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[elpa] externals/jami-bot 9d6c5c2ca9 07/12: make variables customizable

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/jami-bot 9d6c5c2ca9 07/12: make variables customizable
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 06:58:32 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/jami-bot
commit 9d6c5c2ca976daacdb2d3c4df856baa4be7798de
Author: Hanno Perrey <hanno@hoowl.se>
Commit: Hanno Perrey <hanno@hoowl.se>

    make variables customizable
 jami-bot.el | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jami-bot.el b/jami-bot.el
index 61489b2eac..7461136ff0 100644
--- a/jami-bot.el
+++ b/jami-bot.el
@@ -48,38 +48,58 @@
 (require 'dbus)
-(defvar jami-bot-account-user-names nil
+;;;; Customization
+(defgroup jami-bot nil
+  "Automatically process messages via GNU Jami."
+  :group 'comm)
+(defcustom jami-bot-account-user-names nil
   "List of account user names that `jami-bot' handles messages for.
 If set to nil then `jami-bot' will react to any message
 send to a local account.  The user name is also sometimes
 referred to as address in Jami and should be a 40
 character has such as
-(defvar jami-bot-command-function-alist
   '(("!ping" . jami-bot--command-function-ping)
     ("!help" . jami-bot--command-function-help))
+  :group 'jami-bot
+  :type 'string)
+(defcustom jami-bot-command-function-alist
   "Alist mapping command strings in message body to functions to be executed.
 Each command needs to start with an exclamation mark '!' and
 consist of a single (lowercase) word.  The corresponding function needs to
 accept the account id, the conversation id and the message alist as
-arguments and return a string (that is sent as reply to the original 
+arguments and return a string (that is sent as reply to the original message)."
+  :group 'jami-bot
+  :type '(alist :key-type 'string :value-type 'function))
-(defvar jami-bot-text-message-functions nil
+(defcustom jami-bot-text-message-functions nil
   "A list of functions that will be called when processing a plain text 
 Functions must take the ACCOUNT and CONVERSATION ids as well as
-the actual MSG as arguments.  Their return value will be ignored.")
- (defvar jami-bot-download-path "~/jami/"
+the actual MSG as arguments.  Their return value will be ignored."
+  :group 'jami-bot
+  :type '(group 'function))
+(defcustom jami-bot-download-path "~/jami/"
 "Path in which to store files downloaded from conversations.
-Will be created if not existing yet.")
+Will be created if not existing yet."
+  :group 'jami-bot
+  :type '(directory))
-(defvar jami-bot-data-transfer-functions nil
+(defcustom jami-bot-data-transfer-functions nil
   "A list of functions that will be called when processing a data transfer 
 Functions must take the ACCOUNT and CONVERSATION ids as well as
 the actual MSG and the local downloaded file name, DLNAME, as
-arguments.  Their return value will be ignored.")
+arguments.  Their return value will be ignored."
+  :group 'jami-bot
+  :type '(group 'function))
+;; Internal variables
 (defvar jami-bot--jami-local-account-ids nil
   "List of `jami' local accounts user ids and name pairs.

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