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[elpa] externals/hyperbole 12812f751d 1/3: hywiki.el - Fix performance a

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/hyperbole 12812f751d 1/3: hywiki.el - Fix performance and correctness issues; improve tests
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 03:58:23 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/hyperbole
commit 12812f751dfc8dae0e4947782dce842584461d98
Author: bw <rsw@gnu.org>
Commit: bw <rsw@gnu.org>

    hywiki.el - Fix performance and correctness issues; improve tests
 ChangeLog            |  80 ++++++++++
 hsys-org.el          |   8 +-
 hypb.el              |  12 +-
 hywiki.el            | 422 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 test/hywiki-tests.el |  48 +++---
 5 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 91c8aa866f..8292fd24da 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,85 @@
+2024-06-19  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* test/hywiki-tests.el (hywiki-tests--face-property-for-wikiword-with-wikipage,
+                        hywiki-tests--no-face-property-for-no-wikipage): Basic
+    improvements.
+* hywiki.el (hywiki-highlight-page-name): Ensure either 'hywiki-mode'
+    or (hywiki-in-page-p) is true and not in the minibuffer.
+            (hywiki-buttonize-character-commands,
+             hywiki-buttonize-non-character-commands): Move most checks to
+    'hywiki-highlight-page-name'.
+            (hywiki-page-flag): Add as internal buffer-local flag set when
+    current buffer is a HyWiki page.
+            (hywiki-highlight-page-name): Rename all such prefixed functions to
+    'hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name'.
+            (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p): Exclude minibuffer.
+           (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name): Test with
+    'hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p'.
+            (hywiki-dehighlight-page-names): Rename to
+    'hywiki-maybe-dehighlight-page-names'.
+            (hywiki-mode): Remove auto-HyWikiWord highlighting/dehighlighting 
+    the minor mode and associate it with the setting of 
+    so that the same hooks can be used for HyWikiWord page highlighting as are 
+    in all buffers when 'hywiki-mode' is enabled.
+            (defib hywiki-word):
+            (hywiki-find-page): Move call of (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name 
+    here from the defib since may need to create the page before highlighting 
+    work properly.
+            (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name): Skip back over buttonize-chars 
+    when 'on-page-name' is nil.  Also, remove sanity check line which fails 
+    called from control-key cmds like C-o (open-line):
+      (eq (char-before) last-command-event) ;; Sanity check
+            (hywiki-word-at): Fix doc to explain when this returns non-nil.
+            (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names): Fix setting of 
+    and prevent infinite looping due to wrong positions.
+            (hywiki-word-highlight-flag-changed): Fix remove-hook from
+    'post-command-hook' to remove the correct function.
+2024-06-17  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hywiki.el (hywiki-mode): Require 'hyperbole.
+            (find-file-hook): Remove 'hywiki-find-page hook and just highlight 
+    any frame window changes what buffer it displays.
+            (hywiki-buttonize-character-commands,
+             hywiki-buttonize-non-character-commands): Do this only if not in 
+    active minibuffer window.
+2024-06-16  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hywiki.el (hywiki--buttonize-characters): Remove setting from `hywiki-mode' 
+    set when hywiki library is loaded.
+            (hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp): Add.
+           (hywiki-highlight-page-name, hywiki-word-at,
+            hywiki-highlight-page-names) Use above regexp.
+            (hywiki--buttonize-character-regexp): Add and use in
+    'hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp'.
+2024-06-09  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hywiki.el (hywiki-word-highlight-flag-changed): Disable 'hywiki-mode'
+    when disabling this global flag.
+            (hywiki-at-wikiword): Rename to 'hywiki-word-at' for consistency.
+           (hywiki-mode): When enabling, enable `hywiki-word-highlight-flag' 
+           (hywiki-word-with-optional-section-exact-regexp): Fix doc to reflect
+    that regexp allows spaces and tabs.
+            (hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state): Add to skip HyWikiWord 
+    dehighlighting per buffer if already done.  Set it in
+    'hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names' and 
+2024-06-08  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hypb.el (hypb:split-seq-into-sublists): Add for use with hywiki.
+* hywiki.el (hywiki-grep-tags): Fix so `org-redo-cmd' works properly.
 2024-06-02  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hywiki.el (hywiki--pages-directory): Add to track changes in
+    'hywiki-directory'.
+    (hywiki-make-pages-hasht, hywiki-get-page-hasht): Use above new
+    variable to rebuild hash table whenever directory changes.
 * hyperbole.el (hyperbole--disable-mode): Add disabling of 'hywiki-mode'.
 * hywiki.el (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p): Exclude buffers whose
diff --git a/hsys-org.el b/hsys-org.el
index f736c45d2a..13543dd44c 100644
--- a/hsys-org.el
+++ b/hsys-org.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Author:       Bob Weiner
 ;; Orig-Date:     2-Jul-16 at 14:54:14
-;; Last-Mod:     29-May-24 at 00:55:19 by Bob Weiner
+;; Last-Mod:      9-Jun-24 at 12:46:05 by Bob Weiner
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -416,10 +416,10 @@ or is looking for an Org link in another buffer type."
            ;; `hywiki-org-link-type-required' is non-nil.  Otherwise,
            ;; return nil from this function and let ibtypes handle this
            ;; as a HyWiki word.
