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[elpa] externals/phpinspect b6eadfb799 12/18: Make autoload indexation m

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/phpinspect b6eadfb799 12/18: Make autoload indexation more robust and prevent double indexation
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 06:58:57 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phpinspect
commit b6eadfb79970350b5ebc5441207931ad2247539a
Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
Commit: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>

    Make autoload indexation more robust and prevent double indexation
    Prevent the project directory from being indexed multiple times (because of
    directory-files-recursively also returning "." and "..".
 phpinspect-autoload.el | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 phpinspect-pipeline.el |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phpinspect-autoload.el b/phpinspect-autoload.el
index d556c9c395..1481c8705c 100644
--- a/phpinspect-autoload.el
+++ b/phpinspect-autoload.el
@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ the vendor directory."
     (when (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs vendor-dir)
       (dolist (author-dir (phpinspect-fs-directory-files fs vendor-dir))
-        (when (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs author-dir)
+        (when (and (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs author-dir)
+                   ;; Exclude current/parent directory
+                   (not (member (file-name-base author-dir) (list ".." "."))))
           (dolist (dependency-dir (phpinspect-fs-directory-files fs 
             (setq cj-path (concat dependency-dir "/composer.json"))
             (when (and (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs dependency-dir)
@@ -169,9 +171,13 @@ the vendor directory."
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ((strat phpinspect-files))
   (phpinspect--log "indexing files list: %s" (phpinspect-files-list strat))
-  (let* ((indexer (phpinspect-autoloader-file-indexer 
(phpinspect-files-autoloader strat))))
+  (let* ((indexer (phpinspect-autoloader-file-indexer 
(phpinspect-files-autoloader strat)))
+         (wrapped-indexer (lambda (file)
+                            (condition-case-unless-debug err
+                                (funcall indexer file)
+                              (t (phpinspect--log "Error indexing file %s: %s" 
file err))))))
     (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-files-list strat)
-      :into (funcall :with-context indexer))))
+      :into (funcall :with-context wrapped-indexer))))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag ((al phpinspect-autoloader) 
(type-fqn (head phpinspect-name)))
   (let* ((type-name (phpinspect-intern-name
@@ -189,62 +195,62 @@ the vendor directory."
   ((al phpinspect-autoloader) file)
   (let* ((fs (phpinspect-autoloader-fs  al))
          (project-root (file-name-directory (cdr file)))
-         json autoload batch)
+         json batch)
     (condition-case err
         (setq json (phpinspect--read-json-file fs (cdr file)))
       (t (phpinspect-message "Error parsing composer json at %s : %s " (cdr 
file) err)))
     (when json
-      (setq autoload (gethash "autoload" json))
-      (when (hash-table-p autoload)
-        (maphash
-         (lambda (type prefixes)
-           (let ((strategy))
-             (pcase type
-               ("psr-0"
-                (maphash
-                 (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
-                   (when (stringp directory-paths)
-                     (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
-                   (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr0-generated
-                                   :autoloader al
-                                   :fs fs
-                                   :prefix prefix
-                                   :own (eq 'local (car file))))
-                   (dolist (path directory-paths)
-                     (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
-                           (phpinspect-psr0-directories strategy)))
-                   (push strategy batch))
-                 prefixes))
-               ("psr-4"
-                (maphash
-                 (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
-                   (when (stringp directory-paths)
-                     (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
-                   (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr4-generated
-                                   :fs fs
-                                   :autoloader al
-                                   :prefix prefix
-                                   :own (eq 'local (car file))))
-                   (dolist (path directory-paths)
-                     (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
-                           (phpinspect-psr4-directories strategy)))
-                   (push strategy batch))
-                 prefixes))
-               ("files"
-                (setq strategy
-                      (phpinspect-make-files
-                       :list (mapcar
-                              (lambda (file) (file-name-concat project-root 
-                              prefixes)
-                       :autoloader al))
-                (push strategy batch))
-               (_ (phpinspect--log "Unsupported autoload strategy \"%s\" 
encountered" type)))))
-         autoload)
-        (phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all batch)))))
+      (dolist (autoload (list (gethash "autoload" json)
+                              (when (eq 'local (car file)) (gethash 
"autoload-dev" json))))
+        (when (hash-table-p autoload)
+          (maphash
+           (lambda (type prefixes)
+             (let ((strategy))
+               (pcase type
+                 ("psr-0"
+                  (maphash
+                   (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
+                     (when (stringp directory-paths)
+                       (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
+                     (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr0-generated
+                                     :autoloader al
+                                     :fs fs
+                                     :prefix prefix
+                                     :own (eq 'local (car file))))
+                     (dolist (path directory-paths)
+                       (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
+                             (phpinspect-psr0-directories strategy)))
+                     (push strategy batch))
+                   prefixes))
+                 ("psr-4"
+                  (maphash
+                   (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
+                     (when (stringp directory-paths)
+                       (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
+                     (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr4-generated
+                                     :fs fs
+                                     :autoloader al
+                                     :prefix prefix
+                                     :own (eq 'local (car file))))
+                     (dolist (path directory-paths)
+                       (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
+                             (phpinspect-psr4-directories strategy)))
+                     (push strategy batch))
+                   prefixes))
+                 ("files"
+                  (setq strategy
+                        (phpinspect-make-files
+                         :list (mapcar
+                                (lambda (file) (file-name-concat project-root 
+                                prefixes)
+                         :autoloader al))
+                  (push strategy batch))
+                 (_ (phpinspect--log "Unsupported autoload strategy \"%s\" 
encountered" type)))))
+           autoload)))
+      (phpinspect--log "Batch: %s" (length batch))
+      (phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all batch))))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-resolve ((autoloader phpinspect-autoloader)
diff --git a/phpinspect-pipeline.el b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
index 8e5fecbb27..a79636347c 100644
--- a/phpinspect-pipeline.el
+++ b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ directories."
            (when ,seed-sym
-              (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-form) 
+              (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-sym) 
             ,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))

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