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[nongnu] scratch/editorconfig-cc 876e476ded 238/351: Update README

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [nongnu] scratch/editorconfig-cc 876e476ded 238/351: Update README
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:38:57 -0400 (EDT)

branch: scratch/editorconfig-cc
commit 876e476dedcf30b263cabac3e932926bb2f0b8ce
Author: 10sr <8.slashes@gmail.com>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    Update README
 README.md       | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 editorconfig.el | 21 +++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dabf1753da..dd957fa901 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,17 +1,38 @@
-This plugin also has a built-in core library implemented in Emacs-Lisp, and
-fallback to it when no core executable is found.
+## Setup
+This package is available on [MELPA](https://melpa.org/#/editorconfig)
+and [MELPA Stable](https://stable.melpa.org/#/editorconfig).
+Install from there and enable global minor-mode `editorconfig-mode`:
-    (require 'editorconfig)
-    (editorconfig-mode 1)
+(editorconfig-mode 1)
-Alternatively, you can find the package available on
-[MELPA](https://melpa.org/#/editorconfig) and [MELPA 
-([The Marmalade package](http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/editorconfig) is 
+To install manually copy all `.el` files in this repository to
+`~/.emacs.d/lisp`  and add the following to your `init.el` file:
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")
+(require 'editorconfig)
+(editorconfig-mode 1)
+### Install a Core Program
+This package requires a Core program.
+The officially recommended one is [EditorConfig C Core][],
+follow the instructions in the README and INSTALL files to install it.
+Though using C Core is recommended, but this plugin also
+includes a core library implemented in Emacs Lisp.
+This plugin uses this as a fallback method when no core executable
+is found, so it works out-of-the-box without explicitly installing
+any other core program.
 ## Supported properties
@@ -41,6 +62,12 @@ future updates. When both are specified, `file_type_ext` 
takes precedence.
 ## Customize
+`editorconfig-emacs` provides some customize variables.
+Here are some of these variables: for the full list of available variables, 
+type <kbd>M-x customize-group [RET] editorconfig [RET]</kbd>.
 ### `editorconfig-after-apply-functions`
 (Formerly `editorconfig-custom-hooks`)
@@ -59,6 +86,7 @@ only blocks of `web-mode`: it can be achieved by adding 
following to your init.e
 You can also define your own custom properties and enable them here.
 ### `editorconfig-hack-properties-functions`
 A list of function to alter property values before applying them.
@@ -79,6 +107,7 @@ overwrite \"indent_style\" property when current 
`major-mode` is a
 ### `editorconfig-indentation-alist`
 Alist of indentaion setting mothods by modes.
@@ -92,52 +121,18 @@ add a pair of major-mode symbol and its indentation 
   '(c-mode c-basic-offset))
-You can also modify this variable with the command
-<kbd>M-x customize-variable [RET] editorconfig-indentation-alist [RET]</kbd>.
-For a bit more compilicated cases please take a look at the docstring of this 
-### `editorconfig-exec-path`
-String of `editorconfig` executable name (command name or full path to
-the executable).
-### `editorconfig-get-properties-function`
-Function to use to get EditorConfig properties.
-For example, if you always want to use built-in core library instead
-of any EditorConfig executable to get properties, add following to
-your init.el:
-``` emacs-lisp
-(set-variable 'editorconfig-get-properties-function
-              #'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
-Possible known values are:
-* `editorconfig-get-properties` (default)
-  * Use `editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec` when
-    `editorconfig-exec-path` executable is found, otherwise use
-    `editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash`
-* `editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec`
-  * Get properties by executing EditorConfig executable specified in
-    `editorconfig-exec-path`
-* `editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash`
-  * Always use built-in Emacs-Lisp implementation to get properties
 ### `editorconfig-trim-whitespaces-mode`
 Buffer local minor-mode to use to trim trailing whitespaces.
-If set, enable that mode when `trim_trailing_whitespace` is set to true.
-Otherwise, use `delete-trailing-whitespace`.
+If set, enable/disable that mode in accord with `trim_trailing_whitespace`
+property in `.editorconfig`.
+Otherwise, use Emacs built-in `delete-trailing-whitespace` function.
 One possible value is
 [`ws-butler-mode`](https://github.com/lewang/ws-butler), with which
-only lines touched get trimmed. To use it, add following to yo
+only lines touched get trimmed. To use it, add following to your
 ``` emacs-lisp
diff --git a/editorconfig.el b/editorconfig.el
index 357746edc4..d4e30c48c2 100644
--- a/editorconfig.el
+++ b/editorconfig.el
@@ -78,7 +78,26 @@ This executable is invoked by 
 This function will be called with no argument and should return a
 hash object containing properties, or nil if any core program is
 not available.  The hash object should have symbols of property
-names as keys and strings of property values as values."
+names as keys and strings of property values as values.
+For example, if you always want to use built-in core library instead
+of any EditorConfig executable to get properties, add following to
+your init.el:
+(set-variable 'editorconfig-get-properties-function
+              #'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
+Possible known values are:
+* `editorconfig-get-properties' (default)
+  * Use `editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec' when
+    `editorconfig-exec-path' executable executable is found, otherwise
+    use `editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash'
+* `editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec'
+  * Get properties by executing EditorConfig executable
+* `editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash'
+  * Always use built-in Emacs-Lisp implementation to get properties"
   :type 'function
   :group 'editorconfig)

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