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[nongnu] elpa/eglot-inactive-regions 3d3280c415 48/66: rename to eglot-i

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/eglot-inactive-regions 3d3280c415 48/66: rename to eglot-inactive-regions.el
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 06:59:57 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/eglot-inactive-regions
commit 3d3280c4150bf9f8bfd7905c5db9deaf92a2317b
Author: Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com>
Commit: Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com>

    rename to eglot-inactive-regions.el
    with the CCLS support we are no longer clangd specific, rename to a more
    generig eglot extension
 clangd-inactive-regions.el | 245 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clangd-inactive-regions.el b/clangd-inactive-regions.el
index 42972afc12..2d09cfcaef 100644
--- a/clangd-inactive-regions.el
+++ b/clangd-inactive-regions.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; clangd-inactive-regions.el --- Highlight inactive code regions with clangd 
power   -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;;; eglot-inactive-regions.el --- Highlight inactive code regions with eglot 
power   -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2024 Filippo Argiolas <filippo.argiolas@gmail.com>
 ;; Based on an example implementation from João Távora
@@ -9,26 +9,38 @@
 ;; URL: https://github.com/fargiolas/clangd-inactive-regions.el
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1"))
-;; clangd-inactive-regions.el is free software: you can redistribute
+;; eglot-inactive-regions.el is free software: you can redistribute
 ;; it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
 ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; clangd-inactive-regions.el is distributed in the hope that it will
+;; eglot-inactive-regions.el is distributed in the hope that it will
 ;; be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 ;; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with clangd-inactive-regions.el.  If not, see
+;; along with eglot-inactive-regions.el.  If not, see
 ;; <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This package extends Eglot to enable clangd inactiveRegions LSP
-;; protocol extension (introduced in clangd-17)
-;; It listens to inactiveRegions server notifications and use them to
-;; darken inactive code
+;; This package extends Eglot to enable inactive code regions
+;; detection and shading.
+;; LSP servers provide information about currently disabled
+;; preprocessor branches with knowledge about build-time options and
+;; defines.
+;; This mode provides visual feedback to quickly identify these disabled
+;; code regions.  Supports three visualization styles:
+;;  - `shadow' applies shadow face from current theme
+;;  - `shade-background' makes the background slightly lighter or darker
+;;  - `darken-foreground' dims foreground colors
+;; Currently supported servers:
+;;  - `clangd' with inactiveRegions extension (needs clangd-17+)
+;;  - `ccls' with skippedRegions extension
 ;;; Code:
@@ -37,82 +49,82 @@
 (require 'color)
 (require 'font-lock)
-(defvar clangd-inactive-regions-opacity 0.55
+(defvar eglot-inactive-regions-opacity 0.55
   "Blending factor for the `darken-foreground' method.
 Used to mix foreground and background colors and apply to the foreground
 face of the inactive region.  The lower the blending factor the more
 text will look dim.")
-(defvar clangd-inactive-regions-shading 0.08
+(defvar eglot-inactive-regions-shading 0.08
   "Blending factor for the `shade-background' method.
 Used to mix background and foreground colors and shade inactive region
 background face.  The higher the less visible the shading will be.")
-(defvar clangd-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground"
+(defvar eglot-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground"
   "Shading method to apply to the inactive code regions.
 Allowed methods:
 - darken-foreground: dim foreground color
 - shade-background: shade background color
 - shadow: apply shadow face.")
-(defvar-local clangd-inactive-regions--overlays '())
-(setq-default clangd-inactive-regions--overlays '())
-(defvar-local clangd-inactive-regions--ranges '())
-(setq-default clangd-inactive-regions--ranges '())
-(defvar-local clangd-inactive-regions--active nil)
-(setq-default clangd-inactive-regions--active nil)
+(defvar-local eglot-inactive-regions--overlays '())
+(setq-default eglot-inactive-regions--overlays '())
+(defvar-local eglot-inactive-regions--ranges '())
+(setq-default eglot-inactive-regions--ranges '())
+(defvar-local eglot-inactive-regions--active nil)
+(setq-default eglot-inactive-regions--active nil)
-(defvar clangd-inactive-regions--methods '("darken-foreground" 
"shade-background" "shadow"))
+(defvar eglot-inactive-regions--methods '("darken-foreground" 
"shade-background" "shadow"))
-(defface clangd-inactive-regions-shadow-face
+(defface eglot-inactive-regions-shadow-face
   '((t (:inherit shadow)))
   "Base face used to fontify inactive code with `shadow' method.")
