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[nongnu] elpa/dslide 25c2429ac7 096/230: centralize following logic, no

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/dslide 25c2429ac7 096/230: centralize following logic, normalize progress indications
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 19:00:20 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/dslide
commit 25c2429ac7ee89e0c30d0ee9d98038fd40c9bbc6
Author: Psionik K <73710933+psionic-k@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: Psionik K <73710933+psionic-k@users.noreply.github.com>

    centralize following logic, normalize progress indications
    - the base buffer point following logic has been centralized
    - it works based on return values from actions, so these were normalized to
      return a valid sense of progress
    - some cleanup was done where comments had aged poorly.  it's no longer a
      problem for an inline child to return a slide because the deck interprets 
      as progress rather than attempting to display the child and articulate it 
      its own
    The result looks okay-ish.  I think we need multiple overlays in the base 
    to highlight progress because babel blocks might actually execute multiple
    blocks and it would be incredibly frustrating to not know which one's 
    Signed-off-by: Psionik K <73710933+psionic-k@users.noreply.github.com>
 macro-slides.el | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/macro-slides.el b/macro-slides.el
index 9976d418fe..85e5dce5df 100644
--- a/macro-slides.el
+++ b/macro-slides.el
@@ -363,6 +363,12 @@ obvious display style."
   "Face for highlighting the current slide root."
   :group 'macro-slides)
+(defface ms-highlight
+  '((t :inherit hl-line))
+  "Face used when following in the base buffer.
+See `ms-base-follows-slide'."
+  :group 'macro-slides)
 (defvar ms--debug nil
   "Set to t for logging slides and actions.")
@@ -736,26 +742,15 @@ their init."
           (oset obj slide next-slide)
           (ms-final current-slide)
-          ;; TODO extract behavior and add to other navigation actions
-          (when ms-base-follows-slide
-            (let ((pos (marker-position (oref next-slide begin))))
-              (set-buffer (oref obj base-buffer))
-              (unless (and (>= pos (point-min))
-                           (<= pos (point-max)))
-                (widen))
-              (when-let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer))))
-                (mapc (lambda (w) (set-window-point w pos)) windows))
-              (set-buffer (oref obj slide-buffer))))
           (ms-init next-slide)
           ;; Init counts as a step
-          (setq progress t))))
+          (setq progress next-slide))))
     ;; A lot of progress may have happened, but there will be only one feedback
     ;; message.
     (when progress
-      (ms--feedback :forward))
+      (ms--feedback :forward)
+      (ms--follow progress))
     (when reached-end
       (ms--feedback :after-last-slide)
@@ -804,24 +799,15 @@ their init."
           (oset obj slide previous-slide)
           (ms-final current-slide)
-          ;; TODO extract behavior and add to other navigation commands
-          (when ms-base-follows-slide
-            (let ((pos (marker-position (oref previous-slide begin))))
-              (set-buffer (oref obj base-buffer))
-              (unless (and (>= pos (point-min))
-                           (<= pos (point-max)))
-                (widen))
-              (when-let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer))))
-                (mapc (lambda (w) (set-window-point w pos)) windows))
-              (set-buffer (oref obj slide-buffer))))
           ;; end counts as a step.
           (ms-end previous-slide)
-          (setq progress t))))
+          (setq progress previous-slide))))
     ;; A lot of progress may have happened, but there will be only one feedback
     ;; message.
     (cond (progress
-           (ms--feedback :backward))
+           (ms--feedback :backward)
+           (ms--follow progress))
            (user-error "No more previous slides!")))))
@@ -1238,7 +1224,7 @@ deck of progress was made.")
           (run-hooks 'ms-narrow-hook)
           (when ms-slide-in-effect
             (ms-animation-setup begin end))
-          (setq progress t))
+          (setq progress begin))
       (unless (and (<= (point-min) begin)
                    (>= (point-max) end))
         ;; TODO overlay-based display
@@ -1249,7 +1235,7 @@ deck of progress was made.")
         (when (and ms-slide-in-effect
                    (not (oref obj inline)))
           (ms-animation-setup begin end))
-        (setq progress t)))
+        (setq progress begin)))
     ;; Return progress to count as step when re-narrowing after a child.
@@ -1293,7 +1279,8 @@ deck of progress was made.")
   ;; through the items.
   (when-let* ((overlays (oref obj overlays))
               (first (car overlays))
-              (end (overlay-end first)))
+              (end (overlay-end first))
+              (start (overlay-start first)))
     ;; TODO We can let-bind animations false for child slides.
     ;; Or handle this via arguments in child actions
     (when ms-slide-in-effect
@@ -1302,7 +1289,8 @@ deck of progress was made.")
     (delete-overlay first)
     (oset obj overlays (cdr overlays))
     (ms-marker obj end)
-    t))
+    ;; return progress
+    start))
 (cl-defmethod ms-step-backward ((obj ms-action-item-reveal))
