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[elpa] externals/preview-tailor f54e2b333a 14/16: save monitor-specific

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/preview-tailor f54e2b333a 14/16: save monitor-specific settings in dotfile rather than defcustom
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 04:00:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/preview-tailor
commit f54e2b333a2e075cd8ef0e0bfc0fb8f50969952b
Author: Paul Nelson <ultrono@gmail.com>
Commit: Paul Nelson <ultrono@gmail.com>

    save monitor-specific settings in dotfile rather than defcustom
 README.org        | 38 ++++++--------------------------------
 preview-tailor.el | 28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 2900e42806..52066a0ff1 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -26,38 +26,12 @@ This package calculates the preview scale by multiplying 
together four factors:
 To adjust the multiplier for a given monitor, use =M-x 
preview-tailor-set-multiplier=.  This adjusts the customization variable 
=preview-tailor-multipliers=, which is an association list mapping lists of 
monitor attributes to numbers.  The multiplier is calculated by finding the 
first entry in the list all of whose attributes match the current ones.
 * Saving your settings
-If you use the built-in customization feature, then you can save your 
multipliers for future sessions using =M-x preview-tailor-save=.  To make this 
automatic, you could add =(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'preview-tailor-save)= to 
your init file.
+The package stores your monitor-specific settings in the dotfile 
".preview-tailor" inside your user-emacs-directory.  This allows you to keep 
your settings separate from your init file, making it easier to sync your Emacs 
configuration across different computers.
+To save your multipliers for future sessions, use =M-x preview-tailor-save=.  
The package will automatically load the settings from the dotfile when 
initialized.  To make saving automatic, you can add the following to your init 
-If you've disabled the built-in customization feature, then you can save the 
multipliers in your init file.  Here's what I do:
 #+begin_src elisp
-(use-package preview-tailor
-  :elpaca (:host github :repo "ultronozm/preview-tailor.el"
-                 :depth nil)
-  :after latex
-  :config
-  (preview-tailor-init)
-  :custom
-  (preview-tailor-multipliers
-   '((((geometry 0 -2520 1920 1080)
-       (workarea 0 -2520 1920 1080)
-       (mm-size 1434 806)
-       (source . "NS"))
-      . 4)
-     (((geometry -832 -1440 2560 1440)
-       (workarea -832 -1440 2560 1440)
-       (mm-size 602 338)
-       (source . "NS"))
-      . 1.2)
-     (((geometry 0 0 1728 1117)
-       (workarea 0 32 1728 1085)
-       (mm-size 344 222)
-       (source . "NS"))
-      . 1.2)
-     (((geometry 0 -1440 2560 1440)
-       (workarea 0 -1440 2560 1440)
-       (mm-size 602 338)
-       (source . "NS"))
-      . 1.2)
-     (nil . 1.2))))
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'preview-tailor-save)
-When I want to modify this, I use =preview-tailor-set-multiplier= and then 
copy the new value of =preview-tailor-multipliers= into the above.
+If you prefer to edit the dotfile directly, the function =preview-tailor-load= 
might be come in handy -- it loads the settings from the dotfile into the 
variable =preview-tailor-multipliers=.
diff --git a/preview-tailor.el b/preview-tailor.el
index ee1efb6d9a..4a4321a058 100644
--- a/preview-tailor.el
+++ b/preview-tailor.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2024  Paul D. Nelson
 ;; Author: Paul D. Nelson <nelson.paul.david@gmail.com>
-;; Version: 0.0
+;; Version: 0.1
 ;; URL: https://github.com/ultronozm/preview-tailor.el
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1") (auctex))
 ;; Keywords: tex, multimedia
@@ -32,17 +32,14 @@
 (require 'latex)
 (require 'preview)
-(defcustom preview-tailor-multipliers
+(defvar preview-tailor-multipliers
   '((() . 1.0))
   "Alist mapping lists of monitor attributes to multipliers.
 Each monitor is described by a list of its attributes, which
 should be a subset of those returned by
 `frame-monitor-attributes'.  The empty list of attributes ()
-matches against everything, hence functions as a default."
-  :group 'AUCTeX
-  :type '(alist :key-type (repeat (sexp  :tag "Monitor Attribute"))
-                :value-type (number :tag "Preview Scale")))
+matches against everything, hence functions as a default.")
 (defun preview-tailor--get-match (attr-list)
   "Return preview scale corresponding to attribute list ATTR-LIST.
@@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ nil if no match found."
 (defcustom preview-tailor-additional-factor-function nil
   "Function to calculate an additional factor for preview scale.
-This function should take no arguments and returns a number. The
+This function should take no arguments and returns a number.  The
 returned number is used as a multiplication factor in
 `preview-tailor--calculate'.  If nil, then the no additional
 factor is used."
@@ -112,17 +109,30 @@ Use SCALE if provided, otherwise prompt for it."
         (setcdr item scale)
       (add-to-list 'preview-tailor-multipliers (cons attr scale)))))
+(defconst preview-tailor-storage-file
+  (expand-file-name ".preview-tailor" user-emacs-directory)
+  "File name where settings are stored.")
+(defun preview-tailor-load ()
+  "Load preview-tailor customization from a dotfile."
+  (when (file-exists-p preview-tailor-storage-file)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents preview-tailor-storage-file)
+      (setq preview-tailor-multipliers (read (current-buffer))))))
 (defun preview-tailor-init ()
   "Initialize preview-tailor."
+  (preview-tailor-load)
   (setq preview-scale-function #'preview-tailor--calculate))
 (defun preview-tailor-save ()
-  "Save preview-tailor customization."
+  "Save preview-tailor customization to a dotfile."
-  (customize-save-variable 'preview-tailor-multipliers 
+  (with-temp-file preview-tailor-storage-file
+    (prin1 preview-tailor-multipliers (current-buffer))))
 (provide 'preview-tailor)
 ;;; preview-tailor.el ends here

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