_list =
+  snd (List.find (fun v -> fst v = version) indexed_version_list)
+(* return version for index *)
+let get_index_version index indexed_version_list =
+  fst (List.nth indexed_version_list index)
+(* mark LTS emacs / coq pairs.
+   With future = true additionally mark all coq versions released
+   after LTS
+ *)
+let select_lts_versions lts coqs emacses conts future =
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  List.iter
+    (fun lt ->
+      let coq_index = get_version_index lt.lts_coq coqs in
+      let emacs_index = get_version_index lt.lts_emacs emacses in
+      conts.(coq_index).(emacs_index) <- Lts;
+      if future
+      then
+        for i = coq_index + 1 to last_coq_index do
+          conts.(i).(emacs_index) <- Lts
+        done;
+    )
+    lts
+(* Mark all actively supported emacs versions with all active coq
+   version of last 2 years. All emacs versions starting form the
+   oldest LTS version are actively supported.
+ *)
+let select_all_latest_versions
+      first_full_range_coq first_active_emacs coqs emacses conts =
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  for coq_i = get_version_index first_full_range_coq coqs to last_coq_index do
+    for emacs_i = get_version_index first_active_emacs emacses
+        to last_emacs_index do
+      conts.(coq_i).(emacs_i) <- Latest_versions_complete
+    done
+  done
+(* mark all LTS emacs versions with all coq version of last 1.5 years
+ * except those coq versions that are older then the coq versions of
+ * the respective LTS coq version
+ *)
+let select_lts_latest_versions
+      first_partial_range_coq lts coqs emacses ci_pairs =
+  let partial_coq_i = get_version_index first_partial_range_coq coqs in
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  List.iter
+    (fun {lts_coq; lts_emacs;} ->
+      let lts_coq_i = get_version_index lts_coq coqs in
+      let emacs_i = get_version_index lts_emacs emacses in
+      let coq_i =
+        if lts_coq_i > partial_coq_i then lts_coq_i + 1 else partial_coq_i in
+      for coq_i = coq_i to last_coq_index
+      do
+        ci_pairs.(coq_i).(emacs_i) <- Latest_versions_complete
+      done)
+    lts
+(* Select historic pairs hist_pairs in container matrix conts. *)
+let select_historic_pairs hist_pairs coqs emacses conts =
+  List.iter
+    (fun (coq_v, emacs_v) ->
+      conts.(get_version_index coq_v coqs).(get_version_index emacs_v emacses)
+        <- History_pair)
+  hist_pairs
+(* select newest emacs with all Coq versions and
+ * newest coq with all emacs versions
+ *
+ * version lists coqs and emacses are sorted with oldest version first
+ *)
+let select_newest first_emacs first_coq coqs emacses conts =
+  let first_emacs = get_version_index first_emacs emacses in
+  let first_coq = get_version_index first_coq coqs in
+  let newest_emacs = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  let newest_coq = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  for coq_i = first_coq to newest_coq do
+    conts.(coq_i).(newest_emacs) <- Newest
+  done;
+  (* skip over coq RC versions *)
+  let newest_non_rc_coq =
+    snd (List.find
+           (fun (coq_v, coq_i) -> coq_v.release_candidate = false)
+           (List.rev coqs))
+  in
+  for em_i = first_emacs to newest_emacs do
+    conts.(newest_non_rc_coq).(em_i) <- Newest
+  done
+(* select coq rc version with all emacs versions
+ *
+ * version lists coqs and emacses are sorted with oldest version first,
+ * if there is an rc version, it's the last one
+ *)
+let select_coq_rc_version coqs emacses conts =
+  let (coq_v, coq_i) = list_last coqs in
+  if coq_v.release_candidate
+  then
+    List.iter
+      (fun (em_v, em_i) -> conts.(coq_i).(em_i) <- RC)
+      emacses
+  else
+    ()
+(* mark all containers to build in container matrix conts *)
+let select_containers first_full_range_coq first_active_emacs
+      first_active_coq lts hist_pairs coqs emacses conts =
+  select_historic_pairs hist_pairs coqs emacses conts;
+  select_newest first_active_emacs first_active_coq coqs emacses conts;
+  select_lts_versions lts coqs emacses conts true;
+  select_all_latest_versions
+    first_full_range_coq first_active_emacs coqs emacses conts;
+  select_coq_rc_version coqs emacses conts;
+  ()
+(* Select version pairs to be tested in github CI and mark those as
+ * used in container matrix.