   (when-let ((previous-item (ms-section-previous obj 'item)))
@@ -1310,7 +1298,7 @@ deck of progress was made.")
           (cons (ms-hide-element previous-item)
                 (and (slot-boundp obj 'overlays)
                      (oref obj overlays))))
-    t))
+    (org-element-property :begin previous-item)))
 ;; ** Babel Action
@@ -1395,19 +1383,15 @@ stateful-sequence class methods.  METHOD-NAME is a 
   (when-let* ((predicate (ms--method-block-pred
                           '("step-forward" "step-both") t))
               (next (ms-section-next obj 'src-block predicate)))
-    (or (ms--block-execute next)
-        ;; If we found a next block, we made progress regardless of the block's
-        ;; return value
-        t)))
+    (ms--block-execute next)
+    (org-element-property :begin next)))
 (cl-defmethod ms-step-backward ((obj ms-action-babel))
   (when-let* ((predicate (ms--method-block-pred
                           '("step-backward" "step-both")))
               (prev (ms-section-previous obj 'src-block predicate)))
-    (or (ms--block-execute prev)
-        ;; If we found a previous block, we made progress regardless of the
-        ;; block's return value
-        t)))
+    (ms--block-execute prev)
+    (org-element-property :begin prev)))
 (cl-defmethod ms-init :after ((obj ms-action-babel))
   (when-let ((block-elements (ms--get-blocks obj "init")))
@@ -1467,8 +1451,7 @@ stateful-sequence class methods.  METHOD-NAME is a 
              (if (oref obj kill-buffer)
                  (kill-buffer image-buffer)
                (bury-buffer image-buffer)))))))
-    ;; If we found a next image, progress was made
-    t))
+    (org-element-property :begin link)))
 (cl-defmethod ms-step-backward ((obj ms-action-image))
   (when-let ((link (ms-section-previous obj 'link)))
@@ -1489,8 +1472,7 @@ stateful-sequence class methods.  METHOD-NAME is a 
              (if (oref obj kill-buffer)
                  (kill-buffer image-buffer)
                (bury-buffer image-buffer)))))))
-    ;; If we found a next image, progress was made
-    t))
+    (org-element-property :begin link)))
 ;; * Child Actions
 (defclass ms-child-action (ms-action) ()
@@ -1583,8 +1565,8 @@ child is found."
 (cl-defmethod ms-end :after ((obj ms-child-action-slide))
   (when-let ((child (ms-backward-child obj)))
     (let ((child (ms--make-slide child (oref ms--deck slide))))
-      (ms-end child)
-      (oset obj child child))))
+      (prog1 (ms-end child)
+        (oset obj child child)))))
 (cl-defmethod ms-final :after ((obj ms-child-action-slide))
   (when-let ((child (oref obj child)))
@@ -1612,7 +1594,6 @@ child is found."
       ;; First try the most recently added child
       (setq progress (when-let* ((child (car (oref obj children))))
                        (ms-step-forward child)))
       ;; If the child didn't make progress, try to load up the next child
       (unless progress
         (if-let* ((child-heading (ms-forward-child obj))
@@ -1625,12 +1606,10 @@ child is found."
                           :slide-action-args '(:include-restriction t 
:with-children t)
                           :child-action 'none)))
             (progn (ms-init child)
-                   (setq progress t)
+                   (setq progress child)
                    (push child (oref obj children)))
           (setq exhausted t))))
-    ;; Don't return any child objects to the deck or it will treat them like
-    ;; slides
-    (not (null progress))))
+    progress))
 (cl-defmethod ms-step-backward ((obj ms-child-action-inline))
   (let (progress)
@@ -1650,10 +1629,8 @@ child is found."
                               (org-element-property :begin heading))
             (run-hooks 'ms-narrow-hook))
           (ms-final finished)
-          (setq progress t))))
-    ;; Don't return any child objects to the deck or it will treat them like
-    ;; slides
-    (not (null progress))))
+          (setq progress (car (oref obj children))))))
+    progress))
 (cl-defmethod ms-end :after ((obj ms-child-action-inline))
   (ms-marker obj (org-element-property :begin (ms-heading obj)))
@@ -2448,6 +2425,32 @@ Optional ERROR if you want to process 
   (ms-init ms--deck))
+(defun ms--follow (progress)
+  "Set the base buffer window point to PROGRESS.
+PROGRESS must be an integer buffer location, not a marker."
+  (unless (ms-live-p)
+    (error "Live deck not found"))
+  (let ((pos (cond ((integerp progress) progress)
+                     ((eieio-object-p progress)
+                      (marker-position (oref progress begin)))
+                     ((markerp progress) (marker-position progress)))))
+    (when (null pos)
+      (warn "Progress was null! %s" progress))
+    (when (and pos ms-base-follows-slide)
+      (set-buffer (oref ms--deck base-buffer))
+      (unless (and (>= pos (point-min))
+                   (<= pos (point-max)))
+        (widen))
+      (goto-char pos)
+      (pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line pos 'ms-highlight)
+      ;; TODO maybe only two of these are actually necessary
+      (org-fold-show-context)
+      (org-fold-show-entry)
+      (org-fold-show-subtree)
+      (when-let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer))))
+        (mapc (lambda (w) (set-window-point w pos)) windows))
+      (set-buffer (oref ms--deck slide-buffer)))))
 (defun ms-display-contents ()
   "Switch to showing contents in the slide buffer.
 This is a valid `ms-start-function' and will start

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