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[nongnu] elpa/treesit-fold 1602759fdd 178/417: Rename util module withou

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/treesit-fold 1602759fdd 178/417: Rename util module without util prefix
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 10:02:23 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/treesit-fold
commit 1602759fdd8d42eb01abb64f6f265e72dbc9575a
Author: Jen-Chieh Shen <jcs090218@gmail.com>
Commit: Jen-Chieh Shen <jcs090218@gmail.com>

    Rename util module without util prefix
 ts-fold-indicators.el | 26 +++++++-------
 ts-fold-summary.el    |  8 ++---
 ts-fold-util.el       | 24 ++++++-------
 ts-fold.el            | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ts-fold-indicators.el b/ts-fold-indicators.el
index 27bcbb946a..66523c4178 100644
--- a/ts-fold-indicators.el
+++ b/ts-fold-indicators.el
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
       (mouse-set-point event)
       (setq cur-ln (line-number-at-pos (point)))
-      (setq ovs (append (ts-fold-util--overlays-in 'type 
-                        (ts-fold-util--overlays-in 'type 
+      (setq ovs (append (ts-fold--overlays-in 'type 
+                        (ts-fold--overlays-in 'type 
       (when ovs
         (setq ov (cl-some
                   (lambda (ov) (= cur-ln (line-number-at-pos (overlay-start 
@@ -263,17 +263,17 @@ head (first line) of the region."
   "Refresh indicators for all folding range."
   (when ts-fold-indicators-mode
-      (when-let* ((node (tsc-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
-                  (patterns (seq-mapcat (lambda (type) `(,(list type) @name))
-                                        (alist-get major-mode 
-                                        'vector))
-                  (query (ignore-errors
-                           (tsc-make-query tree-sitter-language patterns)))
-                  (nodes-to-fold (tsc-query-captures query node #'ignore)))
-        (ts-fold-indicators--remove-overlays)
-        (thread-last nodes-to-fold
-          (mapcar #'cdr)
-          (mapc #'ts-fold-indicators--create))))))
+     (when-let* ((node (tsc-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
+                 (patterns (seq-mapcat (lambda (type) `(,(list type) @name))
+                                       (alist-get major-mode 
+                                       'vector))
+                 (query (ignore-errors
+                          (tsc-make-query tree-sitter-language patterns)))
+                 (nodes-to-fold (tsc-query-captures query node #'ignore)))
+       (ts-fold-indicators--remove-overlays)
+       (thread-last nodes-to-fold
+                    (mapcar #'cdr)
+                    (mapc #'ts-fold-indicators--create))))))
 (defun ts-fold-indicators--remove-overlays ()
   "Remove all indicators overlays."
diff --git a/ts-fold-summary.el b/ts-fold-summary.el
index 628d4c9e8b..d1ce6b4e1e 100644
--- a/ts-fold-summary.el
+++ b/ts-fold-summary.el
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ type of content by checking the word boundary's existence."
 (defun ts-fold-summary--generic (doc-str sym)
   "Generic DOC-STR extraction using SYM."
-  (when (ts-fold-util--doc-faces-p doc-str)
+  (when (ts-fold--doc-faces-p doc-str)
     (ts-fold-summary--doc-extract doc-str sym)))
 (defun ts-fold-summary-batch (doc-str)
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ type of content by checking the word boundary's existence."
 (defun ts-fold-summary-c-macro (doc-str)
   "Parse C macro summary from DOC-STR."
-  (when (ts-fold-util--is-face doc-str
-                               '(font-lock-preprocessor-face
-                                 preproc-font-lock-preprocessor-background))
+  (when (ts-fold--is-face doc-str
+                          '(font-lock-preprocessor-face
+                            preproc-font-lock-preprocessor-background))
     (ts-fold-summary--doc-extract doc-str "")))
 (defun ts-fold-summary-c (doc-str)
diff --git a/ts-fold-util.el b/ts-fold-util.el
index a05b2dc746..e3aa14eba6 100644
--- a/ts-fold-util.el
+++ b/ts-fold-util.el
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ;; (@* "Cons" )
-(defun ts-fold-util--cons-add (c1 c2)
+(defun ts-fold--cons-add (c1 c2)
   "Addition for two cons C1 and C2."
   (cons (+ (car c1) (car c2)) (+ (cdr c1) (cdr c2))))
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ;; (@* "Overlay" )
-(defun ts-fold-util--overlays-in (prop name &optional beg end)
+(defun ts-fold--overlays-in (prop name &optional beg end)
   "Return overlays with PROP of NAME, from region BEG to END."
   (unless beg (setq beg (point-min))) (unless end (setq end (point-max)))
   (let ((lst '()) (ovs (overlays-in beg end)))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 ;; (@* "Face" )
-(defvar ts-fold-util--doc-faces
+(defvar ts-fold--doc-faces
@@ -59,30 +59,30 @@
   "List of face that apply for document string.")
-(defun ts-fold-util--get-face (obj trim)
+(defun ts-fold--get-face (obj trim)
   "Return face name from OBJ.