-           (if (fboundp 'hywiki-at-wikiword)
-               (if (hywiki-at-wikiword)
+           (if (fboundp 'hywiki-word-at)
+               (if (hywiki-word-at)
                    (when (or hywiki-org-link-type-required
-                             (hyperb:stack-frame '(hywiki-at-wikiword)))
+                             (hyperb:stack-frame '(hywiki-word-at)))
diff --git a/hypb.el b/hypb.el
index c35f4a0da9..34a67d26a9 100644
--- a/hypb.el
+++ b/hypb.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Author:       Bob Weiner
 ;; Orig-Date:     6-Oct-91 at 03:42:38
-;; Last-Mod:     18-May-24 at 18:00:28 by Mats Lidell
+;; Last-Mod:      8-Jun-24 at 19:54:44 by Bob Weiner
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ;; Load Org here for `org-fold-show-all'.
 (eval-and-compile (mapc #'require '(compile hversion hact locate
-                                   cl-lib org package)))
+                                   cl-lib org package seq)))
 ;;; ************************************************************************
 ;;; Public declarations
@@ -942,6 +942,14 @@ Syntax tables are char-tables whose values are encoded as 
   (aset (or syntax-table (syntax-table)) char raw-descriptor))
+(defun hypb:split-seq-into-sublists (seq size)
+  "Split a sequence SEQ into sublists of length SIZE, preserving item order."
+  (let (result)
+    (while (> (length seq) 0)
+      (push (seq-into (seq-take seq size) 'list) result)
+      (setq seq (seq-drop seq size)))
+    (nreverse result)))
 (defun hypb:straight-package-plist (pkg-string)
   "Return package info for a straight.el built package with name PKG-STRING.
 The package info is a property list of package-name,
diff --git a/hywiki.el b/hywiki.el
index 2e7d7fddff..e80eaa1fb7 100644
--- a/hywiki.el
+++ b/hywiki.el
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-;;; hywiki.el --- Hyperbole's auto-wikiword note-taking system   -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; hywiki.el --- Hyperbole's auto-wikiword note-taking system     -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
 ;; Author:       Bob Weiner
 ;; Orig-Date:    21-Apr-24 at 22:41:13
-;; Last-Mod:      2-Jun-24 at 11:52:44 by Bob Weiner
+;; Last-Mod:     19-Jun-24 at 15:08:31 by Bob Weiner
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 (require 'hbut)       ;; For `hbut:syntax-table'
 (require 'hasht)
 (require 'hpath)
+(require 'hypb)
 (require 'hui-em-but)
 (require 'outline)    ;; For `outline-mode-syntax-table'
@@ -114,9 +115,19 @@
 ;;; ************************************************************************
 (defcustom hywiki-word-highlight-flag t
-  "HyWiki highlights non-Org link HyWikiWords only when this is non-nil.
-Outside of HyWiki pages, `hywiki-mode' must also be enabled for
-auto-HyWikiWord highlighting."
+  "The default, non-nil value treats HyWikiWords in HyWiki pages as hyperlinks.
+A nil value disables HyWikiWord hyperlink buttons in both HyWiki
+pages and all other buffers (since it also disables `hywiki-mode').
+Outside of HyWiki pages, the global minor mode `hywiki-mode' must be
+manually enabled for auto-HyWikiWord highlighting; programmatically,
+use `(hywiki-mode 1) to enable it.
+Use `hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p' to determine if HyWikiWord
+hyperlinks are currently active in a buffer or not.
+Regardless of this flag, HyWikiWords in Org links and targets are not
+highlighted nor treated as hyperlinks; they are handled normally by Org."
   :type 'boolean
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :group 'hyperbole-hywiki)
@@ -143,9 +154,16 @@ Use nil for no HyWiki mode indicator."
 (defvar hywiki-directory '"~/hywiki/"
   "Directory in which to find HyWiki page files.")
+(defvar-local hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state nil
+  "State of HyWikiWords highlighting in the associated buffer.
+'h means the buffer was already highlighted;
+'d means the buffer was dehighlighted;
+nil means no full buffer highlighting has occurred.")
 (defvar hywiki-non-character-commands
   '(;; Org mode
     org-cycle                         ;; TAB
+    org-open-line                     ;; C-o
     org-return                        ;; RET, \r
     org-return-and-maybe-indent       ;; C-j, \n
     ;; Markdown mode
@@ -155,6 +173,7 @@ Use nil for no HyWiki mode indicator."
     ;; Global
     newline                           ;; RET, \r
     newline-and-indent                ;; RET, \r
+    open-line                         ;; C-o
     quoted-insert                     ;; C-q
   "Commands that insert characters but whose input events do not
@@ -173,6 +192,13 @@ Presently, there are no key bindings; this is for future 
 Otherwise, this prefix is not needed and HyWiki word Org links
 override standard Org link lookups.  See \"(org)Internal Links\".")
+(defvar-local hywiki-page-flag nil
+  "Set to t when find file if the buffer file is a HyWiki page, else nil.
+The file must be below `hywiki-directory'.
+For reference, this is set when `window-buffer-change-functions' calls
+`hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names' which calls `hywiki-in-page-p'.")
 (defconst hywiki-word-regexp
   "Regexp that matches a HyWiki word only.")
@@ -186,15 +212,16 @@ non-# and non-whitespace characters.")
 (defconst hywiki-word-with-optional-section-regexp
   (concat hywiki-word-regexp hywiki-word-section-regexp "?")
   "Regexp that matches a HyWiki word with an optional #section.
-Section may not contain spaces or square brackets.  Use '-' to
+Section may not contain whitespace or square brackets.  Use '-' to
 substitute for spaces in the section/headline name.  Grouping 1 is
 the HyWiki word and grouping 2 is the #section with the # included.")
