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[nongnu] elpa/j-mode 6575369102 04/13: Version 2.0.1

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/j-mode 6575369102 04/13: Version 2.0.1
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:00:24 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/j-mode
commit 65753691027760178f60efa2dec850d372ae931b
Author: LdBeth <andpuke@foxmail.com>
Commit: LdBeth <andpuke@foxmail.com>

    Version 2.0.1
    Added definition block navigation (C-M-a, C-M-e).
    Fixed highlighting.
 j-console.el   |  2 +-
 j-font-lock.el | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 j-help.el      |  4 +--
 j-mode.el      | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/j-console.el b/j-console.el
index ff8418a14e..7998205e37 100644
--- a/j-console.el
+++ b/j-console.el
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ;; Authors: Zachary Elliott <ZacharyElliott1@gmail.com>
 ;; URL: http://github.com/ldbeth/j-mode
-;; Version: 2.0.0
+;; Version: 2.0.1
 ;; Keywords: J, Langauges
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
diff --git a/j-font-lock.el b/j-font-lock.el
index 1606204108..18bee08b70 100644
--- a/j-font-lock.el
+++ b/j-font-lock.el
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 ;;; j-font-lock.el --- font-lock extension for j-mode
 ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Zachary Elliott
-;; Copyright (C) 2023 LdBeth
+;; Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 LdBeth
 ;; Authors: Zachary Elliott <ZacharyElliott1@gmail.com>
 ;; URL: http://github.com/ldbeth/j-mode
-;; Version: 2.0.0
+;; Version: 2.0.1
 ;; Keywords: J, Langauges
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -55,29 +55,25 @@
   :group 'j
   :group 'j-font-lock)
-(defvar j-verb-face
-  (defface j-verb-face
-    `((t (:foreground "Red")))
+(defface j-verb-face
+  `((t (:foreground "Red")))
   "Font Lock mode face used to higlight vrebs"
-  :group 'j-faces))
+  :group 'j-faces)
-(defvar j-adverb-face
-  (defface j-adverb-face
-    `((t (:foreground "Green")))
+(defface j-adverb-face
+  `((t (:foreground "Green")))
   "Font Lock mode face used to higlight adverbs"
-  :group 'j-faces))
+  :group 'j-faces)
-(defvar j-conjunction-face
-  (defface j-conjunction-face
-    `((t (:foreground "Blue")))
+(defface j-conjunction-face
+  `((t (:foreground "Blue")))
   "Font Lock mode face used to higlight conjunctions"
-  :group 'j-faces))
+  :group 'j-faces)
-(defvar j-other-face
-  (defface j-other-face
-    `((t (:foreground "Black")))
+(defface j-other-face
+  `((t (:foreground "Black")))
   "Font Lock mode face used to higlight others"
-  :group 'j-faces))
+  :group 'j-faces)
 (defvar j-font-lock-syntax-table
   (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
@@ -103,7 +99,8 @@
 (defalias 'j-mode-syntax-propertize
    ("^\\()\\)" (1 "."))
-   ("{{\\()\\)\s" (1 "."))))
+   ("{{\\()\\)" (1 "."))
+   ("\\('\\)`?[0-9A-Z_a-z ]*\\('\\)\s*=[.:]" (1 ".") (2 "."))))
 (defvar j-font-lock-constants
@@ -147,8 +144,9 @@
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-3-verbs
   '("p.." "{::"))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-2-verbs
-  '("x:" "u:" "s:" "r." "q:" "p:" "p." "o." "L." "j." "I." "i:" "i." "E." "e."
-    "C." "A." "T." "?." "\":" "\"." "}:" "}." "{:" "{." "[:" "/:" "\\:" "#:" 
"#." ";:" ",:"
+  '("u:" "u." "v." "s:" "r." "q:" "p:" "p." "o." "L." "j." "I."
+    "i:" "i." "E." "e." "x:" "Z:"
+    "C." "c." "A." "T." "?." "\":" "\"." "}:" "}." "{:" "{." "[:" "/:" "\\:" 
"#:" "#." ";:" ",:"
     ",." "|:" "|." "~:" "~." "$:" "$." "^." "%:" "%." "-:" "-." "*:" "*."  "+:"
     "+." ">:" ">." "<:" "<."))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-1-verbs
@@ -157,7 +155,7 @@
   (append j-font-lock-len-3-verbs j-font-lock-len-2-verbs 
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-3-adverbs
-  '("\\.."))
+  '("/.."))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-2-adverbs
   '("]:" "M." "f." "b." "/." "\\."))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-1-adverbs
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@
   '("&.:" "F.." "F.:" "F:." "F::" " ::" " :."))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-2-conjunctions
   '("t." "S:" "L:" "H." "D:" "D." "d." "F." "F:" "m."