 If argument TRIM is non-nil, trim the OBJ."
   (get-text-property 0 'face (if trim (string-trim obj) obj)))
-(defun ts-fold-util--is-face (obj lst-face &optional trim)
+(defun ts-fold--is-face (obj lst-face &optional trim)
   "Return non-nil if OBJ's face is define inside list LST-FACE.
-Optional argument TRIM, see function `ts-fold-util--get-face'."
+Optional argument TRIM, see function `ts-fold--get-face'."
   (unless (listp lst-face) (setq lst-face (list lst-face)))
-  (let ((faces (ts-fold-util--get-face obj trim)))
+  (let ((faces (ts-fold--get-face obj trim)))
     (cond ((listp faces)
            (cl-some (lambda (face) (memq face lst-face)) faces))
           (t (memq faces lst-face)))))
-(defun ts-fold-util--doc-faces-p (obj &optional trim)
-  "Return non-nil if face at OBJ is within `ts-fold-util--doc-faces' list.
-Optional argument TRIM, see function `ts-fold-util--get-face'."
-  (ts-fold-util--is-face obj ts-fold-util--doc-faces trim))
+(defun ts-fold--doc-faces-p (obj &optional trim)
+  "Return non-nil if face at OBJ is within `ts-fold--doc-faces' list.
+Optional argument TRIM, see function `ts-fold--get-face'."
+  (ts-fold--is-face obj ts-fold--doc-faces trim))
 ;; (@* "Math" )
-(defun ts-fold-util--in-range-p (in-val in-min in-max)
+(defun ts-fold--in-range-p (in-val in-min in-max)
   "Check to see if IN-VAL is between IN-MIN and IN-MAX."
   (and (<= in-min in-val) (<= in-val in-max)))
diff --git a/ts-fold.el b/ts-fold.el
index 7ccf1ab2dd..e7dc8b2f38 100644
--- a/ts-fold.el
+++ b/ts-fold.el
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ the fold in a cons cell.  See `ts-fold-range-python' for an 
   (when (bound-and-true-p evil-fold-list)
     (add-to-list 'evil-fold-list
-                  :toggle ts-fold-toggle
+                   :toggle ts-fold-toggle
                    :open ts-fold-open
                    :close ts-fold-close
                    :open-rec ts-fold-open-recursively
@@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ Return nil otherwise."
               ((memq (tsc-node-type node) foldable-types))
               (range (ts-fold--get-fold-range node)))
     (thread-last (overlays-in (car range) (cdr range))
-      (seq-filter (lambda (ov)
-                    (and (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 'ts-fold)
-                         (= (overlay-start ov) (car range))
-                         (= (overlay-end ov) (cdr range)))))
-      car)))
+                 (seq-filter (lambda (ov)
+                               (and (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 'ts-fold)
+                                    (= (overlay-start ov) (car range))
+                                    (= (overlay-end ov) (cdr range)))))
+                 car)))
 ;; (@* "Commands" )
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ Foldable nodes are defined in 
`ts-fold-foldable-node-alist' for the
 current `major-mode'.  If no foldable NODE is found in point, do nothing."
-    (let ((node (or node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))))
-      ;; make sure I do not create multiple overlays for the same fold
-      (when-let* ((ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
-        (delete-overlay ov))
-      (ts-fold--create-overlay (ts-fold--get-fold-range node)))))
+   (let ((node (or node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))))
+     ;; make sure I do not create multiple overlays for the same fold
+     (when-let* ((ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
+       (delete-overlay ov))
+     (ts-fold--create-overlay (ts-fold--get-fold-range node)))))
 (defun ts-fold-open ()
@@ -267,45 +267,45 @@ current `major-mode'.  If no foldable NODE is found in 
point, do nothing."
 If the current node is not folded or not foldable, do nothing."
-    (when-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))
-                (ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
-      (delete-overlay ov))))
+   (when-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))
+               (ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
+     (delete-overlay ov))))
 (defun ts-fold-open-recursively ()
   "Open recursively folded syntax NODE that are contained in the node at 
-    (when-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))
-                (beg (tsc-node-start-position node))
-                (end (tsc-node-end-position node)))
-      (thread-last (overlays-in beg end)
-        (seq-filter (lambda (ov) (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 'ts-fold)))
-        (mapc #'delete-overlay)))))
+   (when-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos))
+               (beg (tsc-node-start-position node))
+               (end (tsc-node-end-position node)))
+     (thread-last (overlays-in beg end)
+                  (seq-filter (lambda (ov) (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 
+                  (mapc #'delete-overlay)))))
 (defun ts-fold-close-all ()
   "Fold all foldable syntax nodes in the buffer."