 (defconst hywiki-word-with-optional-section-exact-regexp
   (concat "\\`" hywiki-word-regexp "\\(#[^][\n\r\f]+\\)?\\'")
   "Exact match regexp for a HyWiki word with an optional #section.
-Section may not contain spaces or square brackets.  Use '-' to
-substitute for spaces in the section/headline name.  Grouping 1 is
+The section may contain spaces or tabs but not square brackets;
+it is preferable, however, to substitute '-' for whitespace in
+the section/headline name to simplify recognition.  Grouping 1 is
 the HyWiki word and grouping 2 is the #section with the # included.")
 (defface hywiki--word-face
@@ -215,9 +242,17 @@ the HyWiki word and grouping 2 is the #section with the # 
 ;;; Private variables
 ;;; ************************************************************************
-(defvar hywiki--buttonize-characters nil
+;; Must be set after `hywiki-get-buttonize-characters' is defined
+(defconst hywiki--buttonize-characters nil
   "String of single character keys bound to 
-Each such key self-inserts before highlighting any prior HyWiki word.")
+Each such key self-inserts before highlighting any prior HyWiki word
+in `hywiki-mode'.")
+(defconst hywiki--buttonize-character-regexp nil
+  "Regexp matching a single separating character following a HyWiki word.")
+(defconst hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp
+  "Regexp matching HyWikiWord#section plus a valid word separating character.")
 (defvar hywiki--directory-mod-time 0
   "Last mod time for `hywiki-directory' or 0 if the value has not been read.")
@@ -234,11 +269,12 @@ Each such key self-inserts before highlighting any prior 
HyWiki word.")
   "Standard syntax table for Org mode buffers with HyWiki support.")
+(defvar hywiki--pages-directory nil)
 (defvar hywiki--pages-hasht nil)
 ;; Globally set these values to avoid using 'let' with stack allocations
-;; within `hywiki-highlight-page-name' frequently.
-(defvar hywiki--any-page-regexp nil)
+;; within `hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name' frequently.
+(defvar hywiki--any-page-regexp-list nil)
 (defvar hywiki--buts nil)
 (defvar hywiki--but-end nil)
 (defvar hywiki--but-start nil)
@@ -256,17 +292,16 @@ Each such key self-inserts before highlighting any prior 
HyWiki word.")
 (defun hywiki-buttonize-character-commands ()
   "Turn any HyWikiWord before point into a highlighted Hyperbole button.
 Triggered by `post-self-insert-hook' for self-inserting characters."
-  (when (and hywiki-word-highlight-flag
-            (characterp last-command-event)
+  (when (and (characterp last-command-event)
             (cl-find last-command-event hywiki--buttonize-characters))
-    (hywiki-highlight-page-name)))
+    (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name)))
 (defun hywiki-buttonize-non-character-commands ()
   "Turn any HyWikiWord before point into a highlighted Hyperbole button.
-Triggered by `pre-command-hook' for non-character-commands, e.g. return."
-  (when (and hywiki-word-highlight-flag
-            (memq this-command hywiki-non-character-commands))
-    (hywiki-highlight-page-name)))
+Triggered by `post-command-hook' for non-character-commands, e.g.
+  (when (memq this-command hywiki-non-character-commands)
+    (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name)))
 (defun hywiki-get-buttonize-characters ()
   "Return a string of Org self-insert keys that have punctuation/symbol 
@@ -319,23 +354,19 @@ See the Info documentation at \"(hyperbole)HyWiki\".
       ;; enable mode
        ;; Need hyperbole-mode
-       (if (boundp 'hyperbole-mode)
-           (unless hyperbole-mode (hyperbole-mode 1))
-         (error "(hywiki-mode): `hyperbole-mode' must be defined before 
invoking `hywiki-mode'"))
+       (require 'hyperbole)
+       (unless hyperbole-mode
+         (hyperbole-mode 1))
        (unless hywiki-mode-map
           (setq hywiki-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-            ;; Self-insert punct/sym keys that trigger wiki-word
-            ;; highlighting via `hywiki-buttonize-character-commands'
-            ;; in `hywiki-mode'.
-       (unless hywiki--buttonize-characters
-         (setq hywiki--buttonize-characters
-               (concat " \t\r\n()<>[]{}'" (hywiki-get-buttonize-characters))))
-       (add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'hywiki-buttonize-character-commands)
-       (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'hywiki-buttonize-non-character-commands 
+       ;; Next line triggers a call to 
+       (set-variable 'hywiki-word-highlight-flag t))
     ;; disable mode
-    (remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'hywiki-buttonize-character-commands)
-    (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'hywiki-buttonize-character-commands))
-  (hywiki-highlight-page-names-in-frame (selected-frame)))
+    ;; Dehighlight HyWikiWords in this buffer when 'hywiki-mode' is
+    ;; disabled and this is not a HyWiki page buffer. If this is a
+    ;; HyWiki page buffer, then dehighlight when
+    ;; `hywiki-word-highlight-flag' is nil.
+    (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names-in-frame t)))
 ;;; ************************************************************************
 ;;; Public Implicit Button and Action Types
@@ -343,10 +374,9 @@ See the Info documentation at \"(hyperbole)HyWiki\".
 (defib hywiki-word ()
   "When on a HyWiki word, display its page and optional section."