+ *)
+let select_ci_pairs first_partial_range_coq first_active_emacs
+      first_active_coq lts hist_pairs coqs emacses ci_pairs =
+  select_historic_pairs hist_pairs coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  select_newest first_active_emacs first_active_coq coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  select_lts_versions lts coqs emacses ci_pairs false;
+  select_lts_latest_versions first_partial_range_coq lts coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  select_coq_rc_version coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  ()
+(* Count number of used elements in container matrix conts. *)
+let count_filled_matrix_cells conts =
+  Array.fold_left
+    (fun count sub ->
+      Array.fold_left
+        (fun count cell ->
+          match cell with
+            | Unused -> count
+            | Lts
+            | Latest_versions_complete
+            | History_pair
+            | Newest
+            | RC -> count + 1
+        )
+        count
+        sub)
+    0
+    conts
+(* Return a sorted list of Coq/Emacs version pairs of those elements
+ * in the container matrix conts that are marked as used.
+ *)
+let list_of_matrix coqs emacses conts =
+  let res = ref [] in
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  for coq_i = 0 to last_coq_index do
+    for emacs_i = 0 to last_emacs_index do
+      if conts.(coq_i).(emacs_i) <> Unused
+      then
+        res :=
+          ((get_index_version coq_i coqs), (get_index_version emacs_i emacses))
+          :: !res
+    done
+  done;
+  sort_version_pairs !res
+ *
+ * change files
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Search in file ic, starting on current position, for a line
+ * identical to marker_line and return the file position directly
+ * after this line. Let End_of_file escape if marker_line cannot be
+ * found.
+ *)
+let rec search_file_pos_after ic marker_line =
+  let line = input_line ic in
+  if line = marker_line
+  then pos_in ic
+  else search_file_pos_after ic marker_line
+(* Search in file ic, starting on current position, for a line
+ * identical to marker_line and return the file position of the start
+ * of this line. Let End_of_file escape if marker_line cannot be
+ * found.
+ *)
+let rec search_file_pos_before ic marker_line =
+  let pos = pos_in ic in
+  let line = input_line ic in
+  if line = marker_line
+  then pos
+  else search_file_pos_before ic marker_line
+(* Return file content without a marked part as two strings (before
+ * and after).
+ * marker is the variable part of a CIPG change marker line, prefix is
+ * the white space before the CIPG marker, including the comment
+ * start, suffix is the comment termination after the CIPG marker.
+ * suffix is emtpy for markdown files.
+ * prefix, suffix and marker denote the portion of the file ic to be
+ * replaced. This function return the content before and after that
+ * portion as a pair of strings.
+ * Let End_of_file escape if a CIPG marker cannot be found.
+ *)
+let read_file_without_marked_part ic prefix marker suffix =
+  let start_marker_line =
+    Printf.sprintf "%s CIPG change marker: %s%s" prefix marker suffix
+  in
+  let end_marker_line =
+    Printf.sprintf "%s CIPG change marker end%s" prefix suffix
+  in
+  let start_pos = search_file_pos_after ic start_marker_line in
+  let end_pos = search_file_pos_before ic end_marker_line in
+  seek_in ic 0;
+  let before = really_input_string ic start_pos in
+  seek_in ic end_pos;
+  (before,
+   really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic - end_pos))
+(* Replace content between CIPG markers with output of print_fn.
+ * prefix, suffix and marker denote the portion of the file ic to be
+ * replaced, see function read_file_without_marked_part.
+ * print_fn must be a function that takes an out_channel as argument.
+ * Let End_of_file escape if a CIPG marker cannot be found.
+ *)
+let file_change_wrapper file prefix marker suffix print_fn =
+  let ic = open_in_bin (Filename.concat !pg_repo file) in
+  let (content_before, content_after) =
+    read_file_without_marked_part ic prefix marker suffix in
+  close_in ic;
+  let oc = open_out_bin (Filename.concat !pg_repo file) in
+  output_string oc content_before;
+  print_fn oc;
+  output_string oc content_after;
+  close_out oc;
+  Printf.printf "Updated %s at marker %s\n" file marker
+(* Replace content between CIPG markers in markdown files with output
+ * of print_fn. Specialization of file_change_wrapper for markdown,
+ * see file_change_wrapper.
+ *)
+let md_file_change_wrapper file marker print_fn =
+  file_change_wrapper file "<!--" marker " -->" print_fn
+(* Replace content between CIPG markers in YAML files with output
+ * of print_fn. Specialization of file_change_wrapper for YAML,
+ * see file_change_wrapper.
