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[elpa] externals/phpinspect 328de9a658 2/2: Implement "classmap" autoloa

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/phpinspect 328de9a658 2/2: Implement "classmap" autoload directive
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 09:58:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phpinspect
commit 328de9a658d21efd1bc1f959f20eaefb0c93ecb0
Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
Commit: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>

    Implement "classmap" autoload directive
    Performance is not ideal, especially when working in several projects at
    once. There are solid possibilities for optimization but this will do for an
    initial implementation.
 phpinspect-autoload.el | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 phpinspect-cache.el    |   2 +-
 phpinspect-project.el  |  23 ++++---
 phpinspect.el          |  44 ++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phpinspect-autoload.el b/phpinspect-autoload.el
index b559ffa532..866db90838 100644
--- a/phpinspect-autoload.el
+++ b/phpinspect-autoload.el
@@ -28,8 +28,33 @@
 (require 'phpinspect-util)
 (require 'phpinspect-type)
 (require 'phpinspect-pipeline)
+(require 'phpinspect-typedef)
 (require 'json)
+(defcustom phpinspect-autoload-classmaps nil
+  "Enable support for classmap auoload directives.
+The classmap autoload directive is a key in the composer.json
+which allows package authors to define directories which should
+be parsed wholesale to discover available classes and functions.
+Enabling this feature can make indexation take considerably
+longer. It can also make the in-memory index larger as all files
+in the classmap directories are indexed in their entirety.
+On low powered systems, you may want to keep this feature
+disabled unless your projects depend heavily on code which uses
+the classmap directive.
+Note: A prominent package which uses the classmap directive is
+      PHPUnit. Users of PHPUnit will want to have this feature
+      enabled.
+As of [2024-09-28] this is a new feature and therefore subject to
+change and not enabled by default."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'phpinspect)
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-psrX
                (:constructor phpinspect-make-psrX-generated))
   "A base structure to be included in PSR autoload strategy
@@ -75,7 +100,12 @@ execution of this strategy."))
   (list nil
         :type list
-        "List of files to be indexed"))
+        "List of files to be indexed")
+  (own nil
+       :type boolean))
+(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-classmap (:constructor phpinspect-make-classmap)
+                                   (:include phpinspect-files)))
 (cl-defgeneric phpinspect-al-strategy-request-type-name (_strategy _file-name)
   "Returns FQN when STRATEGY is responsible for autoloading FILE-NAME.
@@ -114,6 +144,10 @@ qualified name of a type should be based on the file name 
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-autoloader
                (:constructor phpinspect-make-autoloader))
+  (-progress-reporter nil
+                     :type progress-reporter)
+  (-type-counter 0
+                 :type integer)
   (refresh-thread nil
                   :type thread)
   (fs nil
@@ -154,19 +188,37 @@ could be added as imports for an ambiguous bare type 
    "List of autoload strategies local to the project."))
-;; FIXME: This is another scenario where an LRU Cache might come in handy (we
-;; don't want to re-compare string prefixes everytime the same namespace is
-;; checked).
-(defun phpinspect-autoloader-get-own-types-in-namespace (al namespace)
+(defun phpinspect-autoloader-get-types-in-namespace (al namespace &optional 
+  "Find types known to AL, defined in NAMESPACE.
+If EXCLUDE-VENDOR is nil, all known namespaces are queried. If it
+is non-nil, only project-local namespaces are queried.
+NAMESPACE must be a string. It will be resolved using
+`phpinspect--resolve-type-name' to ensure that it is a FQN.
+Return value is a list containing instances of
   (cl-assert (stringp namespace))
-  (let ((namespace-fqn (phpinspect--resolve-type-name nil nil namespace))
-       types)
-    (dolist (name (hash-table-keys (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types al)))
-      (when (string-prefix-p namespace-fqn (phpinspect-name-string name))
-       (push (phpinspect--make-type-generated :name name :fully-qualified t)
-             types)))
+  (let ((namespace-fqn (phpinspect-intern-name
+                        (phpinspect--resolve-type-name nil nil namespace)))
+        types)
+    (maphash (lambda (key _ignored)
+               (when (eq namespace-fqn (phpinspect-name-namespace key))
+                 (push (phpinspect--make-type-generated :name key 
:fully-qualified t) types)))
+             (if exclude-vendor
+                 (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types al)
+               (phpinspect-autoloader-types al)))
+(defun phpinspect-autoloader-get-own-types-in-namespace (al namespace)
+  "Find types known to AL, defined in project-local NAMESPACE."