-  (let ((page-name (hywiki-at-wikiword)))
+  (let ((page-name (hywiki-word-at)))
     (when page-name
       (ibut:label-set page-name (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
-      (hywiki-highlight-page-name t)
       (hact 'hywiki-find-page page-name))))
 (defun hywiki-find-page (&optional page-name prompt-flag)
@@ -363,7 +393,7 @@ successfully finding a page and reading it into a buffer, 
   (let ((in-page-flag (null page-name))
        (in-hywiki-directory-flag (hywiki-in-page-p)))
     ;; If called from `find-file-hook' without a page-name and outside
-    ;; hywiki-directory, do nothing (just finding a regular file).
+    ;; hywiki-directory, just find as a regular file.
     (if (or (stringp page-name) in-hywiki-directory-flag)
          (when in-page-flag
@@ -387,11 +417,15 @@ successfully finding a page and reading it into a buffer, 
                                        (hywiki-add-page page-name)))
                                  (hywiki-add-page page-name)))))
            (when page-file
+             ;; Ensure highlight any page name at point in case called as a
+             ;; Hyperbole action type
+             (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name t)
              (unless in-page-flag (hpath:find (concat page-file section)))
-             (hywiki-highlight-page-names)
+             (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names)
              (run-hooks 'hywiki-find-page-hook)
-      (hywiki-highlight-page-names))))
+      ;; Next line highlights only if buffer was not previously highlighted
+      (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names))))
 ;;; ************************************************************************
 ;;; Public functions
@@ -399,8 +433,9 @@ successfully finding a page and reading it into a buffer, 
 (defun hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p ()
   "Return non-nil if HyWiki word links are active in the current buffer."
-  (and (not (eq (get major-mode 'mode-class) 'special))
-       hywiki-word-highlight-flag
+  (and hywiki-word-highlight-flag
+       (not (minibuffer-window-active-p (selected-window)))
+       (not (eq (get major-mode 'mode-class) 'special))
        (not (apply #'derived-mode-p hywiki-exclude-major-modes))
        (or hywiki-mode (hywiki-in-page-p))))
@@ -442,8 +477,11 @@ Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page 
   (when (or (bolp) (cl-find (char-before) "\(\{\<\"'`\t\n\r\f "))
-(defun hywiki-at-wikiword ()
+(defun hywiki-word-at ()
   "Return HyWiki word and optional #section at point or nil if not on one.
+A call to `hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p' must return non-nil or
+this will return nil.
 Does not test whether or not a page exists for the HyWiki word.
 Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page exists."
   (when (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p)
@@ -466,21 +504,32 @@ Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page 
            (skip-chars-backward "-_*#[:alnum:]")
            ;; Ignore wikiwords preceded by any non-whitespace
            ;; character, except any of these: (["'`'
-           (and (hywiki-maybe-at-wikiword-beginning)
-                (looking-at hywiki-word-with-optional-section-regexp)
-                (string-trim (match-string-no-properties 0)))))))))
+           (when (hywiki-maybe-at-wikiword-beginning)
+             (cond ((looking-at hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp)
+                    (string-trim
+                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                                     (1- (match-end 0)))))
+                   ((looking-at (concat hywiki-word-regexp "\\'"))
+                    ;; No following char
+                    (string-trim
+                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                                     (match-end 0))))))))))))
-(defun hywiki-dehighlight-page-names (&optional region-start region-end)
+(defun hywiki-maybe-dehighlight-page-names (&optional region-start region-end)
   "Deighlight any highlighted HyWiki page names in a HyWiki buffer/region.
 With optional REGION-START and REGION-END positions (active region
 interactively), limit dehighlighting to the region."
   (interactive (when (use-region-p) (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
-  (unless (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p)
+  (unless (or (eq hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state 'd)
+             (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p))
      (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region (or region-start (point-min))
                                      (or region-end (point-max))
-                                     'face hywiki-word-face))))
+                                     'face hywiki-word-face))
+    (unless (or region-start region-end)
+      (setq hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state 'd))))
 (defun hywiki-directory-get-mod-time ()
   "Return the last mod time for `hywiki-directory' or 0."
@@ -497,26 +546,36 @@ interactively), limit dehighlighting to the region."
       (/= hywiki--directory-mod-time (hywiki-directory-get-mod-time))))
-(defun hywiki-grep-tags (&optional todo-only)
+(defun hywiki-grep-tags (&optional todo-only grep-buffer-name)
   "Prompt for colon-separated Org tags and display matching HyWiki page 
-With optional prefix arg TODO-ONLY, limit matches to HyWiki Org todo items 
+With optional prefix arg TODO-ONLY, limit matches to HyWiki Org
+todo items only.  With optional GREP-BUFFER-NAME, use that rather
+than the default, \"*HyWiki Tags*\"."
   (interactive "P")
   (require 'org-agenda)
   (let* ((org-agenda-files (list hywiki-directory))
-        (org-agenda-buffer-name "*HyWiki Tags*")
+        (org-agenda-buffer-name (or grep-buffer-name "*HyWiki Tags*"))
         ;; `org-tags-view' is mis-written to require setting this next
-        ;; tmp-name or it will not properly name the displayed buffer
+        ;; tmp-name or it will not properly name the displayed buffer.
         (org-agenda-buffer-tmp-name org-agenda-buffer-name))
-    ;; This prompts for the tags to match
-    (org-tags-view todo-only)))
+    ;; This prompts for the tags to match and uses `org-agenda-files'.