+ *)
+let yml_file_change_wrapper file marker print_fn =
+  file_change_wrapper file "          #" marker "" print_fn
+ *
+ * printing
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let version_to_string v =
+  Printf.sprintf "%d.%d%s"
+    v.major v.minor
+    (if v.release_candidate then "-rc" else "")
+(* convert version to string, ignoring the index *)
+let indexed_version_to_string (v, _i) = version_to_string v
+(* print a float as time YYYY/mm *)
+let date_to_string d =
+  let tm = Unix.localtime d in
+  Printf.sprintf "%d/%02d" (tm.U.tm_year + 1900) (tm.U.tm_mon + 1)
+(* convert LTS record to string *)
+let lts_to_string {lts_coq; lts_emacs; lts_name; eol_date} =
+  Printf.sprintf "%s with Coq %s emacs %s end of live on %s"
+    lts_name
+    (version_to_string lts_coq)
+    (version_to_string lts_emacs)
+    (date_to_string eol_date)
+(* String of type matrix_element for matrix printing. *)
+let string_of_matrix_element = function
+  | Unused -> ""
+  | Lts -> "SUP"
+  | Latest_versions_complete -> "X "
+  | History_pair -> "H "
+  | Newest -> "N "
+  | RC -> "RC"
+(* Print version pairs as historic pairs. Use string kind to
+ * disambiguate.
+ *)
+let report_historic_pairs kind pairs =
+  Printf.printf "%s historic pairs:\n  %s\n"
+    kind
+    (String.concat "\n  "
+       (List.rev_map
+          (fun (coq_v, em_v) ->
+            Printf.sprintf "%s / %s"
+              (version_to_string em_v) (version_to_string coq_v))
+          pairs))  
+(* Report all interesting and relevant information read from the
+ * Coq/Emacs/Debian/Ubuntu relase table.
+ *)
+let report_table_results first_emacs first_coq first_full_range_coq
+      first_partial_range_coq lts passive_hist active_hist coqs emacses
+      latest_two_emacs_major =
+  Printf.printf "LTS versions:\n  %s\n"
+    (String.concat "\n  " (List.map lts_to_string lts));
+  Printf.printf "Coq versions: %s\n"
+    (String.concat ", " (List.map indexed_version_to_string coqs));
+  Printf.printf "Emacs versions: %s\n"
+    (String.concat ", " (List.map indexed_version_to_string emacses));
+  Printf.printf "First actively supported coq: %s\n"
+    (version_to_string first_coq);
+  Printf.printf "First actively supported emacs: %s\n"
+    (version_to_string first_emacs);
+  Printf.printf "Latest two different emacs major versions: %s\n"
+    (String.concat ", " (List.map version_to_string latest_two_emacs_major));
+  Printf.printf "First full range coq: %s\n"
+    (version_to_string first_full_range_coq);
+  Printf.printf "First partial range coq: %s\n"
+    (version_to_string first_partial_range_coq);
+  report_historic_pairs "Passively supported" passive_hist;
+  report_historic_pairs "Actively supported" active_hist;
+  print_endline ""
+ *
+ * print table / matrix
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Print table with first actively supported Coq / Emacs versions on oc *)
+let print_actively_supported_coq_emacs_table first_coq first_emacs oc =
+  Printf.fprintf oc "| Coq   | %5s |\n" (version_to_string first_coq);
+  output_string oc  "|-------+-------|\n";
+  Printf.fprintf oc "| Emacs | %5s |\n" (version_to_string first_emacs)
+(* Output only the table for matrix conts on oc *)
+let output_matrix coqs emacses conts oc =
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  (* table header *)
+  Printf.fprintf oc "|         | %s |\n"
+    (String.concat " | " (List.map indexed_version_to_string emacses));
+  Printf.fprintf oc "|---------+-%s-|\n"
+    (String.concat "-+-" (List.rev_map (fun _ -> "----") emacses));
+  (* table body *)
+  for coq_i = 0 to last_coq_index do
+    Printf.fprintf oc "| %7s |"
+      (version_to_string (get_index_version coq_i coqs));
+    for emacs_i = 0 to last_emacs_index do
+      Printf.fprintf oc " %4s |"
+        (string_of_matrix_element conts.(coq_i).(emacs_i))
+    done;
+    Printf.fprintf oc "\n";
+  done
+(* Print a matrix as org table. *)
+let print_matrix matrix_name coqs emacses conts =
+  let count = count_filled_matrix_cells conts in
+  Printf.printf "%d %s:\n" count matrix_name;
+  output_matrix coqs emacses conts stdout
+ *
+ * Matrix subset check
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Check that pairs enabled in CI are built as containers *)
+let check_matrix_subset coqs emacses ci_pairs conts =
+  let is_subset = ref true in
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  for coq_i = 0 to last_coq_index do
+    for emacs_i = 0 to last_emacs_index do
+      if ci_pairs.(coq_i).(emacs_i) <> Unused
+         && conts.(coq_i).(emacs_i) = Unused
+      then
+        begin
+          is_subset := false;
+          Printf.printf
+            "container missing for CI pair Coq %s Emacs %s\n"
+            (version_to_string (get_index_version coq_i coqs))
+            (version_to_string (get_index_version emacs_i emacses))
+        end
+    done;
+  done;
+  if !is_subset then
+    print_endline "CI matrix is a subset of container matrix"
+  else
+    print_endline "internal error: CI matrix not contained in container matrix"
+ *
+ * retrieve existing docker images
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Start a curl process that outputs all tags in the docker registry
+ * for proofgeneral/repo_name. One tag per line, enclosed in quotes.
