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[elpa] externals/hyperbole 3239a77990 4/8: Cust/Highlight-Menu-Keys-Togg

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/hyperbole 3239a77990 4/8: Cust/Highlight-Menu-Keys-Toggle - add this menu item
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 06:58:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/hyperbole
commit 3239a779901bd7e10d2330654947e2d428ecefa9
Author: bw <rsw@gnu.org>
Commit: bw <rsw@gnu.org>

    Cust/Highlight-Menu-Keys-Toggle - add this menu item
    New customizationo, hui:menu-highlight-flag determines whether menu
    item keys to press are fontified (typically bolded and with
 ChangeLog   | 10 ++++++++++
 hui-mini.el | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 03e8471ce0..6e5c7169f7 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2024-09-08  Bob Weiner  <rsw@gnu.org>
+* hui-mini.el (hui:menu-highlight-flag): Add this new customization.
+              (hui:menu-item-highlight-key): Add to highlight with
+    'read-multiple-choice-face' the key to press for each menu item
+    if `hui:menu-highlight-flag' is non-nil.
+              (hui:menu-read-from-minibuffer): Call above function.
+              (hui:menu-item-toggle-highlight): Add and use in Cust/
+    menu.
 2024-09-08  Mats Lidell  <matsl@gnu.org>
 * test/hibtypes-tests.el (ibtypes::hyp-manual-test): Add test.
diff --git a/hui-mini.el b/hui-mini.el
index 452519ff59..544a316bba 100644
--- a/hui-mini.el
+++ b/hui-mini.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Author:       Bob Weiner
 ;; Orig-Date:    15-Oct-91 at 20:13:17
-;; Last-Mod:      1-Sep-24 at 19:46:18 by Bob Weiner
+;; Last-Mod:      9-Sep-24 at 01:27:12 by Bob Weiner
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -396,6 +396,18 @@ or if there are none, then its first character."
   (mapcar (lambda (item) (hui:menu-item-key item))
          (mapcar 'car (cdr menu-alist))))
+(defun hui:menu-item-toggle-highlight (&optional arg)
+  "Toggle highlighting Hyperbole minibuffer menu item keys.
+With optional ARG, enable iff ARG is positive."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (or (and arg (<= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))
+         (and (not (and arg (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+              hui:menu-highlight-flag))
+      (progn (customize-set-variable 'hui:menu-highlight-flag nil)
+            (message "Menu key highlighting is off."))
+    (customize-set-variable 'hui:menu-highlight-flag t)
+    (message "Menu key highlighting is on")))
 (defun hui:menu-read-from-minibuffer (prompt &optional initial-contents keymap 
                                      hist default-value inherit-input-method)
   "Hyperbole minibuffer menu replacement for `read-from-minibuffer'.
@@ -412,6 +424,7 @@ Allows custom handling of menu lines before selecting an 
        (setq initial-contents (string-replace current-name
                                               (concat "==" current-name "==")
+  (setq initial-contents (hui:menu-maybe-highlight-item-keys initial-contents))
   (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-contents keymap read
                        hist default-value inherit-input-method))
@@ -563,6 +576,34 @@ constructs.  If not given, the top level Hyperbole menu is 
              (list #'hui:menu-to-personal-section label)
+(defun hui:menu-maybe-highlight-item-keys (menu-str)
+  "Maybe highlight the first capital letter of each MENU-STR item.
+Highlight if customization variable `hui:menu-highlight-flag' is
+non-nil and the display supports underlined faces.  Return the
+potentially modified MENU-STR."
+  (if (and hui:menu-highlight-flag
+           (display-supports-face-attributes-p
+            '(:underline t) (window-frame)))
+      (let ((after-menu-name-flag)
+           (after-word-capital-letter-flag)
+           (pos 0))
+       (mapc (lambda (c)
+               (cond ((= c ?>)
+                      (setq after-menu-name-flag t))
+                     ((= c ?\ )
+                      (setq after-word-capital-letter-flag nil))
+                     ((and after-menu-name-flag
+                           (not after-word-capital-letter-flag)
+                           (<= ?A c) (>= ?Z c))
+                      (put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
+                                         'face 'read-multiple-choice-face
+                                         menu-str)
+                      (setq after-word-capital-letter-flag t)))
+               (setq pos (1+ pos)))
+             menu-str)
+       menu-str)
+    menu-str))
 (defun hui:menu-line (menu-alist)
   "Return a menu line string built from MENU-ALIST."
   (let ((menu-prompt (concat (caar menu-alist) "  "))
@@ -736,6 +777,8 @@ command instead.  Typically prevents clashes over {\\`C-c' 
           "Toggle display of Smart Key context after each press, for 
          ("Find-File-URLs"    hpath:find-file-urls-mode
           "Toggle find-file support for ftp and www URLs.")
+         ("Highlight-Menu-Keys-Toggle" hui:menu-item-toggle-highlight
+          "Toggle highlighting of minibuffer menu keys.")
          ("Isearch-Invisible" hypb:toggle-isearch-invisible
           "Toggle whether isearch searches invisible text or not.")
          ("KeyBindings/"      (menu . cust-keys) "Rebinds global Hyperbole 
@@ -969,6 +1012,13 @@ command instead.  Typically prevents clashes over 
{\\`C-c' /}."
 ;;; Public Customizations - must come after menus are defined
 ;;; ************************************************************************
+(defcustom hui:menu-highlight-flag t
+  "*If non-nil, highlight the first capitalized character of each menu item.
+Highlight with `read-multiple-choice-face'.  The display must
+support underlined faces as well."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'hyperbole-buttons)
 (unless hui:menu-hywiki
   (makunbound 'hui:menu-hywiki))
 (defcustom hui:menu-hywiki

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