+    (org-tags-view todo-only)
+    (when (equal (buffer-name) org-agenda-buffer-name)
+      ;; Set up {C-u r} redo cmd
+      (let (buffer-read-only)
+       (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'org-redo-cmd
+                          `(hywiki-grep-tags
+                              ,todo-only
+                              ,org-agenda-buffer-name)))
+      (forward-line 2))))
 (defun hywiki-highlight-on-yank (_prop-value start end)
   "Used in `yank-handled-properties' called with START and END pos of the 
-  (hywiki-highlight-page-names start end))
+  (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names start end))
-(defun hywiki-highlight-page-name (&optional on-page-name)
-  "Highlight any non-Org link HyWiki page#section one character before point.
+(defun hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-name (&optional on-page-name)
+  "Highlight any non-Org link HyWiki page#section at or one char before point.
 With optional ON-PAGE-NAME non-nil, assume point is within the page or
 section name.
@@ -524,16 +583,15 @@ If in a programming mode, must be within a comment.
 Use `hywiki-word-face' to highlight.  Does not highlight references to
 the current page unless they have sections attached."
-  (when (and hywiki-word-highlight-flag
+  (when (and (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p)
             (if (and (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
                      (not (apply #'derived-mode-p 
                 ;; Non-nil if match is inside a comment
                 (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
             (or on-page-name
-                (and (eq (char-before) last-command-event) ; Sanity check
-                     (cl-find (char-syntax last-command-event)
-                              " _()<>$.\"'")))
+                (cl-find (char-syntax last-command-event)
+                         " _()<>$.\"'"))
              (not executing-kbd-macro)
              (not noninteractive))
     (with-syntax-table hbut:syntax-table
@@ -558,13 +616,13 @@ the current page unless they have sections attached."
                          (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region sexp-start sexp-end 
'face hywiki-word-face))))))
                  ((memq (char-before) '(?\( ?\{))
-                  ;; Highlight any HyWikiWords within parens or braces.
+                  ;; Highlight any HyWikiWords within parens or braces
                     (goto-char (1- (point)))
                     (let* ((sexp-start (point))
                            (sexp-end (scan-sexps sexp-start 1)))
                       (when sexp-end
-                        (hywiki-highlight-page-names sexp-start sexp-end)))))
+                        (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names sexp-start 
                  ((memq (char-before) '(?\] ?\>))
                   ;; Clear any HyWikiWord highlighting within square or
                   ;; angle brackets, as this may be a link or target.
@@ -575,15 +633,16 @@ the current page unless they have sections attached."
                          (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region sexp-start sexp-end 
'face hywiki-word-face))))))
                  ((memq (char-before) '(?\) ?\}))
-                  ;; Highlight any HyWikiWords within parens or braces.
+                  ;; Highlight any HyWikiWords within parens or braces
                     (let* ((sexp-end (point))
                            (sexp-start (scan-sexps sexp-end -1)))
                       (when sexp-start
-                        (hywiki-highlight-page-names sexp-start 
+                        (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names sexp-start 
-       ;; May be a closing delimiter that we have to skip past
-       (skip-chars-backward (regexp-quote hywiki--buttonize-characters))
+       (unless on-page-name
+         ;; May be a closing delimiter that we have to skip past
+         (skip-chars-backward (regexp-quote hywiki--buttonize-characters)))
        ;; Skip past HyWikiWord or section
        (skip-syntax-backward "^-$()<>._\"\'")
        (skip-chars-backward "-_*#[:alpha:]")
@@ -593,11 +652,11 @@ the current page unless they have sections attached."
              hywiki--save-org-link-type-required hywiki-org-link-type-required
              hywiki-org-link-type-required t)
        (if (and (hywiki-maybe-at-wikiword-beginning)
-                (looking-at hywiki-word-with-optional-section-regexp)
+                (looking-at hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp)
                   (setq hywiki--page-name (match-string-no-properties 1)
                         hywiki--start (match-beginning 0)
-                        hywiki--end   (match-end 0))
+                        hywiki--end   (1- (match-end 0)))
                   (and (hywiki-get-page hywiki--page-name)
                        ;; Ignore wikiwords preceded by any non-whitespace 
                        ;; (or (bolp) (memq (preceding-char) '(?\  ?\t)))
@@ -631,7 +690,7 @@ the current page unless they have sections attached."
                                            'face hywiki-word-face)))))))
-(defun hywiki-highlight-page-names (&optional region-start region-end)
+(defun hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names (&optional region-start region-end)
   "Highlight each non-Org link HyWiki page#section in a buffer/region.
 With optional REGION-START and REGION-END positions (active region
 interactively), limit highlighting to the region.
@@ -640,71 +699,106 @@ Use `hywiki-word-face' to highlight.  Do not highlight 
references to
 the current page unless they have sections attached.
 Dehighlight buffers other than HyWiki pages when `hywiki-mode' is
-disabled.  Highlight/dehighlight HyWiki page buffers when 
-is changed."
+disabled.  Highlight/dehighlight HyWiki page buffers when
+`hywiki-word-highlight-flag' is changed."
   (interactive (when (use-region-p) (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
   ;; Avoid doing any lets for efficiency.
   ;; Highlight HyWiki words in buffers where `hywiki-mode' is enabled
   ;; or with attached files below `hywiki-directory'.
   (if (hywiki-active-in-current-buffer-p)
-      (unwind-protect
-         (save-excursion
-           (save-restriction
-             (when (or (null hywiki--any-page-regexp)
-                       (hywiki-directory-modified-p))
-               ;; Compute this expensive regexp only if `hywiki-directory' mod 
time has changed.
