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[elpa] externals/ellama 3af214afb7 1/3: Add webpage quote context elemen

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/ellama 3af214afb7 1/3: Add webpage quote context elements
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 15:57:48 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ellama
commit 3af214afb770ee01a06336c291e07dedc9cd6129
Author: Sergey Kostyaev <sskostyaev@gmail.com>
Commit: Sergey Kostyaev <sskostyaev@gmail.com>

    Add webpage quote context elements
 ellama.el            | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test-ellama.el | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 112 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ellama.el b/ellama.el
index e28ed3e060..ae00b48610 100644
--- a/ellama.el
+++ b/ellama.el
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 (require 'spinner)
 (require 'info)
 (require 'shr)
+(require 'eww)
 (eval-when-compile (require 'rx))
 (defgroup ellama nil
@@ -322,6 +323,11 @@ Too low value can break generated code by splitting long 
comment lines."
   :group 'ellama
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom ellama-show-quotes nil
+  "Show quotes in chat context."
+  :group 'ellama
+  :type 'boolean)
 (define-minor-mode ellama-session-mode
   "Minor mode for ellama session buffers."
   :interactive nil
@@ -893,6 +899,52 @@ If EPHEMERAL non nil new session will not be associated 
with any file."
   (ignore mode)
   (oref element content))
+;; Webpage quote context elements
+(defclass ellama-context-element-webpage-quote (ellama-context-element)
+  ((name :initarg :name :type string)
+   (url :initarg :url :type string)
+   (content :initarg :content :type string))
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract
+  ((element ellama-context-element-webpage-quote))
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
+  (oref element content))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-webpage-quote) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name url content) element
+    (if ellama-show-quotes
+       (format "[%s](%s):\n%s\n\n"
+               name url
+               (ellama--md-quote content))
+      (format "[%s](%s)" name url))))
+(defun ellama--md-quote (content)
+  "Return quoted CONTENT for markdown."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert (propertize content 'hard t))
+    (let ((fill-prefix "> ")
+         (fill-column ellama-long-lines-length)
+         (use-hard-newlines t)
+         (comment-start ">")
+         (comment-empty-lines t))
+      (comment-region (point-min) (point-max) ">")
+      (fill-region (point-min) (point-max) nil t t))
+    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-webpage-quote) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name url content) element
+    (if ellama-show-quotes
+       (format "[[%s][%s]]:\n#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%s\n#+END_QUOTE\n" url name 
+      (format "[[%s][%s]]" url name))))
 (defun ellama-context-add-file ()
   "Add file to context."
@@ -925,6 +977,29 @@ If EPHEMERAL non nil new session will not be associated 
with any file."
   (let ((element (ellama-context-element-info-node :name node)))
     (ellama-context-element-add element)))
+(defun ellama-context-add-webpage-quote (name url content)
+  "Add webpage with NAME and URL quote CONTENT to context."
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote
+                 :name name :url url :content content)))
+    (ellama-context-element-add element)))
+(defun ellama-context-add-webpage-quote-eww ()
+  "Add webpage quote to context interactively from `eww'."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq major-mode 'eww-mode)
+      (let* ((name (plist-get eww-data :title))
+            (url (eww-current-url))
+            (content (if (region-active-p)
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                          (region-beginning)
+                          (region-end))
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                        (point-min)
+                        (point-max)))))
+       (ellama-context-add-webpage-quote name url content))
+    (warn "Should be called from `eww'.")))
 (defun ellama--translate-string (s)
   "Translate string S to `ellama-language' syncronously."
diff --git a/tests/test-ellama.el b/tests/test-ellama.el
index 384d8a418f..dfb0683aba 100644
--- a/tests/test-ellama.el
+++ b/tests/test-ellama.el
@@ -86,6 +86,39 @@
   (let ((element (ellama-context-element-text :content "123")))
     (should (equal "123" (ellama-context-element-format element 'org-mode)))))
test-ellama-context-element-format-webpage-quote-disabled-markdown ()
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote :name "test name" :url 
"https://example.com/"; :content "1\n\n2"))
+       (ellama-show-quotes nil))
+    (should (equal "[test name](https://example.com/)" 
(ellama-context-element-format element 'markdown-mode)))))
+(ert-deftest test-ellama-context-element-format-webpage-quote-enabled-markdown 
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote :name "test name" :url 
"https://example.com/"; :content "1\n\n2"))
+       (ellama-show-quotes t))
+    (should (equal "[test name](https://example.com/):
+> 1
+> 2
+                  (ellama-context-element-format element 'markdown-mode)))))
test-ellama-context-element-format-webpage-quote-disabled-org-mode ()
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote :name "test name" :url 
"https://example.com/"; :content "1\n\n2"))
+       (ellama-show-quotes nil))
+    (should (equal "[[https://example.com/][test name]]" 
(ellama-context-element-format element 'org-mode)))))
+(ert-deftest test-ellama-context-element-format-webpage-quote-enabled-org-mode 
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote :name "test name" :url 
"https://example.com/"; :content "1\n\n2"))
+       (ellama-show-quotes t))
+    (should (equal "[[https://example.com/][test name]]:
+                  (ellama-context-element-format element 'org-mode)))))
 (ert-deftest test-ellama-context-element-extract-buffer ()
     (insert "123")
@@ -106,6 +139,10 @@
   (let ((element (ellama-context-element-text :content "123")))
     (should (string-match "123" (ellama-context-element-extract element)))))
+(ert-deftest test-ellama-context-element-extract-webpage-quote ()
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-webpage-quote :content "123")))
+    (should (equal "123" (ellama-context-element-extract element)))))
 (ert-deftest test-ellama-md-to-org-code-simple ()
   (let ((result (ellama--translate-markdown-to-org-filter "Here is your TikZ 
code for a blue rectangle:

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