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[elpa] externals/activities 17ababc964: Docs: Try to fix ELPA manual bui

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/activities 17ababc964: Docs: Try to fix ELPA manual building
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 18:57:19 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/activities
commit 17ababc964a187a1f67495ee300555ef3ac10627
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

    Docs: Try to fix ELPA manual building
    cc: @monnier
 README.org      |   9 +-
 activities.info | 697 --------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 702 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index aa4feac2c0..48321afb2c 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -270,21 +270,20 @@ This package is part of 
[[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]], bein
 ** Info export options
+#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: activities.texi
+#+TEXINFO_FILENAME: activities.info
 #+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: Activities: (activities)
 #+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: Suspend/resume activities (sets of windows, frames, and 
-# NOTE: We could use these, but that causes a pointless error, 
"org-compile-file: File "..README.info" wasn't produced...", so we just rename 
the files in the after-save-hook instead.
-# #+TEXINFO_FILENAME: org-ql.info
-# #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: org-ql.texi
 ** File-local variables
 # NOTE: Setting org-comment-string buffer-locally is a nasty hack to work 
around GitHub's org-ruby's HTML rendering, which does not respect noexport 
tags.  The only way to hide this tree from its output is to use the COMMENT 
keyword, but that prevents Org from processing the export options declared in 
it.  So since these file-local variables don't affect org-ruby, wet set 
org-comment-string to an unused keyword, which prevents Org from deleting this 
tree from the export buffer, which all [...]
+# after-save-hook: (lambda nil (when (and (require 'ox-texinfo nil t) 
(org-texinfo-export-to-info)) (delete-file "README.texi") (rename-file 
"README.info" "activities.info" t)))
 # Local Variables:
 # before-save-hook: org-make-toc
-# after-save-hook: (lambda nil (when (and (require 'ox-texinfo nil t) 
(org-texinfo-export-to-info)) (delete-file "README.texi") (rename-file 
"README.info" "activities.info" t)))
 # org-export-initial-scope: buffer
 # org-comment-string: "NOTCOMMENT"
 # End:
diff --git a/activities.info b/activities.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd77c7c8d..0000000000
--- a/activities.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-This is README.info, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from README.texi.
-* Activities: (activities). Suspend/resume activities (sets of windows, 
frames, and buffers).
-File: README.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Installation,  Up: (dir)
-   Inspired by Genera’s and KDE’s concepts of "activities", this Emacs
-library allows the user to manage frames/tabs, windows, and buffers
-according to their purpose.  An "activity" comprises a frame or tab, its
-window configuration, and the buffers displayed in them–its "state";
-this state would be related to a certain task the user performs at
-various times, such as developing a certain software project, reading
-and writing email, working with one’s Org mode system, etc.
-   "Suspending" an activity saves the activity’s state and closes its
-frame/tab; the user would do this when finished with the activity’s task
-for the time being.  "Resuming" the activity restores its buffers and
-windows to its frame/tab; the user would do this when ready to resume
-the task at a later time.  This saves the user from having to manually
-arrange the same windows and buffers each time the task is to be done.
-   Each activity saves two states: the default state, set when the
-activity is defined by the user, and the last-used state, which was how
-the user left it when the activity was suspended (or when Emacs exited,
-etc).  This allows the user to resume the activity where the task was
-left off, while also allowing it to be reverted to the default state,
-providing a consistent entry point into the activity.
-   Internally, the Emacs ‘bookmark’ library is used to save and restore
-buffers’ states–that is, any major mode that supports the bookmark
-system is compatible.  A buffer whose major mode does not support the
-bookmark system (or does not support it well enough to restore useful
-state) is not compatible and can’t be fully restored, or perhaps not at
-all; but solving that is as simple as implementing bookmark support for
-the mode, which is often trivial.