-(defface clangd-inactive-regions-shade-face
+(defface eglot-inactive-regions-shade-face
   '((t (:extend t)))
   "Base face used to fontify inactive code with `shade-background' method.")
-(define-minor-mode clangd-inactive-regions-mode
+(define-minor-mode eglot-inactive-regions-mode
   "Minor mode to enable Eglot support for clangd inactiveRegions extension."
   :global t
-  (cond (clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-         (clangd-inactive-regions--enable))
+  (cond (eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+         (eglot-inactive-regions--enable))
-         (clangd-inactive-regions--disable))))
+         (eglot-inactive-regions--disable))))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-set-method (method)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-set-method (method)
   "Interactively select a shading METHOD to render inactive code regions."
    (list (let ((completion-ignore-case t)
               (prompt "Set inactive regions shading method: "))
-          (completing-read prompt clangd-inactive-regions--methods nil t 
-  (unless (member method clangd-inactive-regions--methods)
+          (completing-read prompt eglot-inactive-regions--methods nil t nil))))
+  (unless (member method eglot-inactive-regions--methods)
     (error "Unknown shading method: %s" method))
-  (setq clangd-inactive-regions-method method)
-  (when clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-    (clangd-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
+  (setq eglot-inactive-regions-method method)
+  (when eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+    (eglot-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-set-opacity (opacity)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-set-opacity (opacity)
   "Interactively set a new OPACITY value for inactive regions.
 Only applies to `darken-foreground' method."
   (interactive "nNew inactive region foreground color opacity [0-1.0]: ")
   (unless (and (>= opacity 0.0) (<= opacity 1.0))
     (error "Opacity should be between 0.0 and 1.0"))
-  (setq clangd-inactive-regions-opacity opacity)
-  (when clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-    (clangd-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
+  (setq eglot-inactive-regions-opacity opacity)
+  (when eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+    (eglot-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-set-shading (shading)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-set-shading (shading)
   "Interactively set a new SHADING value for inactive regions.
 Only applies to `shade-background' method."
   (interactive "nNew inactive region background color shading [0-1.0]: ")
   (unless (and (>= shading 0.0) (<= shading 1.0))
     (error "Shading factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0"))
-  (setq clangd-inactive-regions-shading shading)
-  (when clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-    (clangd-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
+  (setq eglot-inactive-regions-shading shading)
+  (when eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+    (eglot-inactive-regions-refresh-all)))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--color-blend (from-color to-color alpha)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--color-blend (from-color to-color alpha)
   "Linearly interpolate between two colors.
 Blend colors FROM-COLOR and TO-COLOR with ALPHA interpolation
@@ -125,16 +137,16 @@ factor."
                         from-rgb to-rgb))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-cleanup ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-cleanup ()
   "Clean up inactive regions."
-  (when clangd-inactive-regions--active
-    (mapc #'delete-overlay clangd-inactive-regions--overlays)
-    (setq clangd-inactive-regions--overlays '())
+  (when eglot-inactive-regions--active
+    (mapc #'delete-overlay eglot-inactive-regions--overlays)
+    (setq eglot-inactive-regions--overlays '())
-      (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(clangd-inactive-region 
+      (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(eglot-inactive-region 
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--get-face (pos)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--get-face (pos)
   "Get face at POS.
 If no face is present return `default', if multiple faces are
 present return the higher priority one."
@@ -144,24 +156,24 @@ present return the higher priority one."
         (car face-prop)
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--make-darken-face (parent-face)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--make-darken-face (parent-face)
   "New face from PARENT-FACE with dimmed foreground.
 If the correspondend \"clangd-inactive\" face doesn't not exist yet create it."
   (let* ((fg (face-foreground parent-face nil 'default))
          (bg (face-background parent-face nil 'default))
-         (clangd-inactive-fg (clangd-inactive-regions--color-blend fg bg 
-         (clangd-inactive-face-name (concat (face-name parent-face) 
-         (clangd-inactive-face (intern clangd-inactive-face-name))
-         (clangd-inactive-doc (concat (face-documentation parent-face) " 
(clangd inactive region darkened face)")))
+         (eglot-inactive-fg (eglot-inactive-regions--color-blend fg bg 
+         (eglot-inactive-face-name (concat (face-name parent-face) 
+         (eglot-inactive-face (intern eglot-inactive-face-name))
+         (eglot-inactive-doc (concat (face-documentation parent-face) " 
(clangd inactive region darkened face)")))
-    (unless (facep clangd-inactive-face)
-      (eval `(defface ,clangd-inactive-face '((t nil)) ,clangd-inactive-doc)))
+    (unless (facep eglot-inactive-face)
+      (eval `(defface ,eglot-inactive-face '((t nil)) ,eglot-inactive-doc)))
-    (set-face-foreground clangd-inactive-face clangd-inactive-fg)
+    (set-face-foreground eglot-inactive-face eglot-inactive-fg)
-    clangd-inactive-face))
+    eglot-inactive-face))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--forward-face-or-whitespace ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--forward-face-or-whitespace ()
   "Forward to the next face change.