-    "&:" "&." "@:" "@." "`:" "!:" "!." ";."
+    "&:" "&." "@:" "@." "`:" "!:" "!." ";." "[." "]."
     "^:" " ." " :"))
 (defvar j-font-lock-len-1-conjunctions
   '("&" "@" "`" "\""))
@@ -188,13 +186,25 @@
+(defconst j-font-lock-multiassign-regexp
+  (rx (group "'") (? "`") (* (any "_a-zA-Z0-9 ")) (group "'")
+      (* "\s") "=" (or "." ":")))
+(defun j-font-lock-prematch-variable ()
+  (goto-char (match-end 1))
+  (match-beginning 2))
 (defvar j-font-lock-keywords
-    (,(rx (seq (group (* (any "_a-zA-Z0-9")))
-               (* "\s")
-               (group "=" (or "." ":"))))
-     (1 font-lock-variable-name-face) (2 j-other-face))
+    (,(rx (group (+ (any "_a-zA-Z0-9")))
+          (* "\s") "=" (or "." ":"))
+     (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
+    (,j-font-lock-multiassign-regexp
+     (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+     (2 font-lock-keyword-face)
+     ("[_a-zA-Z0-9]+"
+      (j-font-lock-prematch-variable) nil
+      (0 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
     (,(rx bow (any "a-zA-Z")
           (* (any "_a-zA-Z0-9"))
           "_:") ;; Self-Effacing References
@@ -213,26 +223,26 @@
      . font-lock-constant-face)
     (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-verbs)
-     . j-verb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-adverbs) . j-adverb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-conjunctions) . j-conjunction-face)
+     . 'j-verb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-adverbs) . 'j-adverb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-conjunctions) . 'j-conjunction-face)
     ;;(,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-3-others) . )
     (,(rx (or (regexp (regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-verbs))
               (seq symbol-start (opt "_") (regexp "[0-9_]") ":")))
-     . j-verb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-adverbs) . j-adverb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-conjunctions) . j-conjunction-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-others) . j-other-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-direct-definition) . font-lock-keyword-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-verbs) . j-verb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-adverbs) . j-adverb-face)
-    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-conjunctions) . j-conjunction-face)
-    ;;(,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-others) . j-other-face)
+     . 'j-verb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-adverbs) . 'j-adverb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-conjunctions) . 'j-conjunction-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-2-others) . 'j-other-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-direct-definition) . 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-verbs) . 'j-verb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-adverbs) . 'j-adverb-face)
+    (,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-conjunctions) . 'j-conjunction-face)
+    ;;(,(regexp-opt j-font-lock-len-1-others) . 'j-other-face)
   "J Mode font lock keys words")
 (defun j-font-lock-syntactic-face-function (state)
-  "Function for detection of string vs. Comment Note: J comments
+  "Function for detection of string vs. Comment. Note: J comments
 are three chars longs, there is no easy / evident way to handle
 this in emacs and it poses problems"
   (if (nth 3 state) font-lock-string-face
diff --git a/j-help.el b/j-help.el
index 08f9ba1fe6..77898f0eda 100644
--- a/j-help.el
+++ b/j-help.el
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ;; Authors: Zachary Elliott <ZacharyElliott1@gmail.com>
 ;; URL: http://github.com/ldbeth/j-mode
-;; Version: 2.0.0
+;; Version: 2.0.1
 ;; Keywords: J, Languages
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ It groups the objects in LIST according to the predicate FN"
 (defconst j-help-dictionary-data-block
    (lambda (l) (list (length (caar l))
-                     (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car l))
+                     (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car l))
    (delq nil (group-by j-help-voc-alist (lambda (x) (length (car x))))))
   "(int * string * (string * string) alist) list")
diff --git a/j-mode.el b/j-mode.el
index f5ea9489a1..1cc0ea7de5 100644
--- a/j-mode.el
+++ b/j-mode.el
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 ;;; j-mode.el --- Major mode for editing J programs
 ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Zachary Elliott
-;; Copyright (C) 2023 LdBeth
+;; Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 LdBeth
 ;; Authors: Zachary Elliott <ZacharyElliott1@gmail.com>
 ;; URL: http://github.com/ldbeth/j-mode
-;; Version: 2.0.0
+;; Version: 2.0.1
 ;; Keywords: J, Langauges
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -77,28 +77,31 @@
                        "if." "else." "elseif."
                        "select." "case." "fcase."
-                       "try." "except." "catch." "catcht."