-   Various hooks are (or will be–feedback is welcome) provided, both
-globally and per-activity, so that the user can define functions to be
-called when an activity is saved, restored, or switched from/to.  For
-example, this could be used to limit the set of buffers offered for
-switching to within an activity, or to track the time spent in an
-* Menu:
-* Installation::
-* Configuration::
-* Usage::
-* FAQ::
-* Changelog::
-* Development::
-— The Detailed Node Listing —
-* Quelpa::
-* Activities::
-* Compatibility::
-* Modes::
-* Workflow::
-* Bindings::
-* Commands::
-* Bookmarks::
-* v0.7-pre: v07-pre.
-* v0.6: v06.
-* v0.5.1: v051.
-* v0.5: v05.
-* v0.4: v04.
-* v0.3.3: v033.
-* v0.3.2: v032.
-* v0.3.1: v031.
-* v0.3: v03.
-* v0.2: v02.
-* v0.1.3: v013.
-* v0.1.2: v012.
-* v0.1.1: v011.
-* v0.1: v01.
-* Copyright assignment::
-File: README.info,  Node: Installation,  Next: Configuration,  Prev: Top,  Up: 
-1 Installation
-* Menu:
-* Quelpa::
-File: README.info,  Node: GNU ELPA,  Next: Quelpa,  Up: Installation
-‘activities’ may be installed into Emacs versions 29.1 or later from GNU
-ELPA (https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/activities.html) by using the
-command ‘M-x package-install RET activities RET’.  This will install the
-latest stable release, which is recommended.
-File: README.info,  Node: Quelpa,  Prev: GNU ELPA,  Up: Installation
-1.2 Quelpa
-To install directly from git (e.g.  to test a pre-release version), it’s
-recommended to use Quelpa (https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/quelpa):
-  1. Install quelpa-use-package
-     (https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/quelpa-use-package#installation)
-     (which can be installed directly from MELPA).
-  2. Add this form to your init file (see *note Configuration:: for more
-     details):
-     (use-package activities
-       :quelpa (activities :fetcher github :repo "alphapapa/activities.el"))
-   If you choose to install it otherwise, please note that the author
-can’t offer help with manual installation problems.
-File: README.info,  Node: Configuration,  Next: Usage,  Prev: Installation,  
Up: Top
-2 Configuration
-This is the recommended configuration, in terms of a ‘use-package’ form
-to be placed in the user’s init file:
-     (use-package activities
-       :init
-       (activities-mode)
-       (activities-tabs-mode)
-       ;; Prevent `edebug' default bindings from interfering.
-       (setq edebug-inhibit-emacs-lisp-mode-bindings t)
-       :bind
-       (("C-x C-a C-n" . activities-new)
-        ("C-x C-a C-d" . activities-define)
-        ("C-x C-a C-a" . activities-resume)
-        ("C-x C-a C-s" . activities-suspend)
-        ("C-x C-a C-k" . activities-kill)
-        ("C-x C-a RET" . activities-switch)
-        ("C-x C-a b" . activities-switch-buffer)
-        ("C-x C-a g" . activities-revert)
-        ("C-x C-a l" . activities-list)))
-File: README.info,  Node: Usage,  Next: FAQ,  Prev: Configuration,  Up: Top
-3 Usage
-* Menu:
-* Activities::
-* Compatibility::
-* Modes::
-* Workflow::
-* Bindings::
-* Commands::
-* Bookmarks::
-File: README.info,  Node: Activities,  Next: Compatibility,  Up: Usage
-3.1 Activities
-For the purposes of this library, an "activity" is a window
-configuration and its associated buffers.  When an activity is
-"resumed," its buffers are recreated and loaded into the window
-configuration, which is loaded into a frame or tab.
-   From the user’s perspective, an "activity" should be thought of as
-something like, "reading my email," "working on my Emacs library,"
-"writing my book," "working for this client," etc.  The user arranges a
-set of windows and buffers according to what’s needed, then saves it as
-a new activity.  Later, when the user wants to return to doing that
-activity, the activity is "resumed," which restores the activity’s
-last-seen state, allowing the user to pick up where the activity was
-left off; but the user may also revert the activity to its default
-state, which may be used as a kind of entry point to doing the activity
-in general.
