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[elpa] externals/auctex updated (9f758c32c7 -> 1c833240a3)
From: |
ELPA Syncer |
Subject: |
[elpa] externals/auctex updated (9f758c32c7 -> 1c833240a3) |
Date: |
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 18:57:28 -0400 (EDT) |
elpasync pushed a change to branch externals/auctex.
from 9f758c32c7 ; Unify license notice header.
new 9f9a2964b1 Adjust license notice
new 86fa24978c Revert "Adjust license notice"
new 1c833240a3 Replace FSF office address.
Summary of changes:
GNUmakefile | 15 +++++++++++++++
bib-cite.el | 18 ++++++++----------
context-en.el | 18 ++++++++----------
context-nl.el | 18 ++++++++----------
context.el | 18 ++++++++----------
font-latex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
latex-flymake.el | 18 ++++++++----------
latex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
multi-prompt.el | 18 ++++++++----------
plain-tex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
preview.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/Alegreya.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/AlegreyaSans.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/AnonymousPro.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/CJK.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/CJKutf8.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/FiraMono.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/FiraSans.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/MinionPro.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/MyriadPro.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/XCharter.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/acro.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/acronym.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/alphanum.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsaddr.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsart.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsbook.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsbsy.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsfonts.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsmath.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/amssymb.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amstex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amstext.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/amsthm.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/appendix.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/arabxetex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/array.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/article.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/austrian.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/beamerarticle.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/biblatex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/catchfilebetweentags.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/changebar.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/changelog.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/cleveref.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/color.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/colortbl.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/commath.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/comment.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/contract.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/csquotes.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/danish.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dashundergaps.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dcolumn.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/diagbox.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dinbrief.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dk-bib.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dk.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/doc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/dutch.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/emp.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/empheq.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/english.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/enotez.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/enumitem.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/environ.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/epigraph.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/epsf.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/erewhon.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/eso-pic.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/etoolbox.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/everysel.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/exam.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/exercise.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/expl3.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/extramarks.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fancyhdr.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fancynum.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fancyref.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fancyvrb.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fbb.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fbox.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/filecontents.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/flashcards.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/floatpag.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/floatrow.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/flushend.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/foils.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fontaxes.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fontenc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fontspec.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/footmisc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/footnotehyper.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/framed.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/francais.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/french.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/frenchb.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/fvextra.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/geometry.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/german.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/gloss-italian.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/graphics.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/graphicx.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/harvard.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/hologo.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/hyperref.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/icelandic.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifetex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifluatex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifpdf.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/iftex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifthen.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifvtex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ifxetex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/imakeidx.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/index.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/inputenc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/italian.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/j-article.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/j-book.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/j-report.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jarticle.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jbook.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jreport.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jsarticle.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jsbook.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jsreport.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jura.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/jurabib.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/kantlipsum.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/keyval.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/kpfonts.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/kvoptions.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/kvsetkeys.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/l3doc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/langscibook.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/letter.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/lettrine.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/lipsum.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/listings.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/longtable.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/lscape.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/lstautogobble.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/lstlinebgrd.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltablex.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltcaption.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltugboat.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltx-base.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltxdoc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltxguide.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/ltxtable.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/luacode.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/luatextra.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/mdwlist.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/memoir.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/menukeys.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/metalogo.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/mflogo.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/microtype.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/midfloat.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/portuguese.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/preview.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/proc.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/pst-grad.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/refcount.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/relsize.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/ruby.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/scholax.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/scrlttr2.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/scrpage2.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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style/soul.el | 18 ++++++++----------
style/sourcecodepro.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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tex-style.el | 18 ++++++++----------
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texmathp.el | 18 ++++++++----------
toolbar-x.el | 18 ++++++++----------
341 files changed, 2735 insertions(+), 3400 deletions(-)
- [elpa] externals/auctex updated (9f758c32c7 -> 1c833240a3),
ELPA Syncer <=