+  (phpinspect-autoloader-get-types-in-namespace al namespace 'exclude-vendor))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect--read-json-file (fs file)
     (phpinspect-fs-insert-file-contents fs file)
@@ -264,19 +316,70 @@ re-executes the strategy."
     (when own
       (push strat (phpinspect-autoloader-local-strategies al)))))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-files-compute-list ((strat phpinspect-files))
+  (phpinspect-files-list strat))
+(defun phpinspect-php-file-extension-p (file-name)
+  (equal (file-name-extension file-name)  "php"))
+(defun phpinspect--file-expand-wildcards (file-name)
+  "Like `file-expand-wildcards', but returns single element list if
+FILE-NAME does not contain any wildcards, instead of nil."
+  (or (file-expand-wildcards file-name t) (list file-name)))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-files-compute-list ((strat phpinspect-classmap))
+  "Generate file list for classmap directories."
+  (let* ((fs (phpinspect-autoloader-fs (phpinspect-files-autoloader strat)))
+         (directories
+          (thread-last (phpinspect-files-list strat)
+                       ;; Handle wildcards
+                       ;; (https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#classmap)
+                       (mapcar #'phpinspect--file-expand-wildcards)
+                       (apply #'append)))
+         files)
+    (dolist (dir directories)
+      (pcase dir
+        ((pred (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs))
+         (setq files
+               (nconc files (phpinspect-fs-directory-files-recursively fs dir 
+        ((pred phpinspect-php-file-extension-p)
+         (push dir files))
+        (_ (phpinspect-message
+            "Unexpected file in classmap directive: %s (not a directory nor a 
PHP file)" dir))))
+    files))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ((strat phpinspect-files))
-  (phpinspect--log "indexing files list: %s" (phpinspect-files-list strat))
-  (let* ((indexer (phpinspect-autoloader-file-indexer 
(phpinspect-files-autoloader strat)))
+  (let* ((list (phpinspect-files-compute-list strat))
+         (al (phpinspect-files-autoloader strat))
+         (types (phpinspect-autoloader-types al))
+         (own-types (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types al))
+         (own (phpinspect-files-own strat))
+         (indexer (phpinspect-autoloader-file-indexer al))
          (wrapped-indexer (lambda (file)
                             (condition-case-unless-debug err
-                                (funcall indexer file)
+                                (let ((result (funcall indexer file)))
+                                  (dolist (index result)
+                                    (when (phpinspect-typedef-p index)
+                                      ;; Make autoloader aware of indexed 
+                                      (let ((name (phpinspect--type-name 
(phpi-typedef-name index))))
+                                      (puthash name file types)
+                                      (when own
+                                        (puthash name file own-types))
+                                      (phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag al 
                               (t (phpinspect--log "Error indexing file %s: %s" 
file err))))))
-    (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-files-list strat)
+    (phpinspect--log "indexing files list: %s" list)
+    (phpinspect-pipeline list
       :into (funcall :with-context wrapped-indexer))))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag ((al phpinspect-autoloader) 
(type-fqn (head phpinspect-name)))
   (let* ((base-name (phpinspect-name-base type-fqn))
          (bag (gethash base-name (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags 
+    (when-let ((pr (phpinspect-autoloader--progress-reporter al))
+               (i (cl-incf (phpinspect-autoloader--type-counter al)))
+               ((= 0 (mod i 10))))
+      (progress-reporter-update pr i (format "%d types found" i)))
     (if bag
         (setcdr bag (cons type-fqn (cdr bag)))
       (push type-fqn bag)
@@ -336,13 +439,22 @@ re-executes the strategy."