-File: README.info,  Node: Compatibility,  Next: Modes,  Prev: Activities,  Up: 
-3.2 Compatibility
-This library is designed to not interfere with other workflows and
-tools; it is intended to coexist and allow integration with them.  For
-example, when ‘activities-tabs-mode’ is enabled, non-activity-related
-tabs are not affected by it; and the user may close any tab using
-existing tab commands, regardless of whether it is associated with an
-File: README.info,  Node: Modes,  Next: Workflow,  Prev: Compatibility,  Up: 
-3.3 Modes
-     Automatically saves activities’ states when Emacs is idle and when
-     Emacs exits.  Should be enabled while using this package (otherwise
-     you would have to manually call ‘activities-save-all’, which would
-     defeat much of the purpose of this library).
-     Causes activities to be managed as ‘tab-bar’ tabs rather than
-     frames (the default).  (_This is what the author uses; bugs present
-     when this mode is not enabled are less likely to be found, so
-     please report them._)
-File: README.info,  Node: Workflow,  Next: Bindings,  Prev: Modes,  Up: Usage
-3.4 Workflow
-An example of a workflow using activities:
-  1. Arrange windows in a tab according to an activity you’re
-     performing.
-  2. Call ‘activities-new’ (‘C-x C-a n’) to save the activity under a
-     name.
-  3. Perform the activity for a while.
-  4. Change window configuration, change tab, close the tab, or even
-     restart Emacs.
-  5. Call ‘activities-resume’ (‘C-x C-a C-a’) to resume the activity
-     where you left off.
-  6. Return to the original activity state with ‘activities-revert’
-     (‘C-x C-a g’).
-  7. Rearrange windows and buffers.
-  8. Call ‘activities-new’ with a universal prefix argument (‘C-u C-x
-     C-a n’) to redefine an activity’s default state.
-  9. Suspend the activity with ‘activities-suspend’ (‘C-x C-a s’) (which
-     saves its last state and closes its frame/tab).
-File: README.info,  Node: Bindings,  Next: Commands,  Prev: Workflow,  Up: 
-3.5 Bindings
-Key bindings are, as always, ultimately up to the user.  However, in
-*note Configuration::, we suggest a set of bindings with a simple
-philosophy behind them:
-   • A binding ending in a ‘C’-prefixed key is expected to result in the
-     set of active activities being changed (e.g.  defining a new
-     activity, switching to one, or suspending one).
-   • A binding not ending in a ‘C’-prefixed key is expected to modify an
-     activity (e.g.  reverting it) or do something else (like listing
-     activities.)
-File: README.info,  Node: Commands,  Next: Bookmarks,  Prev: Bindings,  Up: 
-3.6 Commands
-_With the recommended bindings:_
-‘activities-list’ (‘C-x C-a l’)
-     List activities in a ‘vtable’ buffer in which they can be managed
-     with various commands.
-‘activities-new’ (‘C-x C-a C-n’)
-     Switch to a new, empty activity (i.e.  one showing a new
-     frame/tab).
-‘activities-define’ (‘C-x C-a C-d’)
-     Define a new activity whose default state is the current frame’s or
-     tab’s window configuration.  With prefix argument, redefine an
-     existing activity (thereby updating its default state to the
-     current state).
-‘activities-suspend’ (‘C-x C-a C-s’)
-     Save an activity’s state and close its frame or tab.
-‘activities-kill’ (‘C-x C-a C-k’)
-     Discard an activity’s last state (so when it is resumed, its
-     default state will be used), and close its frame or tab.
-‘activities-resume’ (‘C-x C-a C-a’)
-     Resume an activity, switching to a new frame or tab for its window
-     configuration, and restoring its buffers.  With prefix argument,
-     restore its default state rather than its last.
-‘activities-revert’ (‘C-x C-a g’)
-     Revert an activity to its default state.
-‘activities-switch’ (‘C-x C-a RET’)
-     Switch to an already-active activity.