 Some mode use `default' face for both generic keywords and
 whitespace while some other uses nil for whitespace.  Either way
@@ -175,16 +187,16 @@ we don't want to include whitespace in fontification."
       (setq next-face (get-text-property (point) 'face)))))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--fontify (start end &optional verbose)
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--fontify (start end &optional verbose)
   "Fontify inactive region (START END) with semitransparent faces."
   ;; sometimes font lock fontifies in chunks and each fontification
   ;; functions takes care of extending the region to something
   ;; syntactically relevant... guess we need to do the same, extend to
   ;; cover whole lines seems to work with c modes
   (ignore verbose)
-  (when (and clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-             clangd-inactive-regions--active
-             (string= clangd-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground"))
+  (when (and eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+             eglot-inactive-regions--active
+             (string= eglot-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground"))
@@ -200,8 +212,8 @@ we don't want to include whitespace in fontification."
     ;; find the inactive region inside the region to fontify
     (while (and start (< start end))
-      (let* ((from (or (text-property-any start end 'clangd-inactive-region t) 
-             (to (or (text-property-any from end 'clangd-inactive-region nil) 
+      (let* ((from (or (text-property-any start end 'eglot-inactive-region t) 
+             (to (or (text-property-any from end 'eglot-inactive-region nil) 
              (beg from))
         ;; the idea here is to iterate through the region by syntax
         ;; blocks, derive a new face from current one with dimmed
@@ -217,67 +229,86 @@ we don't want to include whitespace in fontification."
               (goto-char from)
               (while (<= (point) to)
-                (clangd-inactive-regions--forward-face-or-whitespace)
+                (eglot-inactive-regions--forward-face-or-whitespace)
                 ;; no need to dim whitespace
                 (unless (string-match-p "[[:blank:]\n]" (string (char-before)))
-                  (let* ((cur-face (clangd-inactive-regions--get-face (1- 
-                         (clangd-inactive-face 
(clangd-inactive-regions--make-darken-face cur-face)))
+                  (let* ((cur-face (eglot-inactive-regions--get-face (1- 
+                         (eglot-inactive-face 
(eglot-inactive-regions--make-darken-face cur-face)))
                     (let* ((ov (make-overlay beg (point))))
-                      (overlay-put ov 'face clangd-inactive-face)
-                      (push ov clangd-inactive-regions--overlays))))
+                      (overlay-put ov 'face eglot-inactive-face)
+                      (push ov eglot-inactive-regions--overlays))))
                 (setq beg (point))))))
         (setq start to)))))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-refresh ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-refresh ()
   "Force a refresh of known inactive regions.
 Useful to update colors after a face or theme change."
-  (clangd-inactive-regions-cleanup)
-  (when clangd-inactive-regions--active
-    (when (string= clangd-inactive-regions-method "shade-background")
-      (set-face-background 'clangd-inactive-regions-shade-face
-                           (clangd-inactive-regions--color-blend
+  (eglot-inactive-regions-cleanup)
+  (when eglot-inactive-regions--active
+    (when (string= eglot-inactive-regions-method "shade-background")
+      (set-face-background 'eglot-inactive-regions-shade-face
+                           (eglot-inactive-regions--color-blend
                             (face-foreground 'default)
                             (face-background 'default)
-                            clangd-inactive-regions-shading)))
-    (dolist (range clangd-inactive-regions--ranges)
+                            eglot-inactive-regions-shading)))
+    (dolist (range eglot-inactive-regions--ranges)
       (let ((beg (car range))
             (end (cdr range)))
-         ((string= clangd-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground")
+         ((string= eglot-inactive-regions-method "darken-foreground")
-            (put-text-property beg end 'clangd-inactive-region t))
+            (put-text-property beg end 'eglot-inactive-region t))
-         ((string= clangd-inactive-regions-method "shadow")
+         ((string= eglot-inactive-regions-method "shadow")
           (let ((ov (make-overlay beg end)))
-            (overlay-put ov 'face 'clangd-inactive-regions-shadow-face)
-            (push ov clangd-inactive-regions--overlays)))
-         ((string= clangd-inactive-regions-method "shade-background")
+            (overlay-put ov 'face 'eglot-inactive-regions-shadow-face)
+            (push ov eglot-inactive-regions--overlays)))
+         ((string= eglot-inactive-regions-method "shade-background")
           (let ((ov (make-overlay beg (1+ end))))
-            (overlay-put ov 'face 'clangd-inactive-regions-shade-face)
-            (push ov clangd-inactive-regions--overlays))))))))
+            (overlay-put ov 'face 'eglot-inactive-regions-shade-face)
+            (push ov eglot-inactive-regions--overlays))))))))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions-refresh-all ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions-refresh-all ()
+  "Refresh all buffers where this mode is enabled."
