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[elpa] externals/indent-bars a282e1bbb8 238/431: use BEG+END for drawing

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/indent-bars a282e1bbb8 238/431: use BEG+END for drawing rather than match boundaries
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:59:32 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/indent-bars
commit a282e1bbb89d180e81ce1ad652f3f9ca58dff4d2
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    use BEG+END for drawing rather than match boundaries
 indent-bars.el | 43 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/indent-bars.el b/indent-bars.el
index 63705ae5d4..0400cdbf77 100644
--- a/indent-bars.el
+++ b/indent-bars.el
@@ -1075,19 +1075,14 @@ font-lock properties."
          (append '(display) font-lock-extra-managed-props)))
     (funcall indent-bars-orig-unfontify-region beg end)))
-(defun indent-bars--display (&optional style switch-after style2)
-  "Draw indentation bars based on line contents.
-`indent-bars--draw-line'.  If STYLE is not passed, uses
-`indent-bars-style' for drawing."
-  (let* ((b (match-beginning 1))
-        (e (match-end 1))
-        (n (save-excursion
-             (goto-char b)
-             (indent-bars--current-indentation-depth))))
-    (when (> n 0) (indent-bars--draw-line style n b e nil
-                                         switch-after style2))
-    nil))
+(defun indent-bars--display (beg end &optional style switch-after style2)
+  "Draw indentation bars from BEG..END, based on line contents.
+BEG and END should be on the same line.  STYLE, SWITCH-AFTER and
+STYLE2 are as in `indent-bars--draw-line'.  If STYLE is not
+passed, uses `indent-bars-style' for drawing."
+  (let* ((n (indent-bars--current-indentation-depth)))
+    (when (> n 0) (indent-bars--draw-line style n beg end nil
+                                         switch-after style2))))
 (defsubst indent-bars--context-bars (end)
   "Maximum number of bars at point and END.
@@ -1097,21 +1092,21 @@ Moves point."
         (goto-char (1+ end))           ; end is always eol
-(defun indent-bars--handle-blank-lines (&optional style switch-after style2)
-  "Display the appropriate bars on regions of one or more blank-only lines.
-The region is the full match region of the last match.  Only
-called by font-lock if `indent-bars-display-on-blank-lines' is
-non-nil.  Called on complete multi-line blank line regions.  Uses
-the surrounding line indentation to determine additional bars to
-display on each line, using `indent-bars--draw-line'.  STYLE,
-SWITCH-AFTER and STYLE2 are as in `indent-bars--draw-line'.
+(defun indent-bars--handle-blank-lines (beg end &optional style switch-after 
+  "Display the appropriate bars over the blank-only lines from BEG..END.
+Only called if `indent-bars-display-on-blank-lines' is non-nil.
+To be called on complete multi-line blank line regions.
+It is ambigious how many bars to draw on each line in a stretch
+of blank lines, so this uses the maximum depth of the surrounding
+line indentation, above and below.  Drawing using
+`indent-bars--draw-line'.  STYLE, SWITCH-AFTER and STYLE2 are as
+in `indent-bars--draw-line'.
 Note: blank lines at the very beginning or end of the buffer are
 not indicated, even if they otherwise would be.  This function is
 configured by default in `indent-bars--handle-blank-lines-form'."
-  (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
-        (end (match-end 0))
-        ctxbars)
+  (let (ctxbars)
       (goto-char (1- beg))
       (beginning-of-line 1)

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