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[nongnu] scratch/editorconfig-cc de83e09632 243/351: Update docstring

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [nongnu] scratch/editorconfig-cc de83e09632 243/351: Update docstring
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:38:58 -0400 (EDT)

branch: scratch/editorconfig-cc
commit de83e09632e119be9ec5cb3c04844a3895708965
Author: 10sr <8.slashes@gmail.com>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    Update docstring
 README.md                   |  2 +-
 editorconfig-core-handle.el |  2 +-
 editorconfig.el             | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dd957fa901..1680875a1f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ only blocks of `web-mode`: it can be achieved by adding 
following to your init.e
 (add-hook 'editorconfig-after-apply-functions
-  (lambda (hash) (setq web-mode-block-padding 0)))
+  (lambda (props) (setq web-mode-block-padding 0)))
 You can also define your own custom properties and enable them here.
diff --git a/editorconfig-core-handle.el b/editorconfig-core-handle.el
index aebc21d2cf..9685cc002b 100644
--- a/editorconfig-core-handle.el
+++ b/editorconfig-core-handle.el
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Slots:
 (defun editorconfig-core-handle-section-get-properties (section file dir)
   "Return properties alist when SECTION name match FILE.
-DIR should be where the directory where .editorconfig which has SECTION exists.
+DIR should be the directory where .editorconfig file which has SECTION lives.
 IF not match, return nil."
   (when (editorconfig-core-handle--fnmatch-p
diff --git a/editorconfig.el b/editorconfig.el
index 5730239328..453c8cd36b 100644
--- a/editorconfig.el
+++ b/editorconfig.el
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ coding styles between different editors and IDEs."
 (defcustom editorconfig-exec-path
-  "EditorConfig executable name.
+  "Path to EditorConfig executable.
-This executable is invoked by `editorconfig-call-editorconfig-exec'."
+Used by `editorconfig-call-editorconfig-exec'."
   :type 'string
   :group 'editorconfig)
@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ This executable is invoked by 
 This function will be called with no argument and should return a
 hash object containing properties, or nil if any core program is
-not available.  The hash object should have symbols of property
-names as keys and strings of property values as values.
+not available.  Keys of this hash should be symbols of properties, and values
+should be strings of their values.
 For example, if you always want to use built-in core library instead
 of any EditorConfig executable to get properties, add following to
 your init.el:
-(set-variable 'editorconfig-get-properties-function
-              #'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
+  (set-variable 'editorconfig-get-properties-function
+                #'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
 Possible known values are:
@@ -226,23 +226,18 @@ If INDENT-SPEC-LIST is provided, each element of it must 
have one of the
 following forms:
     It means (VARIABLE . 1).
     Setting VARIABLE according to the type of SPEC:
       - Integer
         The value is (* SPEC INDENT-SIZE);
       - Function
         The value is (funcall SPEC INDENT-SIZE);
       - Any other type.
         The value is SPEC.
 NOTE: Only the **buffer local** value of VARIABLE will be set."
@@ -255,14 +250,17 @@ NOTE: Only the **buffer local** value of VARIABLE will be 
 (defcustom editorconfig-exclude-modes ()
-  "List of major mode symbols not to apply properties."
+  "Modes in which `editorconfig-mode-apply' will not run."
   :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Major Mode"))
   :group 'editorconfig)
 (defcustom editorconfig-exclude-regexps
   (list (eval-when-compile
           (rx string-start (or "http" "https" "ftp" "sftp" "rsync") ":")))
-  "List of buffer filename prefix regexp patterns not to apply properties."
+  "List of regexp for buffer filenames `editorconfig-mode-apply' will not run.
+When variable `buffer-file-name' matches any of the regexps, then
+`editorconfig-mode-apply' will not do its work."
   :type '(repeat string)
   :group 'editorconfig)
@@ -275,7 +273,7 @@ Otherwise, use `delete-trailing-whitespace'."
   :group 'editorconfig)
 (defvar editorconfig-properties-hash nil
-  "Hash object of EditorConfig properties for current buffer.
+  "Hash object of EditorConfig properties that was enabled for current buffer.
 Set by `editorconfig-apply' and nil if that is not invoked in
 current buffer yet.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'editorconfig-properties-hash)
@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@ number - `lisp-indent-offset' is not set only if 
indent_size is
          `lisp-indent-offset'will not be set only if indent_size is 2.")
 (defconst editorconfig-unset-value "unset"
-  "String used to unset properties in .editorconfig .")
+  "String of value used to unset properties in .editorconfig .")
 (defun editorconfig-string-integer-p (string)
   "Return non-nil if STRING represents integer."
@@ -474,9 +472,9 @@ It calls `editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec' if
 (defun editorconfig-apply ()
-  "Apply EditorConfig properties for current buffer.
-This function ignores `editorconfig-exclude-modes' and always
-applies available properties."
+  "Get and apply EditorConfig properties to current buffer.
+This function ignores `editorconfig-exclude-modes' and
+`editorconfig-exclude-regexps', and always applies available properties."
   (when buffer-file-name
     (condition-case err
@@ -513,9 +511,10 @@ applies available properties."
 (defun editorconfig-mode-apply ()
-  "Apply EditorConfig properties for current buffer.
-This function does the job only when the major mode is not listed
-in `editorconfig-exclude-modes'."
+  "Get and apply EditorConfig properties to current buffer.
+This function does nothing when the major mode is listed in
+`editorconfig-exclude-modes', or variable `buffer-file-name' matches
+any of regexps in `editorconfig-exclude-regexps'."
   (when (and major-mode
              (not (memq major-mode
@@ -528,9 +527,9 @@ in `editorconfig-exclude-modes'."
 (define-minor-mode editorconfig-mode
   "Toggle EditorConfig feature.
-When enabled EditorConfig properties will be applied to buffers
-when first visiting files or changing major modes if the major
-mode is not listed in `editorconfig-exclude-modes'."
+To disable EditorConfig in some buffers, modify
+`editorconfig-exclude-modes' or `editorconfig-exclude-regexps'."
   :global t
   :lighter " EditorConfig"
   ;; See https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs/issues/141 for why

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