+ *)
+let docker_tags_channel repo_name =
+  U.open_process_in
+    (Printf.sprintf
+       ("curl -L -s "
+        ^^ "'https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/proofgeneral";
+        ^^ "/%s/tags?page_size=1024' | jq '.\"results\"[][\"name\"]'")
+       repo_name)
+(* Read all coq-nix container tags from inc, accumulating the result
+ * as Coq versions in nix_conts.
+ *)
+let rec read_nix_containers inc nix_conts =
+  match input_line inc with
+    | line ->
+       (match scan_version (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 2)) with
+          | None -> assert false
+          | Some v -> read_nix_containers inc (v :: nix_conts)
+       )
+    | exception End_of_file -> nix_conts
+(* Read all coq-nix container tags from the docker registry. Return
+ * them as a sorted list of Coq versions.
+ *)
+let get_nix_containers () =
+  let inc = docker_tags_channel "coq-nix" in
+  let nix_conts = read_nix_containers inc [] in
+  (match U.close_process_in inc with
+     | WEXITED(0) -> ()
+     | _ -> assert false
+  );
+  sort_versions nix_conts
+(* Read an Coq/Emacs tag from line, return a corresponding Coq/Emacs
+ * version pair. Release candidate versions are only recognized for
+ * Coq. Recognized tags have the following form:
+ * "coq-8.16-emacs-25.2"
+ * "coq-8.16-rc1-emacs-26.1"
+ *)
+let read_coq_emacs_tag line =
+  (* Printf.printf "X %s\n%!" line; *)
+  let sb = Scanf.Scanning.from_string line in
+  Scanf.bscanf sb "\"coq-%d.%d-%[^-]"
+    (fun coq_major coq_minor rc_emacs ->
+      let (emacs_major, emacs_minor) =
+        if rc_emacs = "emacs"
+        then
+          Scanf.bscanf sb "-%d.%d" (fun a b -> (a,b))
+        else
+          Scanf.bscanf sb "-emacs-%d.%d" (fun a b -> (a,b))
+      in
+      ({major = coq_major;
+        minor = coq_minor;
+        release_candidate = String.starts_with ~prefix:"rc" rc_emacs;
+       },
+       {major = emacs_major;
+        minor = emacs_minor;
+        release_candidate = false
+       }
+      )
+    )
+(* read all coq-emacs tags from inc, accumulating read tags as
+ * Coq/Emacs version pairs in coq_emacs.
+ *)
+let rec read_all_coq_emacs_tags inc coq_emacs =
+  match input_line inc with
+    | line ->
+       read_all_coq_emacs_tags inc ((read_coq_emacs_tag line) :: coq_emacs)
+    | exception End_of_file -> coq_emacs
+(* Get the tags of existing coq-emacs containers from the docker
+ * registry. Return them as a sorted list of Coq/Emacs version pairs.
+ *)
+let get_coq_emacs_containers () =
+  let inc = docker_tags_channel "coq-emacs" in
+  let coq_emacs = read_all_coq_emacs_tags inc [] in
+  (match U.close_process_in inc with
+     | WEXITED(0) -> ()
+     | _ -> assert false
+  );
+  sort_version_pairs coq_emacs
+ *
+ * print docker build commands
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Compare the existing coq-nix containers with the version list in
+ * coqs. Print existing, missing and superfluous versions. Print
+ * docker build and push commands for missing containers. Return the
+ * superfluous containers as list of Coq versions.