                      (push strategy batch))
-                  (setq strategy
-                        (phpinspect-make-files
+                  (push (phpinspect-make-files
                          :list (mapcar
                                 (lambda (file) (file-name-concat project-root 
-                         :autoloader al))
-                  (push strategy batch))
+                         :autoloader al
+                         :own (eq 'local (car file)))
+                        batch))
+                 ("classmap"
+                  (when phpinspect-autoload-classmaps
+                    (push (phpinspect-make-classmap
+                           :list (mapcar
+                                  (lambda (dir) (file-name-concat project-root 
+                                  prefixes)
+                           :autoloader al
+                           :own (eq 'local (car file)))
+                          batch)))
                  (_ (phpinspect--log "Unsupported autoload strategy \"%s\" 
encountered" type)))))
       (phpinspect--log "Number of autoload strategies in batch: %s" (length 
@@ -365,7 +477,7 @@ re-executes the strategy."
   (or (gethash typename (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
       (gethash typename (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader))))
-(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ((autoloader 
phpinspect-autoloader) &optional async-callback)
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ((autoloader 
phpinspect-autoloader) &optional async-callback report-progress)
   "Refresh autoload definitions by reading composer.json files
   from the project and vendor folders."
   (let* ((project-root (funcall (phpinspect-autoloader-project-root-resolver 
@@ -377,19 +489,31 @@ re-executes the strategy."
     (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader)
           (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 10000 :rehash-size 10000))
+    (when report-progress
+      (message "Setting progress reporter")
+      (setf (phpinspect-autoloader--progress-reporter autoloader)
+            (make-progress-reporter
+                     (format "[phpinspect] indexing %s" (file-name-base 
     (let ((time-start (current-time)))
       (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh-thread autoloader)
             (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-find-composer-json-files fs 
-              :async (or async-callback
-                         (lambda (_result error)
-                           (if error
-                               (phpinspect-message "Error during autoloader 
refresh: %s" error)
-                             (phpinspect-message
-                              (concat "Refreshed project autoloader. Found %d 
types within project,"
-                                      " %d types total. (finished in %d ms)")
-                              (hash-table-count 
(phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
-                              (hash-table-count (phpinspect-autoloader-types 
-                              (string-to-number (format-time-string "%s%3N" 
(time-since time-start)))))))
+              :async (lambda (result error)
+                       (when report-progress
+                         (progress-reporter-done 
(phpinspect-autoloader--progress-reporter autoloader))
+                         (setf (phpinspect-autoloader--progress-reporter 
autoloader) nil))
+                       (funcall (or async-callback
+                                    (lambda (_result error)
+                                      (if error
+                                          (phpinspect-message "Error during 
autoloader refresh: %s" error)
+                                        (phpinspect-message
+                                         (concat "Refreshed project 
autoloader. Found %d types within project,"
+                                                 " %d types total. (finished 
in %d ms)")
+                                         (hash-table-count 
(phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
+                                         (hash-table-count 
(phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader))
+                                         (string-to-number (format-time-string 
"%s%3N" (time-since time-start)))))))
+                                result error))
               :into (phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons :with-context 
               :into phpinspect-al-strategy-execute)))))
diff --git a/phpinspect-cache.el b/phpinspect-cache.el
index aa8dac8e5f..f059bfaaeb 100644
--- a/phpinspect-cache.el
+++ b/phpinspect-cache.el
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ then returned."
                            :file-indexer (phpinspect-project-make-file-indexer 
(phpinspect-project-make-root-resolver project))))
           (setf (phpinspect-project-autoload project) autoloader)
-          (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)
+          (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader nil 'report-progress)
           (phpinspect-project-enqueue-include-dirs project))))
diff --git a/phpinspect-project.el b/phpinspect-project.el
index 2b5003981b..d0f663316a 100644
--- a/phpinspect-project.el
+++ b/phpinspect-project.el
@@ -108,14 +108,19 @@ serious performance hits. Enable at your own risk (:")
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-project-add-index
   ((project phpinspect-project) (index (head phpinspect--root-index)) 
&optional index-dependencies)
   (phpinspect-project-edit project
-    (when index-dependencies
-      (phpinspect-project-enqueue-imports project (alist-get 'imports (cdr 
+    (let (indexed)
+      (when index-dependencies
+        (phpinspect-project-enqueue-imports project (alist-get 'imports (cdr 
-    (dolist (indexed-typedef (alist-get 'classes (cdr index)))
-      (phpinspect-project-add-typedef project (cdr indexed-typedef) 
+      (dolist (indexed-typedef (alist-get 'classes (cdr index)))
+        (push (phpinspect-project-add-typedef project (cdr indexed-typedef) 
+              indexed))
-    (dolist (func (alist-get 'functions (cdr index)))
-      (phpinspect-project-set-function project func))))
+      (dolist (func (alist-get 'functions (cdr index)))
+        (phpinspect-project-set-function project func)
+        (push func indexed))
+      indexed)))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-project-add-index ((_project phpinspect-project) 
   (cl-assert (not _index))
@@ -202,7 +207,9 @@ serious performance hits. Enable at your own risk (:")
         (when index-dependencies
           (phpinspect-project-enqueue-types project 
(phpi-typedef-get-dependencies typedef)))
-        (puthash typedef-name typedef (phpinspect-project-typedef-index 
+        (puthash typedef-name typedef (phpinspect-project-typedef-index 
+        typedef))))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-project-set-typedef
   ((project phpinspect-project) (typedef-fqn phpinspect--type) (typedef 
@@ -299,7 +306,7 @@ before the search is executed."
