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[nongnu] elpa/consult-flycheck fa7a3a3b5d: Add support for external diag

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/consult-flycheck fa7a3a3b5d: Add support for external diagnostics. (#4)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 06:59:31 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/consult-flycheck
commit fa7a3a3b5d31d318582f7a1935a3c812fcdc4368
Author: Troy Brown <brownts@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Add support for external diagnostics. (#4)
    Diagnostics to external files were not properly supported.  This adds
    the changes necessary to fully support diagnostics which reference
    files external to the buffer where the diagnostic was reported.
    The first issue is that the position was not being computed correctly
    since `flycheck-error-pos` uses the buffer in the diagnostic to
    compute the position.  This is incorrect, when the diagnostic is for
    an external file.  The correction was to make a copy of the diagnostic
    and update the buffer within the diagnostic to use the buffer where
    the problem resides, not where it was reported.  Once that is updated,
    invoking Flycheck APIs which utilize the buffer in the diagnostic will
    provide the correct position.  This is the same approach used in
    A second issue occurs due to the placement of the `consult--candidate`
    and `consult--type` properties.  These were being placed at the
    beginning of the filename string in the formatted diagnostic.  This is
    problematic when multiple filenames of different lengths exist in the
    diagnostics list, as additional padding may be added before the
    filename for alignment purposes.  As a result, these properties were
    not guaranteed to be at the first position of the formatted string, as
    expected.  The correction was to apply the attributes after the
    formatted string is computed.
    The `consult--candidate` property was also updated with overlay
    information to add full match highlighting.
    Finally, the sort predicate (i.e., `consult-flycheck--sort-predicate`)
    was updated to include the filename as part of the sorting criteria.
 consult-flycheck.el | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/consult-flycheck.el b/consult-flycheck.el
index d1b301d68c..24877918b8 100644
--- a/consult-flycheck.el
+++ b/consult-flycheck.el
@@ -41,17 +41,25 @@
     (?i . "Info")))
 (defun consult-flycheck--sort-predicate (x y)
-  "Compare X and Y first by severity, then by location.
+  "Compare X and Y by filename, severity, then by location.
 In contrast to `flycheck-error-level-<' sort errors first."
   (let* ((lx (flycheck-error-level x))
          (ly (flycheck-error-level y))
          (sx (flycheck-error-level-severity lx))
-         (sy (flycheck-error-level-severity ly)))
-    (if (= sx sy)
-        (if (string= lx ly)
-            (flycheck-error-< x y)
-          (string< lx ly))
-      (> sx sy))))
+         (sy (flycheck-error-level-severity ly))
+         (fx (if-let ((file (flycheck-error-filename x)))
+                 (file-name-nondirectory file)
+               (buffer-name (flycheck-error-buffer x))))
+         (fy (if-let ((file (flycheck-error-filename y)))
+                 (file-name-nondirectory file)
+               (buffer-name (flycheck-error-buffer y)))))
+    (if (string= fx fy)
+        (if (= sx sy)
+            (if (string= lx ly)
+                (flycheck-error-< x y)
+              (string< lx ly))
+          (> sx sy))
+      (string< fx fy))))
 (defun consult-flycheck--candidates ()
   "Return flycheck errors as alist."
@@ -74,34 +82,47 @@ In contrast to `flycheck-error-level-<' sort errors first."
          (fmt (format "%%%ds %%%ds %%-%ds\t%%s\t(%%s)" file-width line-width 
      (pcase-lambda (`(,file ,line ,level-name ,err))
-       (let ((level (flycheck-error-level err)))
-         (format fmt
-                 (propertize file
-                             'face 'flycheck-error-list-filename
-                             'consult--candidate
-                             (set-marker (make-marker)
-                                         (flycheck-error-pos err)
-                                         (if (flycheck-error-filename err)
-                                             (find-file-noselect 
(flycheck-error-filename err) 'nowarn)
-                                           (flycheck-error-buffer err)))
-                             'consult--type
-                             (pcase level-name
-                               ((rx (and (0+ nonl)
-                                         "error"
-                                         (0+ nonl)))
-                                ?e)
-                               ((rx (and (0+ nonl)
-                                         "warning"
-                                         (0+ nonl)))
-                                ?w)
-                               (_ ?i)))
-                 (propertize line 'face 'flycheck-error-list-line-number)
-                 (propertize level-name 'face 
(flycheck-error-level-error-list-face level))
-                 (propertize (subst-char-in-string ?\n ?\s
-                                                   (flycheck-error-message 
-                             'face 'flycheck-error-list-error-message)
-                 (propertize (symbol-name (flycheck-error-checker err))
-                             'face 'flycheck-error-list-checker-name))))
+       (let* ((level (flycheck-error-level err))
+              (filename (flycheck-error-filename err))
+              (err-copy (copy-flycheck-error err))
+              (buffer (if filename
+                          (find-file-noselect filename 'nowarn)
+                        (flycheck-error-buffer err))))
+         (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
+           ;; Update buffer in case the source of the error resides in
+           ;; a different file from where it was detected (i.e., the
+           ;; filename field of the error is different than the
+           ;; buffer).
+           (setf (flycheck-error-buffer err-copy) buffer))
+         (propertize
+          (format fmt
+                  (propertize file 'face 'flycheck-error-list-filename)
+                  (propertize line 'face 'flycheck-error-list-line-number)
+                  (propertize level-name 'face 
(flycheck-error-level-error-list-face level))
+                  (propertize (subst-char-in-string ?\n ?\s
+                                                    (flycheck-error-message 
+                              'face 'flycheck-error-list-error-message)
+                  (propertize (symbol-name (flycheck-error-checker err))
+                              'face 'flycheck-error-list-checker-name))
+          'consult--candidate
+          (let* ((range (flycheck-error-region-for-mode
+                         err-copy
+                         (or flycheck-highlighting-mode 'lines)))
+                 (beg (car range))
+                 (end (cdr range)))
+            (list (set-marker (make-marker) beg buffer)
+                  (cons 0 (- end beg))))
+          'consult--type
+          (pcase level-name
+            ((rx (and (0+ nonl)
+                      "error"
+                      (0+ nonl)))
+             ?e)
+            ((rx (and (0+ nonl)
+                      "warning"
+                      (0+ nonl)))
+             ?w)
+            (_ ?i)))))

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