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[elpa] externals/elisp-benchmarks dd95025926: elisp-benchmarks.el: Compa

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/elisp-benchmarks dd95025926: elisp-benchmarks.el: Compact output and support setup code
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 14:13:06 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/elisp-benchmarks
commit dd950259268d6cb215b3b072f0cfd28c4da0c93d
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    elisp-benchmarks.el: Compact output and support setup code
    * elisp-benchmarks.el (elisp-benchmarks--call-benchmark): New function.
    (elisp-benchmarks-run): Use it.  Make output format more compact.
    Add new calling convention for benchmarks whose setup is costly
    and should not be counted.
 elisp-benchmarks.el | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elisp-benchmarks.el b/elisp-benchmarks.el
index d254f1ae1d..85aad12c8a 100644
--- a/elisp-benchmarks.el
+++ b/elisp-benchmarks.el
@@ -30,10 +30,24 @@
 ;; To add a new benchmark just depose the file into the benchmarks/
 ;; directory.  Every benchmark foo.el has to define as entry-point a
-;; function foo-entry.
+;; function `elb-FOO-entry'.
+;; Entry points can choose one of two calling conventions:
+;; - Take no argument (and the result value is ignored).
+;;   In this case the benchmark just measures the time it takes to run
+;;   that function.
+;; - Take one argument MEASURING-FUNCTION: in that case, the
+;;   entry point needs to call MEASURING-FUNCTION: once with
+;;   a function (of no argument) as argument and it should return
+;;   the value returned by MEASURING-FUNCTION.
+;;   The benchmark measures the time it takes to run that function
+;;   of no arguments.
+;;   This calling convention is used when the benchmark needs to set things
+;;   up before running the actual code that needs to be measured.
 ;; Tests are of an arbitrary length that on my machine is in the
-;; magnitude order of the 10 seconds for each single run
+;; order of magnitude of 10 seconds for each single run
 ;; byte-compiled.  Please consider this as relative measure when
 ;; adding new benchmarks.
@@ -86,6 +100,11 @@
                   sum (expt (- x mean) 2))
          (1- n)))))
+(defalias 'elisp-benchmarks--call-benchmark
+  (if (fboundp 'benchmark-call)         ;Emacs-28
+      #'benchmark-call
+    (lambda (f) (benchmark-run nil (funcall f)))))
 (cl-defun elisp-benchmarks-run (&optional selector (recompile t) runs)
   "Run all the benchmarks and present the results.
@@ -141,23 +160,36 @@ RECOMPILE all the benchmark folder when non nil."
               named test-loop
               (message "Iteration number: %d" i)
-              (cl-loop for test in tests
-                       for entry-point = (intern (concat "elb-" test "-entry"))
-                       do
-                       (garbage-collect)
-                       (message "Running %s..." test)
-                       (let ((time
-                              (with-demoted-errors "Error running: %S"
-                               (eval `(benchmark-run nil (,entry-point)) t))))
-                         (when time
-                           (push time (gethash test res)))))
+              (cl-loop
+               for test in tests
+               for entry-point = (intern (concat "elb-" test "-entry"))
+               do
+               (garbage-collect)
+               (message "Running %s..." test)
+               (let ((time
+                      (with-demoted-errors "Error running: %S"
+                        ;; There are two calling conventions for the
+                        ;; benchmarks: either it's just a function
+                        ;; of no argument (old, simple convention), or
+                         ;; it's a function that takes our measuring function
+                         ;; as argument (and should return its value).
+                         ;; The more complex convention is used so the
+                         ;; benchmark can set things up before running the
+                         ;; code that we want to measure.
+                        (condition-case nil
+                            (funcall entry-point
+                                     #'elisp-benchmarks--call-benchmark)
+                          (wrong-number-of-arguments
+                           (elisp-benchmarks--call-benchmark entry-point))))))
+                 (when time
+                   (push time (gethash test res)))))
               (setq debug-on-error t)
               (pop-to-buffer elb-result-buffer-name)
               (insert "* Results\n\n")
-              (insert "  |test|non-gc avg (s)|gc avg (s)|gcs avg|tot avg 
(s)|tot avg err (s)\n")
+              (insert "  |test|non-gc (s)|gc (s)|gcs|total (s)\n")
               (insert "|-\n")
               (cl-loop for test in tests
                        for l = (gethash test res)
@@ -166,23 +198,23 @@ RECOMPILE all the benchmark folder when non nil."
                        for test-gc-elapsed = (cl-loop for x in l sum (caddr x))
                        for test-err = (elb-std-deviation (mapcar #'car l))
-                       (insert (apply #'format "|%s|%.2f|%.2f|%d|%.2f" test
+                       (insert (apply #'format "|%s|%.2f|%.2f|%d|%.2f (" test
                                       (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x runs))
                                               (list (- test-elapsed 
                                                     test-gc-elapsed test-gcs
-                       (insert (format "|%.2f\n" test-err))
+                       (insert (format "±%.2f)\n" test-err))
                        summing test-elapsed into elapsed
                        summing test-gcs into gcs
                        summing test-gc-elapsed into gc-elapsed
                        collect test-err into errs
                        (insert "|-\n")
-                       (insert (apply #'format "|total|%.2f|%.2f|%d|%.2f"
+                       (insert (apply #'format "|total|%.2f|%.2f|%d|%.2f ("
                                       (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x runs))
                                               (list (- elapsed gc-elapsed)
                                                     gc-elapsed gcs elapsed))))
-                       (insert (format "|%.2f\n"
+                       (insert (format "±%.2f)\n"
                                        (sqrt (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
                                                                   (expt x 2))

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