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[nongnu] elpa/helm 432f01f39d 5/5: No need to check for afix afun and ca

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/helm 432f01f39d 5/5: No need to check for afix afun and category in FCT
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 04:00:56 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/helm
commit 432f01f39d6372c26134d1cc7ad4946f71466675
Author: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>
Commit: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>

    No need to check for afix afun and category in FCT
    helm-completion--decorate returns COMPS unmodified when afun afix and
    category are nil and helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn returns
    as well its candidates unmodified if sorting is already done.
 helm-mode.el | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/helm-mode.el b/helm-mode.el
index 45096563f7..52d1aef7ec 100644
--- a/helm-mode.el
+++ b/helm-mode.el
@@ -1478,14 +1478,17 @@ dynamically otherwise use 
                                      (memq require-match
                                 1 0)
-          :fc-transformer (append (and (or afix afun (memq category '(file 
library)) sort-fn)
-                                       (list (lambda (candidates _source)
-                                               (helm-completion--decorate
-                                                (if (and sort-fn (> (length 
helm-pattern) 0))
-                                                    (funcall sort-fn 
-                                                  candidates)
-                                                afun afix category))))
-                                  '(helm-cr-default-transformer))
+          :fc-transformer
+          ;; When afun afix and category are nil
+          ;; helm-completion--decorate returns
+          ;; candidates (COMPS) unmodified.
+          (append (list (lambda (candidates _source)
+                          (helm-completion--decorate
+                           (if (and sort-fn (> (length helm-pattern) 0))
+                               (funcall sort-fn candidates)
+                             candidates)
+                           afun afix category)))
+                  '(helm-cr-default-transformer))
           :popup-info popup-info
           :quit-when-no-cand (eq require-match t)
           :nomark (null helm-comp-read-use-marked)
@@ -1615,12 +1618,16 @@ This handler uses dynamic matching which allows 
honouring `completion-styles'."
          ;; whereas it has to stay on top.
          :default (or default "")
-         (append (and (or afix afun (memq category '(file library)))
-                      (list (lambda (candidates source)
-                              (helm-completion--decorate
-                               (funcall 
-                                        candidates source)
-                               afun afix category))))
+         ;; When afun afix and category are nil
+         ;; helm-completion--decorate returns
+         ;; candidates (COMPS) unmodified and
+         ;; helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn returns
+         ;; its candidates unmodified when sorting is already done.
+         (append (list (lambda (candidates source)
+                         (helm-completion--decorate
+                          (funcall helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn
+                                   candidates source)
+                          afun afix category)))
          :popup-info popup-info
          :match-dynamic (eq helm-completion-style 'emacs)
@@ -2708,7 +2715,9 @@ Can be used for `completion-in-region-function' by 
advicing it with an
                             ;; When afun afix and category are nil
                             ;; helm-completion--decorate returns
-                            ;; candidates (COMPS) unmodified.
+                            ;; candidates (COMPS) unmodified and
+                            ;; helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn 
+                            ;; its candidates unmodified when sorting is 
already done.
                             (append (list (lambda (candidates source)

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