   (let* ((autoloader (phpinspect-project-autoload project)))
     (when (eq index-new 'index-new)
       (phpinspect-project-edit project
-        (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)))
+        (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader nil 'report-progress)))
     (let* ((result (phpinspect-autoloader-resolve
                     autoloader (phpinspect--type-name type))))
       (if (not result)
diff --git a/phpinspect.el b/phpinspect.el
index 923c55d5a7..7a239faf15 100644
--- a/phpinspect.el
+++ b/phpinspect.el
@@ -219,21 +219,51 @@ To automatically add missing use statements for used 
classes to a
 visited file, use `phpinspect-fix-imports'
 (bound to \\[phpinspect-fix-imports]].)
-By default, phpinspect looks for a composer.json file that can be
-used to get autoload information for the classes that are present
-in your project. It is also possible to index an entire directory
-by adding it as an include dir. To do this, use
+By default, phpinspect loads code like PHP does: via standards
+compliant autoloading. Upon opening a file and activating
+phpinspect-mode, phpinspect will look for a composer.json file to
+extract autoload-information from. Supported autoload directives
+  - files: list of files to parse/index wholesale
+  - PSR-0: directory with nested subdirectories structured according to
+           the namespacing scheme.
+  - PSR-4: PSR-0 directory with namespace prefix
+  - classmap: Directories/files to parse and index wholesale.
+              (not enabled by default, see additional note)
+Note on classmap directive: As of [2024-09-28], the classmap
+autoload directive has been implemented but is not enabled by
+default. It can be enabled by setting
+`phpinspect-autoload-classmaps' to `t'.
+It is also possible to wholesale index an entire directory by
+adding it as an include dir. To do this, use
 \\[phpinspect-project-add-include-dir]. Include directories can
 be edited at all times using \\[customize-group] RET phpinspect.
+Include dirs do not depend on the project using composer.
 Because of limitations in the current autoloader implementation,
-you will have to run \\[phpinspect-index-current-project] every
-time you create a new autoloadable file.
+you will have to run \\[phpinspect-index-current-project] when
+you delete a file, for it to be removed from the autoloader.
 Example configuration if you already have a completion
 UI (Company, Corfu) setup that can take advantage of completion
 at point (capf) functions:
+With `use-package':
+    (use-package phpinspect
+      :ensure nil
+      :commands (phpinspect-mode)
+      :bind ((\"C-c c\" . phpinspect-find-own-class-file)
+             (\"C-c u\" . phpinspect-fix-imports)
+             :map phpinspect-mode-map
+             (\"C-c a\" . phpinspect-find-class-file))
+      ;; Automatically add missing imports before saving a file
+      :hook ((before-save . phpinspect-fix-imports))
+      :custom (phpinspect-autoload-classmaps t
+               \"Enable classmap autoload directive\"))
+With a classic hook function:
     (defun my-php-personal-hook ()
       ;; Shortcut to add use statements for classes you use.
       (define-key php-mode-map (kbd \"C-c u\") #\\='phpinspect-fix-imports)
@@ -418,7 +448,7 @@ before the search is executed."
     ;; appear frozen while the thread is executing.
-    (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)))
+    (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader nil 'report-progress)))
 (defun phpinspect-index-current-project ()
   "Index all available FQNs in the current project."

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