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[nongnu] elpa/helm updated (119d1d2885 -> bb9f092ad6)

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/helm updated (119d1d2885 -> bb9f092ad6)
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 15:59:54 -0400 (EDT)

elpasync pushed a change to branch elpa/helm.

      from  119d1d2885 Improve query replace in fnames
       new  3e0ba33224 Force switching to new tab even when buffer
       new  bb9f092ad6 Maybe switch to buffer in tab with imenu

Summary of changes:
 helm-buffers.el | 6 ++++--
 helm-imenu.el   | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

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