-               (setq hywiki--any-page-regexp (regexp-opt 
(hywiki-get-page-list) 'words)
-                     hywiki--directory-mod-time 
-             (setq hywiki--save-case-fold-search case-fold-search
-                   case-fold-search nil
-                   hywiki--save-org-link-type-required 
-                   hywiki-org-link-type-required t
-                   hywiki--current-page (hywiki-get-buffer-page-name))
-             (if (and region-start region-end)
-                 (narrow-to-region region-start region-end)
-               (widen))
-             (goto-char (point-min))
-             (let ((highlight-in-comments-only
-                    (and (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
-                         (not (apply #'derived-mode-p 
-               (while (re-search-forward hywiki--any-page-regexp nil t)
-                 (when (if highlight-in-comments-only
-                           ;; Non-nil if match is inside a comment
-                           (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
-                         t)
-                   (setq hywiki--start (match-beginning 0)
-                         hywiki--end   (match-end 0))
-                   (save-excursion
-                     (goto-char hywiki--start)
-                     (if (or (hargs:delimited-p "\\[" "\\]" t t t)
-                             (hargs:delimited-p "<" ">" t t t))
-                         ;; Clear any HyWikiWord highlighting that may
-                         ;; just be a part of a larger square brackets or
-                         ;; angle brackets delimited text with multiple words.
-                         (hproperty:but-clear-all-in-list
-                          (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region hywiki--start 
-                                                           'face 
-                       ;; Otherwise, highlight any HyWikiWord found, including
-                       ;; any #section.
-                       (when (hywiki-maybe-at-wikiword-beginning)
-                         (with-syntax-table hbut:syntax-table
-                           (skip-syntax-forward "^-\)$\>._\"\'"))
-                         (skip-chars-forward "-_*#[:alnum:]")
-                         (setq hywiki--end (point))
-                         ;; Don't highlight current-page matches unless they
-                         ;; include a #section.
-                         (unless (string-equal hywiki--current-page
-                                               (buffer-substring-no-properties 
hywiki--start hywiki--end))
-                           (hproperty:but-add hywiki--start hywiki--end 
-       (setq case-fold-search hywiki--save-case-fold-search
-             hywiki-org-link-type-required 
-    ;; Otherwise, dehighlight buffers other than HyWiki pages when
-    ;; 'hywiki-mode' is disabled. Dehighlight HyWiki page
-    ;; buffers when `hywiki-word-highlight-flag' is disabled.
-    (hywiki-dehighlight-page-names region-start region-end)))
-(defun hywiki-highlight-page-names-in-frame (frame)
+      (unless (eq hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state 'h)
+       (unwind-protect
+           (save-excursion
+             (save-restriction
+               (when (or (null hywiki--any-page-regexp-list)
+                         (hywiki-directory-modified-p))
+                 ;; Compute these expensive regexps (matching 50
+                 ;; hywiki words at a time) only if `hywiki-directory'
+                 ;; mod time has changed.
+                 (setq hywiki--any-page-regexp-list
+                       (mapcar (lambda (page-sublist)
+                                 (concat (regexp-opt page-sublist 'words)
+                                         hywiki--buttonize-character-regexp))
+                               (hypb:split-seq-into-sublists
+                                (hywiki-get-page-list) 50))
+                       hywiki--directory-mod-time 
+               (setq hywiki--save-case-fold-search case-fold-search
+                     case-fold-search nil
+                     hywiki--save-org-link-type-required 
+                     hywiki-org-link-type-required t
+                     hywiki--current-page (hywiki-get-buffer-page-name))
+               (if (and region-start region-end)
+                   (narrow-to-region region-start region-end)
+                 (widen))
+               (dolist (hywiki-words-regexp hywiki--any-page-regexp-list)
+                 (goto-char (point-min))
+                 (let ((highlight-in-comments-only
+                        (and (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
+                             (not (apply #'derived-mode-p 
+                   (while (re-search-forward hywiki-words-regexp nil t)
+                     (when (if highlight-in-comments-only
+                               ;; Non-nil if match is inside a comment
+                               (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
+                             t)
+                       (setq hywiki--start (match-beginning 1)
+                             hywiki--end   (match-end 1))
+                       (save-excursion
+                         (goto-char hywiki--start)
+                         ;; Otherwise, highlight any HyWikiWord found, 
+                         ;; any #section.
+                         (when (hywiki-maybe-at-wikiword-beginning)
+                           (with-syntax-table hbut:syntax-table
+                             (skip-syntax-forward "^-\)$\>._\"\'"))
+                           (skip-chars-forward "-_*#[:alnum:]")
+                           (setq hywiki--end (point))
+                           ;; Don't highlight current-page matches unless they
+                           ;; include a #section.
+                           (unless (string-equal hywiki--current-page
(buffer-substring-no-properties hywiki--start hywiki--end))
+                             (hproperty:but-add hywiki--start hywiki--end 
+               (let (str-start-end)
+                 (goto-char (point-min))
+                 (while (search-forward "[" nil t)
+                   (when (setq str-start-end (hargs:delimited-p "[" "]" nil 
nil t))
+                     (setq hywiki--start (nth 1 str-start-end)
+                           hywiki--end   (nth 2 str-start-end))
+                     ;; Clear any HyWikiWord highlighting that may
+                     ;; just be a part of a larger square brackets
+                     ;; delimited text with multiple words.
+                     (hproperty:but-clear-all-in-list
+                      (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region hywiki--start 
+                                                       'face hywiki-word-face))
+                     (goto-char (min (1+ hywiki--end) (point-max)))))
+                 (goto-char (point-min))
+                 (while (search-forward "<" nil t)
+                   (when (setq str-start-end (hargs:delimited-p "<" ">" nil 
nil t))
+                     (setq hywiki--start (nth 1 str-start-end)
+                           hywiki--end   (nth 2 str-start-end))
+                     ;; Clear any HyWikiWord highlighting that may
+                     ;; just be a part of a larger angle brackets
+                     ;; delimited text with multiple words.
