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[elpa] externals/ement 5690ee4f4b 15/30: Change: Enable event highlighti

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/ement 5690ee4f4b 15/30: Change: Enable event highlighting for compose buffers
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 06:58:15 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/ement
commit 5690ee4f4b30a740af4ca1c01915fc6e4ff0410b
Author: Phil Sainty <phil@catalyst.net.nz>
Commit: Phil Sainty <phil@catalyst.net.nz>

    Change: Enable event highlighting for compose buffers
    Extracting the "highlight" and "unhighlight" functions out of
    `ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at' isn't actually necessary here,
    but I kept the change (I'd thought I was going to want it) as I feel
    it makes the macro more readable, and even if it turned out that
    `ement-room-compose-highlight' didn't require the new functions, they
    might be useful at some point.
 ement-room.el | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ement-room.el b/ement-room.el
index 872a9deb63..8cfe5624c1 100644
--- a/ement-room.el
+++ b/ement-room.el
@@ -716,28 +716,12 @@ number (to darken rather than lighten)."
   "Highlight event at POSITION while evaluating BODY."
   ;; MAYBE: Accept a marker for POSITION.
   (declare (indent 1))
-  (let ((node/g (gensym "node")) (event/g (gensym "event")))
-    `(let* ((,node/g (ewoc-locate ement-ewoc ,position))
-            (,event/g (ewoc-data ,node/g))
-            ement-room-replying-to-overlay)
-       (unless (and (ement-event-p ,event/g)
-                    (ement-event-id ,event/g))
-         (error "No event at point"))
-       (unwind-protect
-           (progn
-             (setf ement-room-replying-to-overlay
-                   (make-overlay (ewoc-location ,node/g)
-                                 ;; NOTE: It doesn't seem possible to get the 
end position of
-                                 ;; a node, so if there is no next node, we 
use point-max.
-                                 ;; But this might break if we were to use an 
EWOC footer.
-                                 (if (ewoc-next ement-ewoc ,node/g)
-                                     (ewoc-location (ewoc-next ement-ewoc 
-                                   (point-max))))
-             (overlay-put ement-room-replying-to-overlay 'face 'highlight)
-             ,@body)
-         (when (overlayp ement-room-replying-to-overlay)
-           (delete-overlay ement-room-replying-to-overlay))
-         (setf ement-room-replying-to-overlay nil)))))
+  `(let (ement-room-replying-to-overlay)
+     (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (ement-room-highlight-event-at ,position)
+           ,@body)
+       (ement-room-unhighlight-event))))
 (defmacro ement-room-with-typing (&rest body)
   "Send typing notifications around BODY.
@@ -784,6 +768,46 @@ constant throughout STRING."
                       (concat value old-value))))
     (propertize string property new-value)))
+;;;;; Event highlighting
+(defun ement-room-highlight-event-at (position)
+  "Highlight event at POSITION using `ement-room-replying-to-overlay'.
+See `ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at'."
+  ;; MAYBE: Accept a marker for POSITION.
+  (let* ((node (ewoc-locate ement-ewoc position))
+         (event (ewoc-data node)))
+    (unless (and (ement-event-p event)
+                 (ement-event-id event))
+      (error "No event at point"))
+    (setf ement-room-replying-to-overlay
+          (make-overlay (ewoc-location node)
+                        ;; NOTE: It doesn't seem possible to get the end 
position of
+                        ;; a node, so if there is no next node, we use 
+                        ;; But this might break if we were to use an EWOC 
+                        (if (ewoc-next ement-ewoc node)
+                            (ewoc-location (ewoc-next ement-ewoc node))
+                          (point-max))))
+    (overlay-put ement-room-replying-to-overlay 'face 'highlight)))
+(defun ement-room-unhighlight-event ()
+  "Delete overlay in `ement-room-replying-to-overlay'.
+See `ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at'."
+  (when (overlayp ement-room-replying-to-overlay)
+    (delete-overlay ement-room-replying-to-overlay))
+  (setf ement-room-replying-to-overlay nil))
+(defun ement-room-compose-highlight (compose-buffer)
+  "Make `ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at' persistent while COMPOSE-BUFFER 
+  (when-let ((overlay ement-room-replying-to-overlay))
+    ;; Prevent `ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at' from deleting the 
+    (setq ement-room-replying-to-overlay nil)
+    ;; Instead, make it exist for the lifetime of the compose buffer:
+    (cl-flet ((delete-overlay ()
+                (when (overlayp overlay)
+                  (delete-overlay overlay))))
+      (with-current-buffer compose-buffer
+        (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'delete-overlay nil :local)))))
 ;;;;; Event formatting
 ;; NOTE: When adding specs, also add them to docstring
@@ -3700,6 +3724,7 @@ message contents."
      (list ement-room ement-session)))
   (let* ((compose-buffer (generate-new-buffer (format "*Ement compose: %s*" 
(ement--room-display-name ement-room))))
          (send-message-filter ement-room-send-message-filter))
+    (ement-room-compose-highlight compose-buffer)
     (with-current-buffer compose-buffer
       (ement-room-init-compose-buffer room session)
       (setf ement-room-send-message-filter send-message-filter)

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