+ *)
+let check_nix_containers coqs =
+  let nix_containers = get_nix_containers () in
+  Printf.printf "existing nix versions: %s\n"
+    (String.concat " " (List.map version_to_string nix_containers));
+  let missing = list_diff coqs nix_containers in
+  Printf.printf "missing nix versions: %s\n"
+    (String.concat " " (List.map version_to_string missing));
+  let not_needed = list_diff nix_containers coqs in
+  Printf.printf "superfluous nix versions: %s\n\n"
+    (String.concat " " (List.map version_to_string not_needed));
+  if missing <> [] then
+    begin
+      print_endline
+        "####################################################################";
+      Printf.printf "# built missing coq-nix containers\n";
+      print_endline
+      Printf.printf "pushd %s/coq-nix-docker/coq-nix\n" !src_dir;
+      List.iter
+        (fun coqv ->
+          let coq_version = version_to_string coqv in
+          Printf.printf
+            ("docker image build -t proofgeneral/coq-nix:%s \\\n"
+             ^^ "\t--build-arg COQV=%s \\\n"
+             ^^ "\t--build-arg OCAMLV=4.13-flambda .\n")
+            coq_version coq_version;
+          Printf.printf "docker image push proofgeneral/coq-nix:%s\n\n"
+            coq_version;
+        )
+        missing;
+      print_endline "popd";
+    end;
+  not_needed
+(* Return the coq-emacs docker tag for version coq and emacs. *)
+let coq_emacs_tag coq emacs =
+  Printf.sprintf "coq-%s-emacs-%s"
+    (version_to_string coq) (version_to_string emacs)
+(* Print docker build and push commands for a keyed Coq/Emacs version
+ * list of the form [(coq_v1, [emacs_v1; v2; ...]); (coq_v2, [...]); ...]
+ *)
+let rec print_coq_emacs_build_commands = function
+  | [] -> ()
+  | (coq, emacses) :: l ->
+     let coq_version = version_to_string coq in
+     print_endline
+       "##############################################";
+     Printf.printf "# built Coq %s containers\n\n" coq_version;
+     List.iter
+       (fun emacs ->
+         let emacs_version = version_to_string emacs in
+         let coq_emacs_tag = coq_emacs_tag coq emacs in
+         Printf.printf
+           ("docker image build -t proofgeneral/coq-emacs:%s \\\n"
+            ^^ "\t--build-arg NIX_BASE_TAG=%s \\\n"
+            ^^ "\t--build-arg EMACS_VERSION=%s .\n")
+           coq_emacs_tag
+           coq_version
+           emacs_version;
+         Printf.printf
+           "docker image push proofgeneral/coq-emacs:%s\n\n" coq_emacs_tag;
+       )
+       emacses;
+     print_coq_emacs_build_commands l
+(* Print Coq/Emacs version pairs with title. Outputs one line for each
+ * Coq version with all Emacs versions for this Coq version.
+ *)
+let print_coq_emacs_pairs title coq_emacs =
+  let coq_emacs = pairs_to_keyed_list coq_emacs in
+  Printf.printf "%s:\n" title;
+  List.iter
+    (fun (coq, emacses) ->
+      Printf.printf "   - %s: %s\n"
+        (version_to_string coq)
+        (String.concat " " (List.map (fun e -> version_to_string e) emacses)))
+    coq_emacs
+(* Compare existing coq-emacs containers at docker with the matrix
+ * conts. Print the existing, missing and superfluous containers.
+ * Print docker build commands for missing containers. Return the
+ * superfluous containers as list of Coq/Emacs version pairs.
+ *)
+let check_coq_emacs_containers coqs emacses conts =
+  let coq_emacs_existing = get_coq_emacs_containers () in
+  print_coq_emacs_pairs "existing coq-emacs containers" coq_emacs_existing;
+  let coq_emacs_needed = list_of_matrix coqs emacses conts in
+  let missing = list_diff coq_emacs_needed coq_emacs_existing in
+  let not_needed = list_diff coq_emacs_existing coq_emacs_needed in
+  print_coq_emacs_pairs "missing coq-emacs containers" missing;
+  print_coq_emacs_pairs "superfluous coq-emacs containers" not_needed;
+  if missing <> [] then
+    begin
+      print_endline "\n";
+      print_endline
+        "####################################################################";
+      print_endline "# build coq-emacs containers";
+      print_endline
+      Printf.printf "pushd %s/coq-emacs-docker/coq-emacs\n\n" !src_dir;
+      print_coq_emacs_build_commands (pairs_to_keyed_list missing);
+      print_endline "popd"
+    end;
+  not_needed
+ *
+ * delete containers
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Read line by line the .authinfo file ic and search for host host.
+ * Recognize only simple 6-element entries without quotes. Return user
+ * and password as pair of strings if found. Raises End_of_file.
+ *)
+let rec search_authinfo ic host =
+  let line = input_line ic in
+  match String.split_on_char ' ' line with
+    | ["machine"; ahost; "login"; user; "password"; passwd] when ahost = host 
+       close_in ic;
+       (user, passwd)
+    | _ -> search_authinfo ic host
+(* Return username and password as a pair of strings read from file
+   ~/.authinfo for host. The file must contain a simple 6-element
+   entry for host without quotes. If no entry is found the program
+   exits with an error.
