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[elpa] externals/auctex-cont-latexmk b5bd4c5257 024/100: indentation

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/auctex-cont-latexmk b5bd4c5257 024/100: indentation
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 03:57:52 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/auctex-cont-latexmk
commit b5bd4c52576a030c06783090f149e6f3befd90a4
Author: Paul Nelson <ultrono@gmail.com>
Commit: Paul Nelson <ultrono@gmail.com>

 czm-tex-compile.el | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/czm-tex-compile.el b/czm-tex-compile.el
index 6989cb71bf..12c0233682 100644
--- a/czm-tex-compile.el
+++ b/czm-tex-compile.el
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ Used for navigating LaTeX warnings in the log file."
   "Helper function to navigate warnings in the log file.
 DIRECTION should be either \='next or \='previous."
   (let* ((tex-file (buffer-file-name))
-        (log-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension tex-file) ".log"))
+        (log-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension tex-file)
+                           ".log"))
         (file-modification-time (nth 5 (file-attributes log-file)))
         (last-navigation-time (car czm-tex-compile--log-state))
         (log-pos (cdr czm-tex-compile--log-state))
@@ -114,47 +115,47 @@ DIRECTION should be either \='next or \='previous."
       (insert-file-contents log-file)
       (if (or (null last-navigation-time)
-                    (time-less-p last-navigation-time file-modification-time))
-                (goto-char (if (eq direction 'previous)
+             (time-less-p last-navigation-time file-modification-time))
+         (goto-char (if (eq direction 'previous)
-              (goto-char log-pos))
+       (goto-char log-pos))
       (let ((search-fn
-                   (if (eq direction 'previous)
+            (if (eq direction 'previous)
                  #'re-search-backward #'re-search-forward)))
         (when (eq direction 'next)
           (forward-line 2))
-              (when (funcall search-fn
-                                    (concat "^"
-                                                   (regexp-opt
-                                                           '("! "
-                                                             "LaTeX Warning: 
-                                                   "[^ ]")
-                                    nil t)
-                (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-                (let ((error-p (looking-at "! ")))
-                  (setq last-navigation-time (current-time))
-                  (setq description
-                               (if error-p
-                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                                    (point)
+       (when (funcall search-fn
+                      (concat "^"
+                              (regexp-opt
+                               '("! "
+                                 "LaTeX Warning: "))
+                              "[^ ]")
+                      nil t)
+         (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+         (let ((error-p (looking-at "! ")))
+           (setq last-navigation-time (current-time))
+           (setq description
+                 (if error-p
+                     (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                      (point)
-                                 (czm-tex-compile--paragraph-as-line)))
-                  (if error-p
-                             (progn
-                               (save-excursion
-                                 (re-search-forward "^l\\.\\([0-9]+\\) " nil t)
-                                 (let ((line-number (when (match-string 1)
+                   (czm-tex-compile--paragraph-as-line)))
+           (if error-p
+               (progn
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (re-search-forward "^l\\.\\([0-9]+\\) " nil t)
+                   (let ((line-number (when (match-string 1)
                                          (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
-                                              (line-prefix 
+                         (line-prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                       (point)
-                                   (setq line (cons line-number 
-                    (when (string-match "input line \\([0-9]+\\)" description)
-                             (setq line (string-to-number (match-string 1 
+                     (setq line (cons line-number line-prefix)))))
+             (when (string-match "input line \\([0-9]+\\)" description)
+               (setq line (string-to-number (match-string 1 description)))))
             (forward-line -1)
-                  ;; (forward-line (if (eq direction 'previous) -1 1))
-                  (setq log-pos (point))))))
+           ;; (forward-line (if (eq direction 'previous) -1 1))
+           (setq log-pos (point))))))
     (setq-local czm-tex-compile--log-state (cons last-navigation-time log-pos))
     (when line
       (let ((pos
@@ -168,12 +169,12 @@ DIRECTION should be either \='next or \='previous."
                    (forward-line (1- line-number)))
                  (when (consp line)
                    (when-let* ((search-string (cdr line))
-                                            (truncated-search-string
-                                             (if (< (length search-string)
+                              (truncated-search-string
+                               (if (< (length search-string)
-                                                        search-string
-                                               (substring search-string 3))))
-                           (search-forward truncated-search-string nil t)))
+                                   search-string
+                                 (substring search-string 3))))
+                    (search-forward truncated-search-string nil t)))
         (unless (<= (point-min)
                     pos (point-max))

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