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[nongnu] elpa/hyperdrive e8f824d91f 124/163: Change: (h//hyper-gateway-u

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/hyperdrive e8f824d91f 124/163: Change: (h//hyper-gateway-ushin-path) Remove process check
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 04:00:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/hyperdrive
commit e8f824d91f04008324ec04375f8080d029a412df
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Joseph Turner <joseph@ushin.org>

    Change: (h//hyper-gateway-ushin-path) Remove process check
    This is probably no longer necessary, and is producing false errors
    where the process object is present but dead.
 hyperdrive-lib.el | 10 ----------
 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hyperdrive-lib.el b/hyperdrive-lib.el
index a7cc374c5c..b3fa023403 100644
--- a/hyperdrive-lib.el
+++ b/hyperdrive-lib.el
@@ -1419,16 +1419,6 @@ Then calls THEN if given."
 (defun h//gateway-start-default ()
   "Start the gateway as an Emacs subprocess.
 Default function; see variable `h/gateway-start-function'."
-  (when h/gateway-process
-    ;; TODO: `h/gateway-process' appears to be non-nil but not live when
-    ;; make-process receives a bad command line program, like "ls"
-    ;; instead of "hyper-gateway-ushin".
-    ;; Process variable is non-nil: gateway might be starting but not yet
-    ;; "live", which was checked in `h/start'.  This probably should never
-    ;; happen, but if it were to, this distinct message might help us
-    ;; understand what's going on.
-    (h/error "Gateway appears to be starting"))
   (setf h/gateway-process
          :name "hyper-gateway-ushin"

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