-‘activities-switch-buffer’ (‘C-x C-a b’)
-     Switch to a buffer associated with the current activity (or, with
-     prefix argument, another activity).
-     Rename an activity.
-     Discard an activity permanently.
-     Save all active activities’ states.  (‘activities-mode’ does this
-     automatically, so this command should rarely be needed.)
-File: README.info,  Node: Bookmarks,  Prev: Commands,  Up: Usage
-When option ‘activities-bookmark-store’ is enabled, an Emacs bookmark is
-stored when a new activity is made.  This allows the command
-‘bookmark-jump’ (‘C-x r b’) to be used to resume an activity (helping to
-universalize the bookmark system).
-File: README.info,  Node: FAQ,  Next: Changelog,  Prev: Usage,  Up: Top
-4 FAQ
-How is this different from Burly.el (https://github.com/alphapapa/burly.el) or 
Bufler.el (https://github.com/alphapapa/bufler.el/)?
-     Burly is a well-polished tool for restoring window and frame
-     configurations, which could be considered an incubator for some of
-     the ideas furthered here.  Bufler’s ‘bufler-workspace’ library uses
-     Burly to provide some similar functionality, which is at an
-     exploratory stage.  ‘activities’ hopes to provide a longer-term
-     solution more suitable for integration into Emacs.
-How does this differ from "workspace" packages?
-     Yes, there are many Emacs packages that provide "workspace"-like
-     features in one way or another.  To date, only Burly and Bufler
-     seem to offer the ability to restore one across Emacs sessions,
-     including non-file-backed buffers.  As mentioned, ‘activities’ is
-     intended to be more refined and easier to use (e.g.  automatically
-     saving activities’ states when ‘activities-mode’ is enabled).
-     Comparisons to other packages are left to the reader; suffice to
-     say that ‘activities’ is intended to provide what other tools
-     haven’t, in an idiomatic, intuitive way.  (Feedback is welcome.)
-How does this differ from the built-in ‘desktop-mode’?
-     As best this author can tell, ‘desktop-mode’ saves and restores one
-     set of buffers, with various options to control its behavior.  It
-     does not use ‘bookmark’ internally, which prevents it from
-     restoring non-file-backed buffers.  As well, it is not intended to
-     be used on-demand to switch between sets of buffers, windows, or
-     frames (i.e.  "activities").
-"Activities" haven’t seemed to pan out for KDE. Why would they in Emacs?
-     KDE Plasma’s Activities system requires applications that can save
-     and restore their state through Plasma, which only (or mostly
-     only?)  KDE apps can do, limiting the usefulness of the system.
-     However, Emacs offers a coherent environment, similar to Lisp
-     machines of yore, and its ‘bookmark’ library offers a way for any
-     buffer’s major mode to save and restore state, if implemented
-     (which many already are).
-Why did a buffer not restore correctly?
-     Most likely because that buffer’s major mode does not support Emacs
-     bookmarks (which ‘activities’ uses internally to save and restore
-     buffer state).  But many, if not most, major modes do; and for
-     those that don’t, implementing such support is usually trivial (and
-     thereby benefits Emacs as a whole, not just ‘activities’).  So
-     contact the major mode’s maintainer and ask that ‘bookmark’ support
-     be implemented.
-Why did I get an error?
-     Because ‘activities’ is at an early stage of development and some
-     of these features are not simple to implement.  But it’s based on
-     Burly, which has already been through much bug-fixing, so it should
-     proceed smoothly.  Please report any bugs you find.
-File: README.info,  Node: Changelog,  Next: Development,  Prev: FAQ,  Up: Top
-5 Changelog
-* Menu:
-* v0.7-pre: v07-pre.
-* v0.6: v06.
-* v0.5.1: v051.
-* v0.5: v05.
-* v0.4: v04.
-* v0.3.3: v033.
-* v0.3.2: v032.
-* v0.3.1: v031.
-* v0.3: v03.
-* v0.2: v02.