   (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
     (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (clangd-inactive-regions-refresh))))
+      (eglot-inactive-regions-refresh))))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--enable ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--enable ()
   "Helper method to enable inactive regions minor mode."
   (add-function :after (default-value 'font-lock-fontify-region-function)
-                #'clangd-inactive-regions--fontify)
-  (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'clangd-inactive-regions-cleanup))
+                #'eglot-inactive-regions--fontify)
+  (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'eglot-inactive-regions-cleanup))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--disable ()
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--disable ()
   "Helper method to enable inactive regions minor mode."
   (remove-function (default-value 'font-lock-fontify-region-function)
-                   #'clangd-inactive-regions--fontify)
-  (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
-    (clangd-inactive-regions-cleanup)
-    (setq clangd-inactive-regions--ranges '())
-    (setq clangd-inactive-regions--active nil))
-  (remove-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'clangd-inactive-regions-cleanup))
+                   #'eglot-inactive-regions--fontify)
+  (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (eglot-inactive-regions-cleanup)
+      (setq eglot-inactive-regions--ranges '())
+      (setq eglot-inactive-regions--active nil)))
+  (remove-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'eglot-inactive-regions-cleanup))
+(defun eglot-inactive-regions--handle-notification (uri regions)
+  "Update inactive REGIONS for the buffer corresponding to URI."
+  (if-let* ((path (expand-file-name (eglot-uri-to-path uri)))
+            (buffer (find-buffer-visiting path)))
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+        (when eglot-inactive-regions-mode
+          (unless eglot-inactive-regions--active
+            (setq eglot-inactive-regions--active t))
+          (setq eglot-inactive-regions--ranges '())
+          (cl-loop
+           for r across regions
+           for (beg . end) = (eglot-range-region r)
+           do
+           (push (cons beg end) eglot-inactive-regions--ranges))
+          (eglot-inactive-regions-refresh)))))
 (cl-defmethod eglot-client-capabilities :around (server)
+  "Enable inactive code capabilities for SERVER."
   (let ((base (cl-call-next-method)))
     (when (cl-some (lambda (s) (cl-find s (process-command (jsonrpc--process 
                                         :test #'string-match))
@@ -287,33 +318,19 @@ Useful to update colors after a face or theme change."
             '(:inactiveRegions t)))
-(defun clangd-inactive-regions--handle-notification (uri regions)
-  (if-let* ((path (expand-file-name (eglot-uri-to-path uri)))
-            (buffer (find-buffer-visiting path)))
-      (with-current-buffer buffer
-        (when clangd-inactive-regions-mode
-          (unless clangd-inactive-regions--active
-            (setq clangd-inactive-regions--active t))
-          (setq clangd-inactive-regions--ranges '())
-          (cl-loop
-           for r across regions
-           for (beg . end) = (eglot-range-region r)
-           do
-           (push (cons beg end) clangd-inactive-regions--ranges))
-          (clangd-inactive-regions-refresh)))))
 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   (_server (_method (eql $ccls/publishSkippedRanges))
            &key uri skippedRanges)
-  (clangd-inactive-regions--handle-notification uri skippedRanges))
+  "Listen to ccls skippedRanges notifications."
+  (eglot-inactive-regions--handle-notification uri skippedRanges))
 (cl-defmethod eglot-handle-notification
   (_server (_method (eql textDocument/inactiveRegions))
            &key regions textDocument &allow-other-keys)
-  "Update inactive regions when clangd reports them."
+  "Listen to clangd inactiveRegions notifications."
   (if-let ((uri (cl-getf textDocument :uri)))
-      (clangd-inactive-regions--handle-notification uri regions)))
+      (eglot-inactive-regions--handle-notification uri regions)))
-(provide 'clangd-inactive-regions)
+(provide 'eglot-inactive-regions)
-;;; clangd-inactive-regions.el ends here
+;;; eglot-inactive-regions.el ends here

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