+                     (hproperty:but-clear-all-in-list
+                      (hproperty:but-get-all-in-region hywiki--start 
+                                                       'face hywiki-word-face))
+                     (goto-char (min (1+ hywiki--end) (point-max))))))
+               (unless (and region-start region-end
+                            (or (/= region-start (point-min))
+                                (/= region-end   (point-max))))
+                 (setq hywiki-buffer-highlighted-state 'h))))
+         (setq case-fold-search hywiki--save-case-fold-search
+               hywiki-org-link-type-required 
+       )
+    ;; Otherwise, dehighlight HyWikiWords in this buffer when
+    ;; 'hywiki-mode' is disabled and this is not a HyWiki page
+    ;; buffer. If this is a HyWiki page buffer, then dehighlight
+    ;; when `hywiki-word-highlight-flag' is nil.
+    (hywiki-maybe-dehighlight-page-names region-start region-end)))
+(defun hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names-in-frame (frame)
   "Highlight all non-Org link HyWiki page names displayed in FRAME.
 If FRAME is t, then highlight in all windows across all frames, even
 invisible ones.
@@ -717,13 +811,18 @@ the current page unless they have sections attached."
        ;; Display buffer before `normal-mode' triggers possibly
        ;; long-running font-locking
        (sit-for 0.1)
-       (hywiki-highlight-page-names)))
+       (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names)))
    nil frame))
 (defun hywiki-in-page-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if the current buffer is a hywiki page."
-  (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name hywiki-directory)
-                  (or buffer-file-name "")))
+  "Return non-nil if the current buffer is a HyWiki page.
+If this is a HyWiki page and `hywiki-word-highlight-flag' is non-nil
+(the default), also enable auto-highlighting of HyWiki words as they
+are typed in the buffer."
+  (or hywiki-page-flag
+      (when (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name hywiki-directory)
+                            (or buffer-file-name ""))
+       (setq hywiki-page-flag t))))
 (defun hywiki-is-wikiword (word)
   "Return non-nil if WORD is a HyWiki word and optional #section.
@@ -773,7 +872,9 @@ These must end with `hywiki-file-suffix'."
 (defun hywiki-get-page-hasht ()
   "Return hash table of existing HyWiki pages."
-  (or hywiki--pages-hasht (hywiki-make-pages-hasht)))
+  (if (equal hywiki--pages-directory hywiki-directory)
+      (or hywiki--pages-hasht (hywiki-make-pages-hasht))
+    (hywiki-make-pages-hasht)))
 (defun hywiki-get-page-list ()
   (hash-map #'cdr (hywiki-get-page-hasht)))
@@ -806,14 +907,15 @@ Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page 
         (page-elts (mapcar (lambda (file)
                              (cons file (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory file))))
-    (setq hywiki--pages-hasht (hash-make page-elts))))
+    (setq hywiki--pages-directory hywiki-directory
+         hywiki--pages-hasht (hash-make page-elts))))
   '(when (featurep 'company)
      (defun hywiki-company-hasht-backend (command &optional _arg &rest ignored)
        "A `company-mode` backend that completes from the keys of a hash table."
        (interactive (list 'interactive))
-       (when (hywiki-at-wikiword)
+       (when (hywiki-word-at)
         (pcase command
           ('interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-hash-table-backend))
           ('prefix (company-grab-word))
@@ -835,8 +937,8 @@ Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page 
 (defun hywiki-org-link-store ()
   "Store a link to a HyWiki word at point, if any."
-  (when (hywiki-at-wikiword)
-    (let* ((page-name (hywiki-at-wikiword))
+  (when (hywiki-word-at)
+    (let* ((page-name (hywiki-word-at))
           (link (concat
                  (when hywiki-org-link-type-required
                    (concat hywiki-org-link-type ":"))
@@ -853,10 +955,6 @@ Use `hywiki-get-page' to determine whether a HyWiki page 
                            :follow #'hywiki-find-page
                            :store #'hywiki-org-link-store))
-(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'hywiki-find-page t)
-(add-to-list 'window-buffer-change-functions
-            'hywiki-highlight-page-names-in-frame nil 'eq)
 (defun hywiki-word-highlight-flag-changed (symbol set-to-value operation 
   "Watch function for variable ``hywiki-word-highlight-flag'.
 Function is called with 4 arguments: (SYMBOL SET-TO-VALUE OPERATION WHERE).
@@ -864,18 +962,48 @@ Highlight/dehighlight HyWiki page names across all frames 
on change."