+ *)
+let read_authinfo host =
+  let ic = open_in (Filename.concat (Sys.getenv "HOME") ".authinfo") in
+  try
+    search_authinfo ic host
+  with
+    | End_of_file ->
+       close_in ic;
+       Printf.eprintf "No record for %s found in ~/.authinfo." host;
+       exit 1
+(* Return a docker personal access token retrieved from docker.
+ * Credentials are read from file ~/.authinfo, which must contain a
+ * line for hub.docker.com.
+ *)
+let get_personal_access_token () =
+  let (user, passwd) = read_authinfo "hub.docker.com" in
+  let curl_cmd =
+    "curl -s -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST "
+    ^ "-d \"{\\\"username\\\": \\\""
+    ^ user
+    ^ "\\\", \\\"password\\\": \\\""
+    ^ passwd
+    ^ "\\\"}\" https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login/ | jq -e -r .token"
+  in
+  (* print_endline ("CMD: " ^ curl_cmd); *)
+  let inc = U.open_process_in curl_cmd in
+  let token = input_line inc in
+  assert (token <> "");
+  (* print_endline ("TOKEN: " ^ token); *)
+  (match U.close_process_in inc with
+     | WEXITED(0) -> ()
+     | _ ->
+        prerr_endline "Unable to fetch access token from hub.docker.com.";
+        prerr_endline "Have you supplied valid credentials?";
+        exit 1
+  );
+  token
+(* Delete the docker container with tag tag in repo proofgeneral/repo.
+ * Argument token must be a personal docker access token.
+ *)
+let delete_container token repo tag =
+  let delete_cmd =
+    "curl -i -X DELETE -H \"Accept: application/json\" "
+    ^ "-H \"Authorization: JWT " ^ token ^ "\" "
+    ^ "https://hub.docker.com/v2/namespaces/proofgeneral/repositories/";
+    ^ repo ^ "/tags/" ^ tag
+    ^ " >/dev/null 2>&1"
+  in
+  Printf.printf "delete container %s/%s [Y/n]? %!" repo tag;
+  let do_delete = match read_line () with
+      | "" | "y" | "Y" | "yes" | "Yes" -> true
+      | _ -> false
+  in
+  (* print_endline ("delcmd: " ^ delete_cmd); *)
+  if do_delete
+  then
+    let status = Sys.command delete_cmd in
+    if status = 0
+    then
+      Printf.printf "container %s/%s deleted\n\n%!" repo tag
+    else
+      begin
+        Printf.printf "deletion of %s/%s failed\n%!" repo tag;
+        exit 1
+      end
+  else
+    Printf.printf "container %s/%s is kept\n\n%!" repo tag
+(* Delete the coq-emacs container for coq and emacs.
+ * Argument token must be a personal docker access token.
+ *)
+let delete_coq_emacs_container token (coq, emacs) =
+  let coq_emacs_tag = coq_emacs_tag coq emacs in
+  delete_container token "coq-emacs" coq_emacs_tag
+(* Delete coq-emacs containers for Coq/Emacs version pairs in
+ * coq_emacs_pairs.
+ * Argument token must be a personal docker access token.
+ *)
+let delete_coq_emacs_containers token coq_emacs_pairs =
+  List.iter (delete_coq_emacs_container token) coq_emacs_pairs
+(* Delete the coq-nix containers for Coq versions coqv.
+ * Argument token must be a personal docker access token.
+ *)
+let delete_nix_container token coqv =
+  let coq_version = version_to_string coqv in
+  delete_container token "coq-nix" coq_version
+(* Delete coq-nix containers for Coq versions in coqs.
+ * Argument token must be a personal docker access token.
+ *)
+let delete_nix_containers token coqs =
+  List.iter (delete_nix_container token) coqs
+ *
+ * print lines for PG CI yaml file
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(* Output Coq/Emacs versions on channel oc for
+ * .github/workflows/test.yml for those jobs that need Coq and Emacs.
+ * ci_pairs is the matrix for CI and coqs and emacses are the indexed
+ * version lists of Coq and Emacs.
+ *)
+let output_ci_coq_emacs_versions coqs emacses ci_pairs oc =
+  let last_coq_index = snd (list_last coqs) in
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  for coq_i = 0 to last_coq_index do
+    let coq_version = version_to_string (get_index_version coq_i coqs) in
+    for emacs_i = 0 to last_emacs_index do
+      if ci_pairs.(coq_i).(emacs_i) <> Unused
+      then
+        let emacs_version =
+          version_to_string (get_index_version emacs_i emacses) in
+        Printf.fprintf oc "          - coq-%s-emacs-%s\n"
+          coq_version emacs_version;
+    done
+  done
+(* Print Coq/Emacs versions for
+ * .github/workflows/test.yml for those jobs that need Coq and Emacs.