-    (let* ((node (tsc-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
-           (patterns (seq-mapcat (lambda (type) `(,(list type) @name))
-                                 (alist-get major-mode 
-                                 'vector))
-           (query (tsc-make-query tree-sitter-language patterns))
-           (nodes-to-fold (tsc-query-captures query node #'ignore)))
-      (thread-last nodes-to-fold
-        (mapcar #'cdr)
-        (mapc #'ts-fold-close)))))
+   (let* ((node (tsc-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
+          (patterns (seq-mapcat (lambda (type) `(,(list type) @name))
+                                (alist-get major-mode 
+                                'vector))
+          (query (tsc-make-query tree-sitter-language patterns))
+          (nodes-to-fold (tsc-query-captures query node #'ignore)))
+     (thread-last nodes-to-fold
+                  (mapcar #'cdr)
+                  (mapc #'ts-fold-close)))))
 (defun ts-fold-open-all ()
   "Unfold all syntax nodes in the buffer."
-    (thread-last (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))
-      (seq-filter (lambda (ov) (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 'ts-fold)))
-      (mapc #'delete-overlay))))
+   (thread-last (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))
+                (seq-filter (lambda (ov) (eq (overlay-get ov 'invisible) 
+                (mapc #'delete-overlay))))
 (defun ts-fold-toggle ()
@@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ If the current node is not folded or not foldable, do 
 If the current syntax node is not foldable, do nothing."
-    (if-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos (point)))
-              (ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
-        (progn (delete-overlay ov) t)
-      (ts-fold-close))))
+   (if-let* ((node (ts-fold--foldable-node-at-pos (point)))
+             (ov (ts-fold-overlay-at node)))
+       (progn (delete-overlay ov) t)
+     (ts-fold-close))))
 (defun ts-fold--after-command (&rest _)
   "Function call after interactive commands."
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ in backward direction."
             line (car (tsc-node-start-point iter-node))
             line-range (1+ (s-count-matches "\n" text))
             max-line-range (max line-range last-line-range))
-      (if (and (ts-fold-util--in-range-p line (- last-line max-line-range) (+ 
last-line max-line-range))
+      (if (and (ts-fold--in-range-p line (- last-line max-line-range) (+ 
last-line max-line-range))
                (string-prefix-p prefix text))
           (setq last-node iter-node last-line line
                 last-line-range (1+ (s-count-matches "\n" text)))
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ in backward direction."
 Argument OFFSET can be used to tweak the final beginning and end position."
   (let ((beg (1+ (tsc-node-start-position node)))
         (end (1- (tsc-node-end-position node))))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-line-comment (node offset prefix)
   "Define fold range for line comment.
@@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ Argument PREFIX is the comment prefix in string."
               (prefix-len (length prefix))
               (beg (+ (tsc-node-start-position first-node) prefix-len))
               (end (tsc-node-end-position last-node)))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-block-comment (node offset)
   "Define fold range for block comment.
 For arguments NODE and OFFSET, see function `ts-fold-range-seq' for
 more information."
-  (ts-fold-range-seq node (ts-fold-util--cons-add '(1 . -1) offset)))
+  (ts-fold-range-seq node (ts-fold--cons-add '(1 . -1) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-c-like-comment (node offset)
   "Define fold range for C-like comemnt."
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ more information."
          (else (tsc-get-child-by-field node :alternative))
          (beg (tsc-node-end-position named-node))
          (end (1- (tsc-node-start-position else))))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-c-preproc-ifdef (node offset)
   "Define fold range for `ifdef' and `ifndef' preprocessor."
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ more information."
               (else (tsc-get-child-by-field node :alternative))
               (beg (tsc-node-end-position named-node))
               (end (1- (tsc-node-start-position else))))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-c-preproc-elif (node offset)
   "Define fold range for `elif' preprocessor."
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ more information."
               (else (tsc-get-child-by-field node :alternative))
               (beg (tsc-node-end-position named-node))
               (end (1- (tsc-node-start-position else))))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-c-preproc-else (node offset)
   "Define fold range for `else' preprocessor."
@@ -435,14 +435,14 @@ more information."
               (len (length target))
               (beg (+ (tsc-node-start-position node) len))
               (end (tsc-node-end-position node)))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-html (node offset)
   "Define fold range for tag in HTML."
   (let* ((beg (tsc-node-end-position (tsc-get-nth-child node 0)))
          (end-node (tsc-get-nth-child node (1- (tsc-count-children node))))
          (end (tsc-node-start-position end-node)))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-python (node offset)
   "Define fold range for `function_definition' and `class_definition'.
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ more information."
               ;; the colon is an anonymous node after return_type or 
parameters node
               (beg (tsc-node-end-position (tsc-get-next-sibling named-node)))
               (end (tsc-node-end-position node)))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-ruby (node offset)
   "Define fold range for `method' and `class' in Ruby.
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ more information."
                               (tsc-get-child-by-field node :name)))
               (beg (tsc-node-end-position named-node))
               (end (tsc-node-end-position node)))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (defun ts-fold-range-rust-macro (node offset)
   "Return the fold range for `macro_definition' NODE in Rust.
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ more information."
               (first_bracket (tsc-get-nth-child node 2))
               (beg (tsc-node-start-position first_bracket))
               (end (1+ (tsc-node-start-position last_bracket))))
-    (ts-fold-util--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
+    (ts-fold--cons-add (cons beg end) offset)))
 (provide 'ts-fold)
 ;;; ts-fold.el ends here

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