-* v0.1.3: v013.
-* v0.1.2: v012.
-* v0.1.1: v011.
-* v0.1: v01.
-File: README.info,  Node: v07-pre,  Next: v06,  Up: Changelog
-5.1 v0.7-pre
-   • Command ‘activities-new’ switches to a new, "empty" activity.  (See
-     #46 (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/46).)
-   *Changes*
-   • Command ‘activities-new’ renamed to ‘activities-define’, with new
-     binding ‘C-x C-a C-d’.  (See #46
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/46).)
-   *Fixes*
-   • Suspending/killing an activity when only one frame/tab is open.
-File: README.info,  Node: v06,  Next: v051,  Prev: v07-pre,  Up: Changelog
-5.2 v0.6
-   • Command ‘activities-switch-buffer’ switches to a buffer associated
-     with the current activity (or, with prefix argument, another
-     activity).  (A buffer is considered to be associated with an
-     activity if it has been displayed in its tab.  Note that this
-     feature currently requires ‘activities-tabs-mode’.)
-   • Command ‘activities-rename’ renames an activity.
-   • Option ‘activities-after-switch-functions’, a hook called after
-     switching to an activity.
-   • Option ‘activities-set-frame-name’ sets the frame name after
-     switching to an activity.  (#33
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/33).  Thanks to
-     JD Smith (https://github.com/jdtsmith).)
-   • Option ‘activities-kill-buffers’, when suspending an activity,
-     kills buffers that were only shown in that activity.
-   *Changes*
-   • Default time format in activities list.
-   • When saving all activities, don’t persist to disk for each
-     activity.  (#34
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/34).  Thanks to
-     Al M.  (https://github.com/yrns) for reporting.)
-File: README.info,  Node: v051,  Next: v05,  Prev: v06,  Up: Changelog
-5.3 v0.5.1
-   • Listing activities without last-saved states.
-File: README.info,  Node: v05,  Next: v04,  Prev: v051,  Up: Changelog
-5.4 v0.5
-   • Suggest setting variable ‘edebug-inhibit-emacs-lisp-mode-bindings’
-     to avoid conflicts with suggested keybindings.
-   • Option ‘activities-bookmark-warnings’ enables warning messages when
-     a non-file-visiting buffer can’t be bookmarked (for debugging
-     purposes).
-   • Option ‘activities-resume-into-frame’ controls whether resuming an
-     activity opens a new frame or uses the current one (when
-     ‘activities-tabs-mode’ is disabled).  (#22
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/22).  Thanks to
-     Icy-Thought (https://github.com/Icy-Thought) for suggesting.)
-   *Changes*
-   • Command ‘activities-kill’ now discards an activity’s last state
-     (while ‘activities-suspend’ saves its last state), and closes its
-     frame or tab.
-   • Face ‘activities-tabs-face’ is renamed to ‘activities-tabs’, and
-     now inherits from another face by default, which allows it to
-     adjust with the loaded theme.  (#24
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/24).  Thanks to
-     Karthik Chikmagalur (https://github.com/karthink) for suggesting.)
-   *Fixes*
-   • Show a helpful error if a bookmark’s target file is missing.  (#17
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/17).  Thanks to
-     JD Smith (https://github.com/jdtsmith) for reporting.)
-   • Sort order in ‘activities-list’.
-   • When discarding an inactive activity, don’t switch to it first.
-     (#18 (https://github.com/alphapapa/activity.el/issues/18).  Thanks
-     to JD Smith (https://github.com/jdtsmith) for reporting.)
-   • Don’t signal an error when ‘debug-on-error’ is enabled and a buffer
-     is not visiting a file.  (#25
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activity.el/issues/25).  Thanks to
-     Karthik Chikmagalur (https://github.com/karthink) for reporting.)
-File: README.info,  Node: v04,  Next: v033,  Prev: v05,  Up: Changelog
-5.5 v0.4
-   • Option ‘activities-anti-save-predicates’ prevents saving activity
-     states at inappropriate times.