   (unless (memq operation '(let unlet)) ;; not setting global valNue
     (set symbol set-to-value)
     (if set-to-value
-       (add-to-list 'yank-handled-properties
-                    '(hywiki-word-face . hywiki-highlight-on-yank))
+       ;; enabled
+       (progn (add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 
+              (add-hook 'post-command-hook     
'hywiki-buttonize-non-character-commands 95)
+              (add-to-list 'yank-handled-properties
+                           '(hywiki-word-face . hywiki-highlight-on-yank))
+              (hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names-in-frame t))
+      ;; disabled
+      (remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'hywiki-buttonize-character-commands)
+      (remove-hook 'post-command-hook     
+      (hywiki-mode 0) ;; also dehighlights HyWiki words outside of HyWiki pages
       (setq yank-handled-properties
            (delete '(hywiki-word-face . hywiki-highlight-on-yank)
-                   'yank-handled-properties)))
-    (hywiki-highlight-page-names-in-frame t)))
+                   yank-handled-properties)))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private initializations
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;; Must be set after `hywiki-get-buttonize-characters' is defined
+(unless hywiki--buttonize-characters
+  (setq hywiki--buttonize-characters
+       (concat "[]()<>{} \t\r\n'" (hywiki-get-buttonize-characters))
+       hywiki--buttonize-character-regexp
+       (concat "[]["
+               (regexp-quote (substring hywiki--buttonize-characters 2))
+               "]")
+       hywiki--word-and-buttonize-character-regexp
+       (concat hywiki-word-with-optional-section-regexp
+               hywiki--buttonize-character-regexp)))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public initializations
+;;; ************************************************************************
 (add-variable-watcher 'hywiki-word-highlight-flag
-;; Sets `yank-handled-properties'
+;; Sets HyWiki page auto-HyWikiWord highlighting and `yank-handled-properties'
 (hywiki-word-highlight-flag-changed 'hywiki-word-highlight-flag
                                    hywiki-word-highlight-flag 'set nil)
+(add-to-list 'window-buffer-change-functions
+            #'hywiki-maybe-highlight-page-names-in-frame nil 'eq)
 (provide 'hywiki)
diff --git a/test/hywiki-tests.el b/test/hywiki-tests.el
index b4c8d87112..395fa1e29c 100644
--- a/test/hywiki-tests.el
+++ b/test/hywiki-tests.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Author:       Mats Lidell
 ;; Orig-Date:    18-May-24 at 23:59:48
-;; Last-Mod:      1-Jun-24 at 16:16:00 by Mats Lidell
+;; Last-Mod:     20-Jun-24 at 01:56:01 by Bob Weiner
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
 (ert-deftest hywiki-tests--hywiki-add-page--adds-file-in-wiki-folder ()
   "Verify add page creates file in wiki folder and sets hash table."
-  (let ((hsys-org-enable-smart-keys t)
-        (hywiki-directory (make-temp-file "hywiki" t))
-        (hywiki--pages-hasht nil))
+  (let* ((hsys-org-enable-smart-keys t)
+         (hywiki-directory (make-temp-file "hywiki" t))
+        (hywiki-page-file (expand-file-name "WikiWord.org" hywiki-directory))
+         (hywiki--pages-hasht nil))
-        (progn
-          (mocklet (((make-empty-file (expand-file-name "WikiWord.org" 
hywiki-directory) t) => t))
-            (should (string= (expand-file-name "WikiWord.org" hywiki-directory)
-                             (hywiki-add-page "WikiWord"))))
+        (mocklet (((make-empty-file (expand-file-name "WikiWord.org" 
hywiki-directory) t) => t))
+          (should (string= hywiki-page-file
+                           (hywiki-add-page "WikiWord")))
           ;; Verify hash table is updated
             (not-called hywiki-add-page)
-            (should (string= (expand-file-name "WikiWord.org" hywiki-directory)
+            (should (string= hywiki-page-file
                              (hywiki-get-page "WikiWord")))))
       (hy-delete-dir-and-buffer hywiki-directory))))
@@ -74,20 +74,19 @@
         (hywiki--pages-hasht nil))
+          (hywiki-mode 0)
           (insert "WikiWord")
           (goto-char 4)
-          (hywiki-mode -1)
-          (should-not (hywiki-at-wikiword))
-          (hywiki-mode)
-          (should (string= "WikiWord" (hywiki-at-wikiword))))
-      (hywiki-mode -1)
+          (should-not (hywiki-word-at))
+          (hywiki-mode 1)
+          (should (string= "WikiWord" (hywiki-word-at))))
+      (hywiki-mode 0)
       (hy-delete-dir-and-buffer hywiki-directory))))
 ;; Following two test cases for verifying proper face is some what
 ;; experimental. They need to be run in interactive mode and with the
 ;; help of hy-test-helpers:consume-input-events it seems the property
-;; can be verified. In the middle of it the "*ert*" buffer gets
-;; swapped in and the temp buffer needs to be brought back!?
+;; can be verified.
 (ert-deftest hywiki-tests--face-property-for-wikiword-with-wikipage ()
   "Verify WikiWord for a wiki page gets face property hywiki-word-face."
@@ -99,16 +98,13 @@
           (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
-            (hywiki-mode)
+            (hywiki-mode 1)
             (insert "WikiWord")
-            (should (hact 'kbd-key "RET"))
+           (newline nil t)
-            (should (string= "*ert*" (buffer-name)))
-            (set-buffer buffer)
             (goto-char 4)
-            (should (equal buffer (current-buffer)))
             (should (hproperty:but-get (point) 'face hywiki-word-face))))
-      (hywiki-mode -1)
+      (hywiki-mode 0)
       (hy-delete-file-and-buffer wikipage)
       (hy-delete-dir-and-buffer hywiki-directory))))
@@ -121,16 +117,12 @@
           (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
-            (hywiki-mode)
+            (hywiki-mode 0)
             (insert "WikiWord")
-            (should (hact 'kbd-key "RET"))
+           (newline nil t)
-            (should (string= "*ert*" (buffer-name)))
-            (set-buffer buffer)
             (goto-char 4)
-            (should (equal buffer (current-buffer)))
             (should-not (hproperty:but-get (point) 'face hywiki-word-face))))
-      (hywiki-mode -1)
       (hy-delete-dir-and-buffer hywiki-directory))))
 (provide 'hywiki-tests)

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