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[nongnu] elpa/csv2ledger 170dc4ae5c 102/190: Update README.md

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/csv2ledger 170dc4ae5c 102/190: Update README.md
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 15:59:49 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/csv2ledger
commit 170dc4ae5c2232eddedcf9a222c303490049d6d9
Author: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.fm>
Commit: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.fm>

    Update README.md
 README.md | 16 +++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 607d68996d..ac971e97a1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ Two things are of note here: first, the order of this list 
determines the order
 If you wish or need to modify the values extracted from the CSV file in some 
way, there are several user options that allow you to do so.
+### Modifying individual fields ###
 First, there is the option `c2l-field-modify-functions`. This is an alist 
mapping field names to functions. Each function should take a string as its 
only argument and return a string. These functions are called with the field's 
value as argument and the return value is used to construct the entry.
 As an example, my CSV files provide the date in the format `DD.MM.YYYY`, but 
ledger expects them to be in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. To remedy this, 
`csv2ledger` comes with the function 
`c2l-convert-little-endian-to-iso8601-date` that takes a date in the format 
`DD.MM.YYYY` and converts it to `YYYY-MM-DD`. For convenience, it also accepts 
dates in the forms `DD-MM-YYYY` and `DD/MM/YYYY`.
@@ -132,6 +134,8 @@ The setting for `c2l-field-parse-functions` then ends up 
like this:
         (amount . c2l-convert-postbank-to-ledger-amount)))
+### Modifying the transaction ###
 One potential disadvantage of the functions in `c2l-field-modify-functions` is 
that they only take the value of a single field as argument. This is 
insufficient if you want to modify a field value on the basis of the other 
fields in the transaction. If you need to make such a change to the 
transaction, you can set the option `c2l-transaction-modify-function` to a 
function that takes the entire transaction as its argument and returns a 
modified transaction.
 The transaction will be passed as an alist of field-value pairs. For example, 
for the ledger entry shown above, the transaction would be something like this:
@@ -149,7 +153,17 @@ Your function can make any change to the transaction you 
wish. The only requirem
 Note that in this transaction alist, the values for date and amount have not 
been modified by the functions if `c2l-field-modify-functions`. This is because 
`c2l-transaction-modify-function` is called first. The result of that function 
is passed to the functions in `c2l-field-modify-functions`. In principle, 
`c2l-transaction-modify-function` can do anything `c2l-field-modify-functions` 
can do, but the latter type  of function is conceptually simpler, which is why 
it's included here.
-You may also notice that the transaction alist does not contain a value for 
`title`. The `title` field is added to the transaction alist after the 
functions in `c2l-field-modify-functions` have been applied.
+### Setting the title ###
+You may also notice that the transaction alist does not contain a value for 
`title`. The `title` field is added to the transaction alist after the 
functions in `c2l-field-modify-functions` have been applied. The function that 
creates the title is configurable through the option `c2l-title-function.` Its 
default value is `c2l-payee-or-sender`, which returns the sender if the payee 
matches the value of `c2l-account-holder` and the payee otherwise. It makes 
sure to check that it does not re [...]
+`c2l-title-function` should be set to a function that takes a transaction as 
an alist and returns the title of the transaction as a string. This means that 
if you want to use something other than the payee or the sender as the title, 
e.g., the description field, you can. Just write a short function that extracts 
the relevant value from the transaction and returns it.
+### Setting the amount ###
+As already mentioned above, a CSV file may contain the amount of a transaction 
in a single column, or it may use separate columns for amounts debit and 
amounts credit.

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