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[elpa] externals/indent-bars 5a3346b68c 386/431: Remove invalid-ranges

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/indent-bars 5a3346b68c 386/431: Remove invalid-ranges
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:59:53 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/indent-bars
commit 5a3346b68c63557f26530a40f05e8b3b94569416
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    Remove invalid-ranges
    These didn't work, since old regions can still need redraw.
 indent-bars-ts.el | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/indent-bars-ts.el b/indent-bars-ts.el
index 9e0a65b56c..1fbe10f832 100644
--- a/indent-bars-ts.el
+++ b/indent-bars-ts.el
@@ -280,9 +280,6 @@ mentioned in 
     :documentation "The current scope node's range.")
   ( start-bars 0 :type integer
     :documentation "The number of bars shown at start of current scope.")
-  ( invalid-ranges nil :type list
-    :documentation "List of current invalid ranges.
-One or more (start . end) conses.")
   ( query nil :type ts-query
     :documentation "The treesitter scope query object."))
@@ -373,36 +370,41 @@ range to clip against."
           for i = (indent-bars-ts--intersection clip r)
           if i collect i))
+(defun indent-bars-ts--add-bars-in-range (start end)
+  "Add bars if needed between START and END.
+Bars are added on all visible ranges of text (considering both
+text properties and overlays) with a non-nil
+`indent-bars-invalid' property.  START is assumed to be visible.
+Based loosely on `jit-lock-function' and `jit-lock-fontify-now'."
+  (when-let ((invld-start (text-property-any start end 'indent-bars-invalid 
+    (cl-loop for vs = invld-start then
+            (next-single-char-property-change ve 'indent-bars-invalid nil end)
+            for ve = (next-single-char-property-change vs 'indent-bars-invalid 
nil end)
+            do
+            (put-text-property vs ve 'indent-bars-invalid nil)
+            (indent-bars-ts--draw-all-bars-between vs ve)
+            while (< ve end))
+    ;; (with-silent-modifications
+    ;;   (save-match-data
+    ;;         (cl-loop
+    ;;          for vs = start then (next-single-char-property-change ve 
'invisible nil end)
+    ;;          for ve = (next-single-char-property-change vs 'invisible nil 
end) do
+    ;;          (cl-loop for (beg . end) in (indent-bars-ts--intersect-all 
(cons vs ve) invld-rngs) do
+    ;;                   (put-text-property beg end 'indent-bars-invalid nil)
+    ;;                   (indent-bars-ts--draw-all-bars-between beg end))
+    ;;          while (< ve end))))
+    ))
 (defun indent-bars-ts--update-bars-on-scroll (win start)
-  "Update bars as needed within the window WIN after START.
+  "Update bars as needed within the window WIN from START.
 To be added to `window-scroll-functions'.  Consults the invalid
 ranges of the current scope."
-  (let* ((end (window-end win t))
-        (scope (buffer-local-value 'ibtcs (window-buffer win)))
-        (rngs (indent-bars-ts--intersect-all
-               (cons start end) (ibts/invalid-ranges scope))))
-    ;; (message "WS: %s %d" win start)
-    (cl-loop for (beg . end) in rngs do
-            (indent-bars-ts--add-bars-in-range beg end))))
-(defvar-local indent-bars-ts--invalid-range-markers nil)
-(defun indent-bars-ts--update-invalid-ranges (ranges)
-  "Update invalid ranges for the current scope with RANGES.
-Also sets the `indent-bars-invalid' property on the indicates
-ranges.  Re-uses markers for efficiency."
-  (let* ((lm (length indent-bars-ts--invalid-range-markers))
-        (lr (length ranges)))
-    (when (> lr lm)
-      (dotimes (_ (- lr lm))
-       (push (cons (make-marker) (make-marker))
-             indent-bars-ts--invalid-range-markers))
-      (setq lm lr))
-    (setf (ibts/invalid-ranges ibtcs)
-         (nthcdr (- lm lr) indent-bars-ts--invalid-range-markers))
-    (cl-loop for (beg . end) in ranges
-            for (mbeg . mend) in (ibts/invalid-ranges ibtcs) do
-            (put-text-property beg end 'indent-bars-invalid t)
-            (set-marker mbeg beg) (set-marker mend end))))
+  (indent-bars-ts--add-bars-in-range (max (point-min) (- start 
+                                    (min (point-max) (+ (or (window-end win) 
(+ start jit-lock-chunk-size))
+                                                        jit-lock-chunk-size))
+                                    ;; (max (point-min) (- start 
+                                    ;; (min (point-max) (+ end 
+                                    ))
 (defun indent-bars-ts--update-scope1 (buf)
   "Perform the treesitter scope font-lock update in buffer BUF.
@@ -428,19 +430,17 @@ window."
                    (cons pmn pmx))))
        (unless (and (= (car new) (car old)) ; if node is unchanged (spans
                     (= (cdr new) (cdr old))) ; same range) no update needed
+         (cl-loop for (beg . end) in (indent-bars-ts--union old new) do
+                  (put-text-property beg end 'indent-bars-invalid t))
          (setf (ibts/start-bars ibtcs)
                  (goto-char (car new))
-         (indent-bars-ts--update-invalid-ranges (indent-bars-ts--union old 
          (set-marker (car old) (car new)) ;updates ibts/range
          (set-marker (cdr old) (cdr new))
-         ;; Arrange to check the current window's bars, just in case
-         ;; font-lock doesn't handle everything itself
-         (run-at-time 0 nil (let ((win (selected-window)))
-                              (lambda ()
-                                (indent-bars-ts--update-bars-on-scroll
-                                 win (window-start win))))))))))
+         (let ((win (selected-window)))
+           (indent-bars-ts--update-bars-on-scroll
+            win (window-start win))))))))
 (defun indent-bars-ts--update-scope ()
   "Update treesit scope when possible."
@@ -450,30 +450,6 @@ window."
-(defun indent-bars-ts--add-bars-in-range (start end)
-  "Add bars if needed between START and END.
-Bars are added on all visible ranges of text (considering both
-text properties and overlays) with a non-nil
-`indent-bars-invalid' property.  START is assumed to be visible.
-Based loosely on `jit-lock-function' and `jit-lock-fontify-now'."
-  (when-let ((invld-start (text-property-any start end 'indent-bars-invalid t))
-            (invld-rngs
-             (cl-loop for vs = invld-start then
-                      (next-single-char-property-change ve 
'indent-bars-invalid nil end)
-                      for ve = (next-single-char-property-change vs 
'indent-bars-invalid nil end)
-                      collect (cons vs ve) while (< ve end))))
-    (message "abir: found some invalid ranges: %S" invld-rngs)
-    (with-silent-modifications
-      (save-match-data
-       (cl-loop
-        for vs = start then (next-single-char-property-change ve 'invisible 
nil end)
-        for ve = (next-single-char-property-change vs 'invisible nil end) do
-        (cl-loop for (beg . end) in (indent-bars-ts--intersect-all (cons vs 
ve) invld-rngs) do
-                 (message "Adding invalid bars %d:%d" beg end)
-                 (put-text-property beg end 'indent-bars-invalid nil)
-                 (indent-bars-ts--draw-all-bars-between beg end))
-        while (< ve end))))))
 ;;;; Setup
 (defun indent-bars-ts--init-scope (&optional force)
   "Initialize scope style and variables.

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