-   *Fixes*
-   • Don’t save activity state if a minibuffer is active.
-   • Offer only active activities for suspending.
-   • Don’t raise frame when saving activity states.  (See #4
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/4).  Thanks to
-     JD Smith (https://github.com/jdtsmith) for reporting.)
-File: README.info,  Node: v033,  Next: v032,  Prev: v04,  Up: Changelog
-5.6 v0.3.3
-   • Command ‘activities-list’ shows a helpful message if no activities
-     are defined.  (#11
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/11).  Thanks to
-     fuzy112 (https://github.com/fuzy112) for reporting.)
-   • Link in documentation (which works locally but not on GNU ELPA at
-     the moment).
-File: README.info,  Node: v032,  Next: v031,  Prev: v033,  Up: Changelog
-5.7 v0.3.2
-Updated documentation, etc.
-File: README.info,  Node: v031,  Next: v03,  Prev: v032,  Up: Changelog
-5.8 v0.3.1
-   • Handle case in which ‘activities-tabs-mode’ is enabled again
-     without having been disabled (which caused an error in
-     ‘tab-bar-mode’).  (#7
-     (https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el/issues/7))
-File: README.info,  Node: v03,  Next: v02,  Prev: v031,  Up: Changelog
-5.9 v0.3
-   • Command ‘activities-list’ lists activities in a ‘vtable’ buffer in
-     which they can be managed.
-   • Offer current activity name by default when redefining an activity
-     with ‘activities-new’.
-   • Record times at which activities’ states were updated.
-File: README.info,  Node: v02,  Next: v013,  Prev: v03,  Up: Changelog
-5.10 v0.2
-   • Offer current ‘project’ name by default for new activities.
-     (Thanks to Joseph Turner (https://breatheoutbreathe.in).)
-   • Use current activity as default for various completions.  (Thanks
-     to Joseph Turner (https://breatheoutbreathe.in).)
-   *Fixes*
-   • Raise frame after selecting it.  (Thanks to JD Smith
-     (https://github.com/jdtsmith) for suggesting.)
-File: README.info,  Node: v013,  Next: v012,  Prev: v02,  Up: Changelog
-5.11 v0.1.3
-   • Autoloads.
-   • Command aliases.
-File: README.info,  Node: v012,  Next: v011,  Prev: v013,  Up: Changelog
-5.12 v0.1.2
-   • Some single-window configurations were not restored properly.
-File: README.info,  Node: v011,  Next: v01,  Prev: v012,  Up: Changelog
-5.13 v0.1.1
-   • Silence message about non-file-visiting buffers.
-File: README.info,  Node: v01,  Prev: v011,  Up: Changelog
-5.14 v0.1
-Initial release.
-File: README.info,  Node: Development,  Prev: Changelog,  Up: Top
-6 Development
-‘activities’ is developed on GitHub
-(https://github.com/alphapapa/activities.el).  Suggestions, bug reports,
-and patches are welcome.
-* Menu:
-* Copyright assignment::
-File: README.info,  Node: Copyright assignment,  Up: Development
-6.1 Copyright assignment
-This package is part of GNU Emacs (https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/),
-being distributed in GNU ELPA (https://elpa.gnu.org/).  Contributions to
-this project must follow GNU guidelines, which means that, as with other
-parts of Emacs, patches of more than a few lines must be accompanied by
-having assigned copyright for the contribution to the FSF.  Contributors
-who wish to do so may contact emacs-devel@gnu.org <emacs-devel@gnu.org>
-to request the assignment form.
-Tag Table:
-Node: Top231
-Node: Installation3107
-Node: GNU ELPA3258
-Node: Quelpa3623
-Node: Configuration4343
-Node: Usage5204
-Node: Activities5406
-Node: Compatibility6394
-Node: Modes6878
-Node: Workflow7546
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-Node: Commands9136
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-Node: FAQ11303
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-Node: v01121301
-Node: v0121466
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-Local Variables:
-coding: utf-8

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