+                       "try." "except." "catch." "catcht." "catchd."
                        "while." "whilst."
                    (seq (or "for" "goto" "label")
                         (regexp "_[a-zA-Z]+\\."))))
-          (seq (regexp "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+")
+          (seq (regexp "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+") (? "'")
                (* "\s") "=" (or "." ":") (* "\s")
                (or "{{"
-                   (seq "0" (+ "\s") ":" (* "\s")
-                        (regexp
+                   (seq (regexp
                           '("dyad" "monad" "adverb" "verb" "conjunction"
                             "1" "2" "3" "4")))
-                        eol))))))
+                        (+ "\s")
+                        (or (seq ":" (* "\s") "0")
+                            "define")))))))
 (defconst j-dedenting-keywords-regexp
   (rx (or "}}"
-          (seq bol ")" eol)
+          (seq ")" eol)
           (seq bow
                (regexp (regexp-opt '("end."
                                      "else." "elseif."
                                      "case." "fcase."
-                                     "catch." "catcht." "except.")))))))
+                                     "catch." "catcht." "catchd."
+                                     "except.")))))))
 (defun j-thing-outside-string (thing-regexp)
   "Look for REGEXP from `point' til `point-at-eol' outside strings and
@@ -109,8 +112,10 @@ found, else beginning and end of the match."
         (let* ((thing-begin (match-beginning 0))
                (thing-end (match-end 0))
+               (eol (pos-eol))
                (parse (save-excursion
-                        (parse-partial-sexp (pos-eol) thing-end))))
+                        (parse-partial-sexp eol
+                                            (max eol thing-end)))))
           (if (or (nth 3 parse) (nth 4 parse))
               (list thing-begin thing-end))))))
@@ -147,7 +152,7 @@ contents of current line."
       (let* ((tentative-indent (j-compute-indentation))
              ;;FIXME doesn't handle comments correctly
              (indent (if (looking-at j-dedenting-keywords-regexp)
-                         (- tentative-indent j-indent-offset)
+                         (max 0 (- tentative-indent j-indent-offset))
              (delta (- indent (current-indentation))))
 ;;         (message "###DEBUGi:%d t:%d" indent tentative-indent)
@@ -156,6 +161,59 @@ contents of current line."
         (goto-char (max (point) (+ old-point delta))))
+(defun j-which-explict-definition ()
+  "Return nil, `:one-liner' or `:multi-liner' depending on what
+  kind of explicit definition we are `looking-at'. Modifies `match-data'!"
+  ;; XXX we could dump the check for NB. if we prepending '^' to the others
+  (cond ((j-thing-outside-string (rx (or (seq bow "define")
+                                         (seq ":" (* "\s") "0"))
+                                     (* "\s")
+                                     eol))
+         :multi-liner)
+        ((j-thing-outside-string (rx (or (seq bow "def")
+                                         " :")
+                                     (+ "\s")))
+         (pcase (char-after (match-end 0))
+           ('nil (error "XXX Illegal definition?"))
+           (?\' :one-liner)
+           (_ :multi-liner)))
+        ((j-thing-outside-string "{{") :direct)
+        (t nil)))
+(defun j-end-of-explicit-definition ()
+  "Goto the end of the next explicit definition below point."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (not (= (point) (pos-eol)))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (forward-line 1))
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (save-match-data
+    (pcase (j-which-explict-definition)
+      ('nil (forward-line 1))
+      (:one-liner (beginning-of-line 2) t)
+      (:multi-liner (search-forward-regexp "^)") t)
+      (:direct (search-forward-regexp
+                (rx "}}" (or eol (not (any ".:")))))
+               t))))
+(defun j-beginning-of-explicit-definition ()
+  "Got the start of the next explicit definition above point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((cur (point)) beg end)
+    (save-excursion
+      (if (not (= (point) (pos-bol)))
+          (beginning-of-line)
+        (forward-line -1))
+      (save-match-data
+        (while (not (or (j-which-explict-definition)
+                        (= (pos-bol) (point-min))))
+          (forward-line -1)))
+      (setq beg (point))
+      (j-end-of-explicit-definition)
+      (setq end (point)))
+    (if (> end cur) (goto-char beg)
+      (beginning-of-line))))
 (defvar j-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c !")   'j-console)
@@ -195,6 +253,8 @@ contents of current line."
               syntax-propertize-function #'j-mode-syntax-propertize
               indent-tabs-mode nil
               indent-line-function #'j-indent-line
+              beginning-of-defun-function #'j-beginning-of-explicit-definition
+              end-of-defun-function       #'j-end-of-explicit-definition
               "NB. *"

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