+ * See output_ci_coq_emacs_versions for the other arguments.
+ *)
+let print_ci_coq_emacs_versions coqs emacses ci_pairs =
+  print_endline
+    "Coq / Emacs version pair lines for file .github/workflows/test.yml.
+These lines must be copied into the coq_emacs_version field in
+the jobs test, compile-tests and simple-tests.";
+  output_ci_coq_emacs_versions coqs emacses ci_pairs stdout
+(* Output Emacs versions on channel oc for .github/workflows/test.yml
+ * for those jobs that only need Emacs. first_active_emacs is the
+ * first supported Emacs version and emacses is the indexed version
+ * list of Emacs.
+ *)
+let output_ci_compile_indent_versions first_active_emacs emacses oc =
+  let last_emacs_index = snd (list_last emacses) in
+  for emacs_i = get_version_index first_active_emacs emacses
+      to last_emacs_index do
+    Printf.fprintf oc "          - %s\n"
+      (version_to_string (get_index_version emacs_i emacses));
+  done
+(* Print Emacs versions for .github/workflows/test.yml
+ * for those jobs that only need Emacs. See
+ * output_ci_compile_indent_versions.
+ *)
+let print_ci_compile_indent_versions first_active_emacs emacses =
+  print_endline
+    "Emacs version lines for compile, indentation, and qRHL tests in
+.github/workflows/test.yml. These lines must be copied into the emacs_version
+field in the jobs build, test-indent, and test-qrhl.";
+  output_ci_compile_indent_versions first_active_emacs emacses stdout
+(* Output the latest two Emacs major versions on channel oc for
+ * .github/workflows/test.yml.
+ *)
+let output_ci_magic_versions latest_two_emacs_major oc =
+  List.iter
+    (fun emacs_v ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "          - %s\n" (version_to_string emacs_v))
+    latest_two_emacs_major
+(* Print the latest two Emacs major versions for
+ * .github/workflows/test.yml.
+ *)
+let print_ci_magic_versions latest_two_emacs_major =
+  print_endline
+    "Emacs version lines for the doc magic test in .github/workflows/test.yml.
+These lines must be copied into the emacs_version field in the job
+  output_ci_magic_versions latest_two_emacs_major stdout
+ *
+ * main
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+(** Argument list for [Arg.parse] *)
+let arguments =
+  Arg.align [
+      ("-check", Arg.Set do_containers,
+       " check existence of containers and print container build commands");
+      ("-ci-print", Arg.Set print_pg_ci_config,
+       " print PG CI configuration");
+      ("-ci-change", Arg.Set do_pg_ci_update,
+       " update PG CI configuration");
+      ("-delete", Arg.Set do_delete_containers,
+       " delete superfluous containers");
+      ("-pg-repo", Arg.Set_string pg_repo,
+       "dir specify PG repository");
+      ("-src-dir", Arg.Set_string src_dir,
+       "dir directory of coq-nix-docker and coq-emacs-docker repos");
+    ]
+(** Function for anonymous arguments. Terminates the program with 
+    exit status 1.
+let anon_fun s =
+  Printf.eprintf "unrecognized argument %s\n" s;
+  exit 1
+(* Process command line arguments. *)
+let process_command_line () =
+  Arg.parse arguments anon_fun
+    (Printf.sprintf "usage: cipg [options...]\ndefault PG repo: %s\noptions:"
+       !pg_repo);
+  if !do_delete_containers && (not !do_containers)
+  then
+    do_containers := true
+let main() =
+  process_command_line ();
+  (* table contains the complete pg.org table as release_records in reverse 
order *)
+  let table = parse_table () in
+  (* lts: LTS versions with eol date in the future as lts_record list
+   * passive_hist: passively supported hisoric pairs as
+   *   (coq version * emacs version) list
+   * active_hist: actively supported hisoric pairs as
+   *   (coq version * emacs version) list
+   * coqs: actively and passively supported coq versions as version list
+   * emacses: actively and passively supported emacs versions as version list
+   *)
+  let (lts, passive_hist, active_hist, coqs, emacses) =
+    extract_lts_versions null_version null_version table
+  in
+  (* sort LTS by ascending EOL dates *)
+  let lts = sort_lts lts in
+  (* sorted coq versions with indices (version * int) list *)
+  let coqs = sort_and_index_versions coqs in
+  (* actively sorted emacs versions with indices *)
+  let emacses = sort_and_index_versions emacses in
+  (* oldest coq version for which to build containers for all
+     actively supported emacs versions (first version with complete X line) *)
+  let first_full_range_coq = get_first_range_coq coq_full_range_secs table in
+  (* oldest coq version which runs with all emacs LTS version in CI
+     (first partial X line in CI matrix) *)
+  let first_partial_range_coq =
+    get_first_range_coq coq_partial_range_secs table in
+  let first_active_emacs = get_first_active_supported_emacs lts in
+  let first_active_coq = get_first_active_supported_coq lts in
+  (* latest two emacs major versions for magic test *)
+  let latest_two_emacs_major = get_latest_two_emacs_major emacses in
+  report_table_results first_active_emacs first_active_coq
+                       first_full_range_coq
+                       first_partial_range_coq
+                       lts passive_hist active_hist
+                       coqs emacses latest_two_emacs_major;
+  (* 2-dimensional array of matrix_element's (coq * emacs) *)
+  let conts = create_container_matrix (List.length coqs) (List.length emacses) 
+  let ci_pairs =
+    create_container_matrix (List.length coqs) (List.length emacses) in
+  select_containers first_full_range_coq first_active_emacs
+                    first_active_coq lts (passive_hist @ active_hist)
+                    coqs emacses conts;
+  print_endline "";
+  print_matrix "containers" coqs emacses conts;
+  select_ci_pairs first_partial_range_coq first_active_emacs
+    first_active_coq lts active_hist coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  print_endline "\n";
+  print_matrix "CI pairs" coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+  print_endline "";
+  check_matrix_subset coqs emacses ci_pairs conts;
+  if !do_containers then
+    begin
+      let not_needed_nix_versions = check_nix_containers (List.map fst coqs) in
+      let not_needed_ci_versions =
+        check_coq_emacs_containers coqs emacses conts in
+      if !do_delete_containers then
+        if not_needed_nix_versions <> [] || not_needed_ci_versions <> []
+        then
+          begin
+            print_endline"\n\nDELETE SUPERFLUOUS CONTAINERS\n";
+            let token = get_personal_access_token() in
+            delete_coq_emacs_containers token not_needed_ci_versions;
+            delete_nix_containers token not_needed_nix_versions;
+          end
+        else
+          print_endline"\n\nno superfluous container to delete\n";
+    end;
+  if !print_pg_ci_config then
+    begin
+      print_endline "\n";
+      print_ci_coq_emacs_versions coqs emacses ci_pairs;
+      print_endline "\n";
+      print_ci_compile_indent_versions first_active_emacs emacses;
+      print_endline "\n";
+      print_ci_magic_versions latest_two_emacs_major;
+    end;  
+  if !do_pg_ci_update then
+    begin
+      (* In README.md: update Coq/Emacs oldest activley supported
+       * version, the number of containers, the container table, the
+       * number of tested version pairs, and the tested version pair
+       * table.
+       *)
+      md_file_change_wrapper readme_file "coq-emacs-versions"
+        (print_actively_supported_coq_emacs_table
+           first_active_coq first_active_emacs);
+      md_file_change_wrapper readme_file "container-number"
+        (fun oc -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d\n" (count_filled_matrix_cells conts));
+      md_file_change_wrapper readme_file "container-table"
+        (output_matrix coqs emacses conts);
+      md_file_change_wrapper readme_file "testrun-number"
+        (fun oc -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d\n"
+                     (count_filled_matrix_cells ci_pairs));
+      md_file_change_wrapper readme_file "testrun-table"
+        (output_matrix coqs emacses ci_pairs);
+      (* In test.yml update the version numbers for all test jobs. *)
+      List.iter
+        (fun marker ->
+          yml_file_change_wrapper test_workflow_file marker
+            (output_ci_compile_indent_versions first_active_emacs emacses))
+        ["build-emacs-versions";
+         "indent-emacs-versions";
+         "qrhl-emacs-versions";
+        ];
+      List.iter
+        (fun marker ->
+          yml_file_change_wrapper test_workflow_file marker
+            (output_ci_coq_emacs_versions coqs emacses ci_pairs))
+        ["test-coq-emacs-versions";
+         "compile-coq-emacs-versions";
+         "simple-coq-emacs-versions";
+        ];
+      yml_file_change_wrapper test_workflow_file "magic-emacs-version"
+        (output_ci_magic_versions latest_two_emacs_major);
+    end;
+  ()
+let _ = main ()
+(*** Local Variables: ***)
+(*** compile-command: "ocamlopt.opt -g -o cipg unix.cmxa cipg.ml && ./cipg" 